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/lit/ - Literature

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14461006 No.14461006 [Reply] [Original]

what would guenon say about /lit/'s obsession with him?

>> No.14461013

he predicted and retroactively refuted /lit/

>> No.14461014


>> No.14461015

guenon posting follows the same trend of everything in the reign of quantity: quantity over quality. in fact, such amount of threads with 0 quality are counter-initiatic and thus condemnable

>> No.14461064

Let me tell you what is utterlu counter-initiatic: the disgusting un-symmetrical facial features of René Guénon.
Look at OP's pic. Look at his face. His weird bended nose, the weird alignment of his eyes...

>> No.14461083
File: 211 KB, 817x563, guenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who?? cant find anything on him bar this

>> No.14461086

He predicted the collapse of the West.

>> No.14461097
File: 556 KB, 647x656, Guenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something something retroactively refuted, something something islamic traditionalism.

>> No.14461099

What "collapse of the West"?

>> No.14461104

sounds like a right-wing conspiracy , probably a russian bot ignore

>> No.14461107

i dont think an African monkey found mainly in forest would have anything to say about it

>> No.14461113

Even left wingers think the West is fucked you utter retard

>> No.14461119

no we just need to elect bernie sanders and socialists into power and it'll all be okay

>> No.14461137

The end of religiosity and spirituality.

>> No.14461149
File: 38 KB, 376x369, 81102274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russian bot

Ain't that the commie version of "discord tranny"?

>> No.14461168

not a commie, a sane person who hates nazis

>> No.14461199
File: 70 KB, 633x651, vykqh2wtvxu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sane person who hates nazis
So a commie then?

>> No.14461203

>left wingers
POC can be right wing, so what's your point?

>> No.14461205

>oriental bullshit
>religiosity and spirituality

>> No.14461214

>whats your point
you dumb nigger, I see people replying to your bait posts in every thread, you faggot cum gargling nigger,

>> No.14461234

tell me more about those "right wingers" so different from the "left wingers", your butthurt is so entertaining

>> No.14461318

Rene Guenon (pbuh) did not entertain idle thoughts but ever remained in a constant state of samadhi

>> No.14461697

I doubt /lit/ is obsessed with him. It's a small group of people constantly making threads about Guenon, annoying the majority of us and tricking some of the more impressionable users to actually read him.

>> No.14461710

Sane people don't have nazis living rent free in their heads 24/7

>> No.14462262


>> No.14463297

he's reactionary, mystical, obscure, and has a funny face

in other words he is eminently memeable

>> No.14464015


>> No.14465335

no he is just a failed forced meme

>> No.14465361

Mostly just an annoying meme

>> No.14465400

Sane people haven't thought about nazis for at least 50 years.

>> No.14466684 [DELETED] 


>> No.14466717

How is it a trick if their interest is perked? No one is forcing them.

>> No.14466730
File: 332 KB, 411x411, 4D0632D0-5044-4E7A-A123-8676567E16AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tricking some of the more impressionable users to actually read him.
>implying that people who post about guenon read anything

>> No.14466733

This shit comes and goes.

I've been going here for the past 12 years, for the past 5 years I only come here like once a year, spend a couple days and then fuck off. Everytime there is a "flavour of the month", possibly because there are only a handful of people posting, I don't know.

I remember seeing like 3 Camus threads in front pages even without nothing new coming about him. There was a Diogenes phase, then Freud-Lacan always come back then fade away, Jung too. People like Nietzsche or Kant never dissapear but you can also see how they get multiple threads and question all at the same time, then it cools down again. Remember all the Stirner threads? What about Wittgensteinfags? There were Peterson and Zizek phases too.

Now it's Guenon.

>> No.14466837
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>> No.14466846

He predicted the collapse of your moms anus.

>> No.14467327
File: 719 B, 30x33, rusiamoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14467338


>> No.14468061

Isn't all the gooeynon posting one person.

>> No.14468071

that's just what seething materialists, nihilists, atheists, buddhists and anglos (I repeat myself) would like to believe

>> No.14468096

I still don't know anything about Gooeyboy. He just seems like a reason for some people to act all smug and claim they've won any argument by implying Goobert refuted them. Seems based and redpilled and hella fucking epic if you ask me.

>> No.14468113


>> No.14468120

I just finished my bot that will immediately report geunon threads. Mods be on standby please

>> No.14468578

Judaism? I-it's Judaism, right? Guys?

>> No.14468584

Derka derka Muhamma Jihad
Muhamma Jihad derka derka

>> No.14468632

Why does he looks like the coomer?

>> No.14468641


>> No.14468723

I've watched the janitor/mod do their rounds multiple times, deleting all the shit threads of the last 10+ hours, and they always leave the guenon threads, even the very low quality ones.