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14426576 No.14426576 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, how can people actually think this is true though?

>> No.14426599

Explain why it isn’t.

>> No.14426608

It is called faith.

>> No.14426611

>God is all powerful (can predict the future)
>God makes humans knowing we will sin
>God casts humans out of Eden
>God floods the world and kills all humans
>this is ridiculous as it is but apparently God know what humans were going to do in the first place
>he is somehow loving

>> No.14426615

I have faith that Santa will bring me presents

>> No.14426693

Love has no definition outside of God. If you do not believe in a god, there is no such thing as love, only impulses. How can you disprove God with a concept that only exists if he does?

>> No.14426703

So when God was killing those people it was actually love?

>> No.14426714

yes, because of their evil. God knowing that they would sin is not the same thing as causing their sin.

>> No.14426722
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>Why yes, I think The Iliad is real. How could you tell?

>> No.14426723

I’m only asking how can you disprove God using a concept that only exists if he does? If God doesn’t exist then death and pain are not good or bad. They are a natural process.

>> No.14426726

Marcionism is the only non-cucked interpretation of the Ancient Testament.

>> No.14426735


Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it isn't true.

>> No.14426739

this is the correct point

>> No.14426744
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>> No.14426759

Ants have no idea of the existence of God yet they work together because it is beneficial for them to do so. If they work together they all survive and thrive, same case for humans. All "evil" things can be explained as being harmful to either the individual or the society. When things are focused on the individual they are not "evil" or "good". Say smoking, this causes harm but just for the individual and hence is amoral. Suicide is evil because it causes harm to those around the individual. get my point?

Human definitions of good or bad can very easily be explained through evolution. God doesn't need to exist for this argument, and it makes sense.

>> No.14426787

Archaeology disproves many stories (Exodus)
Radiology disproves others (Genesis)
We have no reason to believe the religious delusions from 2000 years ago are any more accurate than what Heaven's Gate cultists believe today. Yes, Christianity is just a successful cult.

>> No.14426792

That's exactly what it means dumb retard pseud faggot

>> No.14426796


>> No.14426797

>Love has no definition outside of God.
Based retard

>> No.14426799

It is

>> No.14426812

how do you know that ants don't have a relationship with God

>> No.14426814
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>> No.14426822

The bible like any other document preserved amended and translated across time has multiple valid interpretations depending on the reader. It serves a functional purpose well as bible believers have more children and if this continues will inherit the whole planet.

>> No.14426827

Same reason people believe in Santa. They were told so as children. Children have a remarkable degree of gullibility as a byproduct of their open-ended learning algorithms. In order to assimilate as much information as possible from their social environment they instinctively believe whatever they are told and have no mechanism for critically sorting declarative statements.

>> No.14426832

They are not made in the image of God right? Take whatever you will from that. All animals were also put on earth for our consumption too right? Why would sacks of meat meant for us to eat need contentiousness and self-awareness? Are you gonna tell me that ants have IQ high enough to understand the idea of God? What purpose would this serve them?

Why do all animals band together and protect each other from predators (humans do the same) need morality to do so? Humans invented the idea of morality to explain our existence, animals live the same life but without this understanding and it's all the same to them.

>> No.14426839

Islam is a more successful mind virus.

>> No.14426850

But these stories were not made up by or for children anon, this is nonsense as well. They were made up by wise old men. This idea that Christianity was a cult made to control people 2000 years ago is bullshit, how could it have survived if people didn't think it was true though the ages?

>> No.14426854

Islam has not faced well vs modernity and hangs on purely due to fossil fuel subsidy. The bible has some astronomical truth as a hidden esoteric message, which means if preserved it can always restart a scientific civilization

>> No.14426869

It's Christianity that isn't surviving modernity. Most historically Christian countries have insanely low birthrates and are getting swamped by Muslims.

>> No.14426897

Nein. The failing for this argument is when you ask ‘Which society?’ It would be healthy for the Chinese society to wipe out or subjugate the other ‘societies’. I would argue this is morally wrong.

>> No.14426908
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>> No.14426909

>It serves a functional purpose
>have more children
Here is what's most often overlooked, the sociobiological value and selection dynamics of religion. There's this notion of positive misbelief, that one can hold a belief and benefit from it not for its factual content but for the role it plays in regulating culture and behavior.

