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14424507 No.14424507 [Reply] [Original]

>reading on the train

Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.14424519

This is bait right?

>> No.14424520

Bugs.. easy on the carrots

>> No.14424525

>Caring about what plebs think of you

>> No.14424537

I read adorno on the train and quietly shake my head every few minutes so I can give the pessmistic intellectual vibe. It hasn't really worked tho. I'm still a virgin.

>> No.14424543

bugs.. easy on the carrots

>> No.14424547
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Oldfags... easy on the memes

>> No.14424562

>not reading on the train

show normies how patrician you are pleb

>> No.14424567

Reading in Starbucks

>> No.14424572

Better than ordering anything

>> No.14424578

The only reason not to do it is to avoid getting btfo’d by an old black man.

>> No.14424599

can someone explain this to me?

>> No.14424618

playing xbox on the train
blasting trap on the train
assaulting women on the train
defecating on the train
being responsible for 50% of all violent crime despite making up only 12% of the population on the train

>> No.14424647

put me in the screencap

>> No.14424650

>That's why you read Plato.
All of /lit/ annihilated in five words.

>> No.14424702

you're showing your age newfag

>> No.14424734

>not trying to be productive and use the travel time

that was fucking shit bait mate

>> No.14424736


>> No.14424745

People are still using trains outside of movies?

>> No.14424747

>reading in public
I have no idea how you people manage to do it, I cannot focus and enjoy what I'm reading when there are people speaking or traffic noise near me

>> No.14424748

Eurocucks, mostly.

>> No.14424761

How do you burgers even enjoy your highway infested shithole of a country?
I can't imagine the pain of having to go through traffic every single morning simply because "muh car = independence"

>> No.14424771

I don’t leave the house bitch. The last time I left the house technology had advanced forward significantly from the point it had been at when I last left the house. And I’m able to do that because I live in the land of the free.

>> No.14424781

Look at that fucking rabbit

>> No.14424783
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>playing xbox on the train

>> No.14424791

I was not able to focus reading a book on a train anyways. Probably because it was the fucking BART and its littered with loud niggers, sketchy bums and enormous Mexican families with like 11 kids running around and yelling without any constraint. Honestly, I think if you ARE able to read on the train than I think it would just help you blend in if anything, at least back on the train I used to take. Might be different in Europe or east Asia but I dunno.

>> No.14424946

Bugs... You ate too many carrots

>> No.14424963
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>> No.14425796

I have an hour commute each way for work. Of course I read on the train. We also have a quiet car.

>> No.14425916

Bugs Bunny = Bugs = a bunny
a bunny = eats carrots
that bunny = fat
fat = eats too much of what he eats = eats too many carrots
anon = advises the bunny to eat less carrots to not be so fat

>> No.14426214

reading while walking

>> No.14426225

I've never been in a screencap

>> No.14426231
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>> No.14426232

Ive been commuting the same trip for like 2 years now, I dont care about staring at the same faggot urban scenery and look at screens enough at work

>> No.14426237

Yeah don't read on the train, just leave the book in front of you while you look thoughtfully out the window

>> No.14426259

carrots are 0% fat and low carb

>> No.14426270

if you read with the cover facing the people in front of you, pseudo fag

if you read by covering the book by bending one of its sides over for easier handling, thus concealing whatever it is you you are reading, based Gnostic sage.

>> No.14426287

Best listen to audiobooks with a wireless earpiece so people think you are just a sperg who sits quietly staring into space.

>> No.14426303

There is literally nothing else to do on the train, it's too loud for music to be enjoyable.

>> No.14426310

what the fuck else do you do on the train going from a to b? Looking out the window is only interesting in new/beautiful places.
Most normies just scroll through their phone endlessly

>> No.14426334

>low carb
They are entirely carbs. That is also irrelevant to getting fat if you eat too many of them.

>> No.14426337

Eurocuck here, riding the public commuter rail/metro sucks as it is full of loud immigrants (making it harder to read). I rode an Amtrak train in the US once though so I know they exist.

>> No.14426350

what's she reading?

>> No.14426377


>> No.14426387

bugs is supposed to be lowercase newfig

>> No.14426397


>> No.14426497

look at him, he did it again!

>> No.14426511

How do I read in public without seeming like a pretentious douche?

>> No.14426528


In some parts of Europe it is still different.

>> No.14427907

at least he used the correct amount of periods

>> No.14427968

Like this

>> No.14428074

I drink beer on the train usually. I hate art hoes who browse tumblr and try to imitate an aesthetic. You can't focus well on a book in a noisy, rattling train. If I am on a 12h train ride, I drink up to 4 beers and look at the scenery. Far more enjoyable.

>> No.14428264

First as tragedy, second as farce, and so on, and so on *sniffff*.

>> No.14428316

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.14428330

Käfer, leicht mit den Karotten

>> No.14428367

how is it a joke though?

>> No.14428425

Honestly, I am so fucking sick of having to drive everywhere. I live in Houston and the distances between places is absolutely fucked. Public transport would be so amazing here, even if I have to sit next to nasty, morbidly obese niggers who think it's perfectly normal to scream at family members over the phone in public. At least then I wouldn't have to sit in an hour of traffic and just to get to school in the morning and constantly worry about getting into an accident.

>> No.14428462

up in new england we had this pretty decent snow storm earlier in the month where we got like 2 feet, and it was the first real snow of the season so everyone was freaking out about it and not driving. it was a sunday night, and i had Mass to go to, which is in the center of town, and when i got out the entire area was completely silent, no cars anywhere, and it was so serene. i just walked around on the street because i could. it was so fucking comfy just having a town with no cars in it for one night, watching the snow blanket the streets. fucking dammit i hate cars so much.

>> No.14428509

reading on the boat

>> No.14428563
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*CRASH* mom made pancakes

>> No.14428566

Care tobextrapolar?

>> No.14428640

peak reddit right here

>> No.14428659


>> No.14428891

sleep tight nigger