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File: 71 KB, 1280x720, it is over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14455987 No.14455987 [Reply] [Original]

Literature to cope with being the male version of this?

>> No.14456018
File: 209 KB, 1200x1491, 1200pxAlexander_Pope_by_Michael_Dahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander Pope's Essay on Man

>> No.14456042

autistic people are sociopaths

>> No.14456324

It's a different relationship with not getting empathy, although I have met some people that are close to being both.

>> No.14456350

Not really, they're more like an inversion of them. The issue with autists comes down to conveyance. A sociopath might not have any real empathy going on up there but present as though they do, but an autistic probably is capable of all the same emotional / empathetic processes as everyone else but have difficulty displaying it or force it to compensate for not really knowing how to act.

>> No.14456352

I wish that I was that cute

>> No.14456360

I remember reading recently that the sociopaths or ASPDs or whatever we call them mostly can feel empathy, they know what it is, they just choose to sort of shut it off.

>> No.14456416

I am autistic and I find it hard to talk about or show my feelings. It's not that I don't have them.

>> No.14456431

Sociopathy tends to refer to acquired personality disorders rather than developmental/innate ones, so it's generally people that have had normal functioning empathy going on. If you ever experience significant psychological trauma you may find there are times where you don't have your normal visceral reaction to things, it's not so much a choice as you can at least sense that something's changed sometimes. There's also going to be different levels of how badly someone's affected.

I feel like this is from someone who has a bit of an old fashioned idea around autism. Autistic people can sense empathy and may even be abnormally over empathetic towards everything, it's more about how they process that than just how they convey it, it goes beyond navel gazing. Or, thinking about it, you're coming from a behavioural analysis (or similar) background which has some issues.

>> No.14456442

I'd imagine their caring about others is something linked to that person's utility, in the same way that you'd be sad about your smart phone getting smashed but not a piece of printer paper getting torn in half. Honestly there's probably more 'regular people' like that than I'd be comfortable knowing the exact figures of. There's probably a whole spectrum of root causes and severity and conditions for having or not having empathy, if you look at how different researchers choose to categorize different personality disorders like that things get real dicey real fast and everyone disagrees with one another

>> No.14456449

>Paging Dr. Plebbit. You're needed in Pedant Room Two "F." Dr. Plebbit to Pedant Room Two "F," please.

>> No.14456456

Meow. No need to get catty, dear.

>> No.14456457

I used to think I was autistic but later found out it was DPD.

>> No.14456489

what the fuck? she is perfectly normal. why the fuck are they treating her like shes crazy? this is completely dystopian.

>> No.14456520

>Ellie is diagnosed with autism, anxiety and ADHD. While all her peers are getting jobs and boyfriends, she just wants to watch kid cartoons. Ellie wishes she could be more mature, but all that stuff just seems so boring to her.


There you have it. They're faking it to get Patreon money. It's obvious she's just an actress.
They even turned off the comments because they knew that every 3rd of 4th person seeing this would notice what's going on

>> No.14456569
File: 193 KB, 539x215, Dystopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is downright cruelty
Half of the people on their channel are beyond disfigured, and the other half are "mentally ill" filler for more consistent video releases.

>> No.14456581

i knew this shit reeked when i saw the fucboi with bleached teeth and those fake trained facial expressions

>> No.14456594

This, I often wonder how many people, let’s say you married them and became totally paralysed and there was no way they’d ever get caught and they had no fear of karmic retribution, what percentage of the population would smother you with a pillow just to not have to deal with you anymore. Like imagine a scenario where your utility dropped to zero, what percentage of humans would still be genuinely concerned with your well being beyond social expectation? I’d imagine it may even be less than half.

>> No.14456609

>what percentage of the population would smother you with a pillow just to not have to deal with you anymore
70-80%, many of them would say you're a different person now so they owe you nothing and would leave you to rot if they could.

>> No.14457065

the 'autistic' girl is not affiliated with the guy running that at all, and is definitely not getting paid
the dude travels all around the US with his wife interviewing disabled people to (allegedly) raise awareness about their conditions, there's no way he's giving any of them his patreon or youtube bucks

>> No.14457305

>I'd imagine their caring about others is something linked to that person's utility

That's pretty much how it works with everyone. you need "value" for someone to care about you. Normies always make out like they're some magical people, but they're just a logical system the same as everyone or everything else. Even emotions correspond to logical reasoning.

