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14427893 No.14427893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Millions of years living as part of nature, feeding and being fed upon to continue the circle of life
>A few thousand years of farming

>> No.14427897

posting in cringe thread

>> No.14427921

In all levels except physical I am an anti-tech revolutionary.
*bombs internally*

>> No.14428702


>> No.14428738
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The burden of hyper-reflexivity is real. The solution is a recovery of the Patristic perspective that accepts the limits of human capacity yet retains the depth of God's penetrating love by grace.

>> No.14428753
File: 215 KB, 680x760, EA0CE35A-1720-40CC-8D72-EDDD7E89633B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology is nature.

>> No.14428762

You did not live millions of year, I bet you can barely remember what you were like a year ago.

You live today, there's no other option hack fraud, might as well embrace it.

>> No.14428770

>there's no other option
Who's paying you

>> No.14429289

If you don't like the near-infinite benefits of living in a civilization with technology, then nobody's stopping you from abstaining from modern civilization.

>> No.14429314

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. The dynamic has changed. WE work for technology, not the other way around. Technology has become the master, and we have become the slaves.

>> No.14429322

In what way? Pretty sure I haven't worked for any technology in my life.

>> No.14429372

nice get. Smartphones constantly demand our attention, so does the Internet and social media. People get panicky when they don't have access to their phones.Their self esteem depends on how many friends and likes they have on facefuck or twatter. People give up their privacy to tech companies so they can sell your data to marketing companies. And so on and so forth

>> No.14429383

I agree. Unfortunately there's no going back now. I should find the webm of the black nigga talking about how happy he is with his kids and how good his wife is.

>> No.14429417

That's quite easy to get around(don't use social media, manage your life so as to not engender addictive, dependent habits), and a very generous corruption of what you said. Being addicted to social technologies and forming our value systems around them is in no actual interprettable way slavery to technology. The technology does not benefit in any way, and arguably has no possible method to "benefit" from humans whatsoever. That's what makes it technology; it is a tool for us to use, nothing more. Misuse of a tool does not make the craftsman a slave to the tool. The only people actually working "for" technology are people being paid to develop it, or the people who make their livings off of e-celeb followings. In both cases, it is the human benefitting from the transaction. In any case which a human does not benefit from the interaction with technology, it can hardly be suggested that they are "working for" the technology/machine.

>> No.14429469
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You feed the machine with valuable data, which helps it optimize its algorithms. Also, it goes beyond iphones/social media. Our society is increasingly car dependent. It's very impractical to get around without a car, and for a car to work you need gas, which is extracted through a complex process that necessitates complex machinery. Our lives depend on fluctuations in the stock market, which is controlled by algorithms. Our lives are controlled by algorithms. Every day we lose more and more control. Technology becomes more powerful while we become dependent on it. We are at it's mercy. If that's not a master-slave relationship, I don't know what is.

>> No.14429561

except it goes much deeper than that. you wageslave away so you can consume necessities and other products which are only given to you through complex networks of industrial infrastructure which effectively takes any and all control out of your life. modern man is a massive cuck to the technological system

>> No.14429595

I recently took a trip to a third world country and I envy them. Life is simpler there. I lived with the locals, ate with them, slept in the same non-airconditioned houses and farms as them. It's like the people there have some preserved form of humanity in them that has been lost in the modern world. I am genuinely thinking of moving. Even in the worst case scenario, I would rather starve, be diseased or shot to death in a third world country than be subjected to decades of meaningless work and school that exists for no reason other than to meet a quota. Yes, I have a job and I go to school. I know it doesn't get any better, meanwhile you tell lies to yourself and pretend to like your job.

>> No.14429652

No one is forcing you to live as "part of nature" or whatever. You are the one who choose to come post on 4chan

>> No.14429658

not to live^

>> No.14429665

Which country? Most third world countries in South America have hyper modernized enclaves with a middle class population whose ideology and habits are basically the same everywhere.

>> No.14429668

The Amount of 4chan addicted shut ins that complain about technology is astounding

>> No.14429674

Nothing wrong with trying to change your life and to preach to others to change as well

>> No.14429681

Maybe because 4chan addicts feel the effects of technology daily?

