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File: 21 KB, 681x383, the-rise-of-jordan-peterson-e1564760403962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14461612 No.14461612 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14461617

He's still stuck.

>> No.14461618


>> No.14461627

Solution to nihilism besides ignorance

>> No.14461629

make money

>> No.14461646

I know a bunch of boomers who buy his books, the endgame is probably a comfortable retirement, maybe some education funds for his grandkids.

>> No.14461661


>> No.14461687

Money and praise. He's a classic narcissist.

>> No.14461702

To shut it down...

>> No.14461717

esoteric lobsterism

>> No.14461720

overdose on benzos lmao

>> No.14461725

Is he still in a mental hospital?

>> No.14461734

Death, like everyone's.

>> No.14461737


>> No.14461948

"If we salt the earth beneath our feet for today's gain - what will come of tomorrow's harvest?"-

Opis fgat

>> No.14461967

I think he got caught up in a wave that's out of his control and is just riding it to the end
His traditional recommendations are 1/10 boomer tier advice though, he needs to stfu and read theory before he does more damage

>> No.14462353

His entire personality is a reflection of inability to control. That's why he likes trying to tell people how to control their lives. Classic doing your demons thing.

>> No.14463081

books on this?

>> No.14463088

Clean peepees

>> No.14463092

Listen to his early Maps of Meaning lectures.
Listen to his most recent "12 Rules Tour" talk.

He sounds weak, stammers. He speaks more and more like a self help guru. He leans into his persona, the folksy Canadian language, the stern father talk, and yet none of it rings true, the audience recognition of these things, the empty applause, verifies that he has reduced himself to a caricature. He's used up, worn out, old, maybe senile.

Whatever his endgame, he is not going to reach it.

>> No.14463258

>Listen to his most recent "12 Rules Tour" talk

Got a link for that?

>> No.14463275

not him but its probably on youtube, just type it in

>> No.14463277

Malone Dies

>> No.14463300

just another one of those self improvement snake oil people who prey on peoples weaknesses to make money

>> No.14463360

Peterson's self-help shit is well supported by psychological literature and is in direct opposition to boomer-tier helicopter parenting or gooey new-age femme-spiritualism. I remember at one point he more or less tells parents to let their boys get into fights, under certain circumstances of course.

People like this become popular because they fill a void in their audience's lives where a role model should be, but as self-help gurus go, it's hard to see where you'd do better than him.

His politics are a bit of a mess because he's afraid the depressed white kids who listen to him will erect the next mass murder machine if he doesn't gaslight them into being UN-worshipping individualists, but while I think he's wrong to do that I can't say that's nothing to be afraid of. This was clear from his response when asked about Solzhenitzyn's "other" book. "I just can't do it."

>> No.14463432

He wants to live a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle without doing much. Publishing surface level insights and grooming his public image have done well for him. Sure, journalists and half of all online commentators hate him, but those people also largely hate you and me. The difference is that you and I are unsuccessful losers posting on 4chan, whereas he is a successful and well-paid loser who could post on 4chan anonymously to express his non-public-facing self and we might never be able to spot him. I dislike him because his books are surface-level crap and his cult and hatefollowing are annoyingly omnipresent in online literature communities, but mostly because he has been able to profit from his bullshit and I have not. I have opinions that the media figures and pundit sorts hate, but I am just a normal American living a life of quiet desperation like anyone else.

>> No.14463451

>well supported by psychological literature
If only that meant something...

>> No.14463457


>> No.14463476

>People like this become popular because they fill a void in their audience's lives where a role model should be

All self-help gurus are scam artists. The problem is not that his advice is wrong. But general life advice isn't monetizable by itself. You always need to bloat it with bullshit or else the book you're writing wouldn't be longer than 3 pages. In Peterson's case, the bloat is ambiguous pandering to Christcucks, and whining about "neo-postmodern-feminist-marxists" to appeal to sexually frustrated young men

>it's hard to see where you'd do better than him

Why couldn't you do better than him? Guys like Eckhart Tole are pretty benign to society. They're mostly consumed by old people and middle aged housewives who won't do anything culturally or politically.

Peterson invigorates masses of young men who all of a sudden think they know about communism because they've read Solzhenitsyn and 1984, Also, women should get off the workplace because they can't work together with men and every hierarchy is justified because lobster have hierarchies. Complete an utter idiot!

If you're a fascist you really should support the guy.

>> No.14463491

>Night owls, however, were least sleepy and had their fastest reaction time at 8pm in the evening, although this was not significantly better than the larks, highlighting that night owls are most disadvantaged in the morning. Interestingly, the brain connectivity in the regions that could predict better performance and lower sleepiness was significantly higher in larks at all time points, suggesting that the resting state brain connectivity of night owls is impaired throughout the whole day (8am-8pm).

