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/lit/ - Literature

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14427207 No.14427207 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys decide what book to read next

>> No.14427219

i look at /lit/ top 100

>> No.14427240

I have a tree diagram which encompases the entire Western canon. I flip a coin a few hundred times and follow where God leads me. The Bible is repeated 50 times so God has plenty of room to guide me towards faith, if he deems it necesary.

>> No.14427255
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I choose one from the 'most popular' section

>> No.14427311

Semi-random pinballing around the internet until I come across something or reading something else by an author I already like.

>> No.14427367


I go to /lit/ and whatever the most recent thread is talking about that's what I read

>> No.14427373

I make a list in advance, so I know, roughly, what I'll read beforehand, unless I see something that really interests me and decide to read it instead.

>> No.14427387

Whatever looks amusing.

>> No.14427400
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>> No.14427488

Post it

>> No.14427502
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usually when it takes me like 2 months to finish any damn book, i usually buy a few books. then i see someone recommend one book on here. i almost finish my book, but the new one yall recommend and never read the other few books i bought prior. its the cycle

>> No.14427544

it's pretty pseudy, but mostly the classics only, that i hear on this board, so like lermontov, bulgakov, dostoevsky, tolstoy, shakespeare,spengler. If you could see my bookshelf you could instantly recognize i browse this board

>> No.14427560

I just pick a volume from my shelf that looks interesting.

>> No.14427575

I see what restaurants have cookbooks out. I eat at them and if they're good I buy the book

>> No.14427662

The russians seem so boring. I'd rather go down the scifi rabbithole.

>> No.14427678

Short story collection, short book, long book, repeat.

>> No.14427700

Sorry but God says no

>> No.14427714

I unironically love frog and toad

>> No.14427793

I have a backlog that's rather long. In the event that I somehow exhaust said backlog I'll just go back and reread something I've already read.

>> No.14428284

I have a backlog bigger than... than something very big. I just pick up a random book. Sometimes I tell myself I'm going to read this, this and that book, but usually is not more than 3, so most of the time I end up picking up a random book.