Religious strains exhibit evolutionary dynamics. A religion that promotes strong group solidarity and reproduction will enhance its own propagation, "be fruitful and multiply." Meanwhile a strain which promotes celibacy (such as the Shakers) will see itself dwindle.

Human beings behave differently, and some would say more robustly and with coordination, when they have a firm group identity and strong cultural regulating beliefs. Belief then becomes not about what is believed in, but the belief itself and how it solidifies group identity.

There's also the "terror control hypothesis" that says religion provides an answer for existential questions such as mortality and therefore relieves dread and tension.

>> No.14426922

Christianity creates modernity, it's a religion that morphs and uses language to hide itself. Islam cannot change due to internal axioms built around Mohammad. All liberalism and conservatism is western hegemony with a pretense at universalism when really it is naked and blatant Christendom, with the individual human as Christ. This is an old heresy but perfectly valid as interpretation of the gospel. You would need to be an outsider to European thought and education to clearly see this though. Having abandoned belief in external power and long ago abandoned racial thinking- neochristianity has positioned itself as the first posthuman faith system, after it's original attempt called communism failed. You will always spot the new christians by how hostile they are to the old. Islam peacefully coexisted and would happily continue to do so for millennial, it is too brittle to fight other religions on spiritual grounds and always reverts into expansionist wars which fail to civilize or hold territory when the caliphate has a dynastic struggle. The power of Christianity is in its total absorption of what threatens it.

>> No.14426924

But you just proved my point. This idea that there is some higher morality is wrong because the Chinese don't subscribe to it. If human morality is malleable then there is no divine morality, and hence we are just smart animals.

>> No.14427337

Umm... Hello? based and redpilled department?

>> No.14427378
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>> No.14427403
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>> No.14427424

>forgetting what the difference between ethics and morals in Kierkegaard's works is

>> No.14427567

Perhaps to live without suffering and death is harmful to the world. Is that possible?

Is death an evil? because death is good for the world. The equilibrium of the earth exists because of the process of death and life. So is death evil?

>> No.14427578


>> No.14427600

Archaeology doesn’t really disprove the exodus, the possible span of time in which it could have taken place is too large, archaeology is much more guesswork than archaeologists like to admit, it easily could be that they are searching in the wrong place in the wrong era.

Genesis is not meant to be taken 100% literally. Even early Christians like St. Augustine didn’t believe in an absolutely literal interpretation.

>> No.14427601

What's the evolutionary cause of the persecution of homosexuality?

>> No.14427605

What makes Augustine such an authority on the interpretation of Genesis when he was writing 1000 years after it was written, from a different culture, and from a different religion?

>> No.14427621

Why are you retards so dishonest when arguing, is it impossible for you to do the 'good faith' thing? Or has distance from any real values made you completely immune to any urge to be honest?

>> No.14427634

>smoking only harms the smoker
Die of lung cancer.

>> No.14427658

How am I being dishonest?

>> No.14427659

The only reason Christianity, or any other big religion for that matter, persists is because they have been engrained in culture for so long and people have such strong attachments to them because they were raised in them.

If you think believing it is the literal word of God is too dumb for you, you will accept some other argument about how it is partially inspired, subect to human error, etc. etc. Most people are, to some degree, cafeteria Christians. Their main goal in their thinking about religion is to preserve some justification for still basing their lives in Jewish cave fables, because it has become such a deeply embedded part of who they are and how they think about things. They don't want to face that maybe there isn't an afterlife or the hand of some ultimately just and omnipotent God in their lives.

If Christianity was just invented now, everyone would think it was insane and nobody would believe in it.


>> No.14427666

Here’s the thing retard... YOU and SOME Protestant Christians from the 20th century onward are making the interpretation that Genesis is 100% literal. Why are you more of an authority than Augustine, one of the most influential Christian theologians in the Faith?

>> No.14427671

its easier for some people to make sense and weather the hardships of life when they have a strong cornerstone to hold on to.

>> No.14427687

You took his arguement and moulded into an abomination to make him look like an idiot

>> No.14427715

I'd consider modern scholars who, unlike Augustine, know Hebrew, have a plethora of contemporary Ancient Near Eastern literature to compare it with, and aren't obligated by faith to defend the inerrancy of the Bible to be a much better authority.

