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14426046 No.14426046 [Reply] [Original]

>dude people are already sometimes forced to move for work so next time a non-white moves it can be out of the country LOL see it's not that big of a deal
What kind of dumb reasoning is this? There's obviously a massive difference between moving around in one country for work and being forcibly deported to another part of the world based on your skin colour.

>> No.14426543
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>There's obviously a massive difference between moving around in one country for work and being forcibly deported to another part of the world based on your skin colour.

>> No.14426552

/lit/ is full of discord tranny faggots. What do you expect to get out of this thread?

>> No.14426867

Not an argument

>> No.14426890

explain why immigration is a big deal in the first place
your country is inconveniencing you by moving your third world slaves to your proximity and you are unable to reconcile your aesthetic displeasure with them with their incredible increase in quality of life
you zero awareness of history westerner fucks are all noise and no character
go drown on a plate of fries and gravy you nihilistic human fat pod

>> No.14426957

He's pointing out how ridiculous it is to act like forcing people to move is in itself some massive injustice. It's not, and because a nation should have the right to determine who they let live in it, there's no good reason to oppose expatriation that is conducted in the right way.

>> No.14426963

Provide a historical example of forced population transfer that wasn’t accompanied by death and atrocities.

>> No.14426977

Not necessarily out of the country, but to a place where they are more common. Blacks can move to majority black states, and whites can move out of them to majority white states. It's what Jared Taylor talks about and it's really the only viable, nonviolent way to segregate society. We would all be happier I think.

>> No.14426991

I don't have to provide an historical example because future actions aren't contingent on the past, it's enough to explain how it can be done ethically right now. Greg Johnson proposes that we initially stop all immigration, and then slowly begin expatriating people over a period of decades. Starting with first generation immigrants and providing for moving and short term expenses in their home country. With second and further generations he proposes that we provide them with a lifetime of welfare payments after they move.

>> No.14427018

yea that aint ever happening

>> No.14427026

This one wasn't so bad, for example

>> No.14427029

There's no reason to think it's impossible. Tiny movements with big demands have made some radical changes in our society. The 1967 immigration act was a radical change initiated by a small group of people and it's what got us into this mess. A small group can get us out of it.

>> No.14427046

the majority of whites would never support it. at most, a hundred meth heads declare a white ethnostate in some god forsaken place that turns into a hellhole

>> No.14427059

You merely wish that a majority of white people would never support it, but you have no reason to think that's true. But again, a majority of whites don't need to support it. Tiny group can and regularly perform significant actions in politics.

>> No.14427073

>and because a nation should have the right to determine who they let live in it

That's right. And all races get to come.
Now seethe /pol/tard ;)

>> No.14427076

show me proof the majority of whites support such an idea

>> No.14427077

I don't know what this means.

>> No.14427078

>Tiny group can and regularly perform significant actions in politics

Oh I know that very well. That's why nazis like you ought to be hanged

>> No.14427080

I didn't say a majority of white supported the idea. You said they would never support the idea and I say a majority COULD support the idea.

>> No.14427089

I already know you can't read. No need to remind me.

>> No.14427091


What about not having slaves at all? And quality of life is declining in the West.

>> No.14427095

>the majority of whites would never support it

Soccer moms will turn the instant their comfy way of life is visibly threatened and there's no way that won't happen with the current demographic shifts. You simply can't have a successful nation where the majority of the population is uneducated blacks and latinos. Given technological progress it's unlikely that they even could be educated to the point where they'd ever be useful.

>> No.14427097


>> No.14427101

choose any point in history outside the last 5 decades and whites did support the ethnostate

>> No.14427104


>being ethnocentric is a good thing unpess youre white lmao

>> No.14427109

>Soccer moms will turn

Not everyone is as racist as you.

>ou simply can't have a successful nation where the majority of the population is uneducated blacks and latinos. Given technological progress it's unlikely that they even could be educated to the point where they'd ever be useful.

Why would you even mention black and latinos? By that logic we should also deport uneducated white people

>> No.14427111

this is just retarded.

>> No.14427122

and now they dont

>> No.14427134


Choose any point in history outside the last 2 centuries and everyone supported slavery. Doesn't make it right.

You faggots came to power once. It won't happen again I assure you

>> No.14427155


The majority of Whites are dumb a bricks to, hence being replaced by Latinos. Central American migrants aren't coming and taking the jobs of doctors, administrators or even skilled tradesmen.

Plus most of your based White paradise states are full of morbidly obese dumb Whites who live off disability and welfare and whose only hobbies are TV and buying cheap Chinese knickknacks.

>> No.14427163

>Why would you even mention black and latinos?

Because, for the most part, they can't be educated to a degree that makes them useful in an economy that isn't based on basic manufacturing. The evidence is overwhelming.

>> No.14427171


This is true of most Whites as well though.

>> No.14427187

Only for half of whites vs 90% of blacks and 80% of Latinos

>> No.14427196

>Plus most of your based White paradise states

Those states are still infinitely better than the poor and predominantly black/latino areas in many southern states.

Nobody is saying all whites are geniuses. It's more that 99.99999% of blacks are 80 IQ violent subhumans. At least the Chinese seem to understand this.

>> No.14427211

Because in the long term it's an existential threat, obviously. We're seeing unilateral mass immigration towards white nations from mostly non-white nations. This is such an obviously suicidal policy for Europeans, that our acceptance of it is a great testament to the power of cultural conditioning.

Also, contrary to the fever-dreams of some libertarians, resources are a zero-sum game (especially with these population densities). It's just dumb in the long run to invite genetically divergent populations in large numbers to compete with your people for resources in your own nations.

>> No.14427233

Ethnos should be a higher value than economy. I agree some non-white populations are better (much better) than others, but we shouldn't be inviting large numbers of any non-whites.

