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/lit/ - Literature

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14429479 No.14429479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>last semester of English degree
>still have to take a stupid rhetoric class about social issues taught by a dyke
Can't fucking wait to graduate, what a waste of time. Who else majored in English and regrets it?

>> No.14429484

>dumb frogposter makes poor life decisions

Sounds about right.

>> No.14429488
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Please tell me about how smart you are

>> No.14429505

Has Subway already reserved a spot on the staff for you or are you just gonna apply after the last term is over?

>> No.14429508
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>> No.14429512

>>getting a degree in English when you could've just read the classics and the commentaries in your unit library

>> No.14429517

Nah nigga, I'm interning in HR and probably gonna get a full time position after. I'm not worried about a job, I just hate all the retarded SJW "academic" reading we had to do. Rhetoric went from being how to write well according to the Greeks to some leftist drivel about muh feminism and all that.
Outside of lit courses(that are almost always taught by a cuck), nothing in English departments are worth studying.

>> No.14429521

I don't even like to read. I just like to write

>> No.14429566

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14429742

200% not gonna make it

>> No.14429781

>majored in english
>now make 32k a year
honestly, it's enough

>> No.14429793

>tfw you have an English degree and now do work for an advertising firm.

It's all about the skills you derive from it brah. English is basically analysis and argumentation. Ads are visual arguments. I basically get to use my skills everyday in designing and coordinating ads for websites or products.

>> No.14429806

>Ads are visual arguments
whew lad

>> No.14429878

Well he's not the one who majored in fucking English.

>> No.14429884

>sells out his soul to capitalism
chief, that's a yikes from me

>> No.14429887

no worries g. an education in literature puts you ahead of 90% of the monkeys

>> No.14429926

Doing what?

>> No.14429928

That's literally the kind of garbage they teach in English departments and they call is "visual rhetoric". Basically anything you feel like making up you can pass off as "rhetoric"

>> No.14429948

A rhetoric department? U must be also be at berkeley

>> No.14429955

Ugh, god forbid. Imagine going to Berkeley and actually having to take classes from Judith Butler.

>> No.14429957

What country/state do you live in?

>> No.14429961

I'm in the same boat, but my wife makes 60k a year so combined we're sitting at 90k a year and live very comfortably.

>> No.14429981

do you live in a major city?

>> No.14429983

at least you didn't major in liberal arts like me

>> No.14429988

Nope, we live in Salt Lake City, which is a key city in its region, but we're planning on moving to the east coast where we'll definitely be able to make more doing the same stuff

>> No.14429989

What does "liberal arts" even mean as a major? I know things like English and others are part of the liberal arts, but I've never heard of a specific major of it

>> No.14429998

Should have done something more specifically literature based or classics so you can roll into graduate school easily. As far as I know English is practically impossible to use as a degree to get into grad school. I'm in Classics learning Greek and Latin but also have a French minor and know Spanish so grad school will be easy to get into for me. Sadly some unis to offer Classics and or something like comparative literature

>> No.14430005

I'm assuming you're a Brit. It's incredibly easy to go to grad school after a BA in English. It's usually in grad school where you specialize into your specific interest. Undergrad is pretty generalized

>> No.14430014

state government work, not very interesting
US, in the South, low cost of living

>> No.14430020

But if you wanted to make a career out of it, you could go back to school and get a Masters of Public Administration and then you could be the administrator of your department or office and make good money while having that sweet work/life balance that a government job provides as well as the benefits.

>> No.14430025

this is true, I have considered an MPA but at that point why not just be an attorney?

>> No.14430033

I have the exact same thoughts as you. I originally wanted to go to law school until I realized how expensive it is and how shitty being a lawyer is. I realized I wanted to do policy and administration stuff more anyway.
I'm going to give my shitty English degree a chance and see how far it takes me and then decide if I want to get an MPA or MBA later.
May I ask, how did you get your government job? Was it pretty straight forward?

>> No.14430054

This as an English major I feel like my only realistic choices for a career are:
>Do some kind of marketing and become a slave to the techno-capital consoomer machine
>Join the army and support the military industrial complex or die young
>Be a teacher (already tried and hated it)
Being a marketer sounds so soul sucking but it's seems like the only viable option if I want to make a decent enough amount of money to live on my own and do some traveling as well.

