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File: 767 KB, 1000x1000, humeaquinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14435148 No.14435148 [Reply] [Original]

Start reading Hume. HUME REFUTED THEM ALL!

>> No.14435160

Aquinas is unrefutable. Hume just didn't understand his arguments.

>> No.14435165

Saying "Aquinas is unrefutable. Hume just didn't understand his arguments." is not an argument. hume remains king of philosophers!!!

>> No.14435176

remains king of the cucks, more like.

>> No.14435179

Hey FUCK you for trying to turn Hume into some Guenon style meme overdone into masturbatory drivel. Hume is a legitimate philosopher, one of the most important and influential English speaking philosophers. You make him look bad. Stop spamming these threads and go shove a Bible up your ass

>> No.14435186

It might at least prompt the newfags to read him. Do you want 10 threads per day of Guenon or Hume?

>> No.14435201

what happens when an irrefutable argument is met by a indisputable rebuttal?

>> No.14435206

I'm not trying to make Hume a meme. I am a fan of him. I'm simply trying to remove /lit/ of the plague of Thomists and Aristotelians, I will keep posting the modernists until /lit/ realizes that legitimate philosophers have refuted them until they stop digging up ancient and refuted philosophies.

>> No.14435211

Based. Could you also be kind enough to post his followers and disciples, Kant and Schop?

>> No.14435217

I will

>> No.14435220

The fat fuck was retroactively refuted, he simply couldn't contend with the eudaimonian virtue ethics of the peripatetic doctrine

>> No.14435307
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>> No.14435312

how will atheists recover from this


>> No.14435350


>> No.14436170

in which book does aristotle talk about these things

>> No.14436175

>pointed at Hume but Aquinas in the scope
What could this mean

>> No.14436178

Hume was Retroactively refuted by Guenon and Parmenides you fucking brainlet Hylic.

>> No.14436179

Based a pneumatikospilled

>> No.14436188
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"I will end what you started Hume"

>> No.14436222

Plotinus retroactively refutes Aquinas.

>> No.14436292

but is not wrong thinking the mind has made the connection?. i mean, that is the mind too. the mind made the no connection between things too.

>> No.14436356

I genuinely want to see how.

>> No.14436361

Plotinus maintained that Plato and Aristotle was in harmony.

>> No.14436368

>Retroactively refuted by Guenon

>> No.14436412

So lit: can you get an Ought from an Is?

>> No.14436418
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The Is-Ought distinction is a dismal byproduct of Abrahamic religion.

you literally cant refute this, everyone who tries ends up sperging out and going full retard like Jordan Peterson

>> No.14436427
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Not sure why anyone is still reading Hume when he was refuted by Harris

>> No.14436430
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>> No.14436439

How do you not distinguish between those two things?

>> No.14436442


>> No.14436444

How will Humefags ever recover?

>> No.14436448

He still affirms the distinction.

>> No.14436450

They're all dead from burn wounds.

>> No.14436585

I'm convinced that philosophyfags don't even like philosophy, they just like namedropping.

>> No.14436595

I'm going to just ignore Aristotle completely and build my own notoriously problematic theory of causality so autistic people can spam the same threads about me. I'll be famous.

>> No.14436983

I don't understand what this has to do with Hume, it looks like a generic blend of Utilitarianism and hedonism.

>> No.14436995

okay but what about when future philosophers refute hume

>> No.14437011

Based on a flawed justification of the principle/dictate of utility given by Bentham in his book 'Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation'.

I really wish people would stop giving such undue acceptance towards this principle. It is absolutely founded in nonsense and deserves to be treated as such. :3

>> No.14437031

Actually, there only exists oughts. Every is emenates from an ought

>> No.14437059

I don't get it, He shuts down religion just to start rebuilding it. He literally just proved Good exists, which also implies an all-good being exists. Why not just go straight to the theologians

>> No.14437092

Morden atheism is essentially trying to repackage christian morality into secular branding.

>> No.14437096

>Cause and effect are unrelated
this is why people think philosophy is retarded

>> No.14437463

>which also implies an all-good being exists
lol how

>> No.14437485

Hume is going into the filter now...
Bye-bye fat Anglo fuck and his minion spammer.

>> No.14437519

if you have an order on a set you have a greatest element, if it is an infinite set the limit concept is conceivable and exists.

