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14438025 No.14438025 [Reply] [Original]

>Got my first job, working in a warehouse owned by a major retailer through a recruitment firm
>One 30 minute, unpaid break per 8 hour shift
>Facility runs 24 hours a day, you get a semi-random assortment of 8 hour shifts in the morning, evening or night
>Overtime is mandatory, weekend work is mandatory
>The company has the right to stop and search you and your belongings/car at any time
>The company is not obligated to give you a reference or provide more than 8 hours per week of paid work
>The company has the right to inform you within 24 hours that you will be working 2-4 hours extra before or after your next shift
>Expected to work at any facility in a 35 mile radius with 24 hours notice
>No phones on the warehouse floor, metal detectors on entry and exit and bio-metric scanners track your work hours
>Can be terminated at any time for any reason with 1 weeks notice

>> No.14438035

Jesus Christ

>> No.14438036


>> No.14438074

I'd be alright with that for a few years if the pay was at least $20/hour, preferably $25 or more. I don't know how people do it for a measly wage.

>> No.14439351
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Why don't you quit?
I hear its pretty easy to get an apprenticeship as an electrician these days

>> No.14439378

>One 30 minute, unpaid break per 8 hour shift
what state are you in, this is illegal in my state

also this
If you aren't showing up stoned and making at least $25 an hour you would be better off being a ski bum or something

>> No.14439389

how much are you getting paid

>> No.14439397

fug I misremembered my wage slave life, that is the case in my state too

>> No.14439423

That is completely ridiculous. I would quit on principle.

>> No.14439437

If American:
>One 30 minute, unpaid break per 8 hour shift
They're legally obliged to give you 10min breaks every 2 hours, and a 30 every 4

>Overtime is mandatory, weekend work is mandatory
Nothing out of the ordinary

>The company has the right to stop and search you and your belongings/car at any time

>The company has the right to inform you within 24 hours that you will be working 2-4 hours extra before or after your next shift
Sucks, but it sounds like any other temp job. You're on call basically.

>Expected to work at any facility in a 35 mile radius with 24 hours notice
ok that sucks, look for something else

>Can be terminated at any time for any reason with 1 weeks notice
no shit this isn't France

>> No.14439439

Probably Amazon base rate of $15/hr

>> No.14439462

This is what I don't understand.
First, don't work there then. If you're a total unemployable dimwit it's your own fault, and clearly don't deserve a better job. Furthermore, an eight hour shift is nothing. I work ten hours break free on the regular, and it doesn't even phase me. Then again, I am an adult male, and wasn't molly coddled directly from my mother's womb, and don't expect to have everything handed it me.
Nut up, Anon, and produce thine testes

>> No.14439468

>Then again, I am an adult male, and wasn't molly coddled directly from my mother's womb, and don't expect to have everything handed it me.
I had no control over this

>> No.14439499

>unemployable dimwit
most of the time these guys are sharp, but overly sensitive, especially socially, and thus are basically unemployable not for lack of ability but lack of credentials. They're forced into a position of taking orders from intellectual inferiors and just opt out until the pressure of being broke mounts, then they wind up in last-pick jobs which are unbearable.

>> No.14439504

>Facility runs 24 hours a day, you get a semi-random assortment of 8 hour shifts in the morning, evening or night
This should be illegal, and for whatever reason stands out as the most egregious part of this list.

>> No.14439505

Unless you enjoy what you do or are getting paid commensurately, you are a massive cuck

>> No.14439511

Union up dickhead

>> No.14439518
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>> No.14439519

He's probably exaggerating, but rotating shifts are almost the norm in small town temp work, unless you're doing office bullshit which is just days

>> No.14439528

>>Overtime is mandatory, weekend work is mandatory
If you make $20 an hour, and work 60 hours a week, OT position is very desirable. Work to amass money for what you need, then file for disability and then quit. It's that simple.

>> No.14439530

Companies write this sort of thing into their rules all the time, and while it may technically be illegal, no wageslave is going to pursue legal action against a team of high-paid lawyers.