>> No.14430061

Look into HR and also public relations. Lots of English majors end up there and have good careers. If you start in HR and stick around and rise to ladder, you can easily make 100k+ a year as a manager/director somewhere.

>> No.14430066

yes, I literally just applied straight out of school, interviewed, and got it. but the work itself is pretty menial. It definitely has its advantages though

>> No.14430069

Nice. Government jobs especially are all about just getting your foot in the door and sticking around. Once you're in you're good, just gotta get in first

>> No.14430070

you made me laugh OP, thank you

>> No.14430094

>interning in HR and probably gonna get a full time position
>I just hate all the retarded SJW
>>HR job
>>hates SJW

>> No.14430096

It wasn't a joke though. Fuck English departments, no wonder so many guys turn into cucks in them. My classes are either blue haired freaks with huge ugly glasses, fat girls in their 30s, turbo SJWs and gaylords.
Fucking hell, why did I think this was a good idea?

>> No.14430098

I can pretend to like it if it means there's a paycheck at the end of the day.

>> No.14430099

how difficult is it, really, to detach yourself from people and ideas you find absurd and go about your work. I majored in English and (at least in my program) the cultural studies elements /lit/ loves to hate were pretty muted. and even if they weren't, I wouldn't be a baby about it

>> No.14430105

what school do you go to?

>> No.14430107

Yeah, nah fuck that.
Is it possible that I can just find some rich sugar daddy to be my patron so I can live off his paychecks and have all the freetime in the world to write poetry and novels and shit like they did in the good old days before the rise of capitalism?

>> No.14430112

This. I am pretty conservative, voted for Trump and will do it again next year. But I have sat through 3 and a half years of stupid "lit theory" nonsense and social justice bullshit without a problem. It's a matter of just screening out what you don't need to hear and just doing enough for the grade.
There is literally a class at my university called Writing for Social Change about some SWJ issue and writing about how you're fighting to fix it. Just skip those classes and make sure it's not a woman teaching your classes and you're good.

>> No.14430118

A huge shitty state school. Nothing special or prestigious.

>> No.14430123

Good luck. I met a girl who is my "sugar mama" and she makes 50k a year. It takes pressure off of me to get a super high paying job and instead allows me to get an easy job with low stress and spend time writing and reading

>> No.14430126

just curious, because I went to a mid-tier LAC and it wasn't like that

>> No.14430133

I think it's the fact that my school has no entry requirements. If you're willing to pay tuition you're accepted. That attracts these loser types that wouldn't be accepted at a better school.
Also, these dyke type professors can get a job teaching at a teaching university easier than a research university.

>> No.14430135

I was more thinking getting some rich dude to actually be an art patron to me in the same way guys like the Medicis were patron to a lot of the great Renaissance artists.

>> No.14430138

Could be worse anon. You could have majored in an Art History degree. Philosophy is a terrible degree as well

>> No.14430141
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>I voted for Trump

>> No.14430143

>teaching university
>research university.
brain damage
oh wait, that's just a dumbfuck clueless zoomer

>> No.14430144

You need to unironically move to NYC and go to swanky UES boomer bars, dressed up, and talk to the MILFs there (the boomer finance bros won't care about your shitty faggot poems) and ask for ADVICE, not for funding, on your literary career and seduce them too. After all this, their (and their husband's) coffers will fund your lifestyle. I hope you're charismatic and good looking anon.

>> No.14430145

Are you someone who does not know the difference?

>> No.14430148

I majored in mathematics and got a shit GPA. How can I find a job? I feel like I'm stuck with being an underemployed wagecuck like all you fucks

>> No.14430150

Imagine voting for Hillary and thinking you're morally superior to anyone.

>> No.14430154

STATS big boy

>> No.14430156

all researchers at universities are teachers, a high education "teaching only" facility is not an university

>> No.14430159

>STATS big boy
Become a data science fag? How am I going to get any firm to take me when my grades are shit, how do I prove I'm competent?

>> No.14430163

A teaching university is one that offers masters and undergraduate degrees but not PhDs. Offering PhDs would give it the designation as a research university.
Teaching universities are not prestigious and are more of a degree mill.