>> No.14427239

citations missing

>> No.14427282

Prove that blacks can be useful outside of basic manufacturing. They haven't done it in significant numbers at any point in history and their greatest collective achievement is that they helped build America as slaves. It took slavery just to make them useful at basic manufacturing/farming. Without outside interference they'd still be eating mud pies in sub-saharan Africa.

>> No.14427292
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>future actions aren't contingent on the past
I agree with your overall point but you possess the rhetorical skills of a 3rd world mong.

>> No.14427313

>Because, for the most part, they can't be educated to a degree that makes them useful in an economy that isn't based on basic manufacturing. The evidence is overwhelming

Yet you can't cite anything hmm...

Did it hurt when you pulled those numbers out of your ass?

>Prove that blacks can be useful outside of basic manufacturing

They're no different than white people outside of skin color and other irrelevant traits. There's plenty of black doctors, lawyers and engineers. There was a black president who is a million times smarter and more capable than your (presumably) white ass

>> No.14427314

I don't know what you mean by this. Are the ideas I'm sharing unclear? It's not like I'm abusing some rhetorical figures or something. I'm just typing in a conversational way, meaning I'm not putting any thought into the style of my writing.

>> No.14427340

Not any of the anons you're quoting but I want to ask an honest question: Do you really think the people who have the resources to study large quantities of data to determine what >>14427163 and >>14427187 would allow independent or unbiased (as one can be) researchers to make determinations that might prove their points in 2019?

>> No.14427342

>There's plenty of black doctors, lawyers and engineers.
Then why are liberals constantly complaining about how these professions aren't "diverse" enough?

>> No.14427343



>> No.14427348

It does reek of naivety. If the person knows ahead of time that moving means they get kicked out of America and are stuck in some non-Western shithole then they just won't move.

>> No.14427354

If Pedro moves to the US to get paid more why can't we just pay him to move back? Even at $100k per person, in the long run, money will be saved. Also this has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.14427356

>They're no different than white people outside of skin color and other irrelevant traits

There's no evidence for this and there's plenty for the opposite. Like most retards, you just desperately want it to be true despite the fact that it is astronomically unlikely.

>> No.14427377

Have you read Hegel nignog?

>> No.14427379

You clearly know nothing of aesthetics.

>> No.14427410

I'm not against immigration, I just don't want it to be a literal free for all. I guess that makes me a neo nazi.

>> No.14427429

Your question is really confusing. But I assume you're implying that, even if the races where different, no one would report it for fear of being ostracized or whatever.
This is simply nonsense. Race "science" has been a studied topic ever since the phrenology days. There are plenty of people who would be quite interested in proving that blacks and latinos are inferior. A million republican think tanks and conservative organizations would fund and support such studies. But you simply can't prove what isn't true

You were saying black people are inherently incapable of doing anything more than manual labour. The existence of black doctors and lawyers disproves this. What liberals complain about is the fact that black people are disadvantaged, socially and economically, when it comes to attaining said positions.

>There's no evidence for this and there's plenty for the opposite

Cite something then you dumb fucking nigger.
Sorry Tyrone took your girl, being a neo nazi won't help though. You still wouldn't get laid in the ethnostate.

You're only a nazi if you start selecting people based of their skin color

>> No.14427438

ITT: niggerkikes

>> No.14427441

I believe he also suggest paying people to move.
His point is that ethnic cleansing doesn't have to be a horrible violent shitfest. It's a counter-argument to people who say that it literally can't be done.

Anyway, this is just one issue that a WN society could face in some remote future.
Obviously a lot would have to change for such a proposition to not sound as outlandish as it does now.

>> No.14427452

>Cite something then you dumb fucking nigger.

You're the one making the outrageous claim that all races are exactly the same outside of skin color.

>Sorry Tyrone took your girl, being a neo nazi won't help though. You still wouldn't get laid in the ethnostate.

The true sign of a modern day liberal is that they almost immediately resort to puerile and baseless insults when their incredibly naive worldview is questioned. Pathetic.

>> No.14427460

>A million republican think tanks and conservative organizations would fund and support such studies.
The same Republicans who effectively support mass immigration and bring gay blacks on stage to their conventions?
Do you even watch the news, other than MSNBC?

>> No.14427478
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>sir, i can't get a girlfriend and my life is shitty. we need to exclude x group of people so i can get some bread crumbs. sir, i'm "white" like you so i'm superior. sir, please give me some bread crumbs and exclude them

>> No.14427487


>> No.14427489

We just want our neighbourhoods to be safe and peaceful. It's not rocket science.

>> No.14427500

>our neighbourhood
who is "our"? you don't own that land, beggar boi.

>> No.14427501

Greg Johnson is gay. You guys really need to move on from this "incel" shit. It's old, tired, and it never worked.

>> No.14427504
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>> No.14427507

>You were saying black people are inherently incapable of doing anything more than manual labour. The existence of black doctors and lawyers disproves this. What liberals complain about is the fact that black people are disadvantaged, socially and economically, when it comes to attaining said positions.

I'm not that guy. I don't think anyone is saying that black people are incapable of becoming white collar professionals. What they're saying is that *on average* they're less likely to be capable of becoming white collar professionals. I'm not sure I even agree with this desu.

One thing I've noticed though is that according to liberals, whenever a black person accomplishes something, it's because of their own intelligence and ability, but whenever they fail to accomplish something it's because of white racism.

This just seems like an inverse of the neo-nazi position.

>> No.14427512

I live in a rich country that basically doesn't have any black people. I just like to laugh at American retards that think all races are exactly the same. Especially as the American economy and American culture is currently being torn to shreds in large part due to blacks and latinos.

>> No.14427517

Well if you want to increase crime rates wherever you live then be my guest but most people don't want that to happen where they live and if they know how to significantly reduce crime in the area then they may be interested in pursuing that strategy.

