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/lit/ - Literature

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14441131 No.14441131 [Reply] [Original]

So how was your reading this year?

>> No.14441264

Pretty good 1/2

>> No.14441272
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Fuck I forgot the picture.

>> No.14441281
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>> No.14441341

I managed to read:
Commie manifesto
Principles - Ray Dalio
Devils of Loudon - Aldous Huxley
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky

>> No.14442718
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you didn't read much at the end of the year senpai, you fucked up
but still good and autonomous taste

>Japanese tales
That's nice, I love tales too. Reading Incas tales and myths atm.
Cringe on the Star Wars.

>Ghost stories
Yes that's probably nice too

>> No.14442740

>Longest green-text I have ever read

Whatever is great though

>> No.14442771
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Wonderful. I have such good taste

>> No.14442801

Are you applying Principles?

>> No.14442806

greentext me on whatever

>> No.14442844

reading seems to just an ends, useless waste of time. why the would you read all that garbage

>> No.14442903

nice english bro
maybe read more

>> No.14442917


>> No.14443062


>> No.14443087

Very nice, read some interesting books, started imagining scenes better

>> No.14443091

>started imagining scenes better
I have huge issues with this. I think I basically don't really imagine things. And any time a writer describes someone as "long face" or "eyes sharp", I imagine a caricature that ruins the imagery.

>> No.14443139

Pretty bad, 20 shity books including the commie manifesto

>> No.14443155

Yeah it's gotten a bit better but it's still hard, especially when trying to imagine people

>> No.14443232

to keep the thread alive, what's your goal for next year?

I want to read bigger books, so i'll settle for something like 24

>> No.14443258

At least 50 books

>> No.14443302
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rate my year bros. dont hold back

Harassment Architecture- Mike Ma

Finally Some Good News- Delicious Tacos

Selfie Suicide- Logo

Sun and Steel- Mishima

King Warrior Magician Lover - Moore and Gillette

Beyond Good and Evil- Neecha

Antichrist/ Twilight of the idols- Neecha

Industrial Society and its Future- Ted K

Technological Slavery- Ted K

The Fourth Political Theory- Dugin

>> No.14443314

Deeply susceptible to memes imo

>> No.14443315
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I'm going for mostly non-fiction next year and finally starting with the greeks

>> No.14443324
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Didnt hit 52, and read some good books, but only one or two amazing ones.

>> No.14443340

Retarded zoomer tier

>> No.14443399

•Brothers Karamazov
•A century of horrors
•The unbearable lightness of being
•Clockwork Orange
•Leviathan - T. Hobbes
•psychology of the unconscious - C.G. Jung
•The Antichrist
•Two essays on analytical psychology - C.G. Jung
• Culture of narcissism - C. Lasch
• The minimal self - C. Lasch
•Human condition - Hannah Arendt
• The betrayal of the west - Jacques Ellul
• the red and the black
•Fedro - Plato
•Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
•Sickness unto death - Soren Kierkegaard
• Politic - Aristotle
Pretty proud of my reading this year /lit/ , many of the books on this list were recommendations from this very board, and i wanted to thank you all for this. You are all self entitled worthless pieces of shits, but here and there a piece of gold is crapped out of here. Happy New year.

>> No.14443423

Happy new year, lad

>> No.14443434
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>ywn read the red and the black for the first time again

>> No.14443441

1. Middlemarch
2. Berlin Alexanderplatz
3. The Farm in the Green Mountains
4. Illuminations (Walter Benjamin)
5. The Torch in My Ear (Elias Canetti)
6. A Good School
7. Old School
8. The Morning Watch
9. Puritan Village
10. The Puritan Dilemna
11. A Coffin for King Charles
12. Doctor Faustus
13. Doctor Zhivago
14. Red Cavalry
15. The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
16. O Pioneers
17. Eleven Kinds of Loneliness
18. Prince of Darkness and Other Stories
19. Augustus
20. Walter Benjamin the Story of a Friendship by Gersom Scholem
21. In Hazard by Richard Hughes
22. Go to thee Widow-maker
23. Gilead
24. Tender is the Night
26. A Time of Gifts
27. Cold Hand in Mine
28. The Black Spider
29. The Search for Joseph Tully
30. The Winter’s Tale
31. Woodcutters
32. The Piano Teacher

>> No.14443448

v. comfy

>> No.14443493

>80 pages

Do you read large-print versions of books or something? Bartleby is like 10 pages, if that.

