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/lit/ - Literature

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14457613 No.14457613 [Reply] [Original]

What a fucking language! The absolute precision and sonority are equalled by no other tongue in the world. German is simply the most masculine and cool European language. Once you know the rules, it starts to make a lot of sense, unlike English. The only downside about German is that some Germans pronounce their Rs like in that homosexual and disgusting ape screech known as French. I want my Rs to sound like Rs, not like fucking sickening phlegms from subhuman throats. And also they sometimes don't finish their words! Think British English (the non-rhotic dialects). But then German literature is literally GODLIKE and it's worth the price of admittance alone, so it's all forgiven! Sadly the modern German person is a burgerized pussyllanimous bugman! Their literature should be the main focus, not the unworthy social aspect. Either way, this tongue is unparalleled. The thinking man's language. Latin of the 21st century.

>> No.14457631

>I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.

>> No.14457649
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, 1525122326950.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French to men.
Subhumans aren't men. Video here is France today. That quote aged like milk.

>> No.14457661

>Video here is France today.
Gare du Nord*

>> No.14457687

Germany isn't that different, Ozil.

>> No.14457693

Prove it.

>> No.14457760


>> No.14457830

Which is in France...

>> No.14457986

Ach du meine Güte, verpiss dich bloß du kleingeistiger Hosenscheißer

>> No.14457996

Kafka is awesome in german

>> No.14458307

Wrong. I shot this video and not in France

>> No.14458347

See, the self-hating kraut bugmen are here.

>> No.14459859

no it’s just bizarre to be a teutonophile, just like it’s weird to be a sinophile and a philosemite

>> No.14459886
File: 220 KB, 637x354, gare du nord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gare du nord
>not in France
If not in France, then where was this video taken?

>> No.14459893

Gare du Negre

>> No.14460015
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If only there where more people who'd do something with language now.
German surely had its high time but at the moment it doesn't see any major publications that make bigger waves in any field be it Philosophy, theater or Novels.
The most well known Philosopher in Germany is working on an absolute base level, retelling the usual hot takes of current politics instead of putting forth a good theorie.
Sloterdijk is there but his stuff doesn't really find any broader reception outside of Germany.
Novels and novelas are getting pushed out but quite frankly I haven't found an author from which I'd desperately want more.

>> No.14460038

Anyone here learning or learned German primarily for reading, and mind sharing their experiences? How long did it take you? How did you go about reading?

>> No.14460046

Anything that isnt a romance language is barbaric mut hut tier

>> No.14460059

As if half of them aren't indistinguishable from French 'native' North African racemixed mutts.

>> No.14460239

What the fuck is wrong with people, nothing makes sense to me anymore, I legit feel like I'm watching crazy people, WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.14460264

i am probably b1/b2 german level, any good books to read so i improve?

>> No.14460271
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Kanack German is peak alpha german
Prove me wrong almans

>> No.14460284
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 87E77C83-A337-4A72-9CB6-EA675F9A3267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes german relevant to the youth again

>> No.14460298

Fuck I'm so tired of seeing this

I just want to see normal people in their own normal countries, no more weird degeneracy and vaguely "tan" people with shitty beards trying to act cool like they're 14. Why does everything in the world have to be a McDonalds parking lot in Los Angeles? Why does everyone have to look like the same degenerate mix of racially ambiguous hooligans? Why can't things ever be nice?

>> No.14460309

And the white or rich people try to avoid the metro and take the voiture.

>> No.14460321

my good man youre in for a ride, dont expect these things to become less frequent

>> No.14460373

Hes right, even in a /lit/-sense, only poltards without any knowledge of the german language or language in general deny this.

>> No.14460396


>> No.14460399


>> No.14460435

>the most masculine

stopped reading there.

>> No.14460439

German is just how you'd speak english if you had a german accent

>> No.14460890

why is it better than english?