>> No.14457328


>> No.14457347

>While all her peers are getting jobs and boyfriends

So she's autistic because she doesn't want to conform to other peoples' ideas of what she "should" be doing? Or other peoples' ideas of "maturity".

Normies are so haunted by spooks

>> No.14457364

Counter point: the holocaust

If normies think someone has no value they can demonize or dehumanize an entire population and kill them without remorse.

>> No.14457402

Being autistic means you can act like a little bitch and get away with it, sociopathy guarantees you're FUCK when you act likewise

>> No.14457479

>Counter point: the holocaust
Many people argued in the Nuremberg trials that the origin of the evil was a lack of empathy due to psychopathy or sociopathy, it's one of the big popularisers of the concept. I'm not saying it's not an argument, just not as strong as you might think.

Anywho, I'd say that >>14456442 is a common way of thinking about it but not quite right. They only appear to be thinking rationally, so they may appear to be looking at you for your utility, but you're overlooking either the impulsivity or the poor emotional regulation or the skull full of general crazy. Same thing for the manipulation, someone can use you without necessarily being rational.

>> No.14457600

If you're both you either have a really shit time and are a total loser that isn't even fucked, or you have some social standing because of family or money or something like that but still get considered to be weird and only get to manipulate autistic or vulnerable people.

>> No.14457676

It's never the jews fault i agree.

>> No.14457763

You aren't a doctor and it shows

>> No.14457806

Not what I was implying. What I said is that he's filling the channel with normies pretending to be retarded because the channel is big enough to have a big Patreon running and amerifat bugmen get mad if their favourite channels don't post videos on the regular.

>> No.14457818

Autism isn't that rare my man.

>> No.14457846

It is not, but this girl certainly isn't autistic. She's a dork who wears glasses and doesn't want to grow up. You can see quite easily that owners of this channel are running out of disabled people but they want to keep the money flowing.

>> No.14457849

You're not making sense dude and grasping at straws for some reason.

>> No.14457855

t. special books for special ed kids channel manager

>> No.14457868

Okay... why do you think that this is a good or valuable post? Like do you actually believe that, or do you believe you're being a hilarious troll or what?

>> No.14457870

this is the redditization of society in the future where if someone's social credit score has downvotes they are 'otherd' as mentally ill, will happen to all nerds, incels, trump supporters alike. you will see a MAGA on that channel within two years with their mom saying 'whose a good boy!!' and the host being like, 'So you believe what about niggers?'

>> No.14457895

why would you need that?

>> No.14457899

Male aspies are more like this: https://youtu.be/j4PTf7LgsIE

>> No.14457915

if she's autistic then im def autistic as well
which makes me wonder
is she actually autistic? and if yes, has all my self-deprecating "i have the 'tism" jokes been the truth all along?!

>> No.14457917

go back to red*it, for real
you reek of that site and it shows more and more with each of your posts

>> No.14457929

Nobody cares nigger the other poster is right and this is clearly just filler. I've worked with legitimately aspie kids who could only eat a certain way and had little rituals and quirks and shit that they could not deviate from. This bitch just wants attention and the channel is running out of actual downies to put up for that sweet patreon money

>> No.14457935

How would you cope with being like this?

>> No.14457958

This creature isn't even human. Why keep it alive?

>> No.14457961

Isn't this close to what well adjusted, self actualized, successful, mentally healthy people think when they look at socially inept, neurotic, low iq people?

>> No.14457967




>> No.14457977

Why not just save up for a few years and then fuck a woman in a third world country, take the child back with you (keep trying for a girl leave the males at the nearest orphanage/church) and then raise her in complete isolation and make sure you aren't with her during the age children lose attraction to their parents
Teach her values and just treat her as a blank slate to mould into your perfect companion


>> No.14457978

literally me

>> No.14457980
File: 143 KB, 1137x640, y do i do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a little girl, when we went shopping, she would often go around the corner and hug the people packing away our groceries, we would have to tell her "honey we don't hug those people!"

>> No.14457982

this is not the first time you've thought about this lmao

>> No.14457985


>> No.14457989

Miscegenation is gross and wrong and tabula rasa is a lie.

>> No.14457994

sounds awfully made up, aspies don't do that

>> No.14457999

That what the mom said she did in the video. if I were a wagie this would make my day. There is nothing wrong with a little girl showing she loves the man who autistically sorts the food for her every week.

>> No.14458013

Asperger's children sometimes have a greater interest in physical or sensory related experiences like hugging. I'm an aspie though and I know personally if someone I don't know well touches me my hand immediately curls up into a fist and I'm ready to swing.

