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File: 183 KB, 1024x768, k8xhwdcj71431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14456019 No.14456019 [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image in your best prose.

>> No.14456070

I want to move there

>> No.14456143

To the naked eye it was a marvel of modern engineering, steel and asphalt conquered both the earth and sky. Centuries of architectural discoveries had led to this moment, to this humming hive of convenience and power.
But it was souless. A landscape ontologically oriented towards the lowest common denominator. The bottom line had killed aesthetics. The only real splotches of color were bright and shiny signs, each designed by a marketer who had studied the psychological effects of color in order to attract consumers to their respective stores in the same fashion a moth is drawn to a flame. Money was their god, and their god was an all consuming fire.

>> No.14456368


>> No.14456397

how do i learn to write like that?

>> No.14456404

God came in the image He fashioned for man but man killed Him because He did not come in the image they fashioned for themselves.

>> No.14456407

Fuck America. Fuck capitalism. Nuke that shithole.

>> No.14456414

good writing style, bad intentions
>muh consumer society and capitalism
>advertising bad
>socialism good

>> No.14456417

Texas has great highways. Can't say the same for the rest of the state. If HEB was a woman she'd be your friend's fat grandmother who makes meatballs and cakes from scratch every time you two visit and you can't help but notice that your friend is getting pretty pudgy.

>> No.14456435

My response to this post:

An ontological nightmare catered toward the lowest common denominator of human: ubiquity of advertisements, omnipresence of satiety: ultramegaoversaturation of conglomerate booksellers, sport authorities, mogul empires, and Parisian wannabe hotel chains.
My wife and I pulled into the Holiday Inn: upon stepping out, the stench and the smell of the capitalist techno-symbiotic-orgulous machine made me irremovably nauseous. I coughed in expletives, and hurried inside. There, a plastic greeter greeted me with the vacant eyes of one who had been absorbed, taken, and (mal)formed by the machine.

Look there, through the window. Do you see the orange safety cones? I would be one of those: plastic, motionless, sedentary, stale, whose only purpose is to stand and look pretty. I would be one of those, forever in inertia, without even the faintest hope of my ever being moved to higher ground: a stiff breeze could knock me over: so too could an ignorant car. Who can tell the driver from the driven?

>> No.14456444

>To the naked eye it was a marvel of modern engineering, steel and asphalt conquered both the earth and sky.
Is it acceptable to use a comma instead of a period or semicolon here? Asking for a friend

>> No.14456451

Very solid, anon. Good job. One suggested edit:

>...the psychological effects of color in order to attract consumers to their respective stores in the same fashion a moth is drawn to a flame...

The 'moth to flame' simile is so overdone these days that it's become a cliche. I'd consider a different comparison. Even if you are trying to be playful by baking a tired cliche into your description of the image of boring monotony, I think the particular cliche of a moth and flame is so overused that it distracts your reader from your otherwise fine writing regardless.

But in general, good job and I hope you keep it up.

>> No.14456467

based no-punctuation poster

>> No.14456472

Nice gets. Unfortunately the anon who wrote that committed a comma splice there: because the clause after the comma is its own independent entity (in terms of grammar), rather than an appositive or subordinate clause, it deserves stronger punctuation. It would take quite a bit of time to get into the nuances that distinguish one's usage of the semicolon from that of the colon, but, suffice it to say, stick with the semicolon or the period unless the preceding clause is LEADING UP TO or INITIATING a thought that would benefit from the inclusion of a colon. A colon has to be not only grammatically correct but semantically appropriate, whereas a semicolon retains more leniency.

>> No.14456477

This is silly though: the only place where he would be recommended to have punctuation is after "man." The rest of it would be fine regardless.

>> No.14456481


>> No.14456507

Seek immediate medical attention, it appears that you have swallowed a dictionary.

>> No.14456538

Why describe the image, when I can describe the poster? You seek the safety of your echo chambers, where you can repeat your truisms, patting each other on the back. This is so disgustingly unchallenging, so intellectually lazy. There is a reason why this burgerpunk meme never took off.

>> No.14456545

the longer i look the better it looks

>> No.14456549

>le monies bad xD

>> No.14456556

Not him, but I think we can all agree that that image is the epitome of what's wrong today in society: the oversaturation of advertising companies, the endless highway construction, and the never-ending inscrutable speed by which all daily activities are governed. It's a soulless world, Anon, and that picture sums it up in a nutshell.

>> No.14456580

>conflating a distaste for modern consumerist culture with anti-capitalist sentiments
This needs to stop

>> No.14456585

consumerism is based. grow up

>> No.14456602

What the second anon said. No one here is sincerely advocating for the destruction of the capitalist system upon which our society is built; rather, they're critiquing SPECIFICALLY the consumerist aspect of it that has systematically and irrevocably tarnished and diminished literature, art, and music. It is more an argument of preservation--one predicated by defense and protection--than it is of offense and revolution. Critique is implicitly a passive function of dissidence, but not of outright rebellion.

>> No.14456607

>soulless world
I start with this because it is so emblematic of your lack of thought, you just repeat fucking memes. Stop babbling just because other people are babbling.
>the oversaturation of advertising companies
What's the alternative? No advertising, no competition, just one product everybody uses?
Like soviet era communists, you demonize advertising, but you have to understand why it works. It's goal is to understand people's desires and wants, you can't make somebody buy something he doesn't want.
>the endless highway construction
What? People need to go places, dumbass
> the never-ending inscrutable speed
get of your ass

>> No.14456616

>grow up

Ah. Finally a true argument worthy of the debate floor. Perhaps you'd next like to hit him with a, "you'll understand when you're older"? Maybe post an infographic with no sources? Maybe you'll parrot the ramblings of an American with sunglasses in their yank tank filming aforementioned rambling?

>> No.14456624

I start with this because it so emblematic of your lack of thought. You just repeat grammatical mistakes. Stop using "it's" the contraction when you want "its" the possessive pronoun.
>No advertising, no competition, just one product everybody uses?
The competitive façade of advertising is a myth because the only companies that can even AFFORD to advertise on that scale have already monopolized their respective industry. You're buying into the myth that advertisements even encourage competition: they don't, they're there to reinforce those companies that are already in power.
>People need to go places, dumbass
It's hard to go places when the road you need to go on is blocked up by construction for twenty years.

