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14444540 No.14444540 [Reply] [Original]

how do i achieve the smoker aesthetic without fucking up my lungs?

>> No.14444547

Just pull out and don't inhale.

>> No.14444548

Don't inhale. Use a pipe or cigar.

>> No.14444551
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>smoker aesthetic

>> No.14444556

Vape like the Bitch you are

>> No.14444558

I thought this was /fa/ oh my god.
Just ban me.

>> No.14444570
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Just post /fa/ philosophers and the mods wont notice.

>> No.14444685

smoke cock instead

>> No.14444743

Just start smoking and soon you will be addicted and you won’t care

>> No.14445158

you just draw the smoke into your throat then push it out immediately. don't actually need to inhale fully.

>> No.14445166

be honest /lit/, would you?

>> No.14445180

I know you meant to post in /fa/, but /lit/ can help with your problem.
Smoking is just a slow, stylish suicide, my friend. We stare sadly at the swirling silver smoke to find salvation for our sinful souls.

>> No.14445237

fuck your lungs,

>> No.14445382

/fa/ af

>> No.14445431

1 or 2 cigs a week wouldnt kill you right?

>> No.14445447


You can't.

>> No.14445449

You'll only fuck up your teeth and have bad breath don't worry OP

>> No.14445450

if you have to ask the question, then it might.

>> No.14445472

only way is to dive right in. if you don't really smoke people will be able to tell

>> No.14445514

Pipe tobacco and roll your own. Although I suggest just smoking a pipe. It's not a pretentious thing, they're genuinely good. And the amount of flavors out there is incredible. Get yourself a corncob from missouri meerschaum and a subtle aromatic. You won't regret it. Also you can smoke inside and most people enjoy the smell.
t. sombody who smoked Red 100s for half my life before switching to pipe master race

>> No.14445535

if you're smoking occasionally might I suggest choosing the cigar or pipe instead.
If you're smoking cigarettes you're gonna end up smoking them everyday

>> No.14445538
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Thing about pipes is that you can't really smoke them in public without coming off as a weirdo.
Especially if you are a scrawny virgin /lit/ poster.

>> No.14445584

disapproving looks, if any, makes me savour each puff all the more

>> No.14445593

>not being /fit/ /lit/
Do you lack agency? Train your mind and body, cuck.
You only get weird looks if you don't demand respect and try to act pretentious. I only smoke a corncob in public. And I keep it tucked in the palm of my hand so it doesn't come off as attention whoring.

>> No.14445605
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Smoking is not harmful in the first place. There is not a single shred of hard evidence to show that smoking causes cancer. To date, there is not a single study showing tobacco smoke causing cancer in any animal subject. Contrary to being a substance of harm, tobacco smoking is closer to a panacea than any other substance, it increases youth hormones like DHEA and testosterone, increases focus, has antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, raises glutathione, inhibits MAO, the list goes on and lastly expands the boundaries of human cognition. Look at any list of prominent scientist or philosopher of the past 500 years; the overwhelming majority were tobacco smokers. Why wouldn't you be? It increases productivity, intelligence, and lowers your risk for Parkinson's Disease. The only reason people don't smoke is because they are NPCs that think SMOKE = BAD.

>> No.14445630
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Working out is boring and will produce nothing from me.

>> No.14445650

If you want to smoke occasionally -- by which I mean once a day or less -- go with cigars or a pipe. I have known pack-a-month smokers but in general cigs are the tobacco equivalent of junk food.

>> No.14445707


Shoot heroin.

>> No.14445731

The ultimate rebuttal to "have sex".

>> No.14445883

Like this: https://youtu.be/t_8_NVcM2Q0

>> No.14445910
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By smoking.

>> No.14445912

Just have a pack handy in case someone's snapping pics

>> No.14445944

Heroin is dead. HA is dying becuase the old smug heroin cunts are having to let in the fentanyl users.

>> No.14446055

smoke menthols

>> No.14447097

Only negros do that.