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14455933 No.14455933 [Reply] [Original]

books to make me give up patriotism/nationalism? read this over the last week after some qt in class recommended it

>> No.14455942

You can stay a classic patriot, extolling the values that the nation was actually founded upon instead of what the modern political climate expects of you.

>> No.14455946

You should not "give up" patriotism. You should consider it as a tool as is religion, to be used for your profit and not to be used by. Giving up on patriotism is as much of an idealistic positions as supporting it. Both are spooked.

>> No.14455986

>extolling the values that the nation was actually founded upon
like what? my grandparents were literally called trash by the founding fathers and their english masters. i'm sure trump and the upper class today would consider me garbage because i wage cuck for a living and support livable wages

>> No.14456013

Sounds like you've already given up. What do you need any books for?

>> No.14456041

>my grandparents were literally called trash by the founding fathers and their english masters

Way to miss the point.

>> No.14456056


>dude we just completed our first semester of college, we're woke to the corporations being all corporation-y, The Book

>> No.14456159

America was only established to benefit a select group of people who just so happened to disagree with the Old World, it's "values" are convenient rhetoric at best.

>> No.14456177

Realize that nationalism leads to democracy and mediocrity.


>> No.14456207

Howard Zinn was a communist charlatan that twisted the facts to control the educators and build a fake narrative demeaning American achievement

>> No.14456215
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>read this over the last week after some qt in class recommended it
No you didnt. No she didn't.

>> No.14456235

Yes anon, give up your pride. Give up the values that give you a meaningful identity. You're not different than anyone else in the world. In fact, you might be worse in a lot of ways. You should forget these abstract concepts that gave you a sense of coherence and culture, they're not relevant in 2020 anyway. Look at how connected we are. Come on, give up your sense of self-respect. Culture and borders are abstractions anyway. Wouldn't it be cool if you could have someone living next to you that was a from a totally different society? Sure, we may have to change some of the things your used to. We may need to get rid of some of your cultural heritage, but it's so that these people can feel more welcome. You don't want to be an asshole, do you? Grow up. Read a book. Your culture doesn't define you, your personalized style and tastes do.

“I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American; and I intend to perform the duties incumbent upon me in that character to the end of my career. I mean to do this with absolute disregard of personal consequences.
What are the personal consequences?
What is the individual man, with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good or evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country’s fate?
Let the consequences be what they will, I am careless. No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer, or if he fall, in the defense of the liberties and constitution of his country.”
– Daniel Webster

>> No.14456357
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Realize you're being used by a class of people that see you as nothing more than a disposable cog in a machine.

>> No.14456577

I don’t know that it will affect your notion of nationalism, but Eric Wolf’s Europe and the People Without History might be down your alley.

>> No.14456593

this. and work to make your society better, starting with yourself.

>> No.14456637
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