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/lit/ - Literature

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14456825 No.14456825 [Reply] [Original]

literally me

>> No.14456928

okay anon op back seriously though. what the fuck is life about? i don't know how ive made it through 22 years. it is constant pain. everyone else seems to see some 'reason' to live.

>> No.14456943

>*hits bong*

>> No.14456971

just be yourself

>> No.14457219
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What is lit's obsession with this teenage emo "philosopher".
It does not take a genius to know that life has more negatives than positives. He's works consist of cleverly put pessimistic anecdotes. Please explain what is so important about these crappy anecdotes.

>> No.14457226

they give me feels

>> No.14457249

Cioran's philosophy was an exercise in pessimistic aesthetics. To take him too seriously is to actually devalue him. Of course teenage edgelords don't understand this.

>> No.14457414
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YOU dont have a reason, you dont need a reason, there is A reason, but we aren't privy to it. We don't need to be, WE dont need to BE, something else needs us to be.
Your not here to feel good, its not meant to be easy or pleasant, its meant to be work.
The thing about Cioran is, he was an arrogant man, his entire life was him stumbling over his own intellect. That said, i expect he was a lot less depressed than he let on and that he was a closet theist that only revealed gnostic tendencies to perpetuate his image- which returns to his arrogance.
Dont be like Cioran, be elegant and prosaic sure, who doesn't love that? But dont be arrogant. Be humble. Read Job. >>14456943
*hits back
Lit is pretty much an edgy teen as far as I can tell.
"But I'm just a joker". I wonder if the French really understood it. He seems to only really make sense in the context of some sort of transcendence of pessimism.

>> No.14458018

So I'm supposed to live out my life under the assumption that there is a greater reason that none of us can see or have evidence of? I don't understand your reasoning.

>> No.14458229
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>doesn't understand the reasoning.
I didn't make this statement so you could understand me. I made it to try and guide and help you out of your "constant pain". You don't have to, aren't meant to and probably couldn't understand the reasoning. No one could.
>if i can't see it, if there is no evidence, it isn't there
Have you ever opened your eyes even once?
>i have to understand it, have good evidence and reasons, agree etc
This is why you suffer, if indeed you do and your not just making excuses for yourself. I know I used to. This is what i mean by arrogance. What makes you think your capable of understanding why we are here? I assume your just a human.
I recommend reading some ancient texts (not the greeks, maybe the presocratics or cynics, and especially not the romans). Probably some Hinduism would be good for you, maybe, idk.

I'll be straight up with you: in my estimation we are here to bring G-d joy with devoted service. See Deuteronomy 10:12. Now, I don't think the Abrahamic religions have a monopoly on G-d as (H)e creates all of us, you just have to find your way to serve (H)im. (H)e created you with certain tenancies and traits. My guess is, if your here, you probably have some interest in philosophy or lit, so explore that. Maybe your meant to be a scholar or a monastic or whatever. In short, you have a reason for being here, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Your task now is to uncover that. When you looking, remember that theres nothing you experience that is meant for your detriment, its only meant to guide you, only your arrogance makes you think "this is something bad", its not, its just an opportunity to turn back to something better.

Good luck and G-d bless.

>> No.14458515

>lived to 84
makes u think

>> No.14458851
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His prose is so delightfully acerbic in a way that nobody else accomplishes. You would have a point if you were talking about a moody aspie like Benatar or Ligotti, but Cioran is a genuine joy to read, even when I find much to disagree with.

>> No.14459547

Congratz on being cringe

>> No.14459613

>t. whiner
Well, at least you're not happy I guess

>> No.14459942


>> No.14460268
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>tfw you can't delegitimize your own thoughts