For example, James Barr, a renowned OT scholar once wrote:
>Probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1–11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that:
>creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience
>the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story
>Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark.

>> No.14427722

define "true"
checkmate atheists

>> No.14427737

Why do you care? Read it as a work of Literature you low iq redditor

>> No.14427869

>have a plethora of contemporary Ancient Near Eastern literature to compare it with
pfft bahahahahahaha

>> No.14427890

>Their main goal in their thinking about religion is to preserve some justification for still basing their lives in Jewish cave fables
Stopped taking you seriously. Fuck off modernist cuck.

>> No.14427892

filtered. The very fact that you only reference his pseudonymous works in that image tells me all I need to know about how well you understand Kierkegaard.

>> No.14427919

>actually arguing with religoous* retard

>> No.14427927

I can't fathom how hard it is to just say thousands of year

>> No.14427931

Explain why Santa isnt

>> No.14428534
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Whether its true or not is irrelevant and not important

>> No.14428542

meme field riddled with mistakes regardless of whether or not you believe in the Bible or not

>> No.14429388

sorry anon i was drunk and phone posting last night. ignore everything i wrote itt, christians are gay

>> No.14429408

Your conclusion doesnt follow

>> No.14430049

Not him, but humans most likely shun homosexuals because they did not contribute to the population in ancient times. We needed every fucking hand on deck in agricultural societies and that is kind of difficult to keep those numbers up if you let a dude bang another

>> No.14430064
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Why don't you hear the word of God and see if it speaks to you? It's only 7 minutes long


>> No.14430124

This is some Swedenborg Salvation bullshit

>> No.14430222

People believed it was insane back then too you know. Rome was still pagan for centuries after Christ, Christianity was illegal for centuries, and even in the Abrahamic sphere Christians were considered a fledgling minority heretical sect of Jews, Jews being not the most popular people around if you know literally anything about their history. You're not accounting for how the religion managed to get to a position where it could actually become so engrained into culture in the first place.

>> No.14430745

1 yikes and 1 cope please

>> No.14431150

>Jews being not the most popular people around if you know literally anything about their history.

For no reason at all.

>> No.14431158

Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body...

>> No.14431159

Whether or not there is a G-d, replacing a belief system ingrained in the human psyche for thousands of years with mass consumerism/hedonism/nihilism has been disastrous for the West.

>> No.14431353

Who cares if it's real.

>> No.14431457

But he is though.

>> No.14431525

Who knows man. The basic instinct is to assume they're stupid but it's not necessarily true, when you look at the intelligent christians they're really only making one core assumption, that the new testament and jesus were true. Everything else they do is very logical and consistent, but it all hinges on the jesus thing. Makes life easier and that's why they do it, I guess

>> No.14431574

You can believe in it as an allegory. It's sort of a doublethink thing- the things couldn't have happened, but simultaneously, they did, whilst also being a symbol for something.

>> No.14431676

>predict the future
Retard with no critical thinking detected. He exists outside of time, there is no linear time, there is no future for God

>> No.14431892

>Christianity creates modernity
Christianity was pulled into modernity kicking and screaming, and has been getting its ass kicked by every deviant ideology that has come over it, attempting to cope psychologically by claiming that "Christ was actually feminist!", or "The Bible teaches free love too!"

>> No.14431985

God knows the future because in the fourth dimension, he exists within every possibility of the universe.

>> No.14431996

The Age of Enlightenment did you massive twat

>> No.14432001

Tell that to the yezidis

>> No.14432079

You're asking about the content itself or the veracity of the text as an original copy?

>> No.14432132

We're just animals who evolved from other animals, and we penned the book. The Great Flood is just an allegory for the Ice Age passed on orally, which is why it appears in much older stories like Epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.14432451

Why do fundamentalists trust that the bible is the infallible word of God when it was written by mortals who didn't even live during the life of Christ?

Not trying pose a gotcha, I'm sure they have some justification, I just don't know it and want someone to explain to me.

>> No.14432461

Because they believe the authors were guided by the holy spirit

>> No.14432525

Yeah I got that part, by why do they believe that?

>> No.14432592

this but unironically

>> No.14432616
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Because even if it's false, it's more based than the truth.

>> No.14432620

because it's a long standing jewish tradition to forecast the future by retrofitting the past through a complex name substitution process.