>> No.14460933

Romans were intellectually and creatively bankrupt retards who stole everything from the superior Greeks. Stop idolizing them like the midwit you are.

>> No.14461172


I agree with you, in that German is a fantastic tool for translation and thinking. The reason for that is its ability to easily create new words and concepts.

Romance languages can be superior aesthetically in literature, but in order to write a great book in a romance language, you have to be a master of the language, a master of the dictionary, you have to know every word beforehand, you can't make the job easier for yourself with neologisms. But with a great writer the end result is much more striking than in German.

>> No.14461356

You'll become indifferent soon enough.

Still doing good whether self betterment or for others, in all ways too, whether philosophy or science or religion or art or fitness, /fitlit/, even if you may have to dip into degeneracy first to rise above higher. You'll then decide on the value of this place, browsing it less. Up to you if you'll leave however.

But you'll still be indifferent, and no longer care about the state of the world having emotionally detached from it. The usurpation of good and thrilling emotion here and there but only temporal to the immediacy of the expected.

Maybe you'll get a girlfriend to find this necessary exterior actualisation.

Up to you anon.

>> No.14461362

Nobody likes Precht. He is just a TV-philosopher talking about what people like to hear, he does not really add something to the discourse.

>> No.14461580

is he? I only watched one of his lectures on aesthetics (introdctionary) and i enjoyed it. Didnt bother to watch one of his TV appearances

>> No.14461732

I did. I mainly used the textbook German for Reading by Karl Sandberg and the app memrise to complement it. It took me about a year to finish it, but I was at a very busy stage of my life. If you have a few hours to dedicate daily, it can be done in six months.

After I was finished with the book I could technically read things, meaning I could recognize the grammar structure and the words, but it was hard to make sense of semi-complex sentences. It improved with practice. I read some Grimm stories and played Skyrim. Both were very helpful.

Now I'm reading Goethe and Kant. It's not as easy as reading them in English, and I keep a dictionary and a translated copy handy to reference when I'm having trouble understanding. But its definitely doable, and with Goethe, much more enjoyable to read in German.

>> No.14461771

>German as the language of empire, of which the horse represented strength and conquest.

>> No.14461832

Imagine having such a sense of inferiority that you have to respond with far fetched barely sensical cope at an obvious joke.

>> No.14461869

what is a good German bible with simple modern language?, not Luther's

>> No.14462427


>> No.14462447

You're gay.

>> No.14462472

>The only downside about German is that some Germans pronounce their Rs like in that homosexual and disgusting ape screech known as French.
Is this true??

>> No.14462614

you know nothing about paris ahahah

gare du nord,north paris and seine saint denis are the most immigrant populated areas of the entire country.

>> No.14462630

>tfw couldn’t take the metropolitan yesterday because of the strikes

>> No.14462651

>french to men
Now that's a gay dogwhistle if I've ever seen one.

>> No.14462661

They're in your country. They are French as much as you are. Deal with it.

>> No.14462912
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t. burgerized pussyllanimous bugman german
also fuck french

>> No.14463079

top kek colonising africa was a mistake

>> No.14463102
File: 38 KB, 326x499, 51T2Y4tM2XL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel, Anon. Good shit.

>> No.14463357

He was literally the emperor of the German lead HRE.

>> No.14464753


>> No.14464803

I feel you.

>> No.14465001

You know Hitler would have posted some whiny bullshit like this in his diary during his early years. He was just a scared man who wanted his nice little untouched german corner of the world.

>> No.14465011

don't you think that sounds like paradise? or is importing a billion niggers an improvement to you?

>> No.14465038

Well, I'm one of those people you call "niggers", moth woman. And while I can to an extent appreciate backwards nostalgic hillbilly sentiments as yours, it should really not come as a surprise that the globalisation process your ancestors have inflicted upon the now (peu à peu) developing world, works both ways. So: quit whining and, to speak with Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in this world".