He's always telling people to get up early as one of the go to methods of better organizing one's life along with cleaning your room and standing up straight and such, but numerous studies suggest that some people are genitically predisposition towards living 'the nightowl' lifestyle of staying up late because they're minds are functioning better at that time. Be interesting to see what he'd have to say about it.


>> No.14463700

He is going to "commit suicide" in the not-too-distant future in order to create a tragic myth around his legacy. Of course, being the vile narcissist that he is, years later it will be revealed that the suicide was a hoax and that Peterson had been living in Thailand for years, sustaining himself from the enormous pile of riches he accumulated during his grift as a self-help guru. You are going to want to screencap this post, so that I be proven correct when this inevitably ends up happening.

>> No.14463775

basically this one dude really fucked your marketing to your core demographic of losers

>> No.14463784

>Solzhenitzyn's "other" book
Which book?

>> No.14463821
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to look like a banker in a three piece suit

>> No.14463863

My memory could be playing tricks to me but I think the book was the red wheel, and he got killed for that. I read his biography a long time ago in college. I am not sure tho. He wrote several books about the juden.

>> No.14463870

Every room cleaned, every lobster's act together.

>> No.14463886

It's probably just 'muh jews' or something, knowing Solzhenitzyn. Did the guy's wife get fucked by a Soviet chad or something? One of the most assblasted retards in the history of writing and the favourite of every NATO shill moron you can think of. I'm not saying the gulags were teh most epic win place under the sun but why do the libraries of the world need more sensationalistic primadonnas like Solzhenitzyn?

>> No.14463895

Jesus Christ, kill yourself

>> No.14463940

Face it, the guy was a hack. Basically the Peterson of his day. I suppose at least Solzhenitzyn spent some time in the slammer, though I think any just society should probably imprison writer so poor, don't you agree?

>> No.14464425

lol so true
>tfw im one of those losers

>> No.14464451

It's sad to see what he's become. I genuinely liked Maps of Meaning.

>> No.14464652

His political message is utter garbage
>t. Fascist

>> No.14464745

Man, wouldn't that be something to rub in the little lobsters' faces.

>> No.14464840

Jung maybe? Even Freud thought personality came from repressed weaknesses, to an extent. It probably goes back very, very far in western thought

>> No.14464844
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>> No.14464857

I honestly think he'll just recede in a few years, definitely by end of the decade. Any tragic death will be from some random disease or his meat diet. No suicides with that personality type, at least not one as *unfortunately* well-defined as papa petey's

>> No.14464878
File: 529 KB, 602x336, Screenshot from 2019-10-29 09-50-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I heard he's developing an online university. I like the prof. Hope it works out for him.

>> No.14464882

>become a wagie whitey shiiiet!

>> No.14464884

Will this be before or after his center-right Patreon launches?

>> No.14464896

lol, didn't even know this was a thing. Kinda weird he wants to be the one to make it, but sure I guess. More power to the market.


>> No.14464941

"Be wary not to stare into dragon of chaos lest ye yourself turn into a rambling chaos monkey"

>> No.14464948
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What did he mean by that?

>> No.14464965

Who, him the goof or me the one who wrote it?

>> No.14464975


>> No.14464979

it does relative to the society and species we live in

>> No.14464994

its really not that hard to understand communism man. so what if a self help guru tells people to forget about the meaninglessness and work hard. not everybody can cope with it and theirs been fairly lack luster solution to the problem so far, and maybe along the way he uses the development of hierarchy in evolution to shittly diagnose some problems. hes not even overwhelmingly wrong in his assessment on the lobster bullshit either. it simply states that we value a certain amount of traits collectively and men and women are inherently different in traits.

>> No.14464998

you basically called the gulags a summer camp, and called the dude a hack because 90% of his writings revolved around most of his experiences inn them. the pure ignorance is astonishing

>> No.14465040

>its really not that hard to understand communism man
I used to think that, but then Peterson, Harris, et al. fell on their faces trying to describe it. So either they're lying, or they're absolute manual breathers.

>> No.14465059

i agree, theirs definitely some very incompetent examples on there part, but its key to remember communism's the ideology dominant to the events of the 20th century and not the ideology that birthed them

>> No.14465075

The dominant socioeconomic ideology is neoliberal capitalism, though if we take the entirety of the last century into consideration, I suppose we can drop the prefix off. And I submit that Marxism's specter lingers in the academy, but postmodernism's influence is greater, not that US English departments drive hegemony—they can't even muster a countervailing narrative.

>> No.14465430
File: 999 KB, 1080x1080, itachipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take his self help advice, but ignore his politics
Single mom/Weak father raised men need him, but for everyone else he's just there for add missing things

He's basically a multivitamin for the soul