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14433443 No.14433443 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14433457

niggers, etc

>> No.14433567

the only thing ill say about him is that his quality is retardedly inconsistent

I read the tomb and dagon back to back a few days ago and they were basically polar opposites in terms of quality. I practically couldnt even tell what the fuck happened in the tomb, i only remember that some kid went into a tomb over and over again and there was some spooky twist ending, it was just word garbage. then dagon was extremely clear with very vivid imagery and a much stronger concept

>> No.14433597

At the mountains of madness is genuinely one of the best things I've ever read but everything else by him Ive read has made no effect on me at all.

>> No.14433743

The main character extracted stupid amount of information and made absurdly detailed deductions about the lore of the old ones just based on murals on the walls. It was just unnatural.

Also the book was repetitive on the detailed descriptions about the edifices and the mountains when there was more interesting things happening and they were left without much attention. What about the massacre in the camp? What about the mysterious big white penguins? No, just more autistic details about the milueu. The old ones also got described too much so they lost their mysteriousness and scariness.

Much better stories from Lovecraft are The whisperer in the darkness and the thing on the doorstep. Especially TWITD was so thrilling and creepy that I just had to read it in one sitting.

>> No.14433757

i hate you tbdesu

>> No.14433770

Dagon was cool.

>> No.14433993
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fuck this board and all you fucking plebs
fuck jannies
fuck faggots and trannies @14433770
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
and most of all, fuck normalfags
Lovecraft was the man

>> No.14434018

read pickman's model or the music of erich zann if you want some non-cthulhu mythos stuff that's really good

>> No.14434040

it's 2 am and i can't sleep and i just opened pickman's model, this better be good, anonymous

>> No.14434045


>> No.14434050

trannies love lovecraft

>> No.14434061

>same time zone as me

>> No.14434065

Anyone have the nigger quote

>> No.14434085 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14434102
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>> No.14434104

zdr ko pr bb?

>> No.14434123

just read the story and tell me what you think of it

>> No.14434220


>> No.14434236

sorry, just finished it. i'm terrible at reading on the pc.
this was actually the first thing of lovecraft's i read. he's definitely quite good. i was getting annoyed with the beginning, but about halfway when things started getting going, i was glued to the screen. he knows how to paint a picture and i got chills a few times.
noticed the casual racism that gets memed about too, that was pretty funny.
thanks for the rec, i would read the music of erich zann too, but i'm already sleepy so maybe tomorrow

>> No.14434257

oh, i thought you were the guy complaning about the mountains of madness that's why i did the rec... but yeah those two are definitely one of his best non cthulhu mythos stuff.