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/lit/ - Literature

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14430953 No.14430953 [Reply] [Original]

Books glorifying violence?

>> No.14430956

The Old Testament

>> No.14430966

I'm too old for fairy tales

>> No.14431039

Mein Kampf
Anything written by a right winger

>> No.14431054

Storm of Steel, Catch 22, White Noise, Catcher in the Rye, Turner Diaries, Treasure Island

>> No.14431059

any epic poem

>> No.14431068

Pretty much all of the historical novels by gary Jennings - more violence and explicit sexual depravity of any kind than you can shake a stick at. And of course unironic military scifi in general - David Weber's "Honor Harrington" series, the "StarFIST" series by Sherman/Cragg, "Hammer's Slammers" by David Drake, the "Galaxy's Edge/Legionnaires) series, etc etc..

>> No.14431078

50 Shades of Grey

>> No.14431083
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The meme book by James Mason
Reflections On Violence by Georges Sorel
The Futurist Manifesto by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
The Coming Revolution by Padraig Pearse
The Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola
Bakunin's article The Excommunication og the Hague

>> No.14431099

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.14431110

Just finished Blood Meridian, was a good read

>> No.14431141
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>> No.14431898


>> No.14433479

>Storm of Steel
its the opposite actually

>> No.14433501

The Illiad

the bloodiest poem in history

>> No.14433509
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Their feet swift to shed blood:

Destruction and misery in their ways:

And the way of peace they have not known.

There is no fear of God before their eyes.

>> No.14433711

The Communist Manifesto
Anything written by a left winger

>> No.14434010

Makes no sense desu. Maybe you need to start reading books outside of your comfort sphere so you'll have smarter thoughts next time

>> No.14434014

The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.14434032

Storm of Steel

>> No.14434044
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Don't pretend like violence is inherently a conservative trait.

>> No.14434069 [DELETED] 

u say mein kampf doesnt celebrate hate & violence? lmao

>> No.14434080

u say mein kampf doesnt celebrate hate & violence? lmao alright kiddo

>> No.14434098

Of course it does, I'm just saying that dismissing violence as a conservative trait is willfully ignorant and hypocritical.

I'm not even a conservative, I'm just sick of people like Obama and Hillary getting a free pass from their imperialism because they are "liberals".

>> No.14434107

this is bait from a left winger/centrist no one reply "LOOOL BUT THE LEFT HATES OBAMA AND HILLARY" because u will have fallen for the trap!

>> No.14434108

It's a corner that the American right backed themselves into.

>> No.14434121

Because the left aren't held accountable for their actions?

>> No.14434127

The left doesn't hate Obama and Hillary. Fringe liberals on Twitter do but the average liberal still likes them.

>> No.14434133
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>> No.14434140
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Leftist violence is against oppressors and traitors. Right wing violence is against the weak and vulnerable.

>> No.14434142
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>> No.14434152

do you unironically think this or do you just say it for the sake of argument? I genuinely can't fathom being that naive

>> No.14434157
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>unironically savoring traits of african warlords
>warrants book burning
>unironically anti-intellectual
Lmaooo imagine becoming the very thing you hate. Kys incel

>> No.14434161
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Yeah those 7 million Ukrainian peasants got what was coming to them.

>> No.14434717

Sade, Lautreamont, Apollinaire

>> No.14434905

Mein Kampf isn't conservative. It's explicitly progressive and revolutionary.

>> No.14435262


>> No.14435267


>> No.14435275

Real zingers

>> No.14435415

Edgy redditor go back

>> No.14435489

>Wants a book that glorifies violence
Yeah, real mature guy over here.

>> No.14435504


yeah um the entire point of catch-22 is the absurdity and uselessness of war

>> No.14435624

>When we kill people it's because they deserve it!

>> No.14435716

>When they were got together in one place shield clashed with shield and spear with spear in the rage of battle. The bossed shields beat one upon another, and there was a tramp as of a great multitude - death-cry and shout of triumph of slain and slayers, and the earth ran red with blood. As torrents swollen with rain course madly down their deep channels till the angry floods meet in some gorge, and the shepherd the hillside hears their roaring from afar - even such was the toil [ponos] and uproar of the hosts as they joined in battle.

>First Antilokhos slew an armed warrior of the Trojans, Ekhepolos, son of Thalysios, fighting in the foremost ranks. He struck at the projecting part of his helmet and drove the spear into his brow; the point of bronze pierced the bone, and darkness veiled his eyes; headlong as a tower he fell amid the press of the fight, and as he dropped King Elephenor, son of Khalkodon and leader of the proud Abantes began dragging him out of reach of the darts that were falling around him, in haste to strip him of his armor. But his purpose was not for long; Agenor saw him haling the body away, and smote him in the side with his bronze-shod spear - for as he stooped his side was left unprotected by his shield - and thus he perished. Then the fight between Trojans and Achaeans grew furious over his body, and they flew upon each other like wolves, man and man crushing one upon the other.

>> No.14435768

>Muh 100 billion

>> No.14435816

Holy Koran. Death to all you faggots!!!!!

>> No.14435951

Which of his work exactly?

>> No.14435962

It makes me want to do very violent things to Milo Minderbinder.

>> No.14435972

Clockwork Orange

>> No.14436242

Might is Right?

>> No.14436246

I want Diomedes to put his long spear in me

>> No.14436248

thanks anon you make this board worth visiting

>> No.14436260


>> No.14436268


>> No.14436326

Based Milo making commies seethe

>> No.14436457

>muh six gorillion

>> No.14436825

You'll get a good taste of violence in hell

>> No.14436855

De Sade

>> No.14436874

Go back to r/atheism

>> No.14436881

commie manifesto

>> No.14436921

my diary desu

>> No.14437325

Les Onze Mille Verges (ou les Amours d'un hospodar)

>> No.14437371
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I was always wondering why are there so many christfags on /lit/ and I came to conclusion it's becouse most of anons are from USA, which is known for lowest level of education

>> No.14437390

Isn't it mostly about perversion?

>> No.14437656

Yes, but it have a lot of violence like shooting a japanese whore, violate a baby and multiple kills, like others
In fact it's a satire of Sade books

>> No.14437717
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Seems alright to me. Will check!