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File: 48 KB, 298x475, Foundations of Geopolitics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14435932 No.14435932 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any English translations of Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics? I found a picture of this cover but I cant find the actual translation anywhere, not even an online PDF version

>> No.14435971

why don't you translate it

>> No.14435974

Cant read Russian nibba

>> No.14435978

It's interesting that there are no English translations of a book that perfectly lays out the framework for the destabilization of Europe and America via identity politics

I wonder if some (((people))) don't want us English speakers reading this book? They didn't seem to care that much about the 4th political theory being translated

>> No.14435990

Its probably just so the liberals dont get spooked, and/or the book wouldnt be as interesting to western readers as his 4th political theory is, Dugin is Anti-Israel and wants an alliance with Iran. Thats why the American Zionists want to go to war with Iran

>> No.14435993

is there really no english?

>> No.14436000

If you can find one then please post it here lol.

Apparently there was a really badly google-translated version that came out in 2017 (That is what the cover pic here is from) but even that translation is gone. It has a page on Goodreads but the amazon page was deleted and there arent any pdfs of it I can find

>> No.14436017

no shit the russian ex-wife of richard spencer translated it

>> No.14436023

Do you have a link to the translation? Even if it is shit it is still better than no translation

>> No.14436037

Oh yay more french jewish atheist communist fucks trying to subvert the Orthodox faith. You'll see when the Tsar returns, you'll see

>> No.14436042


Are you trying to describe the polar opposite of Dugin? Or are you just a paranoid brainlet

>> No.14436048

Christkeks are Just seething that Dugin wants to ally with the other Eurasian religious groups instead of Larping as a "muh global Christian Theocracy" faggot

>> No.14436054

He is clearly not Orthodox or pro-Orthidoxy (more than superficially), and quite communist (follows atheist, french and jewish)
The only rightful ruler of Rome(Russia)is His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas III
You shill

>> No.14436062

Dugin criticises Communism you fucking Christard. National Bolshevism is a Syncretic Political ideology of both Fascism and Socialism. It is possible to oppose free market capitalism without being a communist you fucking brainlet

>> No.14436079

>brainlet Redditor doesn't know what Third Position means

>> No.14436082

Christian logic: everyone who doesn't follow my specific religion is an atheist

>> No.14436087

You are atheist larpers, probably teenagers

>> No.14436093

>spiritual but not religious

>> No.14436101

His Noomachia series are god-tier.
Wish they never get translated so languagelets don't get to read them.

Learn Russian

>> No.14436104

>Christard larper calling other people teenage larpers

Dugin actually describes himself as a 4th positionist. Granted, its not that different from 3rd positionism, but a little more economically left and apparently in favour of direct democracy.

I believe in God but dont follow any specific religion. Am I an Atheist?

>> No.14436114

I recently found his series of Youtube lectures and was about to start watching them, he speaks in English as well. What can I expect?

>> No.14436116

>Youtube lectures
Which ones?

His English sucks t b h. It's almost unbearable to me sometimes.

I suggest Экcпepтизa Дyгинa with English subtitles, at least some of those must have'em.

>> No.14436121
File: 14 KB, 199x253, 1565082123863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh nooooo you Christar- I mean Christians, our ((political system)) is totally Christian!! Just it's also pro-Islam and secular and opposing Christianity yeah, so what?

>> No.14436122

The ones on Noomachia

But I will take a look at that one

>> No.14436131
File: 12 KB, 180x279, 2143412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Theory brainlet

>> No.14436135

>read heresies
No, miss me with that brain poison

>> No.14436142

Oh yea, his lecture in Serbia.
This one is great!
He sets good foundations here for the understanding of Noomachia and then speaks some more about the Serbs in particular, the Slavs and Russians I believe.

Btw, I suggest you check this channel as well

He's probably the only West European who actually studied Dugin (his phd thesis included Dugin's analyses) and gives a fair interpretation of his work.

>> No.14436169

thanks for that link i will check it out. Im really interested in the crossover between Occultism and Politics, thats the main thing I like about Dugin, the only other Philosopher who does this is Julius Evola. I still need to read Dugins 4th political theory though.

Are there really no english translations of foundations of geopolitics?

>> No.14436212

>Are there really no english translations of foundations of geopolitics?
I doubt it. I will check various Dugin's English portals in short and I'll give you a definite answer.

>> No.14436331

I see people criticize the "google translate" character of the translation.
I think you should wait for a better one.

Here are a few points about the book

>> No.14436345

Thanks for that. Do you know if there are any plans to translate it to English? they translated the 4th political theory pretty quickly, but Geopolitics came out even earlier and it still hasnt been translated properly

>> No.14436357

Our best hope is currently Michael Millerman, the guy I suggested before.
I believe he mentions somewhere in the course of this video that he's translating some of Dugin's works. I can't remember which exactly but I'm sure he'll translate FoG eventually.