>> No.14456625


>> No.14456630

What would be the opposite of this?

>> No.14456645
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I won't even bother responding to your non-arguments, sorry. I would be arguing with the collective /pol/-geist, not with an actual person.

>> No.14456657

Only a third of my post was dedicated to critiquing your grammar, and it was done so as a parody of yours. That you consider the rest of it a non-argument because of that is proof by admission that you didn't have any substantive thing to say in the first place.

Demap yourself.

>> No.14456659
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1079, haiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14456665

haha holy shit

>> No.14456675

Haiti is a result of colonialism. America is a result of Americans.

>> No.14456678

True, without colonialism they would be still in mud huts.

>> No.14456693
File: 3.04 MB, 1500x2100, Jobber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We vow fidelity to the banner of the Vassal States of England and to the Monarchy for which it upholds many nations beneath Albion indestructible with victory and impudence for all.

>> No.14456705

Layers of autoducts blanket the land. Through each flows a stream of belching metal beasts, crawling over hot pavement with rubber grippers.
Thick arteries drain into capillaries, swirl into knotted storerooms before which the beasts park and vomit their fleshy brains, which stumble against the bright sky and heat-bleeding cement into air conditioned storerooms, where they trade hours for objects the beasts help them lug to their domiciles.

I do not remember a smile among them, though one spied replicated grins on the occasional storefront, facsimile humans aping emotions nobody felt.

>> No.14456712

Good, but way too wordy. It comes off pseud-y. What’s with all the colons?

>> No.14456718

is that what the youngsters are calling it these days

>> No.14456725

You seem like the type of person to buy Ben Shapiro's books. I'm going to attempt to break this down for you.
It's soulless because it does not seek to glorify any higher purpose other than convenience and practicality. Neither of those things are inherently bad, however an architectural movement predicated on those two things alone leave man wanting. A cityscape should be Awe inspiring, and the architecture influenced by the society's respective cultural ideals. The reason it is soulless is because these buildings lack those expressive forms. You'll notice that in an office building, the rooms dedicated to those with the most power are the ones that still have high quality finishes. Fanciful crown molding, intricate lighting designs, etc. While everyone else is left with a bare bones minimalist style. Aesthetic and form are still recognized as symbols of power, and are reserved for those who deserve them. While some rooms in those buildings are absolutely breath-taking, the general population is not able to bear witness to them. This has a profound effect on the psychology of the people who live in this landscape, who only see the manifestation of the bottom dollar in their local space. There is nothing wrong with reserving the best for those at the top of the hierarchy; however if a building dominates the landscape the architects ought to recognize that they have a duty to those passing by the building to make it pleasant to look at.
>no advertising means no competition
I don't believe anyone is genuinely this stupid. The lack of advertisement does not indicate lack of competition, rather a less obnoxious form of it. Advertisement has become more and more obnoxious over the last couple of decades (see the phenomena of super bowl commercials for reference). A landscape that is saturated with obnoxious attention seeking advertisements in combination with a lack of architectural aesthetics will produce people without meaningful ideologies. You can try and argue, sure. But depression rates are skyrocketing and westernization is correlated with depression's global prevalence.
I'm not anti-American, or anti-capitalist. I'm merely describing the phenomena I have witnessed.

The landscape of a place indicates it's values, and guides people's conception of reality subconsciously. This is why many religious buildings are laid out in a particular fashion. It's why feng shui is a thing. Spatial arrangements are important to a society, both culturally and psychologically. This is why I detest "burgerpunk" and bottom dollar architectural design.

>> No.14456800

I know this might be offensive to your delicate aesthetic sensibilities. But Linda - you stupid cunt - you don't know half of what's going on here. What do you want, this fucking stopover shithole to look like fucking Amsterdam? Like Barcelona? To look like the fucking European cities that you dreamed about getting fucked in since you were a little girl and wanted nothing more than to be whisked away to Paris by a tall, dark stranger who would rescue you from your shitty life? Well, you little guinea bitch, think again. There's something going on here that you can't possibly understand, that is totally beyond comprehension for your little feeble fucking dago girl brain. What's going on here is raw American industry. Each of these fuckers in their SUV staying in these godforsaken motels, working in these godforsaken office buildings... the amount of income being generated here is more than you could possibly know, don't you know? Don't you know how much money is being made here? The GDP of it all? Don't you know how many, how many industries are being supported here? We're in Texas, I'd reckon everything here is about oil, or something else energy related. So Linda, when you drive your stupid whore friends to Austin in the Hummer for the weekend, think about this place - your existence is what makes this place possible. Your desires, your needs, what you consume - this place NEEDS to exist to satisfy and support you, one way or another. Your disgust at this place is nothing more than a disgust towards yourself.

>> No.14456859
File: 1.31 MB, 1969x1359, Hallstatt_-_Zentrum_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14456868

Place is absolutely mobbed with chinese tourists

>> No.14456870

Based retard

>> No.14456872

Best post in the entire thread. If it was a book I would read it.

>> No.14456878

butt plug fill me with monster energy
anus like a highway with or without me
chryslerisation of humanoid emotion
bar charted child prodigy with a throbbing anoscopy

>> No.14456887

That place is the work of Americans.

Based motherfucking retards.

>> No.14456895

OK Boomer

>> No.14456942

>what common factor is there between Haiti, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, etc.
>I know it must be related to bad white people
do you guys just not have any sense of intellectual integrity at all

>> No.14456948


>> No.14457126

Colonial exploitation and the oppression of the native people for imperialist and corporate interest?

>> No.14457152


ya bro somalia and haiti were definitely destabilized by america for corporate interests. you fucking imbecile. you fucking moron. read a book

>> No.14457169

Did I say America? Do you have burger brain?

>> No.14457178

>There, a plastic greeter greeted me with the vacant eyes of one who had been absorbed, taken, and (mal)formed by the machine.
Literally me

>> No.14457189

If you look at all the countries that have been colonized by Europeans there isn't really a pattern at all. They tend to just resemble the countries around them populated by similar people. If anything in a place like Africa the only semi-decent countries were the most heavily colonized.