>> No.14439543
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>If American:
>>One 30 minute, unpaid break per 8 hour shift
>They're legally obliged to give you 10min breaks every 2 hours, and a 30 every 4

kys faggot

>> No.14439546
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>> No.14439547

Companies don't always pay overtime pay or holiday pay for that matter. Sure, you're still working more, but sometimes the choice of less money and more free time can be preferable.

>> No.14439548

Is there a script they pass out to goobers like you, or do all you of just happen to post the same boomer platitudes without even trying?

>> No.14439576

>no wageslave is going to pursue legal action against a team of high-paid lawyers
No need. It's called striking

>> No.14439613

Silly me, guess I just live in a superior state.

>> No.14439634

I worked with a small business that wanted to put its shit on Amazon. They basically consider themselves an advertising service, that they're doing you a favor by putting your shit on their site. They ended up buying our stuff from us at a loss, and we shipped it ourselves.

Buying from Amazon is voting for a future where all businesses use that model on its employees.

>> No.14439646

Okay, now you and the fellow strikers are fired. You all sure did good.

>> No.14439676
File: 74 KB, 400x580, 970A8B3D-F66E-4DB4-BF55-CECF58B417A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, working in a warehouse owned by an e-commerce retailer found through the internet
>One 30 minute, unpaid lunch per 8 hour shift. Two 15 minute breaks
>Facility runs 9 to 5
>Overtime has happened once
>The company ignores you and never comes into the warehouse to check on you, so long as the work gets done and returns are low
>The manager gives you a sample of 92% cocaine and a reference when you eventually leave
>The company buys deli sandwiches, pizza, Thai or Mediterranean food once a week
>I’m on my phone or reading books all day on the warehouse floor, no metal detectors on entry and exit and no bio-metric scanners track your work hours
>Can leave anytime with zero notice
>regularly come in two hours late
>take live resin dabs all day with coworkers

>> No.14439683

this sounds more like factory workers I know

>> No.14439699

Is this supposed to sound bad? pretty decent working conditions desu

>> No.14439721
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how do you know my work history ? whats this phenomenal called

>> No.14439755

wouldn't they eventually become sort of dumb and incompetent over time though due to the long term effects of isolation, stress and not really using their mind on a regular consistent schedule (as they would only be doing sporadic menial labor)?

>> No.14439796

new poster

this bothers me more than it should.

>> No.14439806

Wow. Alabama is better than Maryland.

>> No.14440409

Dont let your shitty job run your shitty life

>> No.14440436

So basically it's hard to plan a schedule because your work is erratic? That's your major complaint?

>> No.14441080

cold reading

dumb in the sense of soft skills, otherwise the people I'm describing are all cerebral and into books, classic films, etc.


>> No.14441125

I’m 80% sure I’ve seen this pasta before

>> No.14441149
File: 77 KB, 1024x687, 1547780928279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work 10 hours a week in air conditioned room
>make a little above minimum wage
>can do the same work from home to easily double my earnings with 5 extra hours
thank god for being barely qualified in the third world.

>> No.14441161

Pretty much any major DC for those high retailers. Walmart, target, amazon and so on

>> No.14441173

Haha no

>> No.14441483

>Be me, electrical engineer
>Work in a small company
>Do mostly commissioning and testing on renewable energy power plants and R&D
>No one other than my boss really knows what I do and even he doesnt always know where and what I'm doing
>Sometimes work overtime if I want something done or if I'm at the field
>Could get better wage in a bigger company but that would also mean more supervising and bureaucracy
It's pretty good.

>> No.14441532

pic unrelated?

>> No.14441574

Good goy!

>> No.14441846

>If you're a total unemployable dimwit it's your own fault, and clearly don't deserve a better job
Imagine believing that people should be dehumanised and treated like shit because they're not that bright instead of just lining these greedy faggot CEOs up against a wall

>> No.14441985

>are all cerebral and into books, classic films, etc.
This keeps them sharp?

>> No.14442289

Should've studied harder!

>> No.14442296

I wonder, does Amazon drug test?

>> No.14442311

Nah, you're just retarded

>> No.14442325

Reading genreshit does not make you smart

>> No.14442491

how do i find a place like that

>> No.14442518

Wow you Americans can be treated as literal slaves by your corporate overlords.
I'm no communist and we have our own problems but it must be terrible.