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/lit/ - Literature

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14437038 No.14437038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if you guys had a gf like pic related you wouldnt be wasting your time on reading books
im not even joking desu i know some angery incels here will get mad at my thread
please know that im talking seriously this is not a bait
is /lit/ the biggest cope?

>> No.14437052

Go fuck yourself

>> No.14437053

t. actual incel coomer

>> No.14437056

I have a gf and we both read books and sometimes talk about them with each other

>> No.14437060


>> No.14437074

She looks mental.

Several people, including my mother, have remarked on my gf's resemblance to Ana de Armas from Knives Out (I've never seen it.) And yes I still read; finished an anthology of Medieval philosophy over the last week and a half. We go out often, and are active (ran a charity half-marathon on the 26th on a whim because we were invited by friends). Anyone who doesn't have a full life is lazy. Anyone who can't at least get some kind of gf is doing it to themselves by being an awkward little egomaniac.

>> No.14437077
File: 277 KB, 221x596, 1554782261773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend and I frot while we read.

>> No.14437080

If I had a gf like that I would be MORE inclined to read

>> No.14437081

this thread legitimately makes me sad for OP

>> No.14437086

She looks like a Junji Ito character, though.

>> No.14437099

Suze, easy on the eye makeup

>> No.14437118

Having a gf makes you delusional and reading helps you not to delude yourself completely.
I quit anime when I got a gf though, because that was a real cope.

>> No.14437130
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, E73A0E5E-CF5E-4DCC-BA16-3BA9376EE82A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another dumb thread, dumb replies to a dumb OP

>> No.14437406

yo I would FUCK that girl

>> No.14437441

Having a gf is fucking hell
Sure there's the honeymoon phase, but after that you're stuck with this psychotic woman who relies on you for emotional stability. Most girls don't love, you're just a tool she uses to manipulate her social appearance
After a few relationships you start to skip the honeymoon phase entirely
There is no reason to be in a relationship when there is endless easy pussy on dating apps

>> No.14437446

What's an easy way to kill my sex drive?

>> No.14437461

Fap, and then you won't be horny again for a while.

>> No.14437471

>omg my gf looks like ana de armas

Look ladies and gentlemann: a faggot using his gf as an accessory to preserve his fragile ego.

>> No.14437473

if you're the sort of person who would settle for some roastie instead of immortal knowledge and the combined knowledge of thousands of years of civilization then let's be honest, what were you going to get out of reading anyway?

>> No.14437510


>> No.14437542

Holy shit she's qt. Name?

>> No.14437545

just make one up and you'll probably be able to find a woman who looks exactly like her, thots like that are a dime a dozen
you could probably fill a stadium with people who looked like that without leaving the tri-state area

>> No.14437562

>awkward little egomaniac.
You sound like you know a lot about this topic, Mr. I Have A Full Life Trust Me.

>> No.14437576

what a horrifying pic. her eyes are not attractive here. i can see them too well, too clearly how they're connected to the brain and the rest of her nervous system she wears invisibly inside of her. fucking women, all of them are crazy i swear.

>> No.14437708

i stopped reading books to focus on my social life and i got a gf now i can read again

>> No.14437908

No shit anon. If i had a gf like that i would be planning to skydaddle from the country i live. She looks like a 100% yandere crazy bitch.

>> No.14438044

Is that supposed to be desirable? Because it isn't.
Look at OP's pic

>> No.14438227


>> No.14438230

i doon't read anyway so yeah

>> No.14438233

Why are you so angry about reading books? Who hurt you?

>> No.14438346

Twitter: the 4chan post.

>> No.14438360

it would not take much effort in photoshop to turn this picture into a jumpscare worthy image

>> No.14438376


>> No.14438403

Gfs dont save you from your interests dumbass, they provide intimate company, ego boost sharing and care. They domt save you from depression or loneliness, but if you are in love with them, your life is less shit

>> No.14438648

If I had a gf like that I would tie her up and make her read with me

>> No.14438654

Why has the word "cope" turned into a pejorative one? Yes, reading for me is certainly a cope. I am very lonely. I How exactly is it bad that I have something with which to take my mind off something I cannot control? I can't just go outside and reel in a gf or a group of friends. I can't magically change my looks or the grounding of my personality. Why is it bad that it is a cope? I'd rather be reading than abusing alcohol or something.

>> No.14438689

she looks like a girl that would stab you in your sleep because you liked another femoids picture on social media

>> No.14438727

Why am I attracted to girls that look like this? Like the specific hairstyle and the prominent eyes. Help.

>> No.14438763

This is essentially one of the things that teaches the book "Madame Bovary"

(Except for the Tinder part)

>> No.14438772

Non virgins know u don't wanna spend all your time around your gf

>> No.14438779

how do i get my boyfriend to read more?
i gave him a copy of 1984 because it's short and easy but he's still lazy about it

>> No.14438794


Are you trying to convince us or yourself?

>> No.14438799

Do you really think you're that ugly?

>> No.14438808

Suck his cock while he's reading it.

>> No.14438810

anime probably

>> No.14438813

ok good idea
a sort of Pavlovian conditioning with sex!

>> No.14438816

Yes. Was it not obvious?

>> No.14438880

>tfw when gf gets mad and starts crying because you want to spend the day sittinng in your chair reading metaphysics instead of going to cute coffee shops and taking instagramable pictures with her
>tells you about what a shitty attitude you have, that you just want to spend your free time sitting around reading and that you don’t know how to go out and spend money and have fun like a normal person
>tell her I like reading and even if I didn’t I don’t have money to spend (I spent it all on rare books)
>oh my god anon you’re such a negative person, it’s like you’re jealous that people are richer than you or something. You never want to have fun or do anything
Women. Dislike them. Cheap sensationalists, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of their scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes them seriously.

>> No.14438882
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No, she's not even white.