>> No.14429703

If you were trying to change you wouldn't be on here
Yeah but they speak like it's the world inflicting technology on them as opposed to just being an introvert wuss choosing their computer over the outdoors

>> No.14429908

Agreed. That is what was so striking about Ellul. Technique/Technology is unfettered and now dominates and dictates our actions and thoughts in almost every way and we have lost all spontaneity and autonomy as humans

>> No.14430426

bow chicka wow wow

>> No.14430472

absolutely ridiculous. it is inside human nature to tend towards the unnatural, it's not a mistake that the extreme anti-technologists and the extreme pro-technologists are maladaptive freaks who use mental crutches in order to avoid introspective criticism yet to any outsider observing their behavior it's immediately clear that they are reacting to internal inadequacies.

the only purpose of mankind is to reproduce, and as time passes the fitness for natural environments decreases locally (at the individual) but increases globally (at the species scale). you will see baby farms, you will see eugenics correctly implemented such that superior humans are created by formula, and you will eventually see brain cooperatives, where a genius will clone his brain 100x over in order to gain some additive benefit.

technology is nothing more than the collaborative desire of mankind to be less reliant on the environment (which is fickle and prone to catastrophic collapse) and more reliant on itself (through the organisation and deployment of world machines).

it's in an extreme infancy now, where communication is being slowly solved by forming a global language to standardize human thinking. the next steps will be emotional suppressants (you already see the drug market for this is exploding) and attention enhancing drugs. the effect of cognition is a type of repetitive self-improvement trick, and you can teach anyone how to be smarter by
>1. addressing their immediate biological needs
>2. enumerating valid choices ordered based on genetic predisposition
>3. offering reinforcement along the desired path of understanding

you will find that most humans are junk, and to progress forward we need maybe 15 people who can make leapfrog technologies to fix the disaster that is unsupervised reproduction.

>> No.14430479

human nature to eroticize nothingness

>> No.14430558

Underrated and true.

>> No.14430561

He whe does not live in civilization is either a beast or God.

>> No.14430599

>If you were trying to change you wouldn't be on here
Wrong. The technology is necessary to reach people, and 4chan allows anonymity, so his face, body and posture won't negatively affect his message.

>> No.14430605

>there's no other option
This is why billions of people, despite being miserable their whole adult lives, enduring pointless suffering and stress in the pursuit of meaningless goals, never stops to think "no". They truly believe there is no other choice, that this is just what life is. Drudgery in service of society.

That's a lie.

>> No.14430609
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You dont think somewhere along the way the luddites are going to win because we've lost the "humanity" along the way?

>> No.14430619

"Why are people on the fringes of society with nothing to lose the only ones willing to delve into the meaningless of society and honestly evaluate whether it's good or bad for humanity?"

Gee I wonder...

>> No.14430771

taking uncle ted seriously is cringe bro.

>> No.14430791

Ted Kaczynski's Legal Defense


>> No.14430792

Explain why you underage pea brain, otherwise shut up

>> No.14430978

There is no problem with technology on a small scale. The problem is with technology on the large scale. You are reliant not on the environment but on even less reliable system of human cogs in the human system which supports unreliable machines that have to enslave you in order to work uninterruptedly and globally. You are being oppressed and enslaved as an individual for the sake of survival of the whole group of people, people who only exist thanks to this human inhumane system which allowed them to exist only to replace old slaves, only to sustain itself.

This is enslavement which people will never be able to exit since the destruction that follows the fall of the system will be gargantuan. The closed circle of reproduction and survival in the fake world for the sake of reproduction and sustaining the fake world. Human machine closed in itself, machine that wants to include everything in itself and manage everything by itself, everything that nature has already done and everything that machine will only achieve by forcing absolute control over all living creatures on the whole planet, and in future even more planets.

This is comic reflection of all subjective negative sides of a man, all his greed and inability to accept the world as it is, all his wishes to turn the world into his horrific perverted picture of the ideal world with all the degeneracy hidden in the corners of his rotten mind. A time bomb which sooner or later will explode when one's man greed will exceed the greed of the whole system.