>> No.14443549


>> No.14443591
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Less reading than last year... But discovered based De Lillo

>> No.14443640

>Eleven Kinds of Loneliness

Are these good? I have these on my to-read list and was thinking of reading them next, particularly Yates.

>> No.14443692

Hunger -Hamsun
Silence -Endo
Stoner -Williams
Junkie -Burroughs
Moon over Wapokeneta -Martone
Collected poems -Rimbaud
Meditations -Descartes
Theatre & Double -Artaud
E Unibus Pluram -Wallace
Much Ado -Shakespeare
Godot -Beckett
Midsummer -Shakespeare
Dumb Waiter -Pinter
Hamlet -Shakespeare
Antigone -Sophocles
Tartuffe -Moliere
A whole slew of modern plays that I don't care to list

I'm also reading Catch-22, but I'm probably not going to finish that by the end of the year

>> No.14443720
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Kinda dreadful. Way to much speedreading followed by months without any reading at all.

>> No.14443734
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I read 50 books last year, this one I read like 12...

>> No.14443769
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I'm pretty happy about this year. Managed to get through a lot of my classics books I still had to read. Spent some time rereading Tacitus' Annals which I found even better on my 3rd read through.
The Big Clock and Scott Mclanahans books were real dark horses for me. I really enjoyed them.

>> No.14443776

How was El hilo del minotauro? any good?

>> No.14443819

I just read 5 or 6 books this year, same as the last, like the pleb I am.
I'll try to do much better in 2020.

>> No.14443838

I’ve read the following: most by Palahniuk, everything by Nietzsche, everything by Schopenhauer, everything by John Gray, everything by Dostoyevsky, everything by Lovecraft, everything by Cioran, David Benatar, Tropic of Cancer, Nihil Unbound, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, Demonic Males, Sick Societies, The Great Leveler, Collapse, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, The Picture Of Dorian Gray, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Edgar Allen Poe, The Phantom of the Opera, A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho, The Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse-Five, Naked Lunch, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Lord of the Flies, The Bell Jar, J.G. Ballard, Nick Land, The Island Of Doctor Moreau, In The Dust Of This Planet, The World Without Us, The Road, Marquis de Sade, Georges Bataille, Michel Houellebecq, A Natural History of Rape, Pentti Linkola, The Sixth Extinction, Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence, Guy R. McPherson, Against the Grain, Spillover, The Optimism Bias, The Science of Evil, After Eden, Ages of Discord, The Prince, Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself and lastly I want to read Philip Mainlander.

>> No.14443860

Anything above 20 is good enough for me

>> No.14443928
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Cool that nobody has read that Ian Hodder Book

Pretty good

>> No.14443933
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Part 2 is for ants only

>> No.14443974

They are both good. My one criticism of EKoL is a story about a writer. The tb ward stories were both excellent. Also loved the one about the teacher trying to help out a city boy student adjust to a new more genteel suburban elementary school.

There’s a lot of fun stuff about Middlemarch, mainly the small town politics comedy and the greedy relatives of a dying miser. A couple of Victorian tropes are my main criticism - ne’er do well son redeemed by hard work, the love of a good woman and the interventions of a kindly wise pastor. But I guess if you read 19th century English novels, they come with the territory. Also Eliot has a good prose style and she was pretty witty.

>> No.14443992
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>> No.14444028
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Rip my reading.

>> No.14444335

Stupid zoomers

>> No.14444398

It's more like 50 pages, definitely not 10 or less.

>> No.14444594

t. boomer

>> No.14444607

but the things i got memed into were good.

what did you read this year?

thank you

>> No.14444739
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Jobs and women are for suckers.

>> No.14444898

This place is filled with people who hardly read. I wish you people would fuck off. You have nothing to contribute here.

>> No.14444935

Post your list then, big guy.