But I know that you know this, and that you're not going to consider the obvious conclusion here and this debate has become tedious, it's always hthe same.

>> No.14457223


haiti had deadass 200 years to become a non-shithole. talk about colonialism. fuck outta here

>> No.14457225
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nosemen detected

>> No.14457231

Some places should have tourist caps

>> No.14457232

Haha you're absolutely right. How could I not see it was DARKIES who caused all of it? I'm so stupid. My IQ must be sub 80. Am I African? Thank you for enlightening me on complex issues with the simple answer of "it was NIGGERS" all along.

>> No.14457237

Edgy kid plz...

>> No.14457254

Hahaha kek


>> No.14457264

Do you have any reason for not believing that? Any evidence that supports the opposite conclusion? Because I sure don't see it.

>> No.14457277

>It's soulless because it does not seek to glorify any higher purpose other than convenience and practicality. Neither of those things are inherently bad, however an architectural movement predicated on those two things alone leave man wanting. A cityscape should be Awe inspiring


>> No.14457320

No. Not him, but he's absolutely right. Imagine living in a city the sole aesthetic of which is drab, monochromatic, and washed-out, wherein the richest people get to live in the most garish, colorful, and ostentatious mansions. A cityscape is the most prominent SIGNIFIER of identity that a city has: if it is lacking in that department, it will come off as unwelcoming and as the very symbol of the portentous facelessness of the symbio-capitalist machine. When aestheticism is sacrificed for practicality and efficiency, one knows the nightmare in which one finds oneself: one sees, then, not only that the beauty of the cities has been vanquished, but so too has art, literature, and music been sacrificed for the sole purpose of propagating plastic ideologies and vacant consumerist agendas. What ever happened to the Paterian credo of "art for art's sake?" What ever happened to Kant's injunction that true beauty lies in that object that is crafted WITHOUT purposiveness, without the purpose of advertising?

>> No.14457336

You're not wrong but this is a screed disguised as prose. Pontificate less and narrate.

>> No.14457355

are you Dutch or something?

>> No.14457357

Does anyone else find this image kind of beautiful in a way, or at least pretty? The scale and the fever of American industry shooting upwards above man's conceit of control over his surroundings into its own kind of wilderness, a jungle of concrete rivers and scintillating SUVs like schools of fish, and untold nooks and crannies in the sprawl where paper blows and birds nest and nameless trees draw breath, untamed by the human hand or even known to the human mind? The only thing I find truly ugly about this picture is the Barnes & Noble sign at the bottom. I hate Barnes & Noble. Whenever I went there in late December to do Christmas shopping with my family I would have to leave for the mall parking lot quickly, suffocated by the air in that coffee-colored chamber where the pretense of cultural sanitation left its mark most clearly, so soulless and so very refined.

>> No.14457360

>m-muh murrica dindu nuffin..!!
Grow up children, it's time.

>> No.14457372

it's dull and i like it

>> No.14457379

Well said: you even got the "its" right (that last remark is not so much a backhanded compliment toward you as it is a nod at the many people who, unfortunately, still confuse the possessive pronoun with the conjunction).
Favorite line:
>>suffocated by the air in that coffee-colored chamber where the pretense of cultural sanitation left its mark most clearly, so soulless and so very refined.
Reason: It's a complex phrase, beginning on "suffocated" as a past participle and then refined and added-on-to by the adjectival relative clause. Finally, that appositive phrase gives the sentence a sense of grim and ironic finality in its brevity.

>> No.14457535 [DELETED] 

Niggers are genetically inferior, deal with it soiboy.

>> No.14457554

yeah, well, deal with your ban :^)

>> No.14457594

Regions of autoducts cover the dry land. Finished each runs a flowing of forcing out bimetallic animate beings, creep playing period unpleasant paving with gumshoe grippers. Unintelligible thoroughfares exhaust into capillary vessels, convolution into knobbed storage rooms earlier which the organisms pose and eliminate their fat hits, which move against the buttony flip and heat-bleeding bind into strain fit storage rooms, wherever they social class times for rejects the assailants support them carry to their habitations.

I do not associate a grin among them, tho' one spied replicated smilings on the infrequent front, duplicator frails aping feelings cypher touch.

>> No.14457692

How does Japan have soul then?

>> No.14457777
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>> No.14457816


>> No.14457901

is this one of those things where you ran the original through a couple translations then put it back into english?

>> No.14457931


>> No.14458446

This is an actual word?

>> No.14459135


>> No.14459772

because it is folded over a thousand times

>> No.14459779

this is cool

>> No.14460325

I'd very much like the source of this.

>> No.14460587

Somewhere in Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
>inb4 not literature

>> No.14460929

all of those are true though

>> No.14460993

you can only use it if you are a chad

>> No.14461177

The image of hell is before my eyes cannot be described, the only words that come to mind are those of "man eats man as does a ravenous wolf does to her pup"

>> No.14461974
File: 34 KB, 1862x203, Screenshot_2019-12-22 lit - New and improved BurgerPunk(tm) thread - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14461984
File: 180 KB, 402x516, Karl-Johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Johnson

>> No.14462545

try again with less periods, its gonna make it flow better.

>> No.14463046

Mists curled and smoked from dark and noisome pools. The reek of them hung stifling in the still air. Far away, now almost due south, the mountain-walls of Mordor loomed, like a black bar of rugged clouds floating above a dangerous fog-bound sea

>> No.14463286

I live there. I pass by this part of I-410 every day.

>> No.14464471

And lo, the angel soured from out of the abyss, bearing me into the air after so long beneath the earth. "Behold" it cried with a great voice, "the heaven of your reward, the holy land as prophesied'"

I saw a city of great buildings, so clean and perfect in their line they could only have been raised up by the Lord. There were many signs and declarations, which I could understand through the power of the angels' sight, which promised every reward that man could wish for. They spoke of great feasts, libraries of knowledge, and divertisments and enjoyments unknown to mortals. Roads of miraculous design ran throughout this city, and people traveled to and fro in safety and at incredible speed, carried by miraculous force. It was truly the heaven of all mankinds desire.