>> No.14430997

is life enslavement.. you didn't choose to be born, you have a strong desire to live, and you will die no matter what you do to avoid it. even if you kill yourself it will be in the shadow of knowing this is a reactive choice to the situation you have been brought to, and therefore probably a causal action and not independent of it.

always always deal with people like this by asking

>how else can it be?
>what would you do different?
>why would your idea work?
>what alternatives do you propose?

etc.. when you scratch below the surface of people like this you realise they hate humanity, life and existence. and their only solution is death, destruction, despair - because their way of thinking is useful for the creative destruction that often happens in complex societies, they are like an undo button and dragging them kicking and screaming is useful for the future humanity who need these impulses to check utopian despotism.

you are the sperm and the egg anon. everything else is artifice and social construct.

it depends on how clever the crypto-technicians are on subverting the luddites and impregnating their ideology with with esoteric techno-viruses which will loop them back to the same spot they revolted against.

>> No.14431004

We lived for millions of years as hunter gatherers, none of your egotistical ramblings will turn that into a period of hell on earth we desperately wanted to escape

>> No.14431043

Take your clothes off, climb a tree and throw your poop at anyone that passes by your 'territory', you natural man you.

>> No.14431052
File: 154 KB, 1599x1215, 1CD9590E-EC6F-41EC-8174-3910E2893570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current technological society is the one that worships death, despair and destruction. The machine is fed by the blood of the cogs, who can and will be replaced when the machine has grinded them, extracting all useful labor from them then discarding them and replacing them with newer cogs to keep itself running. Meanwhile it destroys the environment. The old way of life assigned meaning to life, there was freedom, even the freedom to die.

>> No.14431065

>we lived

what? how old are you? im not millions of years old, are you a stone age vampire?

oh you mean "we" as the christian concept of a united humanity, as in a universalist approach to conquering the world with ideology, which became humanism, human rights, economic free trade zones and all that.

wait isn't that the very thing you oppose? you can be a hunter gathered right now friend, just go out in the forest with some blankets and hunt and gather, there is a long tradition of people doing this, maybe prepare ahead of time so you don't risk dying, but nothing stops you, maybe you convince a pretty girl, some of her friends, start your own tribe etc.

as far as i know europeans stopped being hunter gatherers around 25,000 BC due to nomadic invasion by chariot/horse people from the east who became the germans and took another 10,000 to displace the remaining pastoral celtic tribes to the west and south, and had established themselves in semi-nomadic zones along ancient tribal conflicts by the time of greek and roman expansion and antiquity.

so you want to erase 25k+ years of humanity? that's a tricky thing to pull off, might need a lot of technological help to get there desu, like the systemitization of all information and then it's destruction, the erasure of cities, roads, airports, railways, ports. and then a few generations of helper robots in the shape of animals to carefully nurture and guide the human infants now abandoned in the wild and left to survive or perish by the whim of nature.

but... what if these humans begin cults of animal worship, and then decide to create art deifying these helper robots which nurtured them, and then the whole thing begins again oh no...

>> No.14431073

Civilization is stopping you. Why do you think Teddy K. started planting bombs? It wasn't because he was angry that people decided to live the civilatory life, it was because civilization is a terrible tyranny that did not allow HIM to live his life in peace. The moment he snapped was when his favorite hiking spot was eradicated and turned into some Wal-Mart.

>> No.14431091

>current technological society is the one that worships death, despair and destruction

surely you mean convenience, environmental sustainability and cheapness. the machine is fed by the ideas of autistic spergs designing various automated conveyor lines of production, assembly and distribution which liberated humans from repetitive drudgery and greatly increase profits. these people are so advanced they are now designing machines to design better machines, soon computers will be computing computers.

but all of it is done for the sake of human pleasure. or do you think that the hundreds of millions of factory workers around the world would prefer to return to the farm and manual labor of subsistence poverty they voluntarily abandoned? rice picking doesn't pay nearly as much as screw turning...

freedom? human life always has responsibilities, duties and demands set upon it, given the specific context of it's existence and contingent on basic ability and function. this time you live in is the most free. you can say and do almost anything, and at worst you will simply be housed and fed in perpetuity until your natural death. you could kill 10 million people, and still the worst punishment you will receive is your entire natural life + medical care and any combinations of books, movies and songs you may want until then. even in total imprisonment you live a freer life than any other human has ever lived in the accepted history of this planet, it's actually ridiculous if you think about it, people used to die for preserving words scrawled on paper.