>> No.14465042

Sloterdijk said the nuke is the West's Buddha because it represents the total dissolution of the self into the cosmos. Contemporary philosophy sucks.

>> No.14465055

ah, so it's a conflict of interest then, i see

>> No.14465101

>backwards nostalgic hillbilly sentiments
We want the survival of our nation

>> No.14465143

Seethe, white boy

t. white boy who isnt afraid of black people

>> No.14465453


I also don't get why we have to mix and celebrate every fucking culture there is on this planet. Is the end game really that the whole world will just become a multicultural adulteration of every race and culuture there is? What's the fucking point in that ?

>> No.14465603

Also Japanese is ambiguous as fuck (you'd know this, if you actually spoke any Japanese, but obviously you don't: you just like orientalism), which is one of the things OP ascribed to German, which I, as a German can tell you is quite true.

>> No.14465606

German being precise, that is.

>> No.14465738

>Survival of nation
>Most Americans are 3rd generation low iq immigrants from Europe who weren't considered white
You absolute sissy cucks love to suck on capitalist daddy cock for centuries.

>> No.14466257

not him but you're delusional if you think a single part of a single hugely populated city accurately represents the whole of a country

>> No.14466263

>moth woman
why does this always crack me the fuck up

>> No.14467115

I couldn't care less about "France". I just think it's funny. Schadenfreude, some would call it.

>> No.14467126

I dont get it. Are you saying German is ambiguous or precise?

>> No.14467362

Himmelsrand gehört den Nord!

Kommen Sie oft in den Wolkendistrikt? Ach, wem mache ich etwas vor, natürlich nicht.

Der beste Stahl in Weißlauf!

Ich behaupte nicht, der beste Schmied in Weißlauf zu sein, Eorlund Graumähne hat diese Ehre. Ich bitte nur um eine faire Chance.

Pls translate, Anon.

>> No.14467525

Pasta saved.

>> No.14467636

Not the anon you were asking, but I'm a native speaker, so I believe myself to be of use to you.
The edge of heaven(heaven's edge) belong(s) to Nord!
Do you often come to the cloud district? Who am I kidding, of course not.
The best steel in Weißlauf!
I'm not claiming to be the best smith in Weißlauf, that honor belongs to Eorlund Graumähne. I'm simply asking for a fair chance.

>> No.14467701

>playing Skyrim
You better not be playin vanilla

>> No.14467706

Sorry, I fucked up my posts; I was drunk.

I was trying to say that German is precise, Japanese is ambiguous.

OP was saying German is precise: I agree.
That one weeb was saying Japanese can compete in that aspect with German: I disagree.

>> No.14467733

why do niggers act so tryhard in predominately white communities? do they all have this chip on their shoulder about their IQ?

>> No.14467741
File: 68 KB, 696x409, hitlerpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, I'm one of those people you call "niggers"
>Hitler ... during his early years
>"Be the change you want to see in this world".

>> No.14467776

Germany has no cultural output worth speaking about. If you learn German it's for times past.

But I guess that's true for most languages.

>> No.14467804

This is my opinion exactly. I'm learning German as well, have been for a while, and it is purely to engage with the written word of the past. I can speak it, technically, but I never do, since there is not a thing I am interested in hearing from or saying to any living German.

>> No.14467834

are there any normal men left in germany or is every one of them a worthless neutered faggot now?

are the energies of the volk just dormant, or are they snuffed out for good?

>> No.14467838

lol this. the french thing and quoting "gandhi" came off as pretentious and middlebrow as fuck. Negroes are cringe no matter what they do.

>> No.14467846

Technically we're always reading books written in the past. We can't read shit from the future...

>> No.14467849

don't be mean to the nigger, he's just been taken from his homeland and he's confused.

>> No.14467853

> I can speak it, technically, but I never do, since there is not a thing I am interested in hearing from or saying to any living German.
Exactly this, like the OP said it. I feel the same.

>> No.14467855

>this level of autism

Du bist wirklich Deutsch.