>jack and jill climbed up the hill, jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after
>humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall

humpty and dumpty climbed up a hill, humpty fell down and broke his crown, and dumpty came tumbling after
jack jill sat on a wall, jack jill had a great fall

the old testament is filled with this type of word play, and so is the new testament. it's just a simple cryptogram technique so that if you say naughty things you can't be killed because everything is using coded language. another one is to use the same name for multiple people who share the characteristics or story structure of that name.

>> No.14432627

and this convinced enough people that jesus was foretold in the old testament, so the gospels of his life must have been inspired because 'you just had to be there dude' and the early church fathers were as close to being there as you could get.

>> No.14432651

How do you know that you are made in the image of God? How do you know that you have IQ high enough to understand the idea of God?

>> No.14432694

I understand why that could show that Jesus was real, showing the general truth of the bible, but then why would you assume that the people who wrote the stuff down were 100% accurate, not corrupted at all by the mortal minds that wrote it down?

>> No.14433248

Only The Old Testament is. The New is a fake.

>> No.14433511

Obviously the ancient Hebrews had no idea what the actual beginning of the world was like. Adam and Eve are made up characters to explain Jewish beliefs about humanity's free will.

Jesus of Nazareth was definitively a real historical person, whether you believe Jesus was the actual son of God or a mentally ill person is up to you.

>> No.14433521

>God is all powerful (can predict the future)
More accurately, God will give you what's coming to you. If you misuse the word by lying, if you anger God through dishonesty, you *will* pay for it. Play shitty games, win shitty prizes.

>God casts humans out of Eden
Humans were not made to exist in paradise. If we lived in a perfect utopia, we would tear it to shreds just so that *something* unexpected would happen. We cannot exist without chaos. We cannot exist without order. Submitting to God means walking at that fine line between order and chaos, where you realize your potential, turning chaos into order for yourself and those around you.

>God floods the world and kills all humans
Consider, Genesis 6-5:
>And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Remember, God will give what's coming to you. If a multitude of people let their lives fall fully into chaos, they cannot last. They brought about their own destruction, they called God down upon themselves.

>this is ridiculous as it is but apparently God know what humans were going to do in the first place
Man was made in God's image. God, too, is fallible. Jesus wavers in faith at the cross. God, too, is fallible.
(Does that mean God, too, can be saved?)

>he is somehow loving
If you care about your children, you might protect them from danger. But if you *truly* care about your children and their success, you might expose them to danger so that they can get stronger. God is pushing us towards righteousness over satisfaction.

>> No.14433587

I wonder whether it's more likely that we will collapse and re-adapt to new circumstances, or that we will find a path back to the tradition that sustains us. Pessimist accelerationists seem eager to push the former, but there's at least some "return to tradition" movement taking shape. Maybe our odds aren't that bad.

>> No.14433670

There are two types of christians

1. boomer grannies who should be witches but their spiritual needs have been captured by the church

2. Young neo-nazis who fetishize religion because its traditional and is a means of social brainwashing

>> No.14433699

maybe when bible 2 comes out it will have some more recent info

>> No.14433778

>God, too, is fallible

This is some serious heresy anon. Which denomination backs this belief? Some backward Southern church that has no idea how into dogma?

Also the mortal body of Jesus faltered, his divine side didn't because it can't. All the major churches believe that God is infallible and all knowing.

>> No.14433825

Noah’s ark, the Tower of Babel - these stories are so ridiculous

>> No.14434029

True doesn't mean factual. We all have different truths

>> No.14434047

Why are you people always so retarded, you always bring up this worthless "God isn't loving" argument when it doesn't even make logical sense. God is Love. What isn't God isn't Love. Simple as. You are simply to self-centered and think that love is what you want it to be.

>> No.14434143

lmao wtf

>> No.14434317

The fear of death makes people suspend their disbelief.

>> No.14434332


>> No.14434365
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Knock knock.
Who's there?
It's me, God. Let me in.
Why should I let you in?
I'm trying to save you.
Save me from what?
From what I'll do to you if I don't let you in.

>> No.14434371

*From what I'll do to you if you don't let me in.*

>> No.14434452

Define love without calling to a higher, non-noumenal conceptual force.

>> No.14434457

Based, now I understand that the twelve apostles were referred to as such because they were, in fact, twelve years old.

>> No.14434472

Your logical throughline and the conclusions seemingly stemming from it don't make sense. Anon in no way proved your point.

