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14428085 No.14428085 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Characters or historical figures that have a similar personality to you

Pic related is very similar to me except smarter (but i make up for it by being 6 feet tall)

>> No.14428130

He had an average height for his time and so do you.

>> No.14428155

K.V. Flannery

>> No.14428166
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Wrong 6 feet tall is taller than 80% of the male population in a white country and im specifically 6 foot 2 and a half, which is even more above average because my age is 18 and a half

>> No.14428170


>> No.14428213
File: 142 KB, 1006x1171, 1577407906683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terry Davis

>> No.14428220

OMG you are such a giant Mr Tallboy, you are a Viking.

>> No.14428277
File: 392 KB, 2242x1320, tfw you're adolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.14428280

Have you also created your own compiler for a custom C dialect / your own highly-religious OS?

Terry was one of a kind.

>> No.14428292

Im not a viking but i can put the keyboard out of your reach if i have to wong

>> No.14428326
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Miguel Serrano.

>> No.14429495

What was his personality?

There's plenty of historical records as he was the John Lennon of his time, but I don't recall any of them?

Can anyone tell me how was he as a person? Seems like some narcissistic Chad who was always obsessed with reputation.

>> No.14429511
File: 101 KB, 1024x645, por_el_hombre_que_vendra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b a s e d, have a quote from El Maestro:

Tal vez el "Jefe" careció de los genes necesarios para resistir la terrible presión del Enemigo; pero posiblemente él mismo provocara el desenlace. A estas alturas en el tiempo, sólo podemos ya intentar –con mis jóvenes camaradas de esta amada patria– recoger los escombros de esa catástrofe que lo destruyera todo y, con el ejemplo del Führer, Adolf Hitler, que nunca traicionara y que, como un Dios, fue capaz de mantenerse firme hasta el final, inquebrantable –un Ulises, un Hércules, un Caupolicán– cargando nosotros con todo el peso de esta historia macabra de Chile, sin tampoco claudicar jamás, para poder rescatar el sacrificio de los héroes nazistas chilenos, que como nazistas murieron masacrados, dejando a otros defender a los tránsfugas, a los "vanguardistas", a los "demócratas"; pero sin permitir que los héroes y mártires, los más puros de mi generación, sean ahora transformados, canallescamente, en lo que ellos sí son.

>> No.14429797
File: 230 KB, 450x563, Te_lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desire for glory and adventure
>antagonistic relationship with mother
>willful suppression of sexuality

>> No.14429816
File: 786 KB, 1524x2339, 91DYwfWejsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the biography called "Napoleon the Great" by Andrew Roberts right now and there is quite a bit known about his personality from childhood to his death because both he and te company he kept published thousands of letters about him. As a child he was quiet and kept to himself, spent most of his time reading books but was also very strong willed and talkative. As an adolescent he was bullied for his accent and large head. You can really gleam a lot about him from the ages of 16-23 because he wrote a lot of short stories, poems, novels and essays before the vendemaires revolt. He was awkward with women and the Parisian salon scene and wrote a sturm und drang style novel inspired by Werther because of early rejections. His wife cucked him during the Italian campaign. His intelligence combined with his lack pf social success allowed him to develop a big chip on the shoulder that he compensated for by fucking a lot of women after his initial sucess. I havent read past the battle of marengo yet so i dont know anything about his adulthood.

Tldr: Bullied and cucked so he tried to become as chaddy as possible to compensate

>> No.14429848
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>> No.14429851

>ages of 16-23 because he wrote a lot of short stories, poems, novels and essays
Where can i find these? I recall Roberts alluding to Napoleon dreaming of becoming a great author, even writing a great history of Corsica, but I don't remember him citing anything else particularly

>> No.14430991

>this shortass
you will never be the 6ft4 uber attractive, blond haired, light blue eyed, /litfit/izen Platonic ideal.

>> No.14430995

You shouldn't suppress your sexuality anon, but integrate and control it.