>> No.14458014

In the old days you would take him outside behind the barn and take care of the problem forever

>> No.14458038

her little brother is handsome and I can see them falling in love

>> No.14458063

literally happens due to vaccines destroying their brain in dev state with metals. there are practically zero cases of autism pre-vaccines. all these drs pushing this and reddit enforcing it, are going straight to hell. they know what vaccines do as well but they see it as an overall benefit, and the lives destroyed as collateral damage.

>> No.14458111

>excuse me sir, but I am not from reddit, unlike everyone else here, and I am going to samefag... I mean I am also 2 different posters that agree you are wrong
Try not to try so hard here.

>> No.14458115

A lot of aspies do exactly that.

>> No.14458134

it's janny

>> No.14458138

man I could really pass for being this girl's older brother. makes me really want to take a protective stance tell her psychiatrists are all retards and sperg out to her about how its all Deleuzian libidinal flows which cause her bizarre facial twitches/hand gestures/arm movements, her being exceptionally high on cognitive disinhibition leading to already understood high openess ----> convergence of flows in her body (unconscious cybernetic body language feedback loops)<------ repressed peers initiate Oedipally scapegoating negative loops (so that's why they're all mean to her :( )

then tell her the crazy hand gestures actually have more in common with Cistercian sign language and tantric yoga practices than actual pathology

it would probably make intuitive sense to her

>> No.14458144

Guy like the guy in the video here, I usually just spend my days posting about Taleb on /lit/.

>> No.14458149

Why do you feel you have to cope with anything? Try empathizing with the plight of women.

>> No.14458151

He's EZPZ.

I've seen plenty of severely autistic women that act about the same.

>> No.14458169

fooook you blew my mind, say more words

>> No.14458190

Kids her age are working?

>> No.14458208

There's one 6 year old on youtube earning tens of millions.

>> No.14458230


we really need to change this for people being handed money by advertisers.

>> No.14458247

Yes and no. He's preferable to the average reality TV personality or over excited MAGA type, about the same as average man on the street.

>> No.14458255

He has to work for that money by opening and playing with a lot of toys in front of a camera. You're just jealous because you're too lazy to do the same.

>> No.14458322

notice that every household he visits is visibly affluent... I notice the same on local show about autistic job seekers, they are all rich houses with six figure fathers... really makes me think...

>> No.14458334


very simply - arousal (consider sexual arousal as an easy to grasp example) is unconscious and pleasurable. If we consider man brain and woman brain as two computers which intake data --> process data --> initiate response
human courtship becomes a cybernetic process

man walks into woman's visual field
woman looks at man
man "feels someone looking at him" turns neck around to make eye contact with woman
woman smiles
penis erects
woman flushes
and so on

this is all communication between people that happens at a nonverbal level.

Positive acceleration pleasure feedback that "feels like sex" AKA dopamine circuits


Pain deceleration negative feedback (Dad beats you because you looked at mom inappropriately (subconscious exaggeration))

this is all mimetic desire 2016 /lit/ Girardfag type stuff

if you start really trying to see where the libidinal flows end up you might find yourself receiving the Eucharist, integrated into the unfathomable magnitude of accelerating desire circuitry lingering from the still unresolved oedipal complex of Jesus whose mother was ever virgin and his father was God and so he was crucified, died, and was buried, (but rose again somehow so the Oedipal complex couldn't be resolved that way either)

>> No.14458392

How does the oedipal complex work with men who don't actually like their mothers?

>> No.14458400

I think it's because rich people wait longer to have kids and have higher risk of birth defects like autism.

>> No.14458426

lmao, they had it in the old days sperg, they just didn't call it autistic.

>> No.14458432

I like to hate fuck women who remind me of my mom, that's how it works.

>> No.14458445

then you're unironically Mersault and you get condemned to death by society because you unironically have autism

>> No.14458472

But my mom has some kind of undiagnosed mental illness, it's justified. Is The Stranger really just a story about what happens to men who don't like their mothers?

>> No.14458474

or I should clarify depending on what you mean by "men who don't actually like their mothers"

on the one hand we have a Mersault who is completely apathetic towards his mother and is thereby completely unsocialized and apathetic towards everybody

on the other hand we have men who hate rather than love their mothers which is still indicative of high arousal

To put it in vulgar terms
It doesn't matter if a man makes love to his mom or hatefucks her. He's still having sex with his mom

>> No.14458649

You are clearly also not a doctor and it shows.