>> No.14427521

The majority of whites gtfo when their hometown gets a little too vibrant and diverse. It's only a matter of time before the majority of them start admitting to themselves they'd rather live around their own kind. It's inevitable.

>> No.14427522

i dont get the discord part of the discord tranny

isnt it just like ventrilo and used for fps gamers?

>> No.14427533

your country isn't shit compared to america let alone a random american state so your sense of superiority is just you being a clueless retard clown.

crime rates are highest in poor areas dumb shit. if you aren't poor then you aren't living in a high crime area. try and explain to a millionaire living in a gated community their crime rate is going to increase. like i said, who is "our"? you don't own shit so you don't decide shit.

>> No.14427563

>They're no different than white people outside of skin color and other irrelevant traits. There's plenty of black doctors, lawyers and engineers. There was a black president who is a million times smarter and more capable than your (presumably) white ass

A handful of outliers are not representative of the whole population. Are you intentionally being dishonest or are you genuinely that stupid?

>> No.14427569

There's a significant amount of trannies and tranny-enablers in online gamer communities. These are people who tend to be bullied IRL so they seek refuge online.
Guys like this, for example

Also Discord, like most major companies, doesn't allow tranny criticism, so it's effectively a safe space for them.

>> No.14427572
File: 69 KB, 910x512, sons-rich-black-families-fare-no-better-sons-working-class-whites-00-featured-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't own shit so you don't decide shit.
We're talking about what we believe is morally right, replying that we don't currently have political power is not an argument on whether or not our ideas have any merit.

>> No.14427582

They gather on discord to organize raids/talking points in hopes of converting 4chan's meme machine to their ideology because they think it'll get them wider social acceptance.

They don't understand that group-think mechanics don't exist here. So even if 1000 of them show up they can't just downvote opinions they don't like out of visibility or count on people pandering for likes/shares/upvotes/retweets/whatever other garbage.

>> No.14427598

>you don't own shit so you don't decide shit.

That's even more applicable to you. Enjoy 4 more years you nigger loving fag.

>> No.14427610

A bunch of leftists safe spaces from Tumblr and Chapo Trap House have organized a bunch of Discords to try and take over places like 4chan. It's sad that they can't even accomplish that.

>> No.14427617

Imagine being okay with living around niggers and beaners in almost 2020

How much of a brainwashed moron do you need to be

>> No.14427624
File: 39 KB, 320x500, 4d970dac78c8215f90b5de3a39c6be6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I just dont want to be around those icky blacks and sneaky Jews. Is that too much to ask for? It seems that other groups of people are encouraged to self segregate and celebrated for doing so. We can't us white bois do the same.

>> No.14427635
File: 83 KB, 725x669, b6844cc3f04b8ad4d60fa90df32bc7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can taste your impotent rage. trump has increased immigration and done nothing to help while incels like you get your neck crushed by the boot of twitter, google, and facebook.

in 4 years will you even be allowed to post on the internet?

>> No.14427648

The grass is always greener. I doubt you’d be any happier if you were around more white people

>> No.14427653

No matter how powerful your structures and institutions are you can never hide from the truth. It will always come back to bite you. Nothing in the world can stop it.

>> No.14427665

>You're the one making the outrageous claim that all races are exactly the same outside of skin color

These claims aren't outrageous to anyone but retarded neo nazi fucks like you

The Republican party has a long history of discrimination against black people and other minorities, that doesn't go away because they brought a gay black man on stage

>What they're saying is that *on average* they're less likely to be capable of becoming white collar professionals

Economic reasons and other systemic issues. If you control for stuff like environment, wealth, upbringing etc., black people perform the same as white people

>One thing I've noticed though is that according to liberals, whenever a black person accomplishes something, it's because of their own intelligence and ability, but whenever they fail to accomplish something it's because of white racism

You're straw-maning. Systemic discrimination is the reason why black people perform worse ON AVERAGE. A particular black person failing to accomplish something might have a multitude of reasons. It's a case by case thing.

>This just seems like an inverse of the neo-nazi position.

The inverse neo-nazi position would be to deport and kill whites because blacks are superior and more intelligent.

The dude I was responding to literally said that blacks where incapable of doing anything more complex than manual labour. Learn to read dipshit

I'm a white boi and don't like being around nazi incels like yourself. So I guess you get deported sry

>> No.14427670
File: 96 KB, 711x713, 1577210564003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent cope. sounds like something a chr*stcuck says about worshiping the jew on a stick.
>j-just y-you wait! [later] you're going to pay! trust in the plan, guys! *eyes begin to tear*

>> No.14427672

Lol no bro we just get to live in our all white country together. Maybe we can be neighbors :)

>> No.14427675

>trump has increased immigration and done nothing to help while incels like you get your neck crushed by the boot of twitter, google, and facebook.
This is a very fascist metaphor, I like it anon. I'm glad that whatever other differences we might have we both agree that there is no objective morality and politics is just the strong oppressing the weak.

>> No.14427677

>The Republican party has a long history of discrimination against black people and other minorities
As does the Democratic party. It means nothing. Nowadays they're both pretty much the same.

>> No.14427682

Anime pictures and greentexting. The left isn't bringing their A game.

>> No.14427698


>> No.14427701

>If you control for stuff like environment, wealth, upbringing etc., black people perform the same as white people
Not true. IQ is a more powerful predictor of life outcome and job efficiency than any socio-economic factor. Read The Bell Curve for the mainstream majority scientific consensus on this.

>> No.14427712

>get your neck crushed by the boot of twitter, google, and facebook

How exactly am I being crushed by those companies? I don't use any of their services and every single domain they own is blocked by my network's firewall.

The rest of your post is just more baseless insults. Typical pathetic angry liberal.