>> No.14467893

French is a far more masculine language than German. German is a language without subtlety and is as offensive to listen to as a skipping CD player.

>> No.14467901

Strong disagree, German is mellifluous and beautifully logical while French is a mess and it's pronounced 80% in the nasal passages so it sounds like you're sick.

>> No.14467922 [DELETED] 

French sounds gay and feminine. The language of whores and bottom boys. Literally any letter/phoneme they pronounce sounds gay. Bordeaux = they shy away from the cool-as-shit X so they say it like some nigger baby. Their R gets the cake for most faggot pronunciation of a letter ever. Even the Anglo R is better.

>> No.14467928

Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

Do you come to the cloud district often?

The best steel in Whiterun! Ah, who am I kidding, of course not.

I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun. Eorlund Gray-Mane's got that honor. The man's steel is legendary. All I ask is a fair chance.

>> No.14467938 [DELETED] 

French sounds gay and feminine. The language of whores and bottom boys. Literally any letter/phoneme they pronounce sounds gay. Example: Bordeaux = they shy away from the cool-as-shit X so they say it like some nigger baby and a slut with throat cancer midfucking, "Bogdo". Their R gets the cake for most faggot pronunciation of a letter ever. Even the Anglo R is better.

>> No.14467945

Languages with long wordings are naturally superior.

>> No.14467958

French sounds gay and feminine. The language of whores and bottom boys. Literally any letter/phoneme they pronounce sounds gay. Example: Bordeaux = they shy away from the cool-as-shit X so they ignore it and say it like some nigger baby learning to speak and their R like some slut with throat cancer, "Bogdo". Their R gets the cake for most faggot pronunciation of a letter ever. Even the Anglo R is better.

>> No.14467981

I'm a Kartoffel, too. Just translated my English memories of Skyrim into German.

>> No.14468063

Listen to this without looking at the screen. Try to guess what the song is about.
Then listen to it again, reading the English lyrics.

>> No.14468419
File: 288 KB, 899x600, csm_hs160126-ackerwand04_web_4dcef9f196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Germans. If I weren't Iranian, I would wish to be German.

>> No.14468468

Godspeed, hope you take many Amerilards with you.

>> No.14468493

spierdalaj xd

>> No.14468531

I'm thinking about going to Germany but I'm not that crazy about them yet. Why do you like Germans so much? maybe you'll get me excited

>> No.14468588

They're an industrious people with clean cities, an orderly, safe society. Native Germans are also quite open minded to foreigners. Their culture has produced lots of great works, valuable schools of thought and they continue to innovate in a multitude of technological fields. Yet unlike the American world, Germans favour medium sized companies, who form the backbone of the economy, many of which are world leaders in their field. The same humble excelling is also shining through in most areas of their society.

However, their nation has culturally and ideologically fallen on the same hard times the West in general has. Native Germans have been driven back from the centers of their largest cities and much of their culture and architecture was lost to war. In response the modern German has either embraced rootless, multicultural pleasure seeking in individualism or withdrawn into an increasingly irrate conservativism centered around resisting such influences.

Oh yeah, the food is great too. If you like potatoes and meat.

>> No.14468824


No guttural language can be you mongoloid.

France has the most alpha culture in history. Germany has the most incel culture in history. It's no wonder 4chan incels relate so strongly to Germany, it's a failed empire.

Naturally, 4channers are going to project everything they hate onto France, despite it being infinitely better at military affairs, culture, and science than the Germans.

Basically, if you think this is "feminine" then you're a liar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5g

Then you listen to a woman speaking German and she sounds like a retarded inbred: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-glb90WDpK4

I think 4channers are also confused because Prussian military culture dominated the language, which makes it the godsend of weak betas who cling to the most 'masculine' affects they can to compensate for their intrinsic lack of manliness (aka, Prussianism incarnate). Nietzsche has a good passage about this: http://www.lexido.com/EBOOK_TEXTS/THE_GAY_SCIENCE_SECOND_BOOK_.aspx?S=104

French is based, German is shit. Sorry to burst your bubble. Even the best German writers knew it.