>> No.14458783

She’s at least 16 years old so it’s highly likely she’s basically functioning with autism at a higher level than she would have when she was younger. If you watch her mannerisms and follow her thought process closely, it’s pretty clear that she has autism to anyone who has actually had substantive interaction with clinically diagnosed autism. Even the way she’s dressed and the way she explains it is a dead giveaway. In boys, autism might manifest as a fascination with certain mechanizations or objects. In girls, it’s similar but can come out in something like clothing. She’s clearly put a lot of thought into clothing beyond what a teenage girl simply wears to attract attention. Her hand movements are also indicative of autism as is her unwillingness to make direct eye contact with the interviewer. Further, both anxiety and hyperactivity are commonly associated with autism so it’s not peculiar at all in that regard and autism often goes undiagnosed in girls because it’s often not as exaggerated in girls as in boys. Whether this family is profiteering off this, I can’t say but this girl definitively has autistic tendencies in some capacity. Whatever she’s got going on, I don’t think it’s fake.

>> No.14458837

It’s because poor people don’t get their kids diagnosed with autism. This girl for example probably has autism, but could easily be brushed off as just a weird girl. How many more are actually normal people who simply over-identify with autistic thoughts and behaviors that become reinforced because overly worried suburban parents take them to 4000 doctors? Back in the 90s every single kid was diagnosed with Asthma including myself. I was convinced I displayed traits typical of asthma and had asthma. I’d carefully use my inhaler or nebulizer. Fast forward a few years. I’m joining the military and I have to get a waiver for asthma so I do all these tests as an adult. Turns out I don’t have asthma. I never had asthma. I have a feeling this sudden surge in suburban autism is a bit like that. Many of them are genuinely autistic I’m sure. Many more of them I think are just brainwashed into thinking they’re autistic or are just kids with weird tendencies that take root because the treatment by doctors and medications becomes integrated into the child’s identity.

>> No.14458856

Retard. They make money from Patreon and sponsorships, baseline advertisement gives nothing especially when they get demonetised.

>> No.14458866

You sure? It seems more like she's a bit socially stunted (don't mistake this for autism just because they are too) and that her mother has her on a fuckload of drugs.

>> No.14458893

I would curb stomp you if you did that to me, fucking subhuman.

>> No.14458974

lmao you'd be unconscious nigger

>> No.14458978

As far as I'm concerned she can watch her cartoons while I give her a good dicking

>> No.14458993

the guy turns off the comments in every vid he uploads

>> No.14459017

pffft you guys would be writhing in inconceivable pain in a heartbeat with my psionic mental blast.

>> No.14459021

The burns, holy fucking shit. He's probably blind too and has no idea what he looks like

>> No.14459087

aint it funny when the guy talks to her shes clearly turned on by him

>> No.14459097
File: 1.04 MB, 1390x767, Screen Shot 2020-01-02 at 12.35.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes conning the damn world

>> No.14459100

hey its whiteheadfag

>> No.14459126

Being burned like that and surviving would be the opposite of a "miracle"

>> No.14459128
File: 276 KB, 1200x1829, notes-from-underground-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's me

>> No.14459162
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My current psychiatrist thinks I'm not actually autistic. Books about this feel?

>> No.14459170

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.14459187

this is the most retarded thing ive read on this board to be honest

>> No.14459274


YouTube turned off their comments section to prevent flagrant abuse in the comments section. SBSK appealed the decision for months. He's definitely not turning off his own comments.

>> No.14459303

unironically the only guy in the thread who gets it. this girl is not an authentic autist at all. she's an extreme narcissist, i.e. no dad [?] and a mother of ultimate indulgence, literally never saying no

>> No.14459431

Why couldn't this be a nice feel good thread?

>> No.14459540


There was one point where she was looking into the camera next to the guy and I just knew what was going through her head was
"HAHA all those girls at school who tease me, look at me now talking to this handsome older chad"

>> No.14459552

Yeah getting a job in your teens is normal. Especially if you are saving up for school

>> No.14459598

That girl is basically a spoiled child, wtf is wrong with people

>> No.14459637


Not true at all

>> No.14459647

I'll fuck her. And the guy too.

>> No.14459648


Doctors just regurgitate what they're told

>> No.14459660

im 23 and this reminds me of how i used to act around age 12-14. i always thought like i was doing a bit but i dont know guys i might be retarded.

>> No.14459720

Guess you know better then

>> No.14459975

Do some research retard. Youtube disabled SBSK's comments to prevent "abuse" form occurring. And why would they hire an actor now? Do you think most of these abortion clinic rejects are actors?