>> No.14434500

>aren't obligated by faith to defend the inerrancy of the Bible
That's exactly not what he did though, he was even a Manicheaen until he was like 33, IIRC, and after that he became such an influential theologian because he was rigorously questioning and examining Christian beliefs, including the Bible.
And also sorry for throwing this in late, but he lived like 250 years after the Bible was written.

>> No.14434513

my vague gist of the bible is a half decent metaphor for reality , christians take shit way too literal

>> No.14434541

What? Come back when you've formed a coherent opinion.

>> No.14434543

>Love makes humans knowing we will sin
>Love casts humans out of Eden
>Love floods the world and kills all humans
citation on these?

>> No.14434557

be quiet freddy

>> No.14434558

i'll come back after i've learned how to explain reality to simpletons =)

>> No.14434563

Giving us free will was Love. Free will to fall and become sinners, and free will to rise above our baser material instincts and reciprocate God's Love.
Did your parents not love you because they birthed you knowing you would suffer in life? How about when they spanked you for throwing mud in another child's face on the playground? Do they not love you despite making you live on your own once you became a functioning, independent adult?

>> No.14434657

> “pfffft you believe everything you read in this stupid book?”
>goes on I Fucking Love Science
> “ahhh now this is what I’m talking about. The truth! Christfags Btfo!”

>> No.14434691

Citation? The fucking bible dude. God is love and God did those things, therefore Love did those things.

>> No.14434701

Imagine being this much of a modernist cuck. Doesn't want to approach the material or meaning at all, has to rely on unfunny, uncreative, and way over told jokes to prove "religion is silly." Come back when you have something of substance to offer.

>> No.14434745

People trust what they see... Funny how how

>> No.14434780

Absolute fucking retard. There is no testimony that Santa ever existed. Nobody ever compiled multiple witnesses and sources for Santa's existence and wrote them down, but they have for Jesus Christ. That's why people believe in him, because of testimonial evidence which doesn't exist for anything like Santa.
Seriously, a lot of you should just be watching Netflix and browsing reddit if you can't even grasp this simple concept.

>If Christianity was just invented now, everyone would think it was insane and nobody would believe in it.
In fact, people crucified the man who first preached it because they thought it was insane and they didn;t believe it

>> No.14434792

We don't have any witnesses for Jesus either, sweetie. The closest thing is Paul, who only ever saw him in a dream.

>> No.14434807

What the fuck? I'm a witness to Jeus. Eat my ass.

>> No.14434862


When did you meet Jesus?

>> No.14434863

The oddest creation in recent years on chan boards has been unironic religiosity. I can't tell if it was a successful scheme of evangelicals entering online spaces (I'm skeptical) or just pure contrarianism that dominates all these boards.

>> No.14434878

It's a side effect of the rise of fascism, itself perhaps partially due to contrarianism, but mostly sexual frustration.

>> No.14434885

Bible is a good tool for understanding literature, especially pre-19th century works. However it in itself can be a tad tiring to read if approached as a novel. A modern approach will be very challenging to a contemporary audience.

As for using it as a historical document, ehhh. Obviously a generational flood, where one could perhaps ask where they put the plants that would have died being drown in freshwater or salt water, or all of the human race spawning from 2 people, or some other historical events depicted that either aren't corroborated by other historical accounts of the period or in the archeological record. But if you approached it more as a lionized version of the story of the tribes of Israel, like the equivalent to a propaganda film, much smoother.

And if you believe that God is real, you probably should read your religious text because it's your doctrine.

>> No.14434889

No doubt. It's troubling but I'm hoping they become normie enough to leave the board and go teach a youth group or something.

>> No.14434942

You mean after the new testament books were written yes?

>> No.14435841

Good thing that Saint Augustine was a Christian who interpreted Genesis from a Christian standpoint, and was not an ancient Hebrew bound to ancient Hebrew customs and beliefs.

>> No.14435852

That's cultural appropriation.

>> No.14435854 [DELETED] 

Cringe and bluepilled.

“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice”

But interpreting everything in the bible as literal is a muslim-tier innovatation of century protestantism.

>> No.14435857

every single christian that lived before the 19th century was a young earth creationist

>> No.14435858

Cringe and bluepilled.