>> No.14468833

God what a shitty cadence. German is truly the worst language for music.

>> No.14468862

Russian > German

>> No.14469015

It cannot be true, both of them great

>> No.14469084
File: 267 KB, 700x728, au9z2kyi9tv21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liebe Güte. Irgendein Sci-Fi-Ami sagte mal, neunzig Prozent von allem sei Abfall. Wenn es euch darum geht, euch mit heute lebenden Deutschen über spezielle philosophische Themen zu unterhalten, wird der "brauchbare" Anteil natürlich noch sehr viel geringer sein. Ich hoffe nur, ihr missversteht nicht eine andere Meinung oder Desinteresse trotz Bewusstsein an einem Thema als prinzipiell falsch oder dumm. Das wäre schon recht autistisch.

Noch wichtiger aber: bildet euch nicht ein, Deutsch sprechen zu können, eine gute Unterhaltung einfach führen zu können, bloß, weil ihr mit der Sprache schriftlich klarkommt. Da sind Welten dazwischen, und Sprechen verlangt viel Übung.

Wie dem auch sei, schön, dass ihr euch mit deutscher Sprache und Literatur befasst. Viel Erfolg wünsche ich.

t. german patriot studying philosophy

>> No.14469153
File: 11 KB, 220x301, David_Hilbert_Vorlesung_1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precht is a failure till adulthood turned book author with opinions turned practical philosophy book author.
I think he's okay for what he does (even if he's criticised for his Greta-like fews on the world problems and tax ideas). But he's not a philospher in the academic sense.

>Germans pronounce their Rs like in that homosexual and disgusting ape screech
I have no idea what you speak about there.
But here, take this

>> No.14469229

Is there any work that is cultural significant at the moment?
Even america has no real output.

>> No.14469415

>backwards sentiments
How is it backwards? Clearly importing more 3rd worlders is literally regressive.

>> No.14469468
File: 78 KB, 398x600, 1568585051268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This seething Frog

>> No.14469499


>> No.14469529

>Whites act edgy all the time in 4chan
>Nigger does it too

>Why are niggers so tryhard lmao?
Confirmation bias 101

>> No.14469691
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>> No.14469843
File: 15 KB, 248x189, A1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France has the most alpha culture in history. Germany has the most incel culture in history.
lol what? Did a kraut steal your gf or something? This makes no sense as entire countries can't be "incel" nor "chad" and is not related to how the language sounds. You're trying to hard do overcompensate.
>Basically, if you think this is "feminine" then you're a liar:
Proof that frogs need an entire chorus of men to sound even remotely masculine LMAO nice example frog
>Then you listen to a woman speaking German and she sounds like a retarded inbred:
Come one, froggie, she's telling tongue twisters... lol very questionable example
>French is based, German is shit. Sorry to burst your bubble. Even the best German writers knew it.
Imagine unironically thinking this. The frogs are as obnoxiously proud as the burgers that they can't see things objectively. German is an objectively manlier language than Frogspeak.

Frogspeak sounds gay. You faggots can't even properly pronounce the Rs nor half your words and you sound like annoying nose-constipated faggots. Come the fuck on.

>> No.14469845
File: 78 KB, 960x712, paris2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frenchman gives insight into french view of the french (shared by no one else but the french)

interesting, thanks

>> No.14469857

he wasn't edgy, n*ggerlover.

>> No.14469879


>> No.14469891

this entire post was a waste of time to read. come up with a real idea before writing.

yeah, only people who know anything about history would admire the french. takes a special breed of ignorant to idolize germany

>> No.14469896

Not afraid of 'em
Just don't like 'em

>> No.14469920

>this entire post was a waste of time to read. come up with a real idea before writing.
In other words, "I have no rebuttal, you have defeated me." Thanks for participating, froggie, your language is gay.