>> No.14464514

Damn, son.

>> No.14464632


>> No.14464657

really good. I shortened it.To the naked eye it was a marvel of modern engineering, steel and asphalt conquered both the earth and sky. Centuries of architectural discoveries had led to this moment, to this humming hive of convenience and power.
But it was souless. A landscape ontologically oriented towards the lowest common denominator. The bottom line had killed aesthetics. The only real splotches of color were the signs filling the air upon poles like leaves to the trunk in this asphalt jungle, like snorkels for the buildings drowning in their genericism and abundance. Here there were two animals, the car herds, which dominated the land moving upon the smooth road, and the walkers hiding on the sidewalks and in the buildings, like the little creatures hiding from the tigers in the bushes.

>> No.14464766

Does anyone in this shit hole know how to drive? No, no! Not even himself he realized, having missed his exit, thinking about the extra 40 minutes he would now spend in traffic. He looked around at all the cars and billboards bombarding him and screamed, stuck in his car, vocal cords roiling. In a moment of clarity he heard himself and felt a primal fear of his own voice, finally understanding the power of a battlecry. He became silent and calm and watched a cyclist zip by a line of cars below. Why can't I do that, he thought.

>> No.14465990

it's pretty as long as you don't have to live there

>> No.14466013

As I drove down the interstate the striped Friday's sign caught my eye. "Have I ever been in a TGI Friday's?" I murmured quietly to myself. In an instant hundreds of scenes in tacky maroon booths surrounded by decorations flooded my mind. Memories of the Ruby Tuesday salad bar stood out the most, my brief obsession with salad's back in 2013 left their name alone in my mind, but I knew I had been in dozens, perhaps a hundred similar places. I concluded I may have never been in a Friday's before, and quickly pulled over. I surrendered to a fun whim, the scent of mozzarella sticks, a blooming onion, or some other appetizer filling my nostrils. Of course, I'll have to think up an excuse for being late to work, but I'll have plenty of opportunities to do that during my meal. Hell, I may even call out sick.

>> No.14466058

This to the nth degree. Retards (mainly basic bitch cuckservatives) jump up and down that even hinting at a distaste in consumerist culture is somehow an affront to capitalism. Consumerism is just that, a culture, and degenerate cultures demand degenerate things. Capitalism, as one of many different economic systems, is just a tool to supply that demand.

>> No.14466193
File: 2.70 MB, 1504x1202, burgerpunk_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read America by Baudrillard

>> No.14466203

I prefer like a fly to shit

>> No.14466211

It had no arms. It had no legs. This is how we run our nation.

>> No.14466236

Kill yourself

>> No.14466479

Not prose, but whatever:

Concrete cleaves the conquered plain; By Circuit City spans torqued terrain.
A city of circuits that rise and weave.
Noted little as the air it breathes.

And cemented along those hollow waves,
A monument made in Medusa’s gaze,
Bob errant boys and maiden wrecks
With questions engraved of where to turn next.

>> No.14466503

The five of us sat along the curb halfway between the gas station and the burger joint, each of us no more than 14 years of age.The overbearingly bright marquee of the eatery, McSlunchee’s, glared down upon us with menacing led’s making it hard to look upon without offending the eyes.
“I wants a slunchee box.” Slobbered Moge. “I has a hungry and wants toy.”
“You’re always hungry.” Sniffed Polly, still doing her best of trying to straighten out the tangles of her the ginger colored rat’s nest of a hairdo.
“I wants a toy too.” Babbled her younger brother.
“You has to wait for 9 o clock to come or they won’t offer a new toy, Moge.” Said Brick, the burly kid. “If you go now you’ll get the same toy you already has.”
“I don’t want the same toy.” Moge pouted.
“That’s what I told you.” Said Brick. He then went back to tapping robotically as his McSlunchee’s issued cell phone. He was trying his hardest to play the “win a mcClucker pack” app that guaranteed a free sweaty, chicken-like morsel if you could make the animated cartoon picture of the burger mascot McSlunchee jump by the repeated, fastidious pressing of a button. His pupils dilated at the possibility of a cashless Mclucker.
I didn’t want to be there, sitting with these four on a Monday night. I just wanted to be alone somewhere with Polly. The world sucked less when we were alone. I tried so hard to look at her without making it look like that’s what I was trying to do. I wanted to raid the condiment station of the Taco Poke place across the street and use the complimentary wet naps to clean the dirt from her face and the shit from her fingertips where she’d had to keep emptying the one diaper her brother wore. I wanted to be somewhere else; away from the stinking bins of garbage and boiling grease traps. Away from Moge and his relentless pining for Burgers.l, away from brick and his goddamn soundbite spewing phone as he drooled. I wanted to be free of the noise saturated strip of asphalt and exhaust we called home. The oil slick on the ground between my legs reflected my own face. Dirt smudged cheeks and chin with hair too long to look like a boy. A faded plastic necklace I’d made from string and last years toys from McSlunchee’s. I didn’t like it, but Polly always said she loved it. I was nobody from a strip in the middle of nowhere along the interstate and I could taste metal in my mouth. I just wanted to be somewhere else with her.

-From “The chronicles of burgerworld.”
A burgerpunk cautionary tale

>> No.14466535

there's always one retard

>> No.14466629

Everything reduced to a destination.

>> No.14466926

post physique

>> No.14466941

There's best buy where I can buy a TV to watch TV eheh then there's my favorite store sports authorty where I buy my sports jacket GO METS and LOOOOOOTSS OF ROADDDS eheh there's no mcdonalds :(

>> No.14466953

how far did i really travel?
it feels like i'm driving in circles. i could get this view at home. is my physical presence even necessary?

>> No.14467637

Very true

>> No.14467675

God awful, how are so many spastics replying saying this is good?
>The bottom line had killed aesthetics

>> No.14468890

Cuz it’s alright. Stop jacking it to anime, kid. It’s making you dopey

>> No.14469253

It’s not even alright, let alone worthy of all the anons replying to it. How can you read a line like:
>The only real splotches of color were bright and shiny signs, each designed by a marketer who had studied the psychological effects of color in order to attract consumers to their respective stores in the same fashion a moth is drawn to a flame.
and not fall down in second-hand embarrassment at both the banality of what is being said, but also the banality of how it is being said too? The author suffers from logorrhoea, yet laughably has nothing to say!

