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14437186 No.14437186 [Reply] [Original]

What am I, a man full of anger in for?

>> No.14437191

nothing, he's just gonna tell you to lift weights lol it's nietzsche for brainlets

>> No.14437207

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.14437216

dude literally weight lifting is and tanning ur dick is the advice he gives you lol stfu

>> No.14437245

dude literally the book is not a self-help book and the most of it is not 'advice' lol kys

>> No.14437314

“Life has this thing inside it that reaches beyond itself."
BAP is a big fan of Nietzsche. He is well-versed in Hellenic literature, history, and historiography. He explores these interests a lot. He tries to make diagnoses of what exactly has gone wrong with the modern world. He talks a lot about the animal kingdom, endochrinology, yeast and cancer as metaphors for human lassitude, obesity, cooming. He, like Mishima, criticizes the life of the mind when it is lived to the exclusion of the life of the body. He connects AI to Jewish Messianism at some point. He believes in a sort of cult of youth and refers this back to the Ancient Greeks as well. There is plenty of gonzo exploration and exposition of the lives of urban sexual deviants, including homosexuals and transsexuals. He tries to identify these people as historically unique and as a sign of the times. He develops 'space' as a key category of human and political ontology, to great effect, and talks about how life develops under the pre-ownership of space vs when it has a chance to conquer space. On the lifestyle recommendations you get similar things to what you would get from Sun & Steel, which BAP refers to by name with habit in the book. He dedicates a lot of time also to exploring his 'esoteric' and probably fictional and bemusing interests, which is what a lot of us have loved him for for years. I'll reply to this with a passage from the book that gives you a taste of this side of him

>> No.14437320

Different anon here.
Does one get used to the neandthal speak when reading further?
I just gave this a few glances yesterday and I'm not quite sold on it.

>> No.14437324

“I believe it needs to be investigated, for example, if Mexico City is not in fact the same of Bangkok, and the so-called Baja peninsula not the same as the Malay. The similarity of dishes like mole and Thai curries only lends further support to this hypothesis, as does the kwak’ing language of the Oaxacans and Chiapans...it’s the same as Laotian. I’ve heard rumors that as you go inland from Port-au-Prince you start to see the lights of Manila and that the Caribbean islands are no different from the Philippines. Both enjoy the grilled pork, the rice with cheese, delights like spaghettis with ketchup and hot dogs or spam, and, I hear, certain other things. The slums of Bangkok are the same as those of Mexico City, and Cambodia is the same as Guatemala (Honduras is entirely fake). Thus it is said in some corners, when Columbus came upon Cuba, it really was Cipangu, or Japan, and he really did discover Asia. The entire New World (and many other areas of the world also) is thus a fraud of the first order. Shanghai can be accessed in two hours from Manhattan by secret bullet train. And if you ask how it is that so many travel by plane, well, it’s not so hard for there to be an understanding among the relatively few active pilots to keep this a secret and use circuitous routes to make flight-time seem a lot longer. If you don’t want to go this far, remember how they can, nevertheless, keep entire continents or islands a secret--you’re not allowed, as far as I know, to approach the North or South Poles, and its not out of the question that a tropical refugium exists in both. There is an esteemed scholar from Bangalore who points out that the year in the Vedas has six months of daylight and six months of darkness.” P.102

>> No.14437330

It's pretty inconsistent which makes it sort of forgettable after a while. If you let it be annoying it may be but be flexible and look past it

>> No.14437704

Basically Sun and Steel reworked for autists

Aims to espouse the mindset of the Greek heroes who valued glory and honour above all else

Whether or not BAP actually embodies this irl is still unknown. His podcast is now paycuck-only so not sure what he talks about these days

>> No.14437764

He ditches it except for a few humorous parts after the first chapter. He's openly said that he only uses it to make pseuds uncomfortable. If you listen to his podcast he's perfectly capable of using actual grammar (but affects a Slavic accent, again, despite being fluent in English).

