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/lit/ - Literature

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14449115 No.14449115 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14449121
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let's get ready for 2020, a new you.

>> No.14449125
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what is this book about?

>> No.14449130
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saw this on a chart somewhere

>> No.14449133
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>> No.14449135
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for children, but the adults seem to like it very much.

>> No.14449142
File: 40 KB, 600x300, jocko-willink-600x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's written by a former navy seal

>> No.14449148
File: 16 KB, 200x300, 9780062457738_200x_subtle-art-of-not-giving-a-fck_e-bok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a meme book?

>> No.14449153

that's all i got
are there any /fit/ with /lit/ ingredients books

>> No.14449155

A collection of rambling 4chan posts. Quote on rich people:
>>What could they want, then, you ask, if not to enjoy and show wealth? Just that, freedom and power, that everyone else lacks. They live outside all law and constraint, we are but the material and fodder for their hunger. Their schemes are demented: the movie Mulholland Drive revealed some of what they do, indirectly and with metaphor. They have learned how to harness various kinds of energy, for example, the kind of energy bestowed by human attention in large numbers, and to power certain kinds of machines with it. The attention that Hollywood gets is received and absorbed by a machine of great power, that amplifies it and serves some use. They founded this rite with human sacrifice and human blood, and that is what this movie is about. They know how to harness sexual energy, which is why they persecuted Wilhelm Reich but stole his technology.

>> No.14449177

fine, I will read you next year

>> No.14449182

It's not a self-help book. People think that because the title is a parody of Gorilla Mindset. It is about BAP's observations, the meaning of life, history, many things. His podcast is basically a less polished version of his book.

>> No.14449206

>Gorilla Mindset
huh, mike cernovich. what is his book about then? is it a good book?

>> No.14449307
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>> No.14449348

I haven't read Gorilla Mindset but I reckon it's about having the mindset of a gorilla.

>> No.14449356
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>> No.14449363
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Are you man enough for the seal pill?

>> No.14449372

mental illness is rarely genetic, retard. This usually happens because of some mistake in the childhood that led to outcasting, some cycle of misbehavior that led to the punishment from the society which continued until the person turned himself into timid and domesticated animal that can't allow itself even think and express emotions freely without thinking about usefulness to the society and morally 'right' behavior, living his miserable frustrated life constantly objectifying it, considering it as some skill or level that needs to be 'improved'. They don't even have their own values, only those which are imposed by the society: girlfriend, sex, high salary, etc..

They had all chances to get all of it if they didn't bend to the system and had a dad and a spine and a ground to stand on, because even most ugly, anti-social, poor but confident in themselves men I've seen have girlfriends or wives, but what defines loser is that he constantly thinks and cares about his loser status, he turns itself into a biorobot and hence is doomed to be abandoned by the people around himself, because he is unnatural, he isn't a real human. Real self-improvement is being yourself in its true sense of word, admitting your mistakes and your past and living your own life with your own thoughts and what you consider as 'growth', not some random dude that puts obvious thoughts into books to earn some money on you. Thinking it's all genetical is an insecure loser cope.

>> No.14449449
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>> No.14449475
File: 276 KB, 675x920, sooymer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a person with a penis, but no man, male.

>> No.14449476


If you're doing this you should do his other books. And listen to his podcast.