>> No.14460129

I agree, also bear in mind that she's not only female (much more likely to hide her autism) she's also gone through a lot of therapy for it.

Rich people have more free time and have less to worry about so are more likely to have someone in their house doing interviews.

>> No.14460134

overdiagnosis is ruining millions of middle class children. my dad didn't speak until he was like 6. i dug an elaborate tunnel system under my grandparents backyard and roleplayed as a mole. kids just develop differently, all this autism attention she's getting is setting her up for a lifetime of dependency. it excuses bad habits and prohibits the formation of good ones.

>> No.14460137

if you were normal you would not be on /lit/

>> No.14460179

You don't know it, but you're taking a behaviourist approach, and it's shit.

>> No.14460252

Man she's just like me

>> No.14460265

Hot takes like this are the reason I stick around on this shitty site

>> No.14460280

boobop1987 is the only female autist I respect

>> No.14460313

Bullshit. Where did you read that?

>> No.14460320

sociopaths have whats known as cognitive empathy, they know why a person might be suffering or feeling some kind of way but they just dont care, autists don't even have that, they just dont understand social interactions. plus they differ in lots of other ways

>> No.14460336

>autists don't even have that
They feel empathy (often much more broadly than normal) but they haven't the cognitive side so they can deal with, understand, navigate etc those emotions.

>> No.14460344

If they have high iq then they could figure it out themselves and adapt the way they think to deal with, understand and navigate those emotions

>> No.14460345

yeah that's what i meant. as another anon said they're kind of opposites in that regard

>> No.14460356

wouldn't you say one is destined to be drawn to and make the other suffer until they remove themselves from the gene pool through how society is now via education and the workplace?

>> No.14460361

She's very sweet and pretty but she would probably get annoying in extended doses.

Her autism seems very mild: a lot of her personality is hardly any different from a girl you would describe as bubbly or quirky, and there's nothing really wrong (or socially unacceptable) with that. She's clearly very intelligent and has insight into her shortcomings. I would imagine that simply having insight is a good sign since its so fucking difficult for most autistic people.


>> No.14460365


>> No.14460372

Perform a soliloquy in your therapy vlog about it faggot.

>> No.14460388

anything about weightlifting and graded exposure
t. diagnosed autistic

>> No.14460403

It's still innately stressful even where this is possible, where I've dated autistic women before there's a lot of down time for them where they need to be alone if we go out anywhere for example.

I thought I'd just clarify a little.

In my experience "codependency" (I'm not a massive fan of the term) type relationships are more common but still not all that common. I feel like it's easy to get autistic people to feel fear and be self conscious, but they're less predictable than many "normal" people so not so easy to manipulate. Psycho/Sociopaths, narcissists etc tend to have issues with forming strong and robust friendships, they're more often than not loners, so the opportunities and reasons for obvious bullying are very limited.

>> No.14460407

What's a therapy vlog? I imagine it's for the patient right?

>> No.14460565
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But anon, most 'pedes do suffer from sort or mental decay and delusion.

>> No.14460768

when will chris chan be on this channel

>> No.14460797


>> No.14460885

>I just knew what was going through her head

>> No.14460926

Honestly the more I watch this the more I wanna wife her

>> No.14461029

do you think she's every had a boyfriend? I'm asking this a serious question

>> No.14461102
File: 31 KB, 402x380, 1576841680275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looked up the burn video.
Holy shit.

>> No.14461254
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autistic girls are cute

>> No.14461623
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14461707

With all this stuff you "normal" people used to get up to have you ever considered that you might be on the spectrum and are in denial about it or have learned to unhealthily cope with it? I went through that and then got diagnosed as an adult. It answered a lot of questions and was actually quite a relief.

>> No.14461747

Is this aimed at the people saying she doesn't have autism and is faking it bro?

>> No.14461782

It's aimed at whoever feels the conviction to reply.

>> No.14461798

Then I'm pretty sure I'm not normal, but I'm not autistic. Glad you got some relief dude.

I knew someone who seemed to be autistic and didn't see the point in getting diagnosed though, thoughts on that?

>> No.14461814

I agree that it does set them up for a lifetime of dependency.

>> No.14461836

Would girls find you attractive if you're the male version of this (had the same experiences also)?

>> No.14461837
File: 155 KB, 498x480, peper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people only care because she is good looking
appearance is reality in this alienating cyber ghetto we have become trapped in

>> No.14461846

Fuck these autistic assholes. They take our money without fucking working.

