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/lit/ - Literature

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14452555 No.14452555 [Reply] [Original]

Who does /lit/ side with?

>> No.14452579

John wallis.

>> No.14452584

the cameraman after I give each of them a dull knife

>> No.14452589
File: 95 KB, 475x250, CryptKeeper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cryptkeeper desu

>> No.14452605

I side with Rousseau but actually believe Hobbes

>> No.14452612
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The solitary stroller

>> No.14452621

they're both retards who got it wrong

>> No.14452625

they're both awful and have had massive negative influence

>> No.14452684


>> No.14452690


>> No.14452724


>> No.14452873

Hobbes probably

>> No.14452917

t. Lockefags

>> No.14452947

Rousseau basically destroyed women and he was somehow fine with slavery and indoctrination according with Le mythe du bon sauvage. So, he definitely wins.

>> No.14453064

Why rousseau look's so smug

>> No.14453091
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this has got to be the worst reading of rousseau i've ever seen

>> No.14453183

Rousseau single handedly BTFO Hobbes and Locke in his inequality discourse

>> No.14453257

none, fuck you

>> No.14453780

the only people i can think of that would be butthurt at both hobbes and rousseau are anarchists and divine-right monarchists.

>> No.14453792


>> No.14454210

>it's complicated
>but Hobbes ofc
It should be Hobbes vs Locke

what you expect from the grand father of the snowflakes?

>> No.14455222


>> No.14455331

hobbes because leviathan always has a cool cover

>> No.14455337

is leviathan worth reading?

>> No.14455411


>> No.14456127


>But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

>> No.14456144

It is literally unreadable. Hobbes' writing is worse than Hegel. Read some secondary source instead or Carl Schmitt.

>> No.14456774
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Hobbes isn't even hard you liar

>> No.14456792

Nature hath made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind as
that, though there be found one man sometimes manifestly stronger in
body or of quicker mind than another, yet when all is reckoned together
the difference between man and man is not so considerable as that one
man can thereupon claim to himself any benefit to which another may
not pretend as well as he. For as to the strength of body, the weakest has
strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by
confederacy with others that are in the same danger with himself.
And as to the faculties of the mind, setting aside the arts grounded
upon words, and especially that skill of proceeding upon general and
infallible rules, called science, which very few have and but in few things,
as being not a native faculty born with us, nor attained, as prudence,
while we look after somewhat else, I find yet a greater equality amongst
men than that of strength. For prudence is but experience, which equal
time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto. That which may perhaps make such equality incredible is
but a vain conceit of one’s own wisdom, which almost all men think
they have in a greater degree than the vulgar; that is, than all men but
themselves, and a few others, whom by fame, or for concurring with
themselves, they approve. For such is the nature of men that howsoever
they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent
or more learned, yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as
themselves; for they see their own wit at hand, and other men’s at a
distance. But this proveth rather that men are in that point equal, than
unequal. For there is not ordinarily a greater sign of the equal distribution of anything than that every man is contented with his share.

There is nothing hard about this type of writing at all, if anything it makes it absolutely clear what he's saying to the point of almost over-emphasizing. It personally puts me into a kind of meditative calm mood reading Hobbes. It's certainly not comparable to fucking Hegel

>> No.14456823

What's it like to have an IQ of 75?

>> No.14457960


>> No.14458035

hobbes is such a chad