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/lit/ - Literature

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14434358 No.14434358 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ is this a good selection for an intro to philosophy for a beginner? I want to get more into philosophy in 2020 and my friends suggested several titles and I chose the ones that looked more interesting and "tru".

>> No.14434369

That's a great selection, Anon!!! The more cursewords in the title, the better!!

>> No.14434370


Deano core starter pack reading material.

>> No.14434377

yeah dude looks great

>> No.14434380
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Looks like a good start. Once you finish those you can hit this stack.

>> No.14434386

Woaaaaaaaah, I'll check those the next time I go to Barnes & Nobles!!

>> No.14434395

why is it THEY get to publish "UNFUCK YOURSELF" "EVERYTHING IS FUCKED" "BULLSHIT JOBS" etc but when *i* try to publish my magnum opus "the tumult of the niggers" i get told "that's racist" "you can't call em that anymore"
there's no justice in this world i tell you

>> No.14434403

bullshit jobs does not belong in this category. that's an important if basic aspect of capitalism that people need to understand.

>inb4 ideology argument
acknowledging that capitalist societies have wasted labour isn't an argument for any other system. any system has these inefficiencies. but under capitalism, the inefficiency is still logged under GDP and therefore not recognised as such. so it needs to be acknowledged

>> No.14434408

What's the tl;dr on it?

>> No.14434416


I was recommended Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy by Simon Blackburn (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1038873.Think)) and Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/243685.A_History_of_Western_Philosophy)) when I asked the same thing in 2015.

I went with Think. It gave a pretty good overview of the different topics of western philosophy. I was planning on reading more specific books afterwards, but it's been 4 years now, and I still haven't.

>> No.14434423

no read Plato

>> No.14434424

>no swear words in the title
ok boomer

>> No.14434432
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>muh dead males

>> No.14434441


Should just republish it as "F**king THINK!"

>> No.14434470
File: 2.21 MB, 1924x1107, literally_from_a_pewdiepie_video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We see you OP

>> No.14434493

Bertrand Russell's book is complete shit, everyone knows this. He doesn't know anything about 95% of the philosophers he talks about.

>> No.14434499

Well, this faculty studies African and Oriental thinkers. I think they're right to BTFO whiteys.

>> No.14434507

>I chose the ones that looked more interesting and "tru"
It's of the nature of zoomers to be the cringiest as possible

>> No.14434516

Dr. Seuss actually seems like the most legitimate one there.

>> No.14434540

Your only good post faggot

>> No.14434551

I hope you realize that's an imposter and not their tripcode. You may have to consider how easily you are deceived.

>> No.14434552

Lmao everyone knows Greeks aren’t white and Germans aren’t even human.

>> No.14434586

Has there ever actually been a white philosopher worth reading? Most that come to mind, like the aforementioned Plato and Kant, for example, are philosophers of color

>> No.14434598

germans are just an uppity race of hares masquerading as humans

>> No.14434605

>tfw my mum has heaps of these gay self help books and she still is the same person she was before them

>> No.14434606

you can try reading the tao te ching, it's short and smol like my pp

>> No.14434616
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Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant
+Aristotle and Locke if you need to make Kant easier

I don't care whether this is a bait thread, this must be known

>> No.14434636

Read my book, F*ckity f*ck f*cking philosophy for f*ckers. It's a very honest book, believe me, very f*cking honest.

>> No.14435419

some jobs are bullshit

we live in a society

>> No.14435564

this is it's own sub genre at this point what's it called /lit/?

>> No.14435888

Yeah no shit. People can't change. All behavioral traits are wired in our genes, but behavioral genetics is banned so people can be deceived into supporting an industry of psychology, therapies, self-help shit, and fairy tales.

>> No.14435896

i guess the most legitimate name would be low-brow self-help
I think it all started with the art of not giving a fuck book. It started the trend. I think market research found that adding a cuss word for shock value in the title actually increased sales rather than decrease them.

>> No.14436211

Can you retarded millennials read an actual book for once in your fucking life instead of mass producing with drivel.

>> No.14436244

back to r/iamverysmart