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14461691 No.14461691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I tried to have the most honest conversation with my mom. I told her she's evil and I've inherited this quality from her and I'm trying to mend it. I went on to give her examples and in the end she did not wish to accept a single word, she wished that my kids were the same as I am, which she has said many times to insult me, but now I agreed with her for the first time, I wish they are like me. I spoke from the heart with pure intentions, to make her look into herself for a moment, but it's like I spoke to a brick wall. Was I in the wrong? Have I read too many russian novels? I feel like not a single person I know would bear to have a conversation like this.

What do normal people talk about?

>> No.14461704

The first step of completing Nietzsches route to the overman is revaluing your relationship or perspective of your parents. You’re doing good, anon. Once you’ve realized your parents aren’t the mythologized people you grew up to believe they were, you can move on to bigger problems in life.

>> No.14461719
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>attempting to bond or have genuine moments with with Boomers
Their generation is morally bankrupt, soulless drones by design. She's your mother, your love for her should be unconditionally and banal until she is gone.

>> No.14461724


>implying a man can become the overman.

You didn't read Nietzsche at all fagboy

>> No.14461742

>I went on to give her examples
C’mon anon, you gotta give us more than that. Did she run over your dog? Verbally abuse/ demean you? Fart and not apologize?

>> No.14461748

This, hard.

They don't learn, they aren't even listening, the world view and self view is set and congealed.

You only achieved in hurting her.

You just have to meet her at her point of departure, basically patronise them.

>to make her look into herself for a moment

No, you just accept her the way she is, stop wanting her to be different, its for you, not her.

Anything otherwise just hardens the defence.
Only love softens it. But mostly its too late.

>> No.14461762

Agreed. How do you do this when your parents are dead tho? I've been post-hoc reevaluating my relationship with my parents through my therapist, but it's unclear if there's another route

>> No.14461772

I unironically like this poem desu.

>> No.14461781

We go forward where they stay behind
This is why

>> No.14461786

I have a good relationship with my parents. Heh.

>> No.14461800

the occult

>> No.14461827

>Once you’ve realized your parents aren’t the mythologized people you grew up to believe they were, you can move on to bigger problems in life

That's, that's Freud, not Nietzsche wtf.

>> No.14461888

Well, throughout my life she would mock me the way you would mock a person you dislike, not your child, she would always make me doubt myself even though objectively I'm a capable person, smart at least. She was always rude and mean and manipulative, even though I suspect she does not realize this. Makes fun of my grandmas dementia, which is just cold, when my grandfather died she just looked at me after hanging up the phone after she got told he was dead, did a half smile and said "bummer, huh". She would throw books at me when my studying wasn't perfect, even though she's just a dentist in bumfuck-nowhere, her illusions of grandeur are comical. Made fun of all my girlfriends, racial epithets and all. She is oblivious to the evil that is inside her, she's constantly angry, weighs 90 lbs and is on a solid diet of coffee and wine. I just do not understand why a person would not engage in self-analysis and completely reject the opinion of their own son.

I don't expect you to read this btw, it's just venting.

>> No.14461895

The more I grow beyond my parents and become independent of them the more this becomes my impression, my mother especially. She currently works from home on a computer, stares at it for eight hours a day with a TV going behind her, then spends the remaining eight waking hours turning around to face the TV in a slightly more comfortable chair. There is nothing else on earth she ever wants to do, and she bitterly mocks anyone who does have other goals. She sees other people and their concerns mostly as hindrances to watching TV and playing games on her ipad.
Boomers truly are a generation of soulless, damned monsters. It baffles me.

>> No.14461903

I’m a post-Freudian Nietzschean

>> No.14461909

I understand this, which is why I will never attempt a conversation of this sort again. I want her to be different for her own good, but also for mine, because I wanted her to acknowledge a flaw that has been the root of my misery and inability to be happy, that I find it difficult to feel happy for other people. She completely rejected this, leaving me alone to find a solution. I guess this is how it should be too.

>> No.14461919

You are an autist and so is everyone itt.

>> No.14461937


>> No.14461940

Okay Boomer.

>> No.14461956

I had a similar experience with my father. Let me tell you: it's a waste of time. Nothing good will come out of it. The best advice I can give you is that, if after giving it serious thought, you concluded that your parents, as you say, are of bad character, then distance yourself from them. If necessary, cut all ties. But it's an impossible task to get them to mend themselves, or even become self-aware. Don't waste your time, my friend. You can only save yourself.

