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14436459 No.14436459 [Reply] [Original]

the real debate

>> No.14436500

>nietzsche still on the left
come on

>> No.14436504

What're the categories/sides

>> No.14436508

In what universe are George Soros, Karl Marx, and Michel Foucault on the same side of anything?

>> No.14436514


>> No.14436540

i recognize the guy with the weird face but i forgot his name lol

>> No.14436583


>> No.14436612

Alwister xrowley

>> No.14436627

gotama buddha

>> No.14436666

This one, where they align against all that is divine, harmonious and just

>> No.14436686
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>> No.14436690

who's the guy between heidegger and schmitt?

>> No.14436697


>> No.14436764

ringojeesh starrpunti

>> No.14436769

>right shaped society for the better
>left shaped society for the worst

>> No.14436790

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

>> No.14437035


>> No.14437062

Left - destroyers
Right - creators

>> No.14437066

Who are the guys on the left and right of Schopenhauer and to the right of de Maistre

>> No.14437101


>> No.14437108

>Who are the guys on the left and right of Schopenhauer
Meister Eckhart and Hermes Trimegistus
>to the right of de Maistre
Ibn Arabi

>> No.14437147

/pol/ bait should be ignored and reported

That’s where he goes. Soros on the other hand.

>> No.14437227

Is it supposed to show becoming vs being?

>> No.14437276

It's impossible to place him on the political spectrum, he shits all over every conventional morality. His overman is sort of right wing because it involves praise for unambiguous hierarchy, one man asserting his will over his lessers, but it's a stretch to equate this to any actually existing right wing political theory like monarchism, fascism, whatever, and his mockery of tradition further removes him.

It's obviously comical when the left try to appropriate Nietzsche as being somehow supportive of their humanistic programs but the right can't really claim him either.

>> No.14437284

these teams make 0 sense

>> No.14437309
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can somebody name them all? i don't remember a couple.

>> No.14437470

From left to right

Freud, Whitehead, Deleuze(?), Marx
Crowley, Nietzsche, Foucault, (don't know the rest)

Guenon, Evola, Spengler, Plato
Parmenides, Shankara, de Maistre, Arabi
Heidegger, COOMaraswamy, Schmidt, Plotinus
Weininger, Eckhardt, Schopenhauer, Trismegistus

>> No.14437476


>Nietzsche on the left

Killing myself, bye

>> No.14437483

Is that the Buddha on the left? Are you retarded?

>> No.14437492

Heidegger should be on the left, retard.

>> No.14437524
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This is the more interesting argument, but I don’t know if Heidegger can be put safely on the Being side, unless I’m misunderstanding his concept of ontological unfolding

>> No.14437530

Aristotle and Plato aren't compatible.

Left has even more incompatible matches.

>> No.14437552

To the conservative brain anything that disagrees with their worldview is all the same.

>> No.14437554

Freud, Whitehead, Deleuze, Marx
Crowley, Nietzsche, Foucault, Benjamin
Soros, James, idk, idk
Idk, idk, Buddha, Bataille
Guenon, Evola, Spengler, Plato
Parmenides, Shankara, De Maistre, Ibn Arabi
Heidegger, Coomoswarmy, Schmitt, Plotinus
Weininger, Eckhart, Schopenhauer, Iamblichus

>> No.14437568

I am a Polish nobleman pure sang, in whom there is not the slightest admixture of bad blood, least of all German.

>> No.14437569

hermes trismegistus not iamblichus

>> No.14437667
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Yes, not only Heidegger but many of them would be impossible to firmly place in one of the categories. I do however think, as seems to be the consensus in this thread, that OP just made the picture to fit his conception of the left-right dichotomy of politics—which strikes me as sad.

>> No.14437701

There is actually a profound and subtle significance to the choice of thinkers, but its meaning eludes your puny cognitive capacity

>> No.14437707


>> No.14437715

It's not that they're the same, but it's what they have in common which makes them hated.

>> No.14437983


>> No.14438011
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>Buddha on the left
>Schopie on the right
explain yourself

>> No.14438059

It doesn't have anything to do with politics or anything. Its just a A vs B thing

>> No.14438088

Buddha was a moralistic and narcissistic twerp who agitated against traditional institutions like castes and the Vedic priesthood, he was basically the ancient Steven Pinker. Schopenhauer said that reading the Upanishads was the solace of his life, not the Pali Canon.

>> No.14438642


>> No.14438792

Nietzsche hates Buddhism. His entire life was spent trying to prevent Europe from falling into neo-Buddhism. Why the fuck is he on the same side as the got-dang Buddha?

>> No.14438806

Retard, Schopenhauer said he likes both the Vedas and the Suttas but he thinks the Buddha was closer to the truth.

>> No.14438821

Because OP is evidently retarded.

>> No.14438918

This is wrong, you need to put everyone there except Marx on the right.

>> No.14439717

>deleuze in opposition to parmenides

>> No.14439902

Where else would he be? It is impossible to think that Nietzsche was anything but a revolutionary given that his entire life's work was to dismantle the western philosophical tradition.
Not really. The ones on the left are all about theories of becoming, creation of systems etc., the right are prophets, conservators and ministers.
It's got nothing to do with their place in the modern political spectrum, the left all have philosophies of becoming while the right are of being. Obviously this does tend to lead to certain tendencies in the political spectrum, as one couldn't reasonably dispute the existence of an unchangeable universal whilst simultaneously being a conservative.

>> No.14440124
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Why people dickride Evola after decades of obscurity is beyond me. This guy fucks up who the Kali Yuga is named after, proof that appropriation of Hinduism in the West is another example of being a damn weeb. Exterminate.

>> No.14440203

I read this as essentially either realism vs anti-realism (or at least a claim to lack of epistemic access to the real).

>> No.14440376
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The question is. Which side is which?

>> No.14440402

why are buddha and schopenhauer on opposite sides whoever makes these charts is blatantly retarded

>> No.14440411

Right side (Heidegger, Shankara etc) realist. Left (Marx, Foucault) is anti-realist/epsitemic constructivist.

>> No.14440412

if you believe in noumena you belong on the right

>> No.14440438

Do you know what you are talking about? Impossible to place him on the political spectrum? He was anti-democracy. He wanted an autocrat.

>> No.14440475

No Adorno on the right...

Do you even? Oh right this board is underage b& + angsty college dropouts

>> No.14440498

Randomly generated bait for /lit/anons. Don't fall for it.

>> No.14441319

famous philosopher and writer George Soros.

>> No.14441630

the left would be fun to drink with. the right look like a bunch of kiddy-fiddlers