>> No.14469291

At least he’s trying, dip ass.

>> No.14469302

can you come up with something better?

>> No.14469370

The fat greying metropolis crawled out horizon-ward and I could smell the smell of the people replying to me on 4channel.org/lit/. Both the hot electric farts of the city and the frail insipid parps of anons mingled and became one coalesced stench of gayness and retardation. I left.

>> No.14469380


>> No.14469396

>and I could smell the smell

>> No.14469398

WASHINGTON: What is this sight?
THANATOS: Your legacy, and mine.
WASHINGTON: Their eyes, they're all so vacant.
THANATOS: Tis the price.
THANATOS: Prosperity.
WASHINGTON: Prosperity?
THANATOS: Prosperity.
WASHINGTON, NOW SHAKEN: Those signs, what are they?
THANATOS: Masters and sheepards.
WASHINGTON: But is this land not free?
THANATOS: It is, and this is the price

>> No.14469414


>> No.14469422

Lol please be a joke you incel freak

>> No.14469429

It was a civil monument to corporate America's ideal of functionality above all measure of soul. The numerous billboards to local businesses lost any sense of advertisement as they drowned in a sea of their fellow proud strip mall establishments. Connecting these retailers, chain restaurants, and hotels was a field of concrete byways and overpasses directing the mass of consumers to their destinations.

>> No.14469464

“Great day to be a cone,” said the cone. All of his friends were enjoying themselves sat on the overpass. The traffic below them screamed in outrage. The bulldozers across the way rumbled along.
“Pavement isn’t too hot today.”
“I concur.”
“Great view.”

>> No.14469474

It's not
America lost it's soul during reconstruction, we live in it's hollow corpse

>> No.14469526

Why, of all gods and minor-gods, would Thanatos be the one to say any of that to Washington? Get the hell out of here you damn pseud!

>> No.14469549

Juxtaposition between the iridescent Faustian displays of man's penultimate goal; that is, the want of contrivance for the sake of appeasement that man's base desire of entertainment be fulfilled; yet not so indignant is he as to eat of this tree with fruits plucked with hands betwix prickles and thorns; nay, that his comfort being the ultimate goal, he should arrive at this incalculable moment in history with a jubilee known only to those who's convenience bored him as much as it was his priority; to know hardship for his own sake without knowing hardship for IT'S own sake; serendipitous in it's exaltation of both the atomization of man and the luxury brought henceforth- this is the heart of the matter- displays which slather themselves between the ominous slabs of grey which betray the sweet alure of the lights that beckon man from his cave and into the cold, uncaring embrace of his chief joy.

>> No.14469614

Mostly because I wanted to write a little christmas carol inspired thing and thanatos is the god of death. Death, I believe, is modern america's closest companion

>> No.14469627

Capitalism itself is cringe though

>> No.14469813

Spoken like a true person on the shit end of the stick. It’s fucking great on the other end. Money is the dopeness. I once bribed a pair of rednecks to go against everything they believed in to have gay sex. Their shame was delicious

>> No.14469821

Lol, using incel unironically in 2020. You sound like a lefty half-fag

>> No.14469830

Sure can, sugartits. That’s my piece above about the kids sitting on the curb, ya dink.

>> No.14469850
File: 242 KB, 400x267, 1576724320041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that it's great for the petty and small minded that finds such things amusing. Got you.

>> No.14469946

This but unironically

>> No.14469970

One of the few actually well written things in this thread

>> No.14469989

No but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s ok, I don’t expect you to understand. Don’t feel bad, I used to be where you are but I worked hard and now I’m over here. Get to steppin, punchy.

>> No.14470004
File: 1.11 MB, 1097x800, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 12.23.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You worked hard so you could afford to pay rednecks for sex and that brings you satisfaction. Ok, got you. I know your type now and who your heroes are.

>> No.14470019

/lit/ will call an image that gives me a lot of nostalgia and context and meaning to what I do everyday soulless from their college dorm built in 1990 located in a crappy state college. I think this is what DFW was trying to say all along.

>> No.14470030

I wonder if it would still look soulless under communist rule.

>> No.14470034

equally soulless but in a different way. At least under communism it wouldn't pretend to have a soul.

>> No.14470235

Behold the city void. Facsimile upon facsimiles seen in every city is the community built upon a shared blueprint. Manufactured, engineered, and procured with you in mind. See the signs which shine beyond the highway horizon, glance across grassy medians where you will find. Buy me. Eat me. Use me. A beautiful woman brandishing a diamond the size of an 18-wheeler flashes by you at 70MPH. Be me. You are hurt, you are lonely. The view from here scars but you cannot express why. It will find you everyday and everywhere from sea to shiny fucking sea you will long for another view, to not see clearly what is not there, missing. You look in the rearview mirror. How empty the city lies. The other cars on the highway have no drivers.

>> No.14470241

yak, deculture.

>> No.14470501

Actually, that's the result of Hurricane Matthew. Also remember that the earthquake that virtually flattened the country was only six years before this picture.

>> No.14470575

why do people act like this isn't great. it would be fun driving around this place and going to different shops. watching the people. messing around with your friends.

>> No.14471015

Not bad

>> No.14471282
File: 663 KB, 1920x1200, 1576653194760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that once I felt like a prisoner. I got the sense of being a domesticated animal. Those corporate jungles are one dimensional in spirit. Disneylands in all but name. The shops blared the same garbage radio friendly music, strategically placed there by university trained psychologist assholes to make sure nothing but the most neutered emotions persists in its listeners. Also everything was marked up in price. I honestly wish I could chimp out and burn the place. I would love to smell the commodities burn and appropriate a old pagan god in that very spot.

>> No.14471360

My understanding is that post-industrial capitalism and consumerism are essentially one and the same. Critique of one is critique of the other, no?

>> No.14471391

huh. kind of really like this.