>> No.14438242

BAP has a ginormous penis. Yes I can attest to that. I mean it's bigger than Shiva's cock

>> No.14439029

The first few pages of the book says it's an exhortation.

>> No.14439410

I love BAP and Nietzsche and that's literally what BAM is.

>> No.14439432

You might enjoy this discussion.


>> No.14439443

This is good.

>> No.14439446

Here iis BAP's response to Anton's review:


>> No.14439456

It's also hilarious and legitimately insightful and not stupid at all, and could lead a good number of young men to Neech, or at least embracing their higher instincts. But many of them, who have that instinct towards vitality and fear, are turned off by Neech for several reasons. Anyway read it bro.

>> No.14440059

I know nothing about this guy. Is he retarded?

>> No.14440065

BAP is anti anger, resentiment, bitterness. The best takeaway you would get from this book is to relax and laugh a bit.

>> No.14440193

Unironically a pretty good book.

>> No.14441132

This is probably the best political "manifesto" of the decade.

>> No.14441155

Don't miss the follow-up pieces from BAP and Anton:



>> No.14441293

Thanks, I hadn't read Anton's response. Again, I think this is the best political discussion of our time. I hate to use the word, but this IS the zeitgeist. This is what's happening. The next decade will be based on this shit.

>> No.14441342

We'll see. I haven't read BAM, but I have followed Anton for some time (largely due to his insights on fashion, though if you have a few hours to throw away, this thread starts innocuous and descends into a philosophical debate about whether objective standards of anything can exist, full of pettiness and insults https://askandyaboutclothes.com/forum/threads/why-do-a-3-button-roll-to-2-as-opposed-to-doing-a-2-button-suit.88581/ ).

In any case, we're obviously due for some large-scale societal change, but I don't think it's going to be particularly apocalyptic, and it's much more likely to be a less obviously catastrophic change. I could be wrong.

>> No.14441368

Not thinking apocalyptic, but cultural and social. Like there's a whole new view of the world coming and I don't really know what it is. Like you say, "societal," which is something I'm really not. But will see on the telly.

>> No.14441384
File: 14 KB, 400x299, amazement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that link
>Liar! That was only after someone called you on your outrageous scurrility. In your initial post you said that any woman who would marry someone who wore an ascot and pocket square to the market (meaning me) was a gold-digger and lower than a whore (or something very similar to that.)
>Frankly, Cruiser, if it were just a matter of your not caring for 3-2 rolled lapels, nobody would make a big deal of it. In point of fact, you are relentless in defending all that is cheap, lowbrow and third-rate sartorially in your tendentious, pestiferously prolix fashion. You are a first-class bore and an obnoxious boor with your relentlessly pugnacious posts. You are also a vulgar braggart, incessantly touting your "early retirement" and "six-figure retirement income" as a vindication of your thoroughly lowbrow tastes. And, if you are as rich as you say you are, you are a total cheapskate, given the clothes you buy.
>A lot of people wonder what you are doing on a forum that was in the not too distant past committed to fine dressing. Many think you are too bad to be true--some sort of sock puppet or mischievous troll. Something about you doesn't ring true. You have said you were 59 years old for at least the past 13 months. This I know for a fact.
>It's also interesting whenever I or somebody else in another forum has made a crack about you (and there are many besides me), nobody, but nobody has ever stood up and said, "Hey, don't knock Cruiser. He's okay." How does that make you feel? (On reflection, that is a stupid question, since you are obviously about as thin-skinned as a rhinoceros!) Face it, you are a universally despised laughingstock in the other fora!
>I might add, I would never say anything against your daughter. She looks like a cute kid--if you and she are even real people--and she has my deepest compassion having an obnoxious churl like you for a father.
>However, when all is said and done, I kind of enjoy having you around. You make a perfect foil--kind of like a villain in professional wrestling--The Man We Love to Hate!

>> No.14441602

it's a good book, I think his idea of "owned space" is very potent and I enjoy the aphorism and good humour. You will enjoy this book if you like Nietzsche.
This guy has a decent review