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14455391 No.14455391 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /lit/ way to get your sister into reading philosophers this board likes? Specifically interested in Guenon.

>> No.14455426

Gooner isn’t philosophy.
Get her to listen to History of philosophy.net

>> No.14455465

Fill her with cum

>> No.14455555

I don't see how that'd help, anon...

>> No.14455771

mention that if she become well aquainted with his works it'd make her more appealing to and more likely to attract as a mate a sophisticated and erudite man

>> No.14455883

What if she got pregnant?

>> No.14455889

How do we put an end to guenonfaggotry, bros?

>> No.14455902

Start posting Parmenides

>> No.14455907

Parmenides was a Guenonian though.

>> No.14455919

If you can't beat em join em

>> No.14455941

If I can't beat them I would just stop coming to this board. You've singlehandledly lowered the board's quality. Congratulations!

>> No.14455977

Guenon's writings are like a crystal that reflect the image of the observer back at them. If you react in a bad way to them, then it simply means that you're a hylic with a stunted spiritual growth. My condolences

>> No.14455984

>tfw you left /lit/ when it was still pretending to be Catholic
>tfw you come back to see them getting into the real shit

I'm proud, anons.

>> No.14456000


>> No.14456246

>a hylic with a stunted spiritual growth
How does recover from that? Isn't being a hylic innate and unchangeable? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14456265

Hylic, psychic and pneumatic are really just general states of evolution, and are not hard-coded at all. Each state gradates into the higher.

For example, you even wanting to change you self-declared "hylic" state already suggests you registering higher impulses, so follow them through and see what you'll find.

>> No.14456297

we must help this anon. think about this: if everyone on this board teaches philosophy to their sisters, then they would learn to appretiate men's intellect. that way, we would all have a higher chance.

>> No.14456302

you still need to hit the gym, anon

>> No.14456330


>> No.14456347
File: 138 KB, 1000x813, 1524538645_5991f7600b20b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fitlit/ is the way, faggot

>> No.14456351

I suggest reading about the Pythagoreans and the various esoteric traditions like Rinzai Zen that advocate physical hardship. Turns out lifting could help you reach enlightenment.

>> No.14456375

This sounds interesting... I am going to read about it. Where do you suggest I start?

How do you do it anon?

>> No.14456386

Time management, being motivated.

I'm in the military so maybe it's a little easier for me

>> No.14456395

>How do you do it anon?
By praying for it to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).

>> No.14456427

I see, maybe if I start I will create some motivation.

I will only pray to the One True God: Our Lord Jesus Christ. May your soul find His salvation.

>> No.14456429

read Guenon and then Shankara

>> No.14456458

>Where do you suggest I start?
Iambichus in On the Pythogorean Way of Life describes that the Pythogoreans every day after finishing the lectures and studies in the morning they would turn to physical exercises.
The Rinzai school also apparently forces the monks to do very hard and rigorous exercises such as moving stones or digging and filling the ground. Not sure about other traditions but there seems like a pattern here. Since every genuine esoteric doctrine advocates asceticism and discipline, it makes sense that rigorous physical exercise would also be helpful.

>> No.14456488

Why would you want your sister to be a pleb? You should try to get her to read good philosophers such as Whitehead, who preemptively refuted Guenon.

>> No.14456496

step one:
be friends with your sister
step two:
share your interests, and let her share hers

>> No.14456547

Lead me to the way, /fitlit/ anon.

>> No.14456568
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>> No.14456573

Join the glorious crusade of the guy spamming Dickinson.

>> No.14456811

wasn't she a protestant heretic though?

>> No.14456840

>You should try to get her to read good philosophers such as Whitehead
I presume he loves his sister, so would not want her to become a superficial "art-hoe".

>> No.14457151

Cringe, lifting makes you look and feel better than being sedentary. Mentally and physically. Plus, lifting takes no more than an hour of your day and you're not lifting everything retard.

>> No.14457167

Stop spamming this gnostic non-sense. You realize Guenon and all the traditionalists were against gnosticism, right? Any gnostic terminology is completely out of place in a Guenonian context

>> No.14457217

Gymcels need to stop spamming the "just lift bro hahah" meme. Lifting slabs or metal off the ground will not solve your deep psychological problems. I am all for self discipline and exercise, but lifting is one of the worst ways to do it. It fosters narcissism and obsession with the transient, ephemeral body. Just look at the average person you see in the gym. Do you honestly think that Gym Bro #13 is some enlightened being? Most people I know that have fallen for the gym meme have become more shallow, debaucherous, and escapist in their lifestyle.
Mountaineering is by far the best physical activity for body and soul, hiking is still very good, and general running is also acceptable. Why someone would go to an industrialized consumerist gym and become another image obsessed zombie is beyond me.

>> No.14457343

>Most people do X this way, so that means it's bad!
Cringe logic.
Lifting is good for you. Even professional climbers do assistance work at a gym or some form of plyometrics/calisthenics.
Just exercise. Your haranguing is applying to the people, not the act.

>> No.14457529
File: 87 KB, 1242x1394, 1576640074346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem agitated bro, just lift and repeat some mantras.

>> No.14457562

>posts an Islamic meme
>uses the Hindu terminology of "mantra" that no legitimate Sufi would ever use
Seems like the lifting has been messing with your head anon!

>> No.14457593

>does not understand how the local Persian carpet-weaving forum 4channel memetic language operates
guenonposter detected

>> No.14457611

>posts a stale meme with incorrect terminology
>hahah.... just a meme... right guys... haha...ha..

>> No.14457614

>that no legitimate Sufi would ever use
My father used it extensively. Also there is a hadith stating that Shaykh Guenon has been reported to use it as an analogy. It should be at gornahoor.net

>> No.14457625

how are you doing, guenonposter? did you repeat your daily mantras and EpiCaLly DuNk on them Christcucks today yet?

>> No.14457660

Bait bait.

>> No.14457751

Literal retard

>> No.14457765

I haven't read Guenon and wasn't referring to him at all. Go dilate.

>> No.14457788

Uh the question of the OP specifically asks about Guenon sweetie. Cringe!

>> No.14458318

Excuse me?

>> No.14458336

It would, fill her with cum

>> No.14458376

You heard me right sweetie

>> No.14458632

are you saying the cum has some magical guenonian potency which cannot be baulked?

>> No.14458674

no. don't

>> No.14458831

why not? girls should learn to enjoy guenon so their males can fully enjoy them.

>> No.14459623

reeducation centers plus forced feminization for the too far gone