>> No.14431093

You won't get far with this. Throughout the centuries humans underwent significant genetic adaptation. The modern man is oversocialized right down to his biology. Just look at China. Especially on 4chan, which is filled with weak men, will you only find passive-aggressive and defensive snark.

>> No.14431103

You're everything that's wrong with /lit/.

>> No.14431112

it's so depressing to me that people like this exist. op and the other posters explained their positions perfectly, and yet this poster just can't comprehend it. his arguments are so stupid and past the mark that i honestly have no clue how i could respond. it's like if you told this poster "i don't like killing" and he replied with "yeah, and? what's wrong with killing? why shouldn't you kill? if you don't like killing, just don't kill anybody". he just can't grasp what you're telling him and his arguments are complete non-sequiturs. what a sad state to be in. i bet he considers himself a borderline genius too

>> No.14431246
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>You are reliant not on the environment but on even less reliable system of human cogs in the human system which supports unreliable machines that have to enslave you in order to work uninterruptedly and globally.
>You are being oppressed and enslaved as an individual for the sake of survival of the whole group of people, people who only exist thanks to this human inhumane system which allowed them to exist only to replace old slaves, only to sustain itself.

Bro, you've got this shit backwards. You are a slave WITHOUT the whole collective you're talking about. Your freedom is proportional to the value you can generate to the collective, the alternative being remaining a slave to the environment you're fetishizing. You're a slave to the cold, the cold can deny your right to go outside if it so decides, but if you're valuable to the collective, you're given technology that provides warmth and suddenly you're not a slave to the cold anymore.

You're feeling compelled to provide value to the collective to escape the slavery of nature and acting like this is slavery to the collective. Cold, hunger, thirst, disease, injury, weakness, boredom, etc. are all things nature uses to command your actions and dictate your life, and all this technology that can only be facilitated by the massive, intrusive infrastructure we have now is the only means of freeing yourself of it.

>Human machine closed in itself, machine that wants to include everything in itself and manage everything by itself, everything that nature has already done and everything that machine will only achieve by forcing absolute control over all living creatures on the whole planet
The more value you generate for the collective, the larger share of the world and nature the collective grants you, the individual, control over. Eventually, through enough value, you get complete control of yourself. All weaknesses built in by nature are thoroughly compensated for, and you become independent of the limitations wrought by the physical form nature has trapped you in. This is the only path to true freedom.

>> No.14431277

You're a fucking idiot.

Trying to "escape" your environment because you think it's a poison to be eradicated instead of a foe that keeps life interesting is insane.

>> No.14431291

>you think it's a poison to be eradicated instead of a foe that keeps life interesting is insane.
This is your argument? You're gonna go drink from a river, get cholera from all the shit in it, and think "Wow, this is interesting"? What are you gonna do then, go to a hospital to get cured while damning it all the way, or shit yourself to death thinking of how proud and free you are at the moment?

>> No.14431305

Your massively inflated ego doesn't change the fact humans are not special, unique or above any other form of live. We're part of the circle of life, things live off us like parasites just like we live off deer. The reason depression, suicide and mental illness continues to explode in growth is because CIVILISATION ISN'T GOOD FOR US.

Giving people everything they need instantly for free or zero effort is BAD FOR THEM.

>> No.14431395

not him, but clearly if modern civilization is a fantastic pleb filter, in 200 years we will have happy robo-integrants, the same way we barely have any rapists now after pruning them out of society for centuries - when in the past every man was a rapist.

what you are noticing is that not all humans are fit for modernity, but it's okay because we don't need all humans anyway, 1-2 million is fine for the entire planet.

>> No.14431412

Put. It. Down.

Go. Outside.

>> No.14431419

No human thrives in modernity.

The peak of humanity still kill themselves, are still depressed, still doped up to their eyeballs. Civilisation is unnatural.

>> No.14431422

Why should the drones suffer the ailments of pointless jobs, pointless human relations (as they’re always mediated by economic exchange), depressed lives just so some Bezos fuck can get rich and use his wealth to produce efficient product dispensers? What good is everything being technically advanced if people are simply extremely dissatisfied all the time? Why should people take humor pills en masse just to get on with their daily lives?

