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14432379 No.14432379 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Law School next year, and I'd like to read something to get ready. What would you recommend?

>> No.14432466

T14 grad, ama.
There's nothing in particular you should read to 'prepare,' the difficulty of 1L is overblown and you'll have plenty of time for pleasure reading then unless you're a brainlet or aiming for top marks (you aren't, otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread).

>> No.14432479

i can think of nothing more soulless, why pursue higher education at all?

>> No.14432498

Because I didn't want to be a wagecuck or a codemonkey. I can quit whenever I want, but at least I have options now.

>> No.14432552

I’m going to medical school, but I want to be able to shoot the shit and LARP like I’m a lawyer. What books do I start with to learn the basics of law and life as a lawyer too?

>> No.14432798

I don't think you're going to find a book that really captures the essence of what it means to be a lawyer, but if you want to LARP as a 1L just buy some really old casebooks for Torts, Crim, and Con Law on the low. If you're looking for a broader overview of practical law, get the Conviser Mini Review from Barbri for [Your State] used online.

Being a junior lawyer, anywhere, is mostly looking over a few of your client's documents and then either summarizing them for a higher-up, or performing a basic research task where your time is spent googling statutes and e-bulletins, occasionally pulling cases or document templates from a legal research engine, and drafting a memo or term sheet or motion or basic agreement or whatever.

>> No.14433548


>> No.14433752

>Because I didn't want to be a wagecuck or a codemonkey

Being a lawyer is only slightly worse than being a codemonkey

>> No.14433755


>> No.14433862

> gets hired in big law
> makes 160k salary
> works 12-15 hour days

nice one
you could've been a code monkey making 6 figures, working 35hrs a week
but I guess having the prestige of esquire from the layman is good enough to sell your soul

>> No.14433880

Cicero, learn how he constructs his arguments, at times excessively wordy but always airtight logically.

>> No.14433947

unironically, The Legal Analyst by Ward Farnsworth. It gives a good explanation of policy arguments

>> No.14433963

Don't read about philosophy of law or legal theory. They are literal wastes of time. Focus on learning the material, getting good grades and finding a nice internship early on. Read good fiction and poetry on the side. If you're really excited about going to law school, I recommend Scott Turow's 1L.

>> No.14434012

In a similar position, but it's hard to find any resources because I'm from New Zealand and finding good content on such a specific legal system isn't easy. I guess I'll just wait until I get there. In the meantime I can prepare for my philosophy courses easy enough.

>> No.14434379

My job can't get outsourced or replaced by H1Bs.

Big law is 190k + bonus for first years unless you're in a smaller market. Most firms have a billable hours requirement of 1800-1900, so you aren't regularly working 12+ hour days unless you're in the worst practice group of the worst firm in NYC.
>sell your soul
I went to school three extra years and now I work reasonable hours for a good living. How exactly have I sold my soul?

*reflexively vomits*

>Don't read about philosophy of law or legal theory.
Good advice.

>> No.14434397


>> No.14434402

Library Genesis. If you really want to read about legal theory, start with hart's concept of law and Kelsen's pure theory of law. Then you can get into more mainstream stuff like Dworkin, Shapiro, Unger, etc