Good is just an order on the set of all conceivable state of affairs, and given enough information, one state can be said to be more good then another.

>> No.14437578

Ok, I’m thinking this is based.

>> No.14437593

Neither Harris nor Hume want God to exists, Harris just isn't smart enough to realize what Hume did about the consequences of causality being true.

In fairness to Harris, he's also concerned with constructing a moral system without God, Hume didn't have to worry about that because he wasn't living in a declining civilization.

>> No.14437624

Nice sophism. Maybe you could try arguing how God is derived from there being good things next time and stay on topic.

>> No.14437629

Isn’t that what Kant said?

>> No.14437641

>one of the most important and influential English speaking philosophers.
Lol there is like a handful of them

>> No.14437643

Hume was a dolt. A fat sleepy-eyed British smoothbrain. He ought to be forgotten.

>> No.14437647

Kant (pbuh) is the greatest mind to even incarnate on this planet. You will be blessed for shining a light upon such an illustrious master. But I advise that you drop this nonsensical obsession with Hume as Kant so far exceeds him that he has been relegated to the dustbins of history.

>> No.14437661

>Maybe you could try arguing how God is derived from there being good things next time and stay on topic.
I didnt say God was derived, I said an All-Good being was Derived. In any case, If that is your concept of God then it is proof. Why don't you try to point out an Error instead of bitching?

>> No.14437686

Its exactly what kant said. And what the greeks said. If you don't believe there is a maximally good being, either as the highest element in the set of all conceivable beings, or as a limit concept, which itself is a being, then you dont believe good exists.

>> No.14437696

Would I also need to believe in a maximally evil being or is evil simply a lack of good?

>> No.14437712
File: 511 KB, 1364x1600, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you have the wrong idea on what the two are trying to do. Thomas Aquinas was doing a more a priori logical proof of the nature of causality, whereas Hume tried to figure out how causality relates to our perceptions (impressions and ideas) and how to carefully consider it so we don't come across any mistakes. What Aquinas was doing was, as Hume believed, out of the bounds of human perception. Now, we've matured since his time, and we know that things don't have to be empirically verifiable to be true. Logical proofs will still be true based on their a priori nature alone, which is why 8th dimensional mathematics is still true even if we can't know empirically. Hume believed the only things true a priori were tautologies (Hume's fork). Aquinas did not make an inductive leap because he was not asserting a simple cause and effect relation, he was proving the necessity of something purely actual, i.e. "Unactualized Actualizer", i.e. "God".

>> No.14437727

Depends on the Strand of theology. Some people conceive of Evil as lack of Good, ie onto-logically void, but this notion is meaningless to me because of Hegel. And i suspect theologians that consider this theory just do so by tradition instead of thinking. I imagine evil as essentially the reverse ordering on the set of beings.
for any ontological object x that is > y ordered by good, it follows that y > x on the ordering of evil.

Regardless of your theory on the ontology of evil, most people still believe a maximally Evil being. And by my construction, yes I know it exists. This is obviously confirmed by imagery of satan etc and in many religions good naturally gives rise to the opposite concept

>> No.14437728

What does good even mean?

>> No.14437745

A way things ought to be. I know it exists because reality continually unfolds. Therefore there must be a way reality ought to be. The question then becomes how do we further determine the nature of good? Sam Harris's argument is good.

>> No.14437749

Thanks for the reply

>> No.14437751

if he has any honest (he doesn’t), he will go to the theologians. what you brainlet atheists don’t realize is how advanced theology is. there is no ‘other path’ so far. your bad childhood experiences with the protestants is stopping you from advancing your thought.

>> No.14437768

The only person who actually understands Hume and Aquinas ITT.

>> No.14437785

This is a gross misrepresentation of Hume and a tactless misunderstanding of science. Hume doesn't merely posit that the relation of causality to perception cannot be systematized, he also believed that causality itself can't be argued for in an infallible sense. Which is why Kant's take on Hume's questions is actually interesting and relevant, Kant of course agrees with Hume on his examination of the principles of causality, he greatly disagreed with him on the nature of the concept of causality itself. In his terms, Hume posits the a-posteriority of causality, whereas Kant claims to have proven the a-priority of causality.