>> No.14431432
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>tfw paradise was stolen from us
>those that stole it continue to try and convince us that our enslavement has been good for us, despite all the evidence to the contrary

>> No.14431440

i think women do pretty great in modernity, so that's 50% off the bat. the number only grows under close inspection.

of course do nothing oafs also have it good, but they would hate anything all the same on principle.

>> No.14431453

>i think women do pretty great in modernity
Women fare the worst by far.

Look at the average modern woman. Childless, worked like a mule, fucks more men in her life than 25 generations of her ancestors did. Modern woman is miserable.

>> No.14431489

yeah, i dont know, it may as well be
*crunch crunch*

>> No.14431496

really? i respectfully disagree. women can do anything men can do and they can still be women, modern society is almost built ground up with women in mind.

just think of the comforts and ease of access to education, sanitation, safe pregnancy, career choices, increased safety and reduction of physical strength requirements due to mechanical advantage.

it's as close to heaven as women have ever had it. they can deploy femininity and masculinity at will with no repercussions.

>> No.14431545

Womens sole purpose is the birthing of children. All that other shit is a distraction that gets in the way and women are miserable because of it.

>> No.14431706

>The reason depression, suicide and mental illness continues to explode in growth is because CIVILISATION ISN'T GOOD FOR US.
Wow, brilliant diagnosis doctor. Tell me, how far back in the past do we have to go for problems to not exist? Civilization might increase depression, but it also decreases the number of babies eaten by wolves. Take some antidepressents, get a fucking hobby, start a business, have sex, see a doctor, cure your fucking depression. Yeah, hunting for your food might give you a sense of fulfillment which reduces depression, but so does a gorillion other things that doesn't require we destroy our time, energy, and life saving technology.

>Giving people everything they need instantly for free or zero effort is BAD FOR THEM.
What the fuck do you get instantly, for free, with zero effort? I just spent several paragraphs explaining how generating value is important, where the fuck is this 'free' shit coming from? We don't need to go back to the ages of knights and castles because your fat ass gets depressed from spending all day on youtube and 4chan.

>> No.14431711

>but it also decreases the number of babies eaten by wolves
Wolves gotta eat, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with wolves eating babies. I don't WANT it to happen, but life is life.

>> No.14431718
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>Take some antidepressents, get a fucking hobby, start a business, have sex, see a doctor, cure your fucking depression

>> No.14431723

>What the fuck do you get instantly, for free, with zero effort?
Your basic needs.

No one in the 1st world starves to death, dies of thirst, freezes to death.

>> No.14431724

>there's nothing fundamentally wrong with wolves eating babies
I'm on team human, so is the baby. Therefor, the wolves can go fuck themselves. If they can't stop themselves from going extinct, tough shit for them. I don't WANT them to go extinct, but evolution put us on top and I have no obligation to handicap myself for them.

not an argument

>> No.14431727
File: 28 KB, 450x288, 5d5367b93f4051328e7ab00e83e09364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nature' is a notion that only makes sense from within the industrial point of view and its logic.


>> No.14431728

I work to get food, water, and warmth, in civilization. If you're leeching off society for free and it's making you sad, that's your own fault, we don't need to destroy society to save you from yourself. Again, we don't need to smash civilization because you lack the impulse control to get off 4chan and get a fucking hobby.

>> No.14431745

Without the real threat of dying, nothing you do in society matters. The only true meaning in life is using your own two hands to survive, and no, slaving for shekelberg in an office for 40 years is not the same thing.

>> No.14431751

Playing pedantic word games doesn't contribute anything

/your life

>> No.14431760

Imagine believing human nature is immutable when it can get cucked into oblivion by abit of tech and some social constructs built around it
human )))nature((( is a reactionary spook
constructs are what hold the power

>> No.14431761

>the only true meaning in life is to continue living
>unless you do it in a way I wouldn't prefer

You're just spouting nonsense now. It sounds like you're just a depressed neet with no self discipline or impulse control who's mad at reality for giving him the choice of remaining such because he knows he doesn't have the strength of will to refuse.

>> No.14431769

>implying human life is not based on word games that organize and regulate its social organization

read again.

>> No.14431801

Humans existed far far far longer than language did, ignorant child.

