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14437506 No.14437506 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this book.

Anyone wanna talk about it? Overall I enjoyed it, but among the ones o read from him (notes and c&p) it's my least favorite. The idea was great but I feel like it really lost its way after the first part. In the following parts, first of all Nastasya almost never appears even though she's supposed to be the fulcrum of the book and second it feels like the book took a different way than what was intended.

Still good, I just preferred the others from him and feel like this one had more potential than what it actually ended up with.

>> No.14437513

I cried at the end

>> No.14437515
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Also, for some reason I'm my mind's eye I always envisioned Ippolit as the coomer...

>> No.14437532

The end was sad but I was expecting it. The part that made me cry the most was the recounting of Marie's story at the start.

>> No.14437533

I think Crime and Punishment has:
- an engaging plot
- excellent characters
- moving and memorable scenes
- interesting philosophical discussion

The Idiot has all of those except the engaging plot. IMO the best chapter was when Myshkin was walking around the city and saw Rogozhin's eyes everywhere.

>> No.14437540

He's too young; he's like 16.

>> No.14437551

You have no idea how much I fapped at 16 though

>> No.14437591

It’s simultaneously the most European of his novels and most Russian in a Dostoevskyian way, the most generally Russian would probably be Bros K, so it’s an interesting dynamic.

It’s also the one book of his that suffers most obviously from being serialized: when he started writing it he had no clear idea about an ending and it’s actually quite a miracle that it turned out how it did. Arguably it’s a more morbid book than C&P actually, and certainly less full of hope. I see it as a warm up for Demons, which I think idea-wise surpasses The Idiot because of its social-political/generational center, plus its much more funny of a book

>> No.14438424

>Once, some two months ago, they had chanced to meet in the street, but Raskolnikov had turned away and even crossed to the other side so as not to be noticed. And Razumikhin, though he did notice, passed by, not wishing to trouble a friend.


>> No.14438462

Nastasya's character really changed the way I see a lot of my female friends, one of whom shares an almost identical personality to hers.

Realizing this blew my fucking mind. I no longer feel confused about any of the spectacularly idiotic shit she does, and just kinda feel sorry for her now.

>> No.14438594
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I wasn't a fan of Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky’s translation of The Idiot. David McDuff's translation really gave a greater appreciation for the book.

>> No.14438706

It's my second favorite right after the Brothers Karamazov. I like the character study of Myshkin (what would it be like to be christ-like in this day and age) and the meandering story was really comfy.

>> No.14438748

>the most European of his novels
can you explain?

>> No.14440014

Great book, better than C&P.

>> No.14440029
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after finishing all of the major dostoevsky works i suddenly realized that most of his novels ends up with one of the characters in Siberia

>> No.14440225

lol, I'm noticing this trend, too. Don't forget the female that follows the male to Siberia.

>> No.14440239

You should watch the Kurosawa adaptation

>> No.14440243

I have The Idiot in my lineup, but after just finishing The Brothers Karamazov, I think I'm going to take a break from Dostoevsky for a little while. I'll probably get to it in late March, but I'm looking forward to it. So far I've read Notes from Underground, White Nights, Crime and Punishment, and The Brothers Karamazov. I've loved all of them and feel like I "get" Dostoevsky, so I'm hoping I like The Idiot as well.

>> No.14440253

or the compulsive use of the word Fever , febrile and crazy

>> No.14440267

To be fair people used to get Siberia'd pretty often

>> No.14440290

or how almost every one of his novels has someone suffering from Tuberculosis

>> No.14440291
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Think it all flew over my head. He was meant to be the russian christ but was completely powerless to save anyone. With his other novels the main take away is pretty obvious put I still don't get it.

>> No.14440299

you mean the translators compulsive use

>> No.14440306

>tfw didn't feel sorry for ippolite at all

>> No.14441283

This. I just wanted Ippolite to shut the fuck up when he was ruining the Prince's party. Glad that narcassistic invalid died.

>> No.14441294

Yeah you can really feel how the "paid by the page" shines thought. Idiot is basically a book how modern people would treat Jesus if he were to come back today (sic). If you'd live by the teaching of Jesus, people would treat you like a fucking moron.

>> No.14441605
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>tfw you're in Siberia
Wish I was a Dosto character.

>> No.14442812

a critique of christianity itself or society at the time?

>> No.14442823

Ummm... What is the context behind webmrelated?

>> No.14442826

You're not a coomer at 16, you're normal if you jerk off a lot

>> No.14442829

based video

>> No.14442864

Society, Dosto was christian.

>> No.14442868

What's so funny about Demons?

>> No.14442999

I really like most of Dostoyevsky's stuff but I found the idiot to be very boring.

>> No.14443548

The best novel of Dosto

>> No.14443874


>> No.14443915

Its my least favorite but its one of those books that you remember more fondly a than enjoy at the time.
Make sure you read House of the Dead and Demons

>> No.14445213

or a kid named Kolia