“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice”

But interpreting everything in the bible as literal is a muslim-tier innovatation of 20th century protestantism.

>> No.14435985


>> No.14436004


tl;dr it's just regurgitated ancient myths of a great cataclysm and we're supposed to hold some average scholar as messiah, come on now lol

>> No.14436024

>Giving us free will
That doesn't make any sense, because if God were perfectly omnipotent and benevolent he would be able to satisfy the right decision with free will, so he is either not omnipotent or not benevolent. I say in the very Bible there are very good reasons to believe he is neither omnipotent nor is he benevolent. Stop kidding yourself.
You appeals to child-rearing and parental authority only make sense if there are other independent entities to contend with. Your example is actually more like that a parent who created the entire playground along with everyone and everything in it, knew you were going to throw mud in another child's face, and actually made it so that you did so, then spanked you for it.

>> No.14436038

Your reply makes no sense. How does God being omnipotent disprove free will?

>> No.14436064

Because the Bible from any mainstream religious perspective has many important themes, but there's a few to highlight: God's solitary omnipotence, his role as the Creator, and prophecy. Prophecy relies on the idea that what is in the future is already decided. God as the Creator created it before it would happen; things occur because of the very design of God's creation. Therefore, even if things believe they are acting out of free will, they are running according to a script set out by God during the creative process, which he foresaw and planned as such out of his omnipotence. I honestly find the whole debate as to free will superfluous because there is no practical or observable distinction between either option presented.
The only way free will is meaningful is if there are multiple non-omnipotent and independent agencies vying over the world, in which case time is simply moving forward, without there necessarily being a script to creation. But in the Christian sense this is not so, because the Creator God is characterized as wholly omnipotent and wholly Good. So the most you can try to argue is that somehow suffering and calamity, often arbitrary, is good, which is tenuous at best.

>> No.14436071


>> No.14436077

>The oddest creation in recent years on chan boards has been unironic religiosity. I can't tell if it was a successful scheme of evangelicals entering online spaces (I'm skeptical) or just pure contrarianism that dominates all these boards.

I was almost like this myself, and attended a fe w churches and religious circles in uni, before waking up out of it. But I've had the displeasure of knowing some very nasty young contrarian neo-catholics and how I'd describe them is faith with no spirituality and only dogma.

>> No.14436132

You might make the same argument about anything really. The parameters in which human beings are inclined to restrict their beliefs are nearly arbitrary and unbounded. People belief any number of things, why then should some subclass of beliefs be of a special mint, crowned by the incontestable sigil of reason? Reason shows up and shuts down the whole, colorful show of myth and mysticism, closes off and condemns this obviously critical process in the species' psychology for deriving meaning in some profoundly unusual and striking way.

There is this curious---and to postmodern critics suspect---aura about reason, an irrational mojo to the rational, in that it alone is of an exclusive category among cognitive phenomena. Yet how does reason establish itself in this position? How does it supply itself with its reasons, without at first falling infinitely into its own butthole through a logic loop?

>> No.14437518
File: 77 KB, 202x212, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO People still think the bible wasn't corrupted.

God sent down the Torah, then he sent down the Bible.

People started adding and deleting shit from the Injeel and the Gospel so He sent then Qu'ran. Sending His final Prophet and His final Messenger who the majority of mankind hates with a fucking passion. I genuinely feel sorry for low IQ Islam haters and Christians who smugly denounce the Qur'an, unaware that their supposed "Father of Jesus" is the author.

Muslims are going to KEK so hard on the day of judgement. It's not even funny.

>> No.14437664
File: 69 KB, 640x475, 8546484645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a deep personal relationship with Ereshkigal, the queen of the underworld from my past involuntary visits. Nowadays I cum voluntarily.

>> No.14437698

>has never read the gospels
>muh paulism
This is advanced fedora tipping

>> No.14438477

mainstream scholarship hasn't accepted the traditional attributions of authorship of the gospels for at least two centuries now

>> No.14438515

>paul authored the gospels
You line that fedora with tin foil?

>> No.14438523

never said that, esl-kun

>> No.14438712

Your logic seems very finite and human, it is possible that God knows all possible combinations of individual wills and has set his plan so that certain major events occur regardless of how individual wills interact with eachother, that doesn't mean choices aren't made on an individual basis or that *how* those events come to be isn't flexible enough to accomodate humanity's free will.