Stop posting, adults are speaking.

>> No.14431804

It's a simple concept, it's why african tribal hunter gatherers are content and billionaire westerners blow their brains out.

>> No.14431824

>african tribal hunter gatherers are content
this is pure le noble savage fantasy

>> No.14431836


>> No.14431842

It's not though. If their life was so awful, they'd beg the white man to rescue them from it.

Africa's population boom and subsequent mass starvation was caused by one thing and one thing alone: sanitation. The "enlightened" westerners brought them sanitation and removed the one part of nature stemming back the tide.

Are they supposed to be grateful?

>> No.14431843

For certain definitions of content they genuinely are. They're much more likely to get murdered, especially the males, but they're way better integrated into their community and they have a much clearer day to day purpose.Africans seem to very rarely off themselves regardless though, black americans living in ghettos barely do it either.

>> No.14431855

Ok old man, it’s all about TikTok and Snapchat now

>> No.14431858

It's a lot worse than you think.

We have evolved for a specific way of living, we are the healthiest, smartest, happiest, most satisfied and most enlightened in that way of living. Simply because we develop properly and flourish, things in later ages requiring wise men under years of meditation to realise are grasped effortlessly as part of a normal child's development, not without selfawareness either.

Similar to playing around with genetics while only having the woefully inadequate understanding of what will happen that our knowledge currently affords, every societal/social, economic, and cultural diversion from this standard causes ripples of dysfunction, suffering, and sticky black poison in our species. The world of today is so far removed that we are little more than sickly chimps herded by beyond (and anti) human entities, no where near properly realised human beings.

>> No.14431890

>he thinks the notions through which we classify the world are objectively present in the world

yeah, adults are to society what children are to adults... the same stories and little games to keep them from seeing beyond the learned behavior that keeps them fix as the base of the superior layer.

>> No.14432008

>thermodynamically enslave yourselves to artificial systems that care nothing for you so you can get out of the cold bro

shut up faggot

>> No.14432281

>it's why african tribal hunter gatherers are content
How many of them have you asked? What experiments have you done to confirm depression and other mental illnesses do not exist among these groups?

>and billionaire westerners blow their brains out
How big of a sample size are you working with? Seriously, name the people you're referring to.

>> No.14432289

>How many of them have you asked? What experiments have you done to confirm depression and other mental illnesses do not exist among these groups?
Cmon little buddy, give it up

>> No.14432295

Wow, your reading comprehension is bad. You're literally just repeating the behavior I explained in my second paragraph. Listen brainlet, using a hammer to drive in nails doesn't make you a slave to hammers. If you work, you get money, which you can spend on a coat. If you feel like working makes you a slave, then tell me how free you feel never going outside because you can't get anyone to give you their coat for free.

Not an argument.

>> No.14432319

I'll take losing control to tech than nature thank ya, at least with tech I get a nominal level of control.

People grasp it, and are rightly calling it out for how stupid it is.

>> No.14432324

>Not an argument.
Neither is your desperate straw clutching about sample sizes and experiments.

>> No.14432331

>Being entirely dependent on machines to survive gives me more control than having the first hand knowledge, skills and physical ability to survive in the world around me

>> No.14432333


Then go into the Amazon or the Savannah, see how long you last. Faggot.

>> No.14432337


Or both

>> No.14432347

>Go to the harshest, most dangerous environments on earth!
You do know most of europe and north america is/was temperate flatlands and forests?

>> No.14432352

Because the other choice is shitty substinance living. Life's not fair, boo hoo.

>> No.14432365

>no human thieves in modernity

Lies from a child

>> No.14432370

>waaaaaa I don't have a trad wiiiife why won't these whores respect mmmeeeee!

Grow up

>> No.14432383

You don't get out much, do you?

>> No.14432396


>> No.14432429

>the other choice is shitty substinance living
Lies. Lies told to you by people who benefit from you thinking there's no escape. There's no other choice but servitude to the machine.

Hunter gatherers were tall, muscular giga chads who spent all day hunting, sleeping and fucking.

>> No.14432435

Women are miserable, they don't want to be strong independent career womyn they want babies and a husband who hunts.