> Republican party has a long history of discrimination against black people and other minorities

The people in power in both the Democrat and Republican party are much closer to my position than yours. They allow immigrants in solely because it's beneficial to the rich to have an underclass of borderline slaves. They aren't doing it out of some misplaced sense of altruism or some ridiculous notion that all races are equal.

Go vote for Bernie you dumb fag.

>> No.14427723
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>The Republican party has a long history of discrimination against black people and other minorities
bruh. . .

>> No.14427740

No tnx

Agreed. But a lot of the Democratic base are minorities. The Republican party is filled with racists.

A non-peer reviewed book publish in 94 isn't the mainstream majority scientific consensus you mong

>They allow immigrants in solely because it's beneficial to the rich to have an underclass of borderline slaves

>Go vote for Bernie you dumb fag.

Ain't even American. Now seethe nazi

>> No.14427754

Dude dont be a fag about it. You'll love being in an ethnostate. Dont worry bro when we get there I'll show you around, make you feel at home

>> No.14427761

>Fifty-two professors, most of them researchers in intelligence and related fields, signed "Mainstream Science on Intelligence",[13] an opinion statement endorsing a number of the views presented in The Bell Curve.
>Eleven of the 48 who declined to sign claimed that the statement or some part thereof did not represent the mainstream view of intelligence.

>> No.14427764
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>> No.14427766

So minorities can't be racist? How do you explain someone like Louis Farrakhan?

>> No.14427770
File: 102 KB, 634x481, article-2686676-1F7BF69200000578-226_634x481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to win the race war you first need to win the aesthetic war. Saying niggers commit more crime is not good enough. You need to build a movement or an ideology that inspires people.
The average white American right now looks pathetic. This is something you need to fix first, before you start worrying about the details of ethnic cleansing.

>> No.14427775

I hate the racists but you honestly come off as the dumbest person in this thread. Do you watch Chapo Trap House by chance?

> inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.14427781

>Dude, JUST TRUST ME BRO. You'll be complete excluded from the death squads. The paranoid purges of loyalist supporters by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other authoritarian dictators was a TOTAL FLUKE. They will only kill people you personally dislike, because that's totally not a relative thing suspect to the whims of dictators.

>> No.14427782

People only voted the Nazis in because everyone was unemployed and starving, the parliament was in deadlock from all the different parties, and the Nazis promised an end to democracy and a one party state that could act without hesitation or recourse. Most people don't care about aesthetics, ideas, or predicting the future. They just respond to their own immediate material problems and that's IT.

>> No.14427791

>when virgins who will never have kids sperg out about protecting "their people"

>> No.14427797

LMAO the far-right worships "aesthetics" but fails utterly when it comes to art, science, philosophy, or any other creative pursuit. All the right can do is create shitty memes.

Try as you may, you'll always fail to make your filth "inspiring." The right can't dream, all it can do is conjure nightmares.

>> No.14427810

That's not true. That Nazis had steadily rising support in the 1920s and early 1930s. Also, it's well known and well researched that average Germans quite enjoyed living under the Nazi regime in the 1930s. It felt like a time of promise, action and activism, and building something real that would endure. This was refreshing after a century of meandering capitalist industrialism and boom-and-bust cycles, and especially after Weimar, which ordinary people did not enjoy.

Walther Darre also made Germany's farming peasantry arguably the most progressive and healthy in the world, after decades of decline and anxiety.

>> No.14427812

Who said anything about "the right"? Get off twitter/reddit for a minute and think with your own head.

>> No.14427816
File: 633 KB, 1920x2340, 2473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nowadays they're both pretty much the same.
This image alone shows how full of shit you are.

>> No.14427824

Honestly why would I bring a kid into this shit world?

>> No.14427834

The steady rise wasn't going anywhere fast and the vote blew up way beyond their expectations in 1930 on account of the material conditions. I really don't see the majority of people voting for such highfalutin ideas unless they are backed into a corner in their material life. This is to say nothing of whether or not they would enjoy the society after the Nazis were in power, but merely that they are not in the business of having conviction for grand ideas.

>> No.14427841

I'm well aware of the fact that it's a more "white" party with more whites voters.
But fundamentally, their policies don't differ much. Their plan is to continue with mass immigration. They have no interest in challenging the neo-liberal status quo.
Drumpfy's talk about "the wall" is all talk, it's race baiting for the retards.

>> No.14427848

Whoooa the democrats are really progressive! They don't just have neoliberal technocrats, but WOMAN AND NONWHITE neoliberal technocrats! I think I even see a GAY!! Now I bet they'll stop obliterating third world niggers with drones!

If only I knew all along, the answer was "support the Blue team, the Blue team has more women and nonwhites and maybe a gay on it so it's the Good team" I would have never gotten so upset about the state the world is in. I assumed that we had all these problems like finance capitalism and capitalist imperialism and the destruction of all values by a technocratic class of childfucking elites, but now, now I know, some of them are WOMEN and BROWN and maybe even a little HOMO. So it's fine. Vote Blue! Because Red is the bad one!

>> No.14427863


>> No.14427864


Neoliberals deserve more disdain than even the absolute worst of the far left and the far right.

>> No.14427866

*kysses you* :3

>> No.14427870

Yeah literally just trust me dude.

>> No.14427881

More white people means less violent crime, higher social trust, and so on. I think most people would be happier. That's why rich whites self segregate

>> No.14427903

Also not an argument

>> No.14427930
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welcome to /pollit/


>> No.14427964

Northern Ireland is one of the whitest places in the world and has zero social trust

>> No.14427973

"I know a guy"

>> No.14427988

Yet it's still far better and far safer than any place in the world that is predominantly black.

>> No.14428000
File: 527 KB, 1500x1000, large_North_Belfast_Peace_Wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le walls of social trust
Had higher murder rates than many African countries during the Troubles. Live in Belfast for a year and live in Atlanta for a year, I have.

