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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 500x655, Emily-Dickinson-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14446344 No.14446344 [Reply] [Original]

Write a poem to our queen

>> No.14446428

From afar will descend, the beauty of
Love. From below will ascend the ugly
Soul. I cannot see, thee, my milk-white dove.
Can I ever embrace your light snugly?

>> No.14446696


>> No.14446750

I wrote a sonnet about her but I'm keeping it to myself. I love her and I will not share my love of her with any of you philistines. <3

>> No.14447072

Please share it anon :3

>> No.14447081 [DELETED] 

shitting up the board with his sick fantasy
and i, anon, am subjected to it...

escape, fails me..
and so i post

>> No.14447122 [DELETED] 

Sonnet #14447120 by Anon

>> No.14447135

I'm very sorry you are remember like this, right now. In a den of neckbeards, where you don't belong. Even my defense of you is painfully cringe-worthy, to create some immortal idealization of you who would give a fuck as to whether or not you are "offended" or not. For one I barely even know you, I can't remember a single poem about you and you come to mind only as "some female poet." So my exaltation of you is an insult, and I am writing about you just to write words to amuse my fellow neckbeards in a get-other-people-angry MORPG.

>> No.14447144

Near-ripe barley, not yet time for the scythe
Fairest cream of the fertile cow, still warm
Winking from the ice, malt liquor, my vice
Lips that bite the cherry, your nares thus harm
Singed with sterile breathe, alcoholic mist
Neck erect like flower stem, with breasts flat
Washboard ribcage, soft, supple, blessed with kiss
Trailing down to navel, hips, waist with fat
Teething on her inner thighs, down I go
Licking on her feet, sucking on her toes

>> No.14447208
File: 182 KB, 1159x1600, James-Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the biggest coomers in all of history were of normal physique. You are a delusional man, creating strawmen from the anonymous man. I love Emily with all my heart, and I would give her the world.

>> No.14447335

Most gems are hidden,
as sad it may be

Far under the earth,
concealed beneath

For sharing your gems,
you made with the pen

I can only thank you,
again and again

>> No.14447643
File: 9 KB, 182x276, 1572990215412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is good actually

>> No.14447771

Would you let her devour your soul? That is indeed what you are doing, feeding her your sentiment when she is a ghost, an apparition that you pour yourself into.
You're no different from the man with an anime waifu, only the genre is different.

>> No.14447785


>> No.14447790

>the man with an anime waifu
Not the guy you responded to, but I have one. Don't knock it till you try it. I can talk out all of my emotional problems with her. She's great.

>> No.14447793
File: 150 KB, 1172x659, 1572893469654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14447809

She's a real person. She's not a fictional character. I'm an obsessive lover. There's no difference between her and some other girl who will never let me cuddle with her or kiss. I'm not a virgin, I keep my neck shaven and I have a good BMI. Any strawman you have falls flat.

>> No.14447947
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, blackholechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your love going to? A dead memory of someone who no longer exists, a phantom. A black hole of non-existence.
This phantom is just one of many mouths of the All-Devourer, the true God, who renders all into nothingness. To affirm the nihilism of your action is to affirm your love of God, and so rather than turning away from the gullet you stuff yourself into, I encourage you to let yourself be swallowed further into it. How much can you give "her?"
all of life is just the tenderization of meat in preparation for the final feast.