>> No.14432438

>Nobel savage
Opinion dropped

>> No.14432441

Women want what men tell them they want, they're not mens equals. They're not capable of making good decisions for themselves.

>> No.14432446

The rich westerners are the savages.

Living outside of nature, like unholy abominations.

>> No.14432448

>muh noble savage

Ya nah, it's a shit life, tech life best life.

>> No.14432452


Grow up

>> No.14432457

>nature (disease, etc) seeks to kill you
>not subduing it

>> No.14432464

You sound like a kissless virgin who doesn't go outside much. Your notions are false.

>> No.14432467

>no MOM getting a job is for conformists, I’m a free thinker

>> No.14432469

>planting bombs to force your own highly unusual preferences on billions of unwilling people
>not tyranny

>> No.14432472

Fuck nature :3

>> No.14432478

Surely you realize the irony in telling people to grow up while communicating strictly in reddit tier strawmen

>> No.14432486

How many cocks did you last gf take before yours?

>> No.14432489

You remind me of a T.S. Eliot quote. "Those who torment us for own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own consciences."

>> No.14432510

1. He sent the bombs because he was angry they destroyed his favourite hiking spot, he knew it was a pointless endeavour but he did it for revenge anyway

2. When he was arrested even the FBI agents who hunted him for 17 years said "I envy your way of life". People love Ted because they share his beliefs.

3. People don't know what's best for them, the majority of the population is too simple minded to take the necessary steps without being forced to.

>> No.14432543

>man, these people aren’t letting me live in peace
>Oh man, great idea: just blow other random people up

>> No.14432546

>3. People don't know what's best for them, the majority of the population is too simple minded to take the necessary steps without being forced to.

>> No.14432553

>*makes claim*
>"Do you have a single fact to back that up?"

You: 90 IQ
Me: 200 IQ

>> No.14432555

>When he was arrested even the FBI agents who hunted him for 17 years said "I envy your way of life"
according to Ted himself?

>> No.14432560

According to the FBI reports

>> No.14432566

post citation

>> No.14432568

Facts aren't real

>> No.14432570

you're projecting your own unhappiness onto other people

>> No.14432572

Why? You'll just ignore it or call it a fabrication because you're a petulant little child.

>> No.14432582

Explain why mental illness, suicide, depression and self harm are one the rise?

>> No.14432585

no I'm not a conspiracy theorist like you. if it's on the fbi's website i'd believe it

>> No.14432600

>source: dude, trust me

>> No.14432607

Define those terms rigorously. Identify which society they are rising in and under what time scale. All data must be cited with neutral sources. Then we'll talk.

>> No.14432621

>Define those terms rigorously
Oh fuck off you little fucking pansy faggot. Go play your word games somewhere else. You know full fucking well what I mean, stop trying to drag me into a fucking nitpick squaredance and ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION.

>> No.14432635

No i really don't. Mental illness? Lots of mental illnesses have become more prevalent in recent years because the definition has expanded. Autism is the classic example.

>> No.14432643

Suicide is easy to define objectively of course. If you have data that suicide is on the rise (but where exactly and starting when?) show me

>> No.14432645

Answer the fucking question. Every fucking mental illness imaginable is on the rise. All of them.

I'm not wasting hours of my life finding 50 sources for some fucking 16 year old pseud on /lit/ who won't even reply.

>> No.14432674

>Every fucking mental illness imaginable is on the rise. All of them.
fine since you don't feel like following basic rules of civilized dialogue I'll give you a flippant but correct answer. Because the diagnostic criteria have become progressively more vague and expansive.

>> No.14432682

>I'm not wasting hours of my life finding 50 sources
do you have any recollection at all of where you first learned of this information? Literally 1 source would be a good start

>> No.14432765

>Because the diagnostic criteria have become progressively more vague and expansive.
Suicide, self harm and depression are not things people just didn't notice before.

>> No.14432778

I already told you I'm happy to look at data on suicide if you have it since the definition of that can't really be fudged. Self-harm and depression not so much. But again if you have data I'll look at, but i'm taking it with a grain of salt.

>> No.14432780

And literally not a single argument was made in this post.

>> No.14432787

If I waste my time finding sources, you'll just post something that contradicts it. If you want to ignore reality to suit your beliefs that's your problem.