>> No.14428029

>during the Troubles
Blacks don't need an historically major upheaval to murder that much, and indeed,
>higher murder rates than *many* African countries
you say as much yourself. You make our point for us by stating that during a crisis the Irish murder rate more closely resembles the African norm.

>> No.14428044

Because the conflict is ethnic, not racial.

>> No.14428064

Thanks for supporting my point

When did I ever say that?

Not an argument

>nb4 I was only pretending to be retarded
Unlike you I have a pair of balls to defend what I believe in

>> No.14428088


>> No.14428099

Out of 100 replies, 52 (a majority) claimed the book represented mainstream view. Of those 48 who didn't sign only 11 were willing to be explicit that it was not the mainstream view. Since those remaining 37 are already taking the trouble to respond in the first place their silence is deafening.

>> No.14428499

Also not an argument

>> No.14428841
File: 2.37 MB, 2340x4160, P_20191106_122143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice image, i wonder if africams can make posters like this

>> No.14428920
File: 202 KB, 680x750, none of that gay shit is keeping the enemy north of the Zambezi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say I hate blacks and that they are inferior. I also hate people who act as apologists for them and think they should be killed or deported or whatever first. Have a good day everyone and may Jesus bless you.

>> No.14428927

It's not a big deal for migrants to begin with because if they get a country they consider better or has better opportunities for education and employment, they will use the one they moved to to get into the new one. The point is they are not part of any nation but their origin, legality notwithstanding. It's basically another nation invading and exploiting a host, and sometimes eventually colonising it in full. It's not a big deal because half the people who migrate will or at least want to move to some other country too. And will return to their actual country should the benefits of their present host dry up or require any kind of assimilation or commitment.

>> No.14429095

Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: a priming experiment.

>"Ethnic diversity is associated with lower trust for both natives and immigrants."
>"For both, the cognitive salience of ethno-cultural diversity causally reduces trust."

Ethnic diversity and its impact on community social cohesion and neighborly exchange

>"Our findings indicate that social cohesion and neighborly exchange are attenuated in ethnically diverse suburbs"


>"I find a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust and a U‐shaped relationship between ethnic fractionalization and trust."

Effects of Heterogeneity and Homophily on Cooperation

>"The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level. In addition, endogenous sorting mitigates this negative effect of heterogeneity on cooperation."

Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Pattern or Nordic Exceptionalism?

>"Cause and effect relations are impossible to specify exactly but ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions seem to have a direct impact on trust, and an indirect one through their consequences for good government, wealth and income equality."

The Geography of Ethnic Violence

>"Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries."

Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence

>"Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country."

>> No.14429103

Does Ethnic Diversity Have a Negative Effect on Attitudes towards the Community? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Causal Claims within the Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion Debate

>"Studies demonstrate a negative association between community ethnic diversity and indicators of social cohesion (especially attitudes towards neighbours and the community), suggesting diversity causes a decline in social cohesion."

Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity: On the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Social Trust in Denmark from 1979 until Today

>"The results suggest that social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity."

Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from European Regions, 2002–2010

>"The results show that across European regions, different aspects of immigration-related diversity are negatively related to social trust. In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust."

Political Scientist: Does Diversity Really Work?

>"A study conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam suggests that diversity hurts civic life and that differences can actually translate into distrust. The political scientist and author explains his findings on the flip-side of cultural diversity."

>"The more diverse the group around us, ethnically, in our neighborhood, the less we trust anybody, including people who look like us. Whites trust whites less. Blacks trust blacks less, in more diverse settings."

The downside of diversity

>"Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings."
>" "The extent of the effect is shocking," says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist."

>> No.14429440

I see a shameful lack of representation of Pirate-Americans among the Dems

>> No.14429579

Putnam's only argument against his own research (lol) was that "le Irish became white XD". I mean the guy is obviously respectable but when I read him in college I almost facepalmed at his speculations on the future since there was nothing in his theory or data to support them. Hopefully he was just doing the necessary grovelling rather than revealing his sincere belief

>> No.14430206

I'm not seeing and direct evidence of discord trannies here.

>> No.14430219

>group-think mechanics don't exist here

>> No.14430253

Unsure how one could exist in segregated communities. Life and as such art is stifled. Loser incels wanting a society that forces men to be cogs in a machine, wake up lol

>> No.14430610

That's annoying because there was never a point where Irish were not considered white. They were excluded for religious reasons.

>> No.14430650

The purpose of having a location is for the community you form in it, family, friends, etc. If I grew up in Boston and that’s where all my family and friends are and my corporate overlords decide I need to move to Cleveland Ohio, it may AS WELL be like moving me to Germany or China or Brazil. I am being cut off from my support structures.

>> No.14430707
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This is fine. Everything is fine.

>> No.14430748

Calling people incels online won't bring your bike back home John.

>> No.14430857

Holy fuck you are one naïve motherfucker. Lower safety, higher drug-dealing, distain for the host country, countless compromises in order to achive some kind of "vivre-ensemble" (which doesn't work, at least here in France), and of course, the specific problem of islamic terror. You can push your "aesthetic displeasure" argument up your ass, cunt. You have little to no awareness of the actual consequences.

>> No.14430868

My bad, I forgot about the part when France gets more or less erased culturally before the end of the century due to demographics and mass-migration.

>> No.14430987

>outside the last 5 decades and whites did support the ethnostate
>what are Roman empire, USSR, USA
Dumb nigger

>> No.14431020

Whenever you see 2016-trendy /leftypol/ lingo being used around here, that's a discord tranny.

>> No.14431036

It’s our current social climate. Wealth is not the only factor. Parental guidance is important to. If i’m rich and black but my parents do not push me to strive for better, of course i’m going to end up in a less than favorable position.

