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14446685 No.14446685 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is the homeless problem at your local library?
For the past year my library has been swarming with homeless people and I'm sick of it. I understand that they need a place to go, but I just want to read and check out books in peace without getting screamed at by crackheads who smell like piss.

>> No.14446687

In my country we call the police and they shoot them for us.

>> No.14446702

>oh no the public in my public place
go to a bookstore then faggot

>> No.14446711

Is this just an American thing?

>> No.14446718

Let me guess: you either live in a 3rd world hellhole or you're American.

>> No.14446720
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That's one /fa/ hobo. Bringing back hobocore in the 2020s

>> No.14446729

The latter.

>> No.14446731

Cops shoo them out here.

>> No.14446752

Thats only the ones drinking/using drugs or fighting with patrons though

>> No.14446765

OP here, I think so. I have a few friends from Europe and South America and they all seem pretty alarmed by how homeless people just set up camp at the library.
When I lived in Canada a few years ago I never encountered this problem. Then again, maybe homeless people in Canada are just rarer and better cared for than in Burgerland.

>> No.14446771

what's up with tactical hobos? what do they do?

>> No.14446780


>> No.14446788

I don't think there are any actually sleep on the street hobos in my town. I've certainly never seen one.

>> No.14446813

if you live in a smaller town, you probably won't see many. medium-sized cities are where you start to see them everywhere and it's really depressing.

>> No.14446815
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Help end capitalism.
The only way to make sure.

>> No.14446822

i went into my city library (brisbane australia) . and it was filled to the brim with homeless people on all the computers and charging their phones

>> No.14446830

We don't really have homeless people here, it's practically impossible to become one, unless you do it on purpose or are Romanian
And even then they get a free bus ride back home and would likely freeze to death in winter

>> No.14446865

>I understand that they need a place to go
>homeless problem

>> No.14446869
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>jimmy dore

>> No.14446870
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ive missed u buttercunt. i just wanted u to no.
my little general still rises every morning to give you a full 3 inch salute.
i dont have the creative juices to craft a shitpost.

i tried reading kafka on the shore and then dropped it after 30 pages. im now giving american psycho a try.

>Head of the Army...
>disputed last words of some dead french "manlet"

>> No.14446876
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>Ugly anime

>> No.14446891
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Is this one better for you?

>> No.14446912



>> No.14446940

Vancouver is swarming with homeless people.

>> No.14446943

What’s your beef with Jimmy Dore?

>> No.14446952


>> No.14446986

Mostly that I don't like his content or think he's funny. He also seems to play unnecessarily hot and loose with the facts to make his points.

>> No.14447001

libraries are nothing but hobo shelters. major metro in burgerstan. i refuse to enter a library. i'll pay $3 for my books at a used store to avoid getting volumes a hobo dried jizz off his cock with.

libraries are a waste of taxpayer money
>full of hobos
>always having tranny drag queen reading hour and "shit on white people" day
>only books they have are harry potter and rupi kaur
shut them down.

>> No.14447020

I prefer a hobo to most visitors at the libraries.

>> No.14447022

You are fucking pussy. If you don't like hobos just read fairy tales in your iPad.

>> No.14447034

i see way more homeless in bc than i did in boston

>> No.14447037
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>pundit filters news to you in amusing manner
>It’s not funny
>It’s not pulitzer prize worthy journalism
And yet he delivers the best news. Now that Colbert and Stewart are gone. He’s the go-to man

>> No.14447078

Even if that were true it doesn't mean I cant find him cringe af.

>> No.14447079

t. liberal in ivory tower suburb who has never been within 3 feet of an actual hobo

>> No.14447091

Until there is someplace for homeless people there will be homeless at libraries. Unfortunate, but what do you expect them to do? The ones in my area are pretty quiet thankfully.

>> No.14447132

Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.14447440

>only books they have are harry potter and rupi kaur
I think you're confusing libraries with Barnes & Noble

>> No.14447480

Yeah, go ahead. The book is the post. Clearly a shop

>> No.14447483

I saw some old guy watching gay porn

>> No.14447498

>she thinks I didn't know
you're sweet for a terf bug lady

>> No.14447882
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>Wayland MA
The whole town is white and rich as hell so we’re fine. They have nice artist and author talks in the atrium sometimes too. Goddamn it’s so comfy guys, I love my library.

>> No.14448032

Not Denver.