>> No.14432794

cmon dude every one? even ferreting, where by a man chases a ferret into exhaustion then sings backwards. even that one?

>> No.14432795

lots of pro-technology people made arguments and the anti-tech people made heroic efforts to evade personal responsibility for their own unhappiness

>> No.14432825

>you'll just post something that contradicts it
maybe that's because the things you're discussing are extremely difficult to measure and define? do you even realize that you're implicitly admitting your beliefs are based on very weak evidence?

>> No.14432844

No, what I'm saying is that studies are worthless garbage because for every study saying one thing there exists one to contradict it.

It's an undeniable fact people are killing themselves, harming themselves and have more mental illness than ever before.

>> No.14432856

>every study saying one thing there exists one to contradict it.
>It's an undeniable fact
I want you to reread both of these sentences you just wrote and reflect on their meaning. If you have a normal human IQ you may eventually discover the two meanings do not go together.

>> No.14432857

This thread glows. Take note, ever since Ted's fundraiser for his lawyer started there has been a consistent spamming campaign by some group or organization opposed to Ted's ideas.

For example: forprisonersrights.com is blacklisted from google but not bing or duckduckgo. This is likely at the request of government agencies who are trying to suppress his upcoming legal battle.

Spread the news. Write your senators in support of free speech in relation to Ted's current and upcoming case.

Get in contact with individuals here: anti-tech.boards.net

Ask what you can do to help. Ultimo Reducto, one of Ted's longtime penpals is on the anti-tech boards. Alex, Ted's publisher is more than willing is answer questions. You can also purchase books in bulk from him. Spend some money and some them off to prisoner's, congressman, libertarian groups, wilderness advocacy groups, etc.

Put up posters on your local campus advertising Ted's latest books. Give a presentation at a local event.

Either way, stop putting energy into engaging with these nim-wits online.

>> No.14432860

>anti-tech boards

>> No.14432863

so Ted just wanted to sell books this whole time? it was all a grift?

>> No.14432956

I want you to stop posting your pedestrian drivel opinions

>> No.14432963

He's a prisoner, he doesn't recieve any of the money

>> No.14432976

Too late, but a quaint idea

>> No.14432986

Nigger he's talking about pre-agricultural revolution, you thought Europe was a picnic in those days? Lmao

>> No.14432993

>step one: invent concept of paradise
>step two: pretend like it existed once
>step three: get people who will believe your myth to make things "like they were"
>step four: everyone pretends what never existed exists now, even though it never will because it was always just an impossible ideology
Stop thinking so hard, it's useless and out of line

>> No.14433000

this probably sounded cleverer in your head. i feel bad for falling for your obvious bait this much

>> No.14433014
File: 315 KB, 1280x2064, 1490015402561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true but you need to stop coping and realize that nature isn't good either. Read some about what people's lives actually looked like back then; they were more real in a sense but they were just as filled with drudgery, misery and sickness. We traded natural misery and sickness for unnatural kinds, put the filter of more layers of simulation over it, twisted direct but identifiably meaningful suffering into indirect and roundabout suffering, part of which has started to originate in its own meaninglessness. Man against nature becomes man against man. Everything turns more and more incestuous and degenerates into entropy. We "escaped" demiurge's simulation, but not by rising above it, only by sinking lower into an even more unreal level. Now with the advance of technology we're creating simulations even less real than civilization.

>> No.14433018

You can stop replying any time. Please do it soon, your lack of capitalisation and punctuation is painful and evident of your underageness.

>> No.14433025

If there's a written record, you're not going back far enough.

>> No.14433041

Please don't cope, there was no paradise on earth; even if there was, it's impossible to go back. Nature is evil but God is good, we only need to redeem ourselves and go back to Him.

>> No.14433056

>if we have facts about it, then I can't fantasise my own version of it
Of course, that's why he's telling you to try working with the facts before you build a narrative that doesn't include them. Everyone already knows that primitivsm is defunct, but you could probably shoehorn in an argument or two about the Misty "prehistorical mam" and his cool adventures and hijinks. Think about it! You could make it into a kid's book.

>> No.14433085
File: 61 KB, 600x600, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't cope, there was no paradise on earth; even if there was, it's impossible to go back.