>> No.14431072

Except the Chinese are treating blacks like humans in africa.

>> No.14431080

No such thing as French culture.
Look at a modern french boi.
He's no different from an american except he speaks French.
French culture will be erased because only boomers are upholding it.

>> No.14431106
File: 43 KB, 750x433, 6a00d83451619c69e201b8d2e85941970c-pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a french poll from last year in which 54% said they would like the government to focus on making a large number of immigrants leave the country

>> No.14431127

Looks legit.
Do these people also agree with forceful deportation?
When that becomes more likely and a party actually campaigns for that and wins a majority based on that, then it's time to get out before they start a genocide or something. I predict we've got a good decade or so before genocide. I'll get my affairs in order by that time. Have to leech as much as possible before that happens.

>> No.14431137

"Forceful deportation" is what it means to make people leave the country. Why should they be against it? The French people have the right to decide who lives with them just as you get to decide who lives in your house.

>> No.14431143

If you would actually read the book in the OP you would see how he proposes to expatriate people in nonviolent ways. This idea that deportation will to genocide is a dumb fallacy.

>> No.14431160

Okay whatever. But it's not happening anytime soon. Macron won't do it. Neither will any government in any european country atm. It'll take some time

It's happened before. I have no intention of losing all my assets and getting killed in a death camp like what happened to the jews.
As a Muslim in europe I'm gonna enjoy what I can and get out when I see that its about to snowball out of control.
Plus if a nazi regime is about to come to power, taking out huge loans and leaving with the money would be a good strat as well because it's not like I'll be coming back to a place I'll get killed.

>> No.14431170

You're a parasite so you don't have a say in the matter.

>> No.14431187

"Yes" I am.
You've forced me to become a parasite. I can't be loyal to a country that's going to kick me out. It's stupid to benefit a country that hates you.

>> No.14431209

I don't expect you to be loyal to a country you shouldn't be in. You've made the decision to stay in a country you don't belong and leech off them so I hope you get the treatment you deserve. I won't lose any sleep over what happens to you.

>> No.14431218
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>> No.14431223
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>> No.14431229

I'm fully aware of the consequences. If I'm killing by people like you in the street, it was well worth the risk I guess.
I'm going to leave. But not yet. I'll leave just before you get to power. That way I can leech as much as possible and get away with it

>> No.14431238

Many of the Jews tried that but Germany decided to stop allowing to take their wealth with them.

>> No.14431244

if a country truly hated you you wouldn't be benifiting it in the first place, it's because of your absence of self-criticism that most people want you to pack your bags and fuck off.

>> No.14431245
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The suitors had time to leave until they suddenly didn't. Good luck.

>> No.14431257

Yes that's another lesson to learn. You have to be one of the first ones that do it.
In addition to this, I've decided send most of my money abroad already. Anything I earn is being invested in other countries. That way I'll only have little if any wealth here.
It's a good strat

The country has changed. In addition to this, people are saying I'm the same thing as the criminal immigrants while I am not. I'm being accused of doing things I haven't done so I've got to change my behaviour.

Don't worry about it. It's a gamble. Either I die or I don't. That's why it's so exhilarating

>> No.14431263

who is accusing you of anything you goddamn paranoid, are you trolling or what?

>> No.14431282

The reason people hate immigrants is because they say they are criminals.
I'm not like that.

>> No.14431295

The reason we don't want you here is because it's not your country. The fact of criminality is just another reason on top of that. You could be a perfect citizen and I still wouldn't want you.

>> No.14431302

There's nothing to discuss with someone like you because you're irrational.
But I guess if I was talking to someone who was rational, then I'd say that I'm being unfairly treated after I was invited in so I cannot be loyal

>> No.14431322

There's nothing irrational about what I'm saying. A nation is made up of people who share blood and culture. If you don't share my blood and culture then you're not a part of my nation and you don't belong. It's very simple.

If you invite somebody into your house are not allowed to ask them to leave? Am I not allowed to kick you out if you refuse? Tell me what the Qu'ran says about overstaying your welcome, Surah 33:53.

>> No.14431337

I share your blood and culture. I'm 25% white.
And I use computers and phones like you.

>> No.14431352

>>during the Troubles
>Blacks don't need an historically major upheaval to murder that much, and indeed,
Yes they do. They're always having political upheavals caused by French people.

>>higher murder rates than *many* African countries
>you say as much yourself. You make our point for us by stating that during a crisis the Irish murder rate more closely resembles the African norm.
Never said that it's like the African norm. You specialize in putting words in my mouth to look smug.

>> No.14431388

Yes but, and this is critical, those tiny movements weren't right wing.

>> No.14431391

Immigration has never been popular, its forced on people from on high.

>> No.14431399

Most brown people are literally more racist than me, white leftists are the only group who are actually biased against their own group.

>> No.14431407

That's because rich people like immigration because it reduces the wages thus creating profits.
And rich people get more votes because they can influence media and newspapers.

>> No.14431408

>I believe he also suggest paying people to move.
I'm pretty sure they're doing this to whites in south africa

>> No.14431416

They're actually not. Pakis took in million upon millions of Afghans during the war and didn't bitch at all for two decades. Even though afghans are whiter skinned and have blue eyes and pakis look like indians. You don't see the pakis holocausting the afghans

>> No.14431423

They're laying people to move back in Denmark. About 200 people accepted the proposal.
But 50 of those were other people like serbians kek.
They ended up kicking out whites too.

>> No.14431443

No you don't, you admitted to being a Muslim.

>> No.14431447

Yes so?

>> No.14431459

If you don't understand why that's significant then you're not even paying attention to me.

>> No.14431470

This is a lie by the way.

>> No.14431500
File: 223 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aesthetic displeasure is a perfectly good, if not the most important, reason to oppose immigration.

