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File: 36 KB, 471x507, 239177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14460590 No.14460590 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Guénon BTFO Theosophy in his book Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion?

>> No.14460596

yes indeed

>> No.14460609

Guénon was an orientalist, so basically his entire life was a pathetic fail. He wasn't the biological father of his wife's children. He wore dresses. He was mocked and "BTFO" by everyone around him. People liked to punch his disgusting unsymmetric face, just for fun.

>> No.14460612

yeah, okay whitehead.

>> No.14460617
File: 119 KB, 700x435, Lightdispersionconceptual.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, despite the fact that Guenon was an occultist himself, like most of that ilk he always found fault with any who did not follow his particular reasoning.

>> No.14460619

t. crossdresser white knight

>> No.14460624
File: 792 KB, 1354x868, Serrano-amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14460628

thobes are very masculine, sounds to me like you're projecting, you're probably a tranny

>> No.14460629

Orientalism is an atavic perversion, it's basically hating what you biologically are and embrace what you're not and will never be.

>> No.14460635

>robes are very masculine
islam in a nutshell

>> No.14460639

literally who?

>> No.14460640

>ad hominem

>> No.14460648

t. disgusting childless crossdresser orientalist

>> No.14460655
File: 988 KB, 1080x946, gigachad10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robes are very masculine

>> No.14460657

>still projecting onto me
>seething this hard
>coping by ad hominem

>> No.14460661
File: 128 KB, 978x1280, 9668871f92496e0f826848453a8e7dae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, I wear thobes

>> No.14460669

t. disgusting degenerate whore

>> No.14460679

>ad hominem
yeah you losers are beaten and treated like shit, because people don't like your degenerate behaviour

>> No.14460687
File: 65 KB, 1133x579, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14460697


>> No.14460700

>implying I'm arab
>still seething
>still no arguments
all the coping is making me kek, keep it going, lmao

>> No.14460716

>Traditional piss drinker
>demanding arguments

>> No.14460721

>projecting crossdresser faggot
>no arguments
like clockworks

>> No.14460730

Yeah you losers get punched and insulted everyday.
So fun!

>> No.14460736

>get punched daily
who? stop projecting bruh, if you're getting bullied, go to talk to someone, lmao

>> No.14460739
File: 134 KB, 744x1024, cuckmurtad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Guénon with his wife's children.
Guénon loved to dress like a girl and pose with uncovered women for haram photographs.

>> No.14460741

>implying I care
>implying I'm not here just to watch you seethe

>> No.14460745

>I don't understand, please stop
Islam in a nutshell.
Keep being weak you degenerate loser!

>> No.14460748

Theosophy was btfo by five minutes of reading a history book.

>> No.14460750

t. weak loser trying to justify himself
lol you're so pathetic

>> No.14460753

>projecting onto me your insecurities
>projecting islam, crossdressing, bullying onto me
>still seething

>> No.14460760

Are those his kids? Cute.

>> No.14460763

The whole purpose of your whole existence is being treated like shit, and you know it very well.
That's why the Internet was made for.
Internet is so fun!

>> No.14460771

>your whole existence is being treated like shit
>and you know it
jesus, you can't stop projecting, you must really hate yourself, first projecting faggotry and now this. wew xd

>> No.14460805

>projecting [...] projecting
What about 3 times in your next sentence, you smelly sack of camel piss?

>> No.14460813

>camel piss
your whole life is one big projection, how sad, disgusting faggot

>> No.14460821

Tell that to my grandchildren, you childless degenerate.

>> No.14460830

>implying I'm childless
get off the internet, grandpa. also stop projecting,

>> No.14460841

>please stop
Keep asking you spineless weak whore.

>> No.14460860

You think it's some kind of magic word? You really are this dumb you stupid pissbrain?

>> No.14460868

you keep pining charges on me because you're a insecure degenerate, first you project faggotry and now you project piss, I can only imagine how you're like irl, you homo cum piss gargler

>> No.14460906
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1494009500619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe mumbo jumbo peddler BTFOs other cringe mumbu jumbo peddler
Who cares

>> No.14460935

>He wasn't the biological father of his wife's children.

wait what

>> No.14461026

Ok schizo

>> No.14461030

I keep insulting you because you degenerate camel-piss-drinker crossdressers are fucking disgusting. Those disgusting pics in this thread aren't "projections" you cringe son of a whore, they are real pictures of what you are.
You deserve what you get you filthy degenerate.

>> No.14461131

Don't overwork yourself with all these high effort threads, son

>> No.14461135

stay mad

>> No.14461213

Keep being punched IRL and insulted online, you degenerate, we have so much fun beating you.

>> No.14462259