>> No.14430171

teaching "universities" are not universities

>> No.14430176

Sure thing bud. You tell us, oh wise one

>> No.14430183

go into debt to get into a master's program, if your GPA is REALLY that bad

>> No.14430190

just accept you're an undergrad dumbfuck, zoomerfaggot

>> No.14430192

If his GPA was trash a masters program won't take him. That's the double edged sword

>> No.14430195

I'm actually not a zoomer. I'm a 29 year old boomer who started college at 26
And I already said I was an undergrad, dumbass

>> No.14430201

>If his GPA was trash a masters program won't take him. That's the double edged sword
admittedly it would make things more difficult, but even if anon has a 2.5 or something I think he could get in somewhere, esp. with a good GRE and recommendations

>> No.14430205

not the same guy, but what actually is a teaching university? i've never heard this term

>> No.14430216

If you're a professor at a teaching college you'll probably teach 4 or so classes a semester, each semester, and getting published isn't as important. You teach students who will probably not go to grad school and there are no doctorate students.
At a research university you'll teach 2 classes a semester and are expected to publish a paper a year or a book every 3, or something like that. You do research in your field.

>> No.14430224

but for it to be a university, it has to have graduate programs, right?

>> No.14430227

I have perfect on my GRE, do i really need to go into debt for a Master's? Can't I just swindle some company to fund me to do one?

>> No.14430228

Masters yeah, not PhDs.

>> No.14430233

Depends on your field and how important you are to that company. It's rare, and when they do it's usually for an MBA so you come back and work there as a manager.
If you really nailed the GRE and can get a professor or old boss to write you a good recommendation, you could potentially get funding. A GPA in the 2s is pretty much a death sentence though, so good luck

>> No.14430234

You... You seriously believe I know I'm superior because you think me shitting on Trump implies I voted for Hillary Clinton? No, no, I know I'm superior because I'm not a dumbfuck who believes that any single U.S. presidential candidate barring Sanders actually gives a rat's fucking ass about anyone in the bottom 99%, unlike you, who seem to have been lulled into the grand distraction that is the corporatized dog and pony show elites put on to present a false political dichotomy and make you feel as if you have any power.

>> No.14430236

but this is a huge state university nonetheless right? I believe you, I just have never heard of a place like this, except like nursing colleges and so on

>> No.14430241

it's possible, but why? why put yourself through that asspain for a buck?

>> No.14430247
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>Berniebro Spregs Out: The Post

>> No.14430249

well, it's one thing when you're studying something you care about, and another when it's a job. but at any rate, why get butthurt about what other plebs believe? you know that it doesn't matter

>> No.14430252
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>> No.14430256

Hell, I'll even tell you it's Utah Valley University. It's a huge state school with 40k students.
It's considered a teaching university whereas University of Utah is a prestigious research university.

>> No.14430259

if asking a questions means someone is butthurt, does that mean you're butthurt in return?

>> No.14430262
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>> No.14430263

why does the pepe with eyebrows always have right-wing opinions? not h8in just wondering

>> No.14430266

Holy shit, cringe.

>> No.14430277

anon, I'm clearly not saying you're butthurt, but if you get "asspained" by having to be around milquetoast social liberals, then you are, in fact, butthurt

>> No.14430281

can I have a source on this? big if true

>> No.14430282

nice, I see what you mean. I have often heard the term "research university" but I have never heard of any other kind until now

>> No.14430292

>milquetoast social liberals
nah, vocal SJWs and pandering to retarded beliefs and being forced to disguise one's own due to economic concern is asspain

>> No.14430297

may I ask what is your job?

>> No.14430298

you may, but I won't answer besides saying it's not one in which I have to deal with HR-level shenanigans.

>> No.14430312

sometimes I forget how fucking bluepilled /lit/ is. fuvking system fodders.

>> No.14430313

Holy shit, you actually fell for the Democratic Socialism meme. Let me guess you think Andrew Yang is a good candidate?

>> No.14430314

literally Plebbit-tier

>> No.14430315

so what you're posing is a hypothetical. my point is I find it hard to believe there are many jobs where the political views of your coworkers alone would be enough to make them intolerable

>> No.14430316

And what would you do that was different? When you're 30 with a family and you want a house or need a better car, you'll take what you can get that pays well.