>> No.14461983

Don't bother Anon. Parents are the most delusional people ever, especially mothers. They're biologically hardwired to feel good about themselves no matter what they do after bearing a child, and that, complete with modern media brainwash, lets them feel no remorse for anything. They will always feel like in they're in the power position because you wouldn't be there if it wasn't for them, and they will lose all bounds with reality if you begin to point out their bad decisions, unethical behaviour and the like. Follow >>14461956's advice.

>> No.14462152

The older people get the more they solidify into their values and morals. Maybe she didn’t want to be this way at a younger age in her life but what it sounds like now is it’s too late. Just try and be the person to break the cycle, which it sounds like you’re already doing, all the best anon.

>> No.14462171

Average age in this thread is 16

>> No.14462289

my stepdad took out his anger on me with verbal abuse and sometimes a couple punches or chokes, w.e. i still love him because despite all that he stayed with us and worked for our benefit.

nobodies perfect and when u r raising a child or family there will be times where the stress breaks you and you do something mean or stupid. just take a step back and look at everything your parent has sacrificed for you objectively. its almost always worth more than a couple instances of abuse

>> No.14462311


You cannot fix or save another person, especially not your parents. I know it's painful to endure but it's the only real option. Endure, collect the resources for your escape, and eventually leave without looking back.

>> No.14462420

Unhealthy cult minded attitude. And it points to a very arrogant and perhaps not totally self honest person. There are inadequate people everywhere, you likely aren’t an exception. You have to learn to live with and love people, you can’t escape it, and wanting to escape it implies a rejection of guilt on your own part as if you are perfect

>> No.14462444

parents just don't understand

>> No.14463037

Check'd. How's the relationship with your dad, OP? I'm in a similar pickle with my mom. I can heavily relate to what you are saying about her being a sub-mediocre cunt that believes in quasielitism in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.14463071
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LMFAO, stop being a faggot and your mother will love you.

>> No.14463124

You literally cannot communicate with people in this way and expect them to reciprocate the same level of emotional depth, at least not in that same instant. Most people have spent decades building emotional walls to prevent both discussing and even having to think about this type of shit. When you just dump it all on her at once it's probably gonna take some time for her to process properly.

I have done this hundreds of times in the past with many different close friends, family members, love interests, etc. and they ALL resulted in either irreparable awkwardness or heated backlash. I've learned to take it slow when discussing this type of shit with people and you'd be wise to do the same. That's not to say that there aren't people who appreciate having these types of conversations and relish the opportunity to engage in them, but they are few and far between.

Ya gotta take it slow, anon.

>> No.14463140


>Not being a transhumanist-utilitarian in 2020

Did you even read Mecha-Hobbes?

>> No.14463174

My mother is an alcoholic, one in the later stages of development. She has trouble remembering things and continually asks me the same questions about 5-10 times a day. She is terrified of losing her memory, and even though I grow terribly angry at her repeated questions, I try to live my life best I can, until she dies.
Trust me, that although you are her son, she will be set in her ways, especially if she is an alcoholic. Please do try to make her last years the best, you will thank yourself in the future.

>> No.14463248

Haven’t gotten to Hobbes yet

>> No.14463290

>All mothers are good, loving people

>> No.14464210

Kek, you autists shouldn't expose yourselves like that.
Hume said that a perfect individual is that who can lie in real life, in other words, try to act as a normie.

>> No.14465060

>>They don't learn, they aren't even listening, the world view and self view is set and congealed.
When you grow up you'll realize how much of an idiot you were thinking you're different.

>> No.14465243


>If you could just find the right words and put them in the right order to her, all your pain would go away, you’d feel loved finally
>no don’t give up, its not that hard you just have to keep trying

My mother offered me a comfortable life if i would just hang out with her every day. How much would you need to get paid for a guaranteed anxiety disorder? I thought I had a price but apparently I do not. She’s dead to me. I lie to a lying corpse.

>> No.14465248

If she's so evil then kill her. I would have killed both my parents as a minor if I knew you only get juvie not life in prison. I would spend a few years in there like Ed Kemper but then out to freedom.

>> No.14465271
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>lesbian telling anon to kill his mother