>> No.14471435

The contrast of bright eye-catching billboards with its monotone grey surroundings was what first caught my eye. Circumambient were the vacuous black holes pulling me in, my desire to simply consume reigning paramount as I pull into the closest megacentre. Hating myself internally but surrendering to the interwoven consumerist nature of my very being, that's why I came to this town, and it's why I'll stay.

>> No.14471438

Ok we get it you know a lot of big words, now learn how to write

>> No.14471452

>using lefty
>using fag
>in 2020
Cringe as heck man, YIKES!

>> No.14471561

what is there to say that hasn't already been said? "oh, look at how soulless modernity is! the bare-faced greed, gone unnoticed by eyes glazed over!" yeah no shit. what are you gonna do about it? write a clever prose? you gonna cry? piss your pants? maybe shit and cum? then you eat cheetos and drink coke and type on your box made from chemicals that poison the world, fed by a global network of strip mines and middle managers. you made it shit, because you love shit. you love to hate shit. you could get rid of the things in your life that poison you. you could save your money. you could actually own your life. you could start a family. you could live in the woods, or out of a backpack. or maybe you could go a different route, and fight the enemy you say you hate. it's not hard to figure out where critical infrastructure is. you could do something for once. but you won't. the same goes for me i guess, but we both already knew all of this. we really can't help ourselves, can we? complaining about how bad it is, and how smart we are for seeing it where others don't. but we never do anything, really. i think that makes us worse. we know and we choose not to act. basically i'm a hypocrite and if you don't own a gun you're not /lit/.


boring. everyone already knows this. do you have anything to say that warrants being written?

actual unique posts below

i think this one is ironic

>> No.14471563

Love this one

>> No.14471566

Your selection of posts is good but your actual writing is boring and facile

>> No.14471570

>you could start a family. you could live in the woods,

On my way to do this

>> No.14471572

yeah. it's a fucking imageboard.

>> No.14471577

Lol brainlet

>> No.14471581

Lol, touchy. You gonna cry?

>> No.14471583
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>> No.14471597

Fair enough

>> No.14471612 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 400x225, z32rta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you gonna do? piss your pants? shit and cum?

>> No.14471852


>> No.14473230

You’re projecting awfully hard.

>> No.14473238

Using yikes in 2020. I can smell your Nintendo switch from here

>> No.14473314

The bottom of a veritable ocean of consumption; waves of humming efficiency built on sediment, populated by thoughtless or near thoughtless actors oscillating between predator and prey at a moment's notice. With every wave crested by the commuter, another subsurface gust of colorful iconography focused on and internalized by one of a million minds who had long forgotten the youthful release of fresh air in their lungs and original thoughts in their heads.

>> No.14473941

American (((dream))).

>> No.14474012

>lowest common denominator.

>> No.14474035

In the whole vast dome of living nature there reigns an open violence. A kind of prescriptive fury which arms all the creatures to their common doom: as soon as you leave the inanimate kingdom you find the decree of violent death inscribed on the very frontiers of life. You feel it already in the vegetable kingdom: from the great catalpa to the humblest herb, how many plants die and how many are killed; but, from the moment you enter the animal kingdom, this law is suddenly in the most dreadful evidence. A Power, a violence, at once hidden and palpable... has in each species appointed a certain number of animals to devour the others... And who, in this general carnage, exterminates him who will exterminate all others? Himself. It is man who is charged with the slaughter of man... The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death.

>> No.14474778

Are you really so thick you can’t see he’s joking?

>> No.14474795

cells in a bloodstream

>> No.14474812

No, I used induction. Psychoanalytic lingo has no merit. When it comes to judging someone that finds satisfaction from bribing rednecks into having sex with each other, it's easy to see that they're kind of backward in the head, don't you think?

>> No.14474850

The date, Sunday, January 5th. 6 am in the morning. Sternly, Lieutenant General Ling reviewed the satellite image again. "Once our tanks have made the beach landings, these freeways will make it easy to move columns up toward Pasadena. Our paratroopers will have secured the best buy as a forward base. I suspect the Americans will put up a bloody fight in Linen's N Things, but they will be distracted once we take the Holiday Inn. Fireteams should be able to provide overwatch on the roof of the office buildings"

Satisfied with with battle plan, the generals signed off on it and submitted it for final approval by Chairman Xi.

>> No.14474868

lit confirmed marxist retards

>> No.14474957

There was no life for miles. Living things, certainly, but nothing could truly be considered alive in the face of those concrete waves, of the torrential beams of steel and aluminium, and the blare of ever-louder car horns. No land, sans the densely-packed asphalt archipelagos dotting the landscape. No colour, except for the towering, splotchy monuments to Modern Man's appetite. No soul, but the ever-consuming desire for more. Greed was their God, and the strip-mall his temple.

>> No.14474962

rednex poke ass all the time. The satisfying part is bribing someone to stray from their morals for something as petty as cash. It’s not something you should do ALL the time, that would just be mean. But to experience someone abandon all that they hold true in exchange of a paycheck isn’t exactly rare. I sleep like a baby.

>> No.14474994

>nothing about class struggle but it's still Marxism because i'm just a dumb burger who doesn't read lmao

>> No.14475260

This is 410 isn't it?

>> No.14475377

The streets folded on a single plane of strip-mall brandings and perpetual construction. An amalgam of traffic in single perspective like those of pre-renaissance paintings, grey scaled with flashes of brilliant reds and yellows meant to catch the lizard brained instincts of the average driver. It was a very hot day and everyone had somewhere to be.

>> No.14475410

I actually tried my best, so any critique would be very welcome.

>> No.14475485

so much this

>> No.14475607

It’s aight

>> No.14475662

Finally after thousand years of battles, I'm free from the hell and now I can see the earth for first time in a long time. Only to find me with a soulless world.

>> No.14475684

How’s middle school treating you, little fella?

>> No.14475694

cringiest one so far

>> No.14475698

I have a university degree but English is my second lenguaje.