>> No.14430319

>based Chinaman gibs $1000
reality is too funny to be true

>> No.14430325
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>I find it hard to believe there are many jobs where the political views of your coworkers alone would be enough to make them intolerable
all this cope over working in HR

>> No.14430327

berniebro has PASSION and CONVICTION. what do you have, anon, but nihilistic contempt?

>> No.14430329

I don't work in HR

>> No.14430330


>> No.14430334

Good, stay away from the field. Less competition for jobs.
Keep working on your novel though, I'm sure lots of people will want to read what you have to say. Keep flipping those burgers in the meantime, I'm sure you'll get your big break soon

>> No.14430336

>implying its gonna be business at usual at 30. implying the long game is even worth playing.

>> No.14430342

You sure have a lot to say but haven't one said anything worth reading.
What would you suggest then for someone with a humanities degree that can offer a living and not be feeding the corporate machine?

>> No.14430344

>impotent grasping at straws
thought you were one of these fags

>> No.14430348

>what do you have, anon, but nihilistic contempt?
dank maymays

>> No.14430355

mope around, write poetry about the abject decline that no one will read, use your humanities knowledge solely for acquiring arthoe puss, work as a barista bc you refuse to do anything as cynical as HR or marketing, kys. this is the good life, as artistically pure as it gets in these times

>> No.14430361

That must be why lit degrees afford their owners such illustrious jobs.

>> No.14430368

I can't even imagine making 90k a year and feeling comfortable, and I live in a shitty flyover state.

>> No.14430376

Liberal arts degrees might be generalized, but nothing in STEM is.

>> No.14430377

is this a joke? because if you don't have a huge number of dependents you simply want things you don't need if you aren't comfortable on 90k

>> No.14430379

Those jobs go to journalism majors
That'd probably fly
Those go to education majors.

>> No.14430381

>education majors
do you mean people with a master's degree in education? because otherwise you're wrong

>> No.14430390

Skyrocketing costs of living.

>> No.14430395

What if I told you I did all of those things and it wasn't as fulfilling as getting a paycheck every two weeks that paid my bills with leftovers to spend on fun?

>> No.14430396

if you're single, you can make it anywhere on 90k, and you already implied you lived in an area with low cost of living. I don't believe you

>> No.14430397

Boris Johnson is a lit major and is the prime minister of the UK. I think he did alright for himself.

>> No.14430401

Seriously? If you make 90k a year you can get a decent house and a car and have plenty left over for fun. If you live in a big city it doesn't go as far but 90k is very cozy if you know how to live within your means.

>> No.14430405

English, journalism and communications majors are basically the same thing to employers and all work the same jobs. To someone hiring them, they're all the same thing.
Not gonna lie, being a military officer would be badass. You don't need a specific degree to be one, just need ANY degree and to pass OCS
I would literally kill myself if I had to teach zoomers and grade their papers

>> No.14430406

All the teachers in this county get master's eventually, but the school district here won't even look at people without a BA or BS in education. You could take the courses for alternative licensure, but at that point, you may as well get the master's for the pay raise.

>> No.14430409

I just said I lived in a flyover state. The costs of living are not low by any means.

>> No.14430410

then id believe you, cos neither is fulfilling but one reflects the state of the soul in this world where the only thing that is left to desire is stability. and this is what i chase after too

>> No.14430413

Recruiters don't see a BA in English as comparable at all.

>> No.14430414

they could be high and you would still be basically fine, is my point. you're doing fine in Chicago or Atlanta on 90k

>> No.14430419

If you think someone is recruiting you with a humanities meme degree, you're delusional

>> No.14430431

I'm saying exactly the same thing you are. English majors don't get marketing degrees because people with degrees in journalism and communications do. Those are meme degrees too, but they're meme degrees that get people jobs.

>> No.14430464

I'm talking about the jobs people with these degrees typically try and get.
English majors excel at marketing and advertising, same with PR and any sort of communication based job. But most English majors are too braindead to think of applying to these places.
A journalism degree is literally just a shittier English degree. Both do the same things, both write well and analyze things. To someone interviewing them, they're equal.

This is more a pro-English major post than anything. You guys are qualified for way more than you think you are, and you're doing yourself a disservice to not apply to these jobs, assuming all you can do is edit and work in publishing or something.

>> No.14430606

I literally only voted for Blompf because muh guns, I wouldn't even bother to vote otherwise. I live in M*chigan too so I actually made a difference lol.