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14438161 No.14438161 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14438169

but this fat fuck will die before he finishes it
so dont even bother

>> No.14438182

It's very good. It's extremely dense, under the hood-- he's really taken Hemingway to heart.

It's not literature by any stretch of the imagination, because he doesn't seem to have much to say. But as an exercise in worldbuilding, it's up there with Tolkien.

Watch some of Preston Jacob's theory videos if you want to see how much thought Georgie puts into these books. My favorite thing Preston picked up on was that in one chapter, some characters go into an inn to meet with a group of rebels. The one-sentence description of the three horses sitting outside the inn match, on closer examination, the colors and dispositions of three major power players in the area of the inn, and this when connected with an offhand line spoken my the tavernkeep there many chapters earlier reveals which groups support which claimant to the throne, where they get their funding and support, and who they'll side with when Danaerys invades.

Now, none of that is going to change your life. But it can be extremely diverting.

>> No.14438275

nah it's shite

>> No.14438301

It was my favourite fantasy series, then the show became disgustingly popular for a lot of years and kinda blurred my past perspective of ASOIAF. Still, I think it's great, but I wouldn't start it until the fat fuck announces book six

>> No.14438302

The first book is, the whole story really should have just been one standalone novel.

>> No.14438531

It is for when you've outgrown Forgotten Realms, but are still intimidated by Ivanhoe or Mort d'Artur. I enjoyed the setting, and the characters, of A Game Of Thrones. From its conception, it was intended to be adapted for screen, which is why the first book ends like it does. There are prequels focucing on separate aspects of the books but you really just need the first five to call yourself well-versed.

I highly recommend T.H. White's The Once And Future King. The novel is of the same reading-level, and GRRM remains unabashedly inspired by it.

>> No.14438544

It's fun and an easy read

>> No.14438656

I hate medieval shit.

>> No.14438696

yes, great characters, dialogue and worldbuilding. Absolute atrocious sex scenes though.

Also Boltons best house.

>> No.14438707

He could finish it before dying, but I doubt he wants to now that the show is over.

>> No.14438713

I get that he wants to write a story with a large ensemble cast, but he really should have fewer POV characters, whole chapters in this series should have been scraped that follow boring characters in favor of the major (and interesting) ones.

>> No.14438724

Yeah, but the series should have just been a trilogy like its fatass author originally intended.

>> No.14438726

No, Martin cribs all his ideas from Tad Williams, a much better writer.

>> No.14438753

Tad Williams is serviceable writer but I wouldn't call him good by any stretch. If anything his multiple POV characters are worse than Martins

>> No.14439059

I found the prose got better by Storm of Swords. Haven't read fourth book and will probably just wait to see if there will even be an ending as >>14438169 is totally possible. That said, first three could be said to stand alone as a story arch for many characters, would recommend if you want something slow with some mystery and haven't seen the show.

>> No.14439062
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Pinball > Books > Show

>> No.14439099

It's alright if you like cocks and slick cunts and strawberry pie with mint sauce and unfinished stories

>> No.14439324

Agreed but I never feel like it's easy to read because it's stupid or absent-minded, which is usually the type of book which that phrase is used to describe.

>> No.14439334

I actually played this shit at a local arcarde, couldn't for the life of me figure out anything that was going on. Would probably help if I had pinball skills, because then I could have manipulated the ball enough to figure out event triggers, like why the Battle of Blackwater happened every run.

>> No.14439339

Pretty good if you want a trip to fantasy world of incredible detail and variety of perspectives, but unfinished, possibly forever.

>> No.14439344

The goat

>> No.14439361

good if your 16 and just getting to reading