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/lit/ - Literature

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14438691 No.14438691 [Reply] [Original]

Hideous day.
I've been dragged to a m*ll with the excuse of watching a movie, and a terrible comedy flick at that.
That's not the point though.
Out of curiosity I looked into the "book shop" and scanned through the books while also keeping an eye on the readership.
Hienous outcome.
The walls were covered in waste paper.
Their narrative section was composed of copies upon copies of Moyes, Green, Niffeneger (I don't know who that is. I remember the name because I found it amusing) Yoshimoto, Murakami and other such aborigines.
This is where most people lurked, mainly untouchable womanoids, 40 something yo wine gurging spinsters and a few zoomers in the manga section which was just next to narrative.
The only attractive woman grabbed a book by one Nicholas Sparks and ran to the counter.
The only Joyce I could find was in the fiction area, it was an old dusty copy of Ulysses.
There was one copy of Infinite Jest which I did not dare to touch.
4 or 5 copies of "Can a lie ever be noble by Kant" also in the fiction section next to Green.
The section on Religion and History (weird pairing) counted about a dozen copies of the I ching, many books by Osho, all the Self help books a man could read while serving a life sentence, Ho to unlock your Chakra, The Kamasutra, The Book of answers and even a Talmud. Not a single Bible except one "Marriage Bible" another self help book.
History was your run of the mill pamphlets on the Egyptians and something about Roman history.
A big funko pop stack just next to the counter, various gadgets and useless plastic junk.
They had a good comic book section though so I grabbed an Corto Maltese omnibus and read it for 15 minutes.

>> No.14439195
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Based and cortomaltesepilled