>> No.14469926

cope more frog

>> No.14470448

Wie ist so das Philosophie Studium? Ich habe gehört man benötige das Latinum um es studieren zu dürfen, doch beschäftigt man sich überhaupt mit lateinischen Texten?

>> No.14470846


>> No.14471948

You can de-gutturalize German. The guttural sounds are "ch", "r", and the glottal stop between vowels. You can use the non-guttural ch (IPA [x]), use an alveolar trill for r, and do away with the glottal stops. All of this is found in variant pronunciations or accents. No idea if the whole thing would sound good, though.

>> No.14471959

What about English

>> No.14473202

>Irgendein Sci-Fi-Ami sagte mal, neunzig Prozent von allem sei Abfall.
Isaac Asimov.

>> No.14473229

Backwards in the sense of it being clearly reactionary to globalization - a previously unidirectional process normative power dissemination (West to rest), that is slowly dispersing into a web of global human relationship.

>> No.14473514

>t. german patriot studying philosophy
and same
Ich hab kein Latinum in der Schule gemacht und muss jetzt alles nachholen (braucht insgesammt 4 Semester). Ich bin 3/4 des Weges schon durch und glaube dies relativ leicht geschafft zu haben. Außerdem ist die Tatsache, dass du ein Nebenfachwählen musst auch ganz gut geeignet um Latein in einem Sprache,Literatur, Kultur Studium nachzuholen.
Allein dass du interessantere Leute treffen wirst mit denen du gemeinsam dein Denken erweitern werden kannst, ist unglaublich wertvoll und die Professoren und Dotzenten, die dir bereitstehen jede kleine Frage für ihren Lieblingsphilosophen zu beantworten, wird dir Einsicht geben besser als jegliche Zweitliteratur es dir liefern könnte.
Ich hab ein MINT Studium als Absicherung, aber was man so hört von Alumni, die regelmäßig eingeladen werden, gibt ein Philosophiestudium viele Möglichkeiten auch außerhalb des tertiären Bereichs (aber das ist uezs. nicht vorrangig dem eigentlichen Studium gegenüber).
>doch beschäftigt man sich überhaupt mit lateinischen Texten?
Muss man nicht (wähl evtl. einfach keine Uni aus die darauf spezialisiert ist). Ich kenne genügend Leute, die nur logischen Emperismus neberm Mathestudium machen und andere die so gut wie nichts lesen, das vor dem 20. Jahrhundert erschienen ist und daher nie irgendetwas mit ausgestorbenen Sprachen machen müssen.
Ich stimme dem ganzen nicht überein aber wenn wir reine Gräzisten haben dann warum nicht auch das andere Extrem.
Lass dich von einer Latinum Voraussetzung nicht abschrecken.
>Meine Uni hat außerdem kein Pflicht-Latinum, ich tue dies freiwillig.

>außerdem: Ich hab /lit/izens in meinem Studium kennengelernt (sehr enttäuschend)

>> No.14474631
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Töte deinselbst mein Mann

>> No.14474779

nice bump mate!

>> No.14475504
File: 77 KB, 605x694, 1567699968347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German is a great language. I'm a beginner, who has been studying for a couple of months now. I can't wait to start reading in the language. I don't have much of an opinion on the people, everyone that I've met has been nice. They lack a sense of humour however.

>> No.14475511

What the fuck. I didn't know Butterfly was based.

>> No.14475942

Honestly, I think I'm starting to become a bit of a Germanophile myself. Between getting tired of /his/ never ending hateboner for all things German and learning about all the great German literature, philosophy, and other cultural accomplishments on /lit/ I've come to realize that Germany is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.14476112

To my sluts

>> No.14476417

The key is to not let that love become /pol/ tier

>> No.14476431
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You can learn German with dual subtitles

>> No.14476442
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>> No.14476452
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