>> No.14431005
File: 785 KB, 960x1440, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14431012

>tfw brother beats me up but I trapped him in Socratic dialogue

>> No.14431374

I thought you were a based TERF, why are you posting transgender anime shit

>> No.14431392

I made a compiler for a language I made up. No OS yet. I'd only make one if I needed to do something really bizarre.
I just like catgirls.

>> No.14431394
File: 510 KB, 492x599, byron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Byron, desu. I'm mad, bad and dangerous to know

>> No.14431405

I’m kind of like Jesus except black

>> No.14431476

He was measured 5'2" by the British, thus he was 5'2" by 9ur current standards as well. The average back then was ~5'6" so he was quite short

>> No.14431528
File: 90 KB, 1240x1330, xJAebabPdB12SbZOb4wZ7hg1t7p4oDKwhhRbEB-Gjqs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a white country

>> No.14431531


>> No.14431539

Already am

>> No.14431548

Too many nonwhites and mutts to judge it average male white height. I'm sure many European countries are affected by this too. So 6ft is a suitable average for Germanic men.

>> No.14431550

>The myth that he was short stems primarily from the fact that he is listed as 5 feet 2 inches tall at the time of his death. However, this is 5 feet 2 inches in French units. In modern international units, he was just shy of 5 feet 7 inches. Now I know you are saying “well that is still pretty short”. That is true by modern day standards in certain places in the world, such as the United States. However, at the time in France, the average height for an adult male was about 5 feet 5 inches in modern international units. So in fact, he was quite tall for his day.
>Interestingly, there is evidence that Napoleon was already considered short at the time of his death, despite being above average height among his fellow Frenchman. This likely stems from the fact that his personal bodyguards were all very tall and broad; there being height requirements for his guard. So wherever he went, people saw him with his guards who were all much bigger than him and thus he looked small in comparison, earning him the nickname “Le Petit Caporel” or in English “The Little Corporal”, though in his day this was typically used as a term of affection for him and not as an insult.

>> No.14431557

>That is true by modern day standards in certain places in the world, such as the United States.
It's funny cuz it's not actually true lol. When was this written?

>> No.14431584

The amount of non-whites is a massively overblown meme. The chinese and indians are concentrated into their own sections of Vancouver and the Toronto suburbs but whites still make up more than 80% of the country.

>> No.14431604

maybe the average person SHOULDN'T learn history if they're gonna fuck it up this much. why was I taught he was a borderline midget? who started this "napoleon complex" bullshit?

>> No.14431626

yea but it skews it a lot. as does mixing.

>> No.14431637

the contemporary mischaracterisation is born of not understanding traditional units of measurement and thinking there's only one under the generic name 'foot'

>> No.14431643
File: 42 KB, 466x333, BBC-Chart-height_world_leaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believing 200 year old war time propaganda
Napoleon was above average in France at his time. French feet were longer than English feet. He was 5'2" French feet, and 5'7" English feet.

>> No.14431655

It's unironic anglo propaganda

>> No.14431722

hirohiko araki?

>> No.14431764

Blacks win again!

>> No.14431904
File: 453 KB, 1200x1200, raskolnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14432031

>by the british
anglos are still pumping out propaganda movies every year to make up for their lack of virtue and courage in history. half of their energy is spent trying to tarnish the french. fucking anglo revisionists. There's even a movie coming up soon called '1917'. The title says enough. It will be about how americans saved the french in WW1 kek. It's utterly pathetic witnessing anglos peddling for credibility. This post is 100% unironic, every frenchman finds anglojew holywood propaganda pathetic, we watch their movies out of pity yet the anglo (lacking in awareness - his main caracteristic) will see the box office and think himself successful. hahahahahaha

>> No.14432654

The Napoleon complex with regards to height is false but if you want to be specific he was bullied as a child and was a kissless virgin until his early 20s so he had a lot to compensate for.