>> No.14448053

that guy just looks like the lead singer of boredoms

>> No.14448857

I live in Sakurashimmachi, Tokyo. My local library is overrun by old people and hobos, they are there sleeping, spacing out, reading the news paper... There aren't any seat available to sit down and read.

>> No.14448944

Richmond public library is way better than VPL. Sure the VPL main branch is very nice but there are way less homeless in Richmond and even the Brighouse main branch of the RPL is almost completely devoid of homeless despite being very close to city centre.

>> No.14448971

non issue unless you go to the state library then they are all charging phones

>> No.14448994

I plan on becoming homeless soon, currently in ontario, willing to travel. I don't drink, do drugs or smoke. I'm mostly worried about where to sleep/stay warm. I have enough money saved for cheap food I think.

>> No.14449016

Terry was quite fa too

>> No.14449020

Workaway or wwoof

>> No.14449021

How do hobos survive the winters?

>> No.14449043

They often don't, but also there are places that only open shelter in the Winter

>> No.14449071

Shut up faggot hat

>> No.14449088

they don't, it's just new ones every year

>> No.14449104

being homeless is a meme and during winter they stay on some friends couch/garage. people larp as homeless because they are druggies and begging in cities makes about as much as min wage or more.

>> No.14449685

huh. i didn't know japan had a hobo problem. i always see depicitions of them being cleanly and building nicer looking hut villages out of the way.

are they all on drugs and committing violent crimes like ours?

>> No.14450481


>> No.14450494

They are harmless, but doesn't change the fact that they smell like shit.
There's a shitload of homeless people in Tokyo, most of them are around Ueno park, Akihabara and central shinjuku.

>> No.14450840

America's brutal class society, which has more homeless people than Uganda or Guatemala btw, does very little to accommodate the homeless. The library at my hometown, though an architecturally beautiful civic religionist ode to the civil war, certainly has its share of the homeless for being in a relatively poor city. I just don't use the bathrooms and ignore them. I don't see them as a problem and can't blame them for seeking shelter.

>> No.14450882

They have a whole shadow off the grid society, it's weird af.

>> No.14450951

This. OP looks like he's styled by Kanye.
>military boots
>military shirt
>light blue distressed jeans

>> No.14451204

Some move south in the winter. Austin had always had a big homeless population because of the warmer climate, tolerant attitude and being a magnet for burnouts. I worked in a used bookstore there where we were tolerant of them as long as they didn’t make a scene or hang out forever. Some would make small purchases and you could tell it meant something to them to participate in commercial society like that but others stole, smelled or jerked off in the bathroom.

>> No.14451444

>tfw this guy found his way back to his family and got a happy ending as a result of all the /fa/me
Good for him

>> No.14451583

how does a person who literally lives on the street and dosen't shower have better skin than me

>> No.14451713


>> No.14451723

>why does a person that exercises every day, eats healthy and without excess, and who lives like humans were designed to live, without artificial soap and hot water to dry out their dermis and remove their natural protective bodily oils have good skin and a healthy appearance
Gee I don't know anon. Did you maybe consider stopping eating like a pig, sitting on your ass all day, and jerking it to loli rape doujins?

>> No.14451734

Showering is bad for skin

>> No.14451747

Japan is extremely strict and demanding, of course there are people who crack and end up on the streets.
There's also a big problem of stimulant abuse inherited from ww2 when many soldiers were pumped full of drugs, and it created a culture and social arena for drug abuse that has survived to this day.
Go watch Tokyo Godfathers, a very comfy anime about japanese homeless that also is extremely good timing to watch on new years.

>> No.14452404

Be ready to fumigate your home in a month. Bedbugs are a bitch

>> No.14452626

do you live in a democrat majority city OP?

>> No.14452656

Not only are there a bunch of hobos at my library (new britain, CT) but for some fucking reason these rats congregate in the silent section of the library, and guess what, they’re never fucking silent

>> No.14452666

Landlords should be hanged and every person should be able to be housed and given the mental healthcare they need. Americans can be fooled into this by saying it's a war they must win. Oh, and also hanging war profiteers and politicians.

>> No.14452686
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>> No.14452712

it isn't bad op
i live in a rich area so i don't see hobos at the local library

idk why these anons are so shocked
libraries are free water, free internet, free books, and a warm place to hang out during daytime
if i was a hobo i'd camp out in the library desu

>> No.14453868


>> No.14454082

Haha wowww okay, THIS anon is feelin’ the Bern!!!