>> No.14431558

Lol retard

>> No.14431616

based bleehposter

>> No.14431744

Creating 'France' within its European continental territory was itself a colonial project from the Paris centre. France had overseas territories in 1789, with colonization projects in the 17 & 18th centuries. It set up colonies in the Maghreb, created a colonial empire on the African continent and Asia, came up with various forms of citizenship and subjecthood. 'France' was made into an interconnected empire, with migration streams across continents, and a majority muslim populations at a certain time.

France has never been the contained nation-state of pure white bliss. The racial worldviews developed throughout the colonial period and reproduced/evolved in current times - often denied, disavowed or foreclosed - has to face the gaze of the Other pronounced inferior who declares their humanity, self-worth and equality against white supremacist chimera's. 'Woe is me' declares the embodied white supremacist ideology when the colonial subject transforms from white's re-presentation to proper presentation.

>Where my moral power finds resistance, there can no longer be nature. I shudder and stop. I hear the warning: Here is humanity! I may not do more.

>When I feel that my freedom is limited, I recognize that I am not alone in the moral wrodl, and the manifold experiences of limited freedom teach me that I am in a realm of moral beings, all of whom have the same unlimited freedom.

>> No.14431772

>declares their humanity
“Humanity” is the king of spooks.

>> No.14431799

>'France' was made into an interconnected empire, with migration streams across continents, and a majority muslim populations at a certain time.
>dude so like france once ruled an empire whose foreign subjects were majority muslim
>ergo we should let the super-rich import a billion niggers
why are you people like this

>> No.14431808

>non white
Way to out yourself as a pansy
Just say niggers

>> No.14431821

It’s a non sequitir common with these. The real consistent move would be for westerners to treat the descendants of their colonial subjects with the same violence that their ancestors experienced.

>> No.14431894

Obama was a 50/50 mixture of black and WHITE.

>> No.14431920

>Economic reasons and other systemic issues. If you control for stuff like environment, wealth, upbringing etc., black people perform the same as white people
how are you guys so woefully ignorant of all the evidence lol

>> No.14432215

>that wasn’t accompanied by death and atrocities

>> No.14432259

Euros did fine. It's only another shoah if it happens to your own kind.

>> No.14432594

This plus everything done post world War one.

>> No.14432799

I know I'm responding to bait but nothing to do riding transport.
>Creating 'France' within its European continental territory was itself a colonial project from the Paris centre.
No, that's using the word colony in a completely ridiculous manner. It is an imperial project if you want.
>France had overseas territories in 1789, with colonization projects in the 17 & 18th centuries.
You can even add 16th century. I'm not sure why 1789 is specified, France has continuously had territories outside europe from the 1550s until today.
>It set up colonies in the Maghreb, created a colonial empire on the African continent and Asia,
And America.
>came up with various forms of citizenship and subjecthood.
Neither if talking of overseas territories, except for Algerian jews who were merely standard French citizens.
You mean France, without quotes.
>was made into an interconnected empire
The French empire was comically megacephalic. The various branches of the empire had little contact with each other, but all with France.
>, with migration streams across continents,
Some Frenchmen went overseas. Slaves ships in the 16-18th were the only other international transfer, and was anectodic outside the Mississippi and west indies, and the point of departure was outside the empire at the time.
>and a majority muslim populations at a certain time.
Not only are imperial populations not french, the whole empire including France was not majority muslim.
>France has never been the contained nation-state of pure white bliss.
France was nearly all white at any point before the second half of the 20th century. There were a few thousand Vietnamese here and there starting from the 30s. As for the nation-state comment, it was more alive in france than in any other country, at least from 1792 to 1918.
>The racial worldviews developed throughout the colonial period
People in France had racial worldview long before that but it indeed developed during that time.
>and reproduced/evolved in current times - often denied, disavowed or foreclosed - has to face the gaze of the Other pronounced inferior who declares their humanity,
Not a single non slave inhabitant of the empire was denied humanity.
Self worth is by definition dependent on themselves, not the big bad whitey.
>and equality
Big claim.

>> No.14433655

Can you stop writing like that? Nobody quotes and responds to individual sentences anymore because they realized how stupid and messy it is. Imagine somebody actually reading your post.

>> No.14433685

you should hang out on 4chan a little longer. i see you have potential to be a based black man.

>> No.14433727

whiteness as a concept is a flimsy basis for identity, whether people on 4chan articulate it or not it manifests itself in the memes about America (56% goblinos). Thus any focus on “whiteness” results in the promotion of dysfunction, you’ll notice that there is hardly white nationalism is countries that have a healthy identities, and the rise of white nationalism corresponds with suburban development and the atomization of communities into indistinguishable masses of consumers. Where before we had ethnic identities (muh Irish, muh Italian) we now have 56% cultureless goblino “whites” who try to lay claim to the collected works of Europe as if Germans, Italians, Swedes, and Anglos were all the same. The only way to avoid this is submersion in a true community (such as a religion) and the development of real personality based upon relationships with others.

>> No.14433728

no need to cite the properties of a normal distribution. why don’t you try to look up what percentile 100 IQ falls in the black or Latino population and tell me what you think? it’s a simple calculation, anybody who can handle basic algebra could do it.

>> No.14433731
File: 17 KB, 526x268, 99132547-9233-4747-9D02-53A2CF31F088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how retarded you sound

>> No.14433756

It is true. The Nazis went from like 3% I’d the vote throughout the 1920s to like 30% by 1932, a rapid change almost overnight.

>> No.14433760

Well, the /pol/ invasion is complete. Blatantly off-topic threads are allowed now. Hope you're happy, jannies.