>> No.14461867

It has been known to happen.

>> No.14461898

Yes but lets say for example you had an attractive face, broadshoulders and were 6ft+ but you were completely crippled by the same experiences and are always going to be extremely anxious and socially retarded and unable to claim responsibility for much at all, unconfident, uncharismatic, unassertive and basically the opposite of all the main traits women look for in men and like your psychological/emotional development is permanently stunted so you act/carry yourself/behave subtly like an entitled nihilistic manchild with not much maturity at all doesn't this mean you are extremely repulsive to decent women beyond the first few seconds of meeting?

>> No.14461915

>doesn't this mean you are extremely repulsive to decent women beyond the first few seconds of meeting?
Not always. The amount of emotionally stunted people in relationships is crazy btw.

>> No.14461918

Needs a good dicking

>> No.14461932

In what countries/areas/age ranges is this the case? Just all over the west in general?

>> No.14461938

God sociopath is such a meaningless buzzword... was it always?

>> No.14461947

I wonder if there are any struggles unique to autistic girls that autistic boys don’t experience?

I’m a diagnosed high functioning autist and it took a lot of work from both myself and my parents to get me to act like a normal human being (I fear that I would have wound up like Chris-chan had I not been blessed with good parents). Even then, I still have stupid autist habits like talking to myself out loud and getting an urge to jump around whenever I’m excited. I never actually spoken extensively with any autistic girls though, so I don’t know how much their experience differs from mine.

>> No.14462028

>I still have stupid autist habits like talking to myself out loud and getting an urge to jump around whenever I’m excited

lol i´m not autistic but this also happens to me

>> No.14462032

I guess it depends on if you want an explanation or support or more understanding. I wanted to know why I was different to everyone else I knew (who constantly told me I was different though not in a mean way I should add). So, after years, I finally did. I had considered Aspergers (now defunct though) so it wasn't a shock to me. Finding out I also had ADD (which also explained a lot) helped too. That got me medication that allows me to function semi-normally when it comes to many things. I can focus on my focus, I should say. I count that as support.

The people I know who are not as accepting of things became more accepting of what my mom called quirks and "just me" once I was diagnosed and there was a reason I am the way I am. Not saying or trying to give the impression I was a piece of shit or anything. At least I hope I'm not. Little (or big) things that my mom has said I'm an odd duck for that she has accepted but others think is weird. My mom was always the most supportive of me and always the most understanding too so that anchor helped pre-diagnosis, I think.

Now I'm rambling. I think it comes down to your friend's desire for an explanation or if he needs a diagnosis. If he doesn't see a point then what good is it? If he already thinks that way I don't imagine he'll be interested in anything else about it.

>> No.14462103
File: 1.98 MB, 582x738, autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14462109
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she just tripping on Xanax or something

>> No.14462116

I said to them it was probably useful to think about if they had it so they could look at what situations they were getting stressed in (simple stuff like riding public transport was too much for them) and think about what they could do to not get overwhelmed. For official diagnosis, I felt like they could find it useful for stuff like employment rights and potentially claiming disability benefits.

>> No.14462131

watch her interview on Hot Ones. she's literally a hollywood robot. her face is a mask but sometimes she gets tired/confused like in the webm but the face muscles are too well disciplined to slip completely.

>> No.14462143

I was convinced that interview was fake, it's nuts how little she reacts.

>> No.14462159

Apparently I’m told this isn’t normal though. It’s a quirk I’m fine with, although I’m not a fan of the fact I have shit eye contact and I stumble over myself trying to speak.

There are many benefits to reap from an official diagnosis if you want to be utilitarian about it. Because I was diagnosed at a young age, I’ve been given special arrangements for things throughout my academic career. I get to take exams in a room by myself with extra time to finish it, and I’ve also been given access to a private study room where I can do work with no noise. I get disabilitybux from the welfare state on top of that as well. From what I understand, a lot of autists have sleeping problems too. I managed to get medication for my sleep deprivation because of my condition too.

>> No.14462769
File: 95 KB, 343x994, 1568769110696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find a zoomer autistic qt like her?

>> No.14462796

What's wrong with Jontron :(

>> No.14462818

in her home, away from people
just like her male equivalent

>> No.14463219

what if im good at socializing but still choose to stay at home

>> No.14463321

lmfao no. Women are attracted to power, status and wealth. A male autist like that has nothing to offer to a womyn.

>> No.14463644

Just watched the video. He is blind and goes to a school for the visually impaired. He's doing really well and has a gf