The existence of mathematical axiomatized systems which violate empiricism and even Kant is not proof that empiricists and/or Kant have been wrong. Mathematicians simply aren't versed philosophers, no mathematician who decides to quantify over "8th dimensional" realms believes he has a philosophy of science to justify his methodology. You need some reading on philosophy of science and the foundations of mathematics.

This means the existence of systems that violate empiricist accounts is not an argument in favor of Aquinas rationalistic method of philosophy, this is just lazy thinking on your part.

We never "matured since his time", philosophy isn't akin to science where one could draw out a map of achievements and progress. If anything, Aquinas' type of rationalist philosophy is probably less accepted today than it used to be during Hume's time.

>> No.14437808

Ironic because your post suggests you yourself don't understand either of these philosophers, why would you assume you're in a position to judge the merits of the posts then? Clearly you are an easily impressionable retard who will never ever read.

>> No.14437815

Clearly you are a homosexual Scottish person OP

>> No.14437816

Not OP.

>> No.14437826

Kant is a better Hume, why not spam him instead?

>> No.14437833

Schopenhauer is, in turn, a better Kant.

>> No.14437881

because he was obliderated by Guenon

>> No.14437900

its a reflection you retard

>> No.14437938

Kill yourselves pseuds

>> No.14437946

>Kant claims to have proven the a-priority of causality.
How did he do that?

>> No.14437959

Fine. Who should I read?

>> No.14438211

>A way things ought to be
And what way is that?

>> No.14438229

Synthetic a priori memery. It's a necessary condition for experience.

>> No.14438251

theres lots of components to what the essence of good is. You can't just list them all but what we understand as morality is one aspect of it

>> No.14438264

So it’s all subjective. K thanks

>> No.14438299

no its not, there are mind independent ontological objects which exist with just as much certainty as the existence of the physical world.

Give me any argument that claims there are objects external to your mind and i can construct an identical argument which affirms that moral objects exist.

>> No.14438306

So what exactly is good and the way things ought to be?

>> No.14438323

ok, you seem to not understand basic principles of thought. Proving something exists does not mean you can conceive of literally everything about it. If that was the case, i would know everything about astronomy, stars, planets etc just by looking at the sky. The best explanation, which is really the only one, is that good exists and we are ascertaining it throughout history.

>> No.14438352

You can’t prove an objective “good” exists. See ya, faggot.

>> No.14438361

In fact, Existence proofs are generally the weakest proofs. Because all they do is, just that, prove the existence of a being.

But more to your point, Over the course of history is has been clear to us that good exists, Else no value judgement could ever be made and we clearly have ethical standards in this day and age

>> No.14438375

explain what ethical behavior is if good dosent exist.

>> No.14438378

No examples of what is objectively good. Just flowery prose.

>> No.14438385

My behavior is whatever is conducive toward my survival and desires, same as yours. Ethics are merely an attempt to label one behavior as bad in comparison to another. Neither is objectively good or bad in itself, only in relativity towards its desire. Now, tell me, which desire is the correct desire?

>> No.14438409

its not rigorously and mechanically understood. Its conceptually understood through symbolism, conversations, intuition etc. That is why there is such heavy emphasis on Imagery and symbolism in Religions. Me listing off Good things defeats the purpose, and this is actually why no modern christians stone adulterers. They are not taking the books literally or "rigorously", they are using intuition and thought to try to extract concepts from the book, and read between the lines. This is how Good is understood, it even develops in a hegelian way throughout history.

>> No.14438419

>Me listing off Good things
What makes a thing objectively good?

>> No.14438460

If it is designated good by God

> Neither is objectively good or bad in itself, only in relativity towards its desire
I dont know what you are trying to say here, I'm talking about Good and Evil not "good and bad" Sure there is a good way and a bad to get something done, but Im specifically talking about mind independent moral values.

> Now, tell me, which desire is the correct desire?
It has to be intuitively felt, but cannot be definitively proved. moral intuition is just as reliable external-Spacial intuition, just like i said earlier. Why should you distrust your intuition to not harm a baby?

>> No.14438495

BASED. kant is even more based than hume though, so you should post him, still BASED tho

>> No.14438502

I see no objective existence of good, only your subjective opinion.
>moral intuition is just as reliable external-Spacial intuition
You even stated it’s all subjective yourself.