>> No.14433781

>What kind of dumb reasoning is this?
It's incredibly based. Fat people to, just go bro lol

>> No.14433792

>el everything el I don't likey is /pol/

>> No.14433904

I can't imagine anything more relevant to a literary person than to have Western civilization itself on the brink of eternal collapse right before their eyes in the present day.

>> No.14433908

Believe it or not but people are allowed to talk about books you're not into.

>> No.14434131

literally no one referenced the book in OP pic or any other book you nigger

>> No.14434141

I referenced it explicitly here >>14426991. The entire thread is about the book. You haven't even skimmed the book so how could you dispute this?

>> No.14434195

OK nigger (or kike)

>> No.14434203

Forcing someone to move based on factors they can't control is fairly unjust if those people are law abiding citizens.
Most people would oppose mass race-based legislation in today's landscape (you can kinda expect a fair amount of people vote for themselves not to be kicked out) so it's hard to see a instance where it happens in a fair and open modern democracy.

>> No.14434208


>> No.14434216


>> No.14434222

Companies don't use violence to make people move. They persuade people with money.

>> No.14434227

I can't make any sense of what you mean by control. Can you give me an example of when it would be acceptable to forcibly remove somebody from your country? I want to know what it means for a people to have enough "control" that it would then be acceptable to remove them.

>> No.14434232


>> No.14434234

This is exactly Greg Johnson's plan to remove nonwhites from the country. Shut down immigration and then pay people to move out.

>> No.14434239

Well his black dad was an economist

>> No.14434247

Shut down immigration with sunshine and lollipops or machine guns? And what if people already here refuse to take the deal?

>> No.14434266

We would shut down immigration with legislation, just as it was initially opened up with legislation. People can leave and take the money or they can leave without taking the money because have the right to decide who lives in our country. This idea that people can walk into your house and crash without your permission, and you can't even tell them to get out shows the absolute insanity of the left.

>> No.14434274

You didn't answer the question and there were multiple factual inaccuracies in this response.

>> No.14434276

Support for open borders is a right wing position.

>> No.14434282

Yeah okay dude.

Don't confuse the neoliberal clowns in the Republican party for being right wing.

>> No.14434283

>we decide who lives here!!
>overwhelming majority wants a race-neutral immigration policy
>but but the jooz tricked them

>> No.14434285

So you think people should control their own houses?

>> No.14434289

The notion that the territory of a country is collectively owned by its citizens only makes sense if you are literally a socialist .

>> No.14434290

The majority of people opposed the 1965 immigration act because they knew it would radically change the demographics, but it was forced into them anyway.

No, I think you should eat a dick.

>> No.14434294

>immigration act because they knew it would radically change the demographics, but it was forced into them anyway.

>> No.14434295

Who the fuck is talking about collective ownership? Are you going to say nonsocialist people can't decide who they let into their country? I wish you people would stop being so stupid.

>> No.14434304

It came to me in a dream one night.

>> No.14434306

You analogized controlling who enters a country to controlling who enters your house.

>> No.14434310

>nonsocialist people can't decide who they let into their count
Nonsocialists who care about logical consistency can't

>> No.14434311

I can think of suitable reasons to eject a single person, say not following the laws of the country being the most obvious.

If an entire group of people, say a compound of 400-500 are breaking the law and you have a separate trial for each one to establish guilt, I don't see how it would unethical to eject them.

>> No.14434331

Laws against robbery rape and murder or the crime of living in America with a melanin content that offends Greg Johnson?

>> No.14435057

Reminder Greg Johnson unironically published an interview with a brony on his website


WN's biggest problems are WNs themselves. There is no leadership, no coherent vision. How the fuck are you going to get eugenicist atheist right wingers and hardcore catholic LARPers to work together on forming any kind of community, let alone an actual political movement with actual policy to push. It's really sad, honestly. It's okay to be White and White people have legitimate interests but it's 1000 different factions divided.

>> No.14435064

Nonwhite immigration is ethnic cleansing and is already accompanied by interethnic violence, death, and atrocities. See FBI crime statistics parsed by race.

>> No.14435116
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I don’t have a problem with other ethnic groups on a small scale. I love ethnography and seeing different strands of humans. This is precisely why I’m against immigration, since it is not by any means a spontaneous phenomenon, it is repeatedly and openly stated as a goal to simultaneously deracinate, demoralise, reduce cohesion, reduce base living standard, increase societal distrust, create tension and ultimately break down the powerful Anglo-influenced western societies into atomised, depressed Consoomers who are just as easy to control as corrupt third world countries. It’s in every manifesto of migration policies to “end the monolithic societies of the West”. Compare social cohesion in New York with social cohesion in Wales and you’ll understand.

>> No.14435137

>Lower safety
Who cares pussy
>higher drug-dealing
That's good, white people are shitty drug dealers. End prohibition if you don't like drug dealing. criminalize and you get Al Capone it's really that simple
>distain for the host country
This is mostly a meme and to the extent that it's true it's totally reasonable considering the country is full of hateful cowards like you who treat them like shit.
>countless compromises in order to achive some kind of "vivre-ensemble" (which doesn't work, at least here in France), and of course, the specific problem of islamic terror.
Sorry stinky this is an anglophone website
>You can push your "aesthetic displeasure" argument up your ass, cunt. You have little to no awareness of the actual consequences.
Every consequence you mentioned is justified as bad according to your aesthetic displeasure. I'm perfectly fine with arguments based on objective aesthetics but you people have extreme inattentional blindness and pleb taste.

>> No.14435162

The south has the most niggers, and fought a war for its nigger eugenics program. The US below the Mason dixon line is the most negrified region of the anglosphere

>> No.14435512

>Economic reasons and other systemic issues. If you control for stuff like environment, wealth, upbringing etc., black people perform the same as white people

You can't externalize blame for everything. Have you ever even interacted with Black people before?

>> No.14435636

But the adoption studies are evidence against this.