>> No.14475699

concrete linears and advertisements to the plaster stores and all you can breath is fumes from the cars all driven by singles, some out to cover up missed birthdays or last minute anniversaries. its no different anywhere

>> No.14475708

it's good senpai, try to expand on your images. I liked the allusion to perspective in art, maybe you could expand on that talking about how the west places in the individual as paramount, for example. also your final sentence is a bit too vague, but still flows nicely, again you could expand on this notion of hurried purpose.
I don't know who said it but i always think of a quote that goes like 'writing is like filling a bucket with sand, editing is forming it into a castle'. I hope this is someway constructive.

>> No.14475737

Thanks, my strength is definitely imagery and I think likening those descriptions to a theme is something is a good next step for me.

>> No.14475777


>> No.14475800

Then you’re doing ok. Stay at it

>> No.14475881

I don't mean to plagiarize, but I incorporated this into my take on it.>>14475377

The streets fold on a single plane of strip-mall branding and perpetual construction. An amalgam of traffic in single perspective like those of pre-renaissance paintings, grey scaled with flashes of brilliant reds and yellows meant to trap the lizard brained instincts of the average driver. It was a very hot day and everyone had somewhere to be, far from here both in distance and mood.
The infinite rose was budding closed and dead.
I felt like a prisoner. I got the sense of being a domesticated animal. Those corporate jungles are one dimensional in spirit. Disneylands in all but name. The shops blare the same garbage radio friendly music, strategically placed there by university trained psychologist assholes to make sure nothing but the most neutered emotions persist in its listeners, stifling the silent dread. Also, everything was marked up in price and the sales were flashed like miracles, but over expensive even at clearance.. I honestly wish I could let out and burn the place at night. I would love to smell the commodities melt and appropriate an old pagan god in that very spot. To take 15 minutes of pure selfish catharsis, to burn out the slow erosion of pain in my perspective that these places of materialist worship so encourage. Then I'd watch this selfish smoke flow like ribbons over the deadened, natural stars of the city.

>> No.14476000
File: 44 KB, 480x474, 1573092972761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is industry: marvel at the stretches of hot asphalt where yesterday's crash is still baking. Vibrant contrast is forced upon the viewer; colours are no longer colours but instead hues which have been saturated beyond any one man's capability to ignore them. In the peripheral of each tired motorist, their wheels rolling over oil-stained rock and slices of windshield, a board of double-breasted suited directors bids them, "Consume me! Consume me! Devour me whole!"

>> No.14476017

There are more concrete now than I remembered, I wonder if the new structures made lives better. There use to only be one crooked main road running through some short houses, some were shops, some had people living in them also. The first 'mall' was built a couple years ago, taking up the empty spot beside the town's only meat shop. It captured our attention and our imagination, made us wonder if this was how Vegas started. No one thought about the displaced meat shop, no one ever thinks about those replaced if what replaces them is bigger. It's as if we only worshipped greatness that threatens us.

Over the years one great mall after another is erected, they build new roads too, first at ground level and when they run out of space there, they build highways above the ground. Great stretches of concrete, keeping us connected but divided locally. Beside these roads, buildings grew taller also as if the prophetic architect predicted the explosion of desire that is sure to come. The more we want, the more space we took up.

The highway and malls, and buildings emerged quietly into our lives, first inviting then beckoning us towards them as if they know more about our future than we do. I use to know that only butcher in town, he eventually gave up competing with faceless entities and retired. I meet him again years later, standing among fresh concrete surrounded by greyness, we spoke a few words. "I thought I lost everything when I closed my meat shop", "You look like you are doing alright?", he looked at me with bright sad eyes "no, I really had lost everything". He was one of the lucky ones.

>> No.14476048
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 3686619247_9110a4ae40_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendship and sincerity

>> No.14476051

Disgusting fucking concrete. And theres signs and names and lines-- just more things to remember. Why cant I just walk to some earthy corner to piss? No, they'd lock me up for that. Why's it so fucking bright?

>> No.14476074

A picnic in a mountain valley next to a stream.

>> No.14476091

only on nulit would this get mass replies--fuck all of you

>> No.14476253

absolute moron.

>> No.14476276

>to the naked eye
>marvel of modern engineering
>, steel and asphalt conquered both earth and sky
comma splice
>centuries of architectural discoveries
wtf do you mean?
>humming hive
forced, obvious alliteration
>but it was soulless
that was already your point
>ontologically oriented
>lowest common denominator
>the bottom line had killed aesthetics
>in the same fashion a moth is drawn to a flame
>money was their god
>their god was an all consuming fire
or was this purposefully bad and am I missing the joke?

>> No.14476292

Kid, shut up. You don’t even write

>> No.14476299

>you don't even write

>> No.14476309

Yet he picked your piece apart and makes some very good points. This is stuff any creative writing prof would cross out in red.

>> No.14476317

You’re gay (in a good way).
You’re gay (in a bad way).

>> No.14476373

It was like a circuit board of orange cones and concrete overpasses, cars and commerce acting like speeding electrons delivering data, 0s and 1s, into some machine too complex to name. The whole thing was like an organism of pure momentum. Donny looked out above the car's retractable roof and saw signs and advertisements worded like declarations. Best Buy Sports Authority. Pavilions. Holiday Inn. McDonald's. Macy's. I Am that I Am. He couldn't believe how seductive it all was, despite its terror and brute exteriors. Donny continued to drive across the complex's miniature bridges, through its tunnels, and past the walled-off parks constructed before the apartment blocks. He obeyed the traffic signals, made space for the driver's around him. Eventually, without buying anything, Donny followed the exits home. The mere transit had been a kind of purchase.

>> No.14476404

It’s not my piece, sugartits.

>> No.14476443

Then you're both an idiot in your statement and your attention.

>> No.14476471

Yes, but unlike you I’m not new to this board. How’s Reddit these days? You chinstraps still reminiscing about toonami and N64’s?

>> No.14476486

You agree you're an idiot and then call me a newfag. Christ man

>> No.14476491

A visual cacophony.