>> No.14445172

I already did >>14441272

>> No.14445176

holy based

>> No.14445241 [DELETED] 
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My worst year for reading real books since 2015, partly because I watched too many movies.

>> No.14445301

rule 15

>> No.14445426

/lit/ is too slow and boring for the barneyfag poster to seriously derail any thread and I'm too lazy to black out the MLP comics in paint

>> No.14445503 [DELETED] 
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Had to cheat with graphic novels cuz I was late

based hilda-fag

>> No.14445567
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Hang yourself

>> No.14445583

you've got some Quentin Tarantino threads on /tv/ to spam

>> No.14445919

Neet retard

>> No.14445952

What the fuck, that's my list you nigger.

>> No.14445964

What the fuck are you talking about? I posted those pictures.

>> No.14446829

er Dostojevskij-oversettelsene bra?

>> No.14447060

52 books. 19 non-fiction, 32 fiction. About 25% UK authors, 25% US authors, 25% NZ/German/Japan authors, the other 25% from Canada, Sweden, Iran, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, and China. Favourite reads:

Evelyn Waugh - Decline and Fall: unbelievably funny, ignore the racist chapter if that's not your stuff. I liked it more than Brideshead.

Franz Kafka - Short Stories. Just read this already if you haven't.

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss. An unbelievable portrait of family and duty in a crumbling provincial world. Best part was when Maggie was talking about why she adores her brother so much, and recalls her earliest memory of her standing by the river Floss in the darkness while holding his hand.

Jung Chang - Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. Easy, entertaining pop-history.

Natsume Soseki - Kokoro. Another easy book with an interesting, epistolary style. About a guy caught between tradition and modernity

Janet Frame - You Are Now Entering the Human Heart. An extremely evocative writer. Ridiculously sad. Best story is Snowman, Snowman, an absurdly ambitious novella told from the perspective of a melting snowman.

Haruki Murakami - After the Quake. I've read four novels by him and didn't think much of most of them. His short stories are hit and miss, but the good ones (Landscape with Flatiron, Honey Pie) convince me that he should just drop the fantasy gimmicks and write short stories.

Disappointing reads:

Bruno Schulz - Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass. It's just Street of Crocodiles but not as good.

Hiroko Oyamada - Factory. Interesting setting, but that's it. Nothing happens and the characters are almost non-existent. Maybe that's "the point", but it still doesn't make for compelling reading.

Tom Robbins - Still Life With Woodpecker. Edgy, juvenile, overly cutesy and excessive. Like a more verbose, less talented Kurt Vonnegut. Don't bother with it

Christopher Lasch - Revolt of the Elites. The Culture of Narcissism is one of my favourite books, but this one was a bit of a letdown. It kind of falls apart halfway through and starts being notes on various 19th century thinkers. I've yet to read True and Only Heaven, which I think is the apex of his political thought. This seems to stand more as an epilogue to that.

>> No.14448513

I don't run a business, my entrepreneur type friend gave it to me. I do like it's approach with regards to honesty

>> No.14448639

I guess so. I have nothing to compare them to, but they seem good enough. Fairly old and has that "old style" and old words like "lapsete" med mer, but it feels right

>> No.14448704

How the fuck does it say no one read Aristotle

>> No.14448717

It's probably just that specific translation.

>> No.14449091

Disastrous. I'm but a shadow of myself.

>> No.14449488
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it was good
top ten:
>10. László Krasznahorkai - Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens
>9. Anne Carson - If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho
>8. Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
>7. Charles Portis - True Grit
>6. Thomas Mann - Death in Venice and Other Stories
>5. Olaf Stapledon - Star Maker
>4. Jane Bowles - Two Serious Ladies
>3. Flann O'Brien - The Third Policeman
>2. Alfred Döblin - Berlin Alexanderplatz
>1. William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury

>> No.14449574
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Guan Hanqing - The Injustice to Dou E
Lao-zi - The Daodejing
Unknown - The Kudrunlied
Solomon Volkov; Dmitri Shostakovich - Testimony
Alexander Pushkin - Ruslan and Ludmila
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Michel Houellebecq - Whatever
Lev Shestov - Dostoevsky and Nietzsche
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes from the underground
Yukio Mishima - The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Lev Tolstoy - The death of Ivan Ilich
Liu Zhang - The tale of how Zhong Kui stopped the Demons
Thomas Bernhard - The Lime Works
Richard Wagner - Tristan und Isolde
Knut Hamsun - Hunger
Péter Wintermantel - A history of Hungaro-Japanese relations
Yu Hua - China in ten words
Henrik Ibsen - The wild duck
Henry Longfellow - The Song of Hiawatha
Shen Fu - The old man of the moon
Matsuo Basho - Selected Haiku
Thomas Bernhard - Old Masters
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Sophocles - Antiogne
Sophocles - Philoctetes
Dante - Inferno
Thomas Mann - The sorrows and greatness of Richard Wagner
Natsume Soseki - Selected Haiku
Dezső Kosztolányi - Anna Édes
William Shakespeare - Hamlet
William Shakespeare - Macbeth
Mihály Babits - The Nightmare
Akutagawa Ryunosuke - The life of a stupid man
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Péter Hajnóczy - Death rode out from Persia
Mihály Babits - All over my life
Péter Hajnóczy - The Isolator (Essay)

>> No.14450899
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I'm happy with how many books I got done. Definitely the most I've read in a single year. In 2020 I want to try and maintain the volume of books, but get into denser stuff. My favorites from this year were The Pale King, The Confessions, Blood Meridian, and The Republic.

On China - Henry Kissinger
World Order - Henry Kissinger
Commentaries on the Gallic War - Julius Ceaser
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
Vacationland - John Hodgman
Jar of Fireflies - Karl Roskamp
The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
China Airborne - James Fallows
The Pale King - David Foster Wallace
Hallucinogens and Shamanism - Michael Harner
The Great Canon - St. Andrew of Crete
Shark's Fin and Sichuan Pepper - Fuchsia Dunlop
As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
Graded Chinese Reader, 500 Words - Shi Ji
Deng Xiaoping - Alexander Pantsov
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
Exit West - Mohsin Hamid
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
The Confessions - St. Augustine of Hippo
The Romanovs - Simon Sebag Montefiore
The New Right - Michael Malice
On Grace and Free Will - St. Augustine of Hippo
The Analects - Confucius
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
Gems of Chinese Verse - W J B Fletcher
Standard Course HSK 3 - Liping Jiang
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
The Governance of China - Xi Jinping
Rise of the Monkey King - Jeff Pepper
The Governance of China II - Xi Jinping
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters - Jason Stearns
Nicea and It's Legacy - Lewis Ayers
Africa's World War - Gérard Prunier
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Innocents Abroad - Mark Twain
Burmese Days - George Orwell
The Republic - Plato
The Rational Optimist - Matt Ridley
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli

Very nice


>> No.14450923

>Richard Wagner - Tristan und Isolde
wait a second, you're counting opera libretti?
did you read it separately from listening to the opera or read along when listening?
also have you read the thomas mann short story 'tristan' (i assume you probably did seeing as you read another mann book about wagner, but if not, you should)

>> No.14450928
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I've read 31 books. Happy 2020 you beautiful bastards. You made me company through this year and made me buy a lot of books. Cheers brothers.

>> No.14452070

damn, I read 5 of those, Light in August was good shit

>> No.14452071

read 75 books this year so it wasn't a total waste of time. for 2020 I have an actual reading plan

>> No.14452173
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I had a shitty year. The Savage Detectives is the only book I've read that I would consider to be great

>> No.14452182
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>> No.14452186

I don't actually read books, I just come here to argue with people.

>> No.14452196

Yeah, one of Faulkner's best, but I still think I prefer Absalom, Absalom and TSATF

>> No.14452206

No love for Theogony, Camus, Dr Jekyll and /or Slaughterhouse-Five?

>> No.14452235

I forgot about the Myth of Sisyphus. That was great too. Everything else, including Hesiod and Vonnegut, were meh

>> No.14452241

Not sure how to post the long screen capture but read 50 this year. Best year for me so far, hope to hit 52 next year. Most were history.