>> No.14438522

objective means mind independent you idiot, I believe there are objective moral values.

>> No.14438540

Nothing anyone posts on /lit/ inspires anyone to read.

>> No.14438546

You’re really stupid, I hope you know that.

>> No.14438550

Also, I showed you the proof of the existence of Good, you still haven't refuted it. All you have done is strawman my arguments. I am making an existence claim and you are saying I claim to know everything conceivable about it.

>> No.14438562

>I proved good exists by invoking god, an unprovable concept
Nice job

>> No.14438579

>implying hume is based at all

>> No.14438591

god? can you not read? If there is not a way things ought to be, why are you typing? why does anybody do anything? why does anything do anything?

im not claiming to know everything about the nature of Good, im claiming that it exists, and I have my theories about what it is. why can you not understand this?

>> No.14438595

>If there is not a way things ought to be
How are things ought to be?

>> No.14438609
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>legitimate philosophers have refuted them

>> No.14438658

>How are things ought to be?

Why does reality will itself to change if Good dosent exist?

>> No.14438684

You’re stupid. Killing you would be good.

>> No.14438699

so you dont have any actual argument?

>> No.14438897 [DELETED] 

You'd have to read the Critique of Pure Reason for a sufficient answer, however I can give you a condensed basic gestalt:

Kant accepts the a-priority of the rules of judgement, in modern terms (as in Kant's) this roughly translates to general logic. During Kant's time there was none of those sexy formalized systems of logic, but he was thinking of logical operations such as conditionals (if-rules). Google Urteilstafel for more information on this, or read the Analytic chapter of the first Critique. He also accepts that you cannot prove any thesis through experience, as any a posteriori judgement will suffer from the problem of induction, just as Hume lays it out. However Kant investigates the possibility that there are certain structures that we bring into experience which are purely a priori (to experience). If this were true, he could avoid the problems laid out by empiricists such as Hume. As I mentioned above, Kant deduces a priori elements of our experience by looking at the structure of our general logic.

To conceptualize this, take the conditional , in the general form of [ ] [ ]. Kant argues, since this is infact how our mind operates, it must also operate on our experience, this means the form of general logic, unser Urteilsvermögen a priori, must receive experential material so that it can actually be applied to experience. This then must mean the emptry brackets in the general logical form of the conditional [ ] [ ] must be somehow filled with perception material. So sort of like a puzzle, each bracket demands a certain object so it can be operational, in our experience we commonly call that type of perception that is molded to fit into the first bracket and turns objective, a cause, and for the second we call it effect. Cause effect. This is a very rough sketch, but this is how Kant believes we can have a priori epistemological concepts, by relying on the apriority of the forms of judging (general logic).

>> No.14438915

You'd have to read the Critique of Pure Reason for a sufficient answer, however I can give you a condensed basic gestalt:

Kant accepts the a-priority of the rules of judgement, in modern terms (as in Kant's) this roughly translates to general logic. During Kant's time there was none of those sexy formalized systems of logic, but he was thinking of logical operations such as conditionals (if-rules). Google Urteilstafel for more information on this, or read the Analytic chapter of the first Critique. He also accepts that you cannot prove any thesis through experience, as any a posteriori judgement will suffer from the problem of induction, just as Hume lays it out. However Kant investigates the possibility that there are certain structures that we bring into experience which are purely a priori (to experience). If this were true, he could avoid the problems laid out by empiricists such as Hume. As I mentioned above, Kant deduces a priori elements of our experience by looking at the structure of our general logic.

To conceptualize this, take the conditional (if, then), in the general form of [ ] -> [ ]. Kant argues, since this is infact how our mind operates, it must also operate on our experience, this means the form of general logic, unser Urteilsvermögen a priori, must receive experential material so that it can actually be applied to experience. This then must mean the emptry brackets in the general logical form of the conditional [ ] -> [ ] must be somehow filled with perception material. So sort of like a puzzle, each bracket demands a certain object so it can be operational, in our experience we commonly call that type of perception that is molded to fit into the first bracket and turns objective, a cause, and for the second we call it effect. Cause -> Effect. This is a very rough sketch, but this is how Kant believes we can have a priori epistemological concepts, by relying on the apriority of the forms of judging (general logic).