>> No.14476563

If even an idiot can tell you’re new, then I have bad news.... tell you what, I made a thread that’s a little more your speed. Go play

>> No.14476611

The end times were arrived. In a land of concrete and steel the vessels of life hummed along. Not life but unlife. They appeared living. Self propelled, noisy, flashy. All they lacked was sense. The rubber could never feel that road, and that handle would never feel that hand.
A building rose on the right. A layer of concrete followed by a row of desolate windows, housing the hopeless.
"What should I do they wondered?" looking out the window. The all encompasing answer stared them in the face: CONSUME. Run this hedonic treadmill until you are broken and even then only rest with at least one replacement.

>> No.14476616

>fuck all of you for replying to this
>he says in a reply to this

>> No.14476620

harassment architecture

>> No.14476629

literally anyone that can type could call me a newfag, it's a meme that's parroted on this site a thousand times a day.

>> No.14476636

uh, yeah. Not a fan of socialism but he doesn't advocate for it. Also, the other two are bad. are you brain-dead? did you get skull fucked by the corporations so much you became gay for them?

>> No.14476656

It’s not a meme when it’s the truth. Go be new elsewhere

>> No.14476657

never change 4chan

>> No.14476665

next you're going to tell me to start with the greeks and read pinecone.

>> No.14476669

Waldo was glad he'd worn his grey McDonalds sweater that day.

>> No.14476724

clutter. Alas,

>> No.14476816
File: 167 KB, 564x1002, 2CC88B83-9431-4432-97E3-60DDF8ADCBF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I’m going to tell you to go fuck yourself with the great state of New Hampshire you tap dancing, cotton candy weak sauce asshole of a pleb. Have some bunnies you soft headed tit

>> No.14476892

You finished?

>> No.14476994

Don drove through the rolling hills of tarmac, raised up on concrete monoliths over a slow but incessant stream of cars below, through the desert of the real banking the black river. Signs rolled past him as he drove down the overpass, his entire world encapsulated within his car, signs flashing by, signs for services and stores that he didn't know existed, sings that reminded him suddenly of the voids in his life, black holes the shape of a new vacuum cleaner or discount tuxedo. He peered over into another car next to him, a black Toyota sedan, hoping for a glance at the face of another human, but the sun's glare meant all that he saw in the driver's-side window was an inverted and desaturated Best Buy logo, as functional a sign as the reflected object itself.

>> No.14477022

Don drove through the rolling hills of tarmac, raised up on concrete monoliths over a slow but incessant stream of cars below, rolling hills that cut through the desert of the real banking that black river. Signs rolled past him as he drove down the overpass, his entire world encapsulated within his car, signs flashing by, signs for services and stores that he didn't know existed, signs that reminded him suddenly of the acute absences in his life, a gaping void the shape of a new vacuum cleaner, a black hole the form of a discount tuxedo. He peered into the car next to him, a black Toyota sedan, hoping for a glance at the face of another human, but the sun's glare reflected in the Toyota's window manifested only an inverted and desaturated sickly yellow Best Buy logo, as functional a sign as the reflected object itself.

slight improvements I guess

>> No.14477025

There were sings to the right of him, showing off, wether in bold, cursive, or other lavish writing, the names of various companies and restaurants. The whole of it was a clutter of sloping roads and low leveled buildings. It held only fragmented evidence of a quieter past, when the land was of rolling hills rather than winding pavements, of tall trees instead of towering signs of black metal and plastic, and fields of wild grass which whistled in the wind, as opposed to the sputtering vehicles of the now. The man feared, as he turned in to the leftwards lane, that such a past could be realized only in his mind, and in the writings of men long since gone. And after many hours of thought, driving along that asphalt blanket, he came to see how crowded it all truly was.

>> No.14477034

There were signs to the right of him, showing off, wether in bold, cursive, or other lavish writing, the names of various companies and restaurants. The whole of it was a clutter of sloping roads and low leveled buildings. It held only fragmented evidence of a quieter past, when the land was of rolling hills rather than winding pavements, of tall trees instead of towering signs of black metal and plastic, and fields of wild grass which whistled in the wind, as opposed to the sputtering vehicles of the now. The man feared, as he turned in to the leftwards lane, that such a past could be realized only in his mind, and in the writings of men long since gone. And after many hours of thought, driving along that asphalt blanket, he came to see how crowded it all truly was.

Spelling fix.

>> No.14477084

Either cars, asphalt, or billboards. That was all I could see in any given direction. The constant stream along the three-dimensional curved tracks made me dizzy. I had to sit down and drink a coke.

>> No.14477589

Concrete with signs and cars

>> No.14477636


>check em

>> No.14479042

you can critique soulless capitalism without being a socialist you know

>> No.14479547

Most of the replies are saying it’s good though, it’s not though

>> No.14479610

this got progressively worse near the end. the part about guys who studied it was shit

>> No.14480920

Tell me again, what's wrong with cliches? It's better than some obscure phrase.

An every alliteration is obvious. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14480968

The concrete arteries supplying the tumour of American civilisation, clogged plaques of advertising detritus for homogenised comercialism.

>> No.14480976

Agreed, it's too long and too literal.

>> No.14481110

The highways looped and turned with almost a rhythm in the chaos, and with that chaos was construction, and the construction followed a congealing of cars taking up the passing lane and driving lane like blood coagulating in a vein. This once great luxury had now become an inconvenience for the people stuck (both metaphorically and physically) staring at conglomerates, each of the large signs trampling over on another trying to get stuck drivers' attention. This should have bothered most of them, but they had become so jaded by the experiences of modern living it had not been absurd. The complex maximalism of the current situation had not gave way to stress, but rather peace of mind. It had not matter what day it was or the time or whether the people of San Pedro had work or not, For the Constant occupancy of thought reminded them they were not alone. Everyone was going through the same cycles at the same time. The tiny cogs that made up a great and honest clock of civilization were not going unwinded.

>> No.14481454

I don't like these threads.

>> No.14482158

>what's wrong with cliches? It's better than some obscure phrase.
a cliche may be better than some (not all) obscure phrases, but it lacks descriptive power. it's lazy and boring writing
>every alliteration is obvious

>> No.14482286

Why do you believe that capitalism is compatible with anything else than consumer culture?
What happens when you got money but no need to use it to protect yourself or hord it? You consume. What ideology would be strong enough to displace that from being the predominant culture?