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14423109 No.14423109 [Reply] [Original]

Detail taking a massive shit in your most elegant prose

>> No.14423122

The poo is out.

>> No.14423702 [DELETED] 

Third person, narrative, involving the medical terminology. Literally involving contractions, lubrication, release. The rest is atmospherics.

>> No.14423749
File: 160 KB, 475x475, niggapoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *inhales*
> *inhales*
> *starts hyperventilating*
> *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale*
> *eyes fade*
> AAAaaaaaa
> *passes out, falls of the toilet with my butt in the air*
> *poop is sticking out of my butt like a Diglett*

>> No.14423754

For sale
Baby shits
Never wiped

>> No.14423779

Only one nugget remained in my colon - two if you counted God. But it was not my job to evacuate Him; at least not yet. “Get down!” I shouted, bracing my core. A deafening blast of brown juice exploded out of my asshole followed by a surge of dirt and shrapnel. I groaned. Religious wars are always the worst.

>> No.14424106

My asshole encapsulated the orifice of the children's bucket potty. Placed upon an immaculately carpeted living room, the moss green of the floor matched the color of my pubes, like a sunbaked cucumber left in the sun for too long. My heaving, a reedy forward moan as my bowels begged for release, bore the energy equivalent to that of a hungry maelstrom. I flourished my asshole. I screamed for release. The noxious fumes from my asshole, as I screamed to the world, deprived my brain of oxygen, causing me to choke. And I fell. And when I woke, a veneer of viscosity polished my ding dong.

>> No.14424131

Uh oh.... STINKY!!!


>> No.14424197

A monstrous groan arose from the liminal space bridging my stomach and my anus. The grotesque splurting moans undulating from my lower body alerted me to the unfelicitously ensuing discharge of the spicy Indian food and strange laxative gummy bears I had eaten by the gluttonous bucket some hours previous. I was in the middle of giving a presentation on our new deliverables in the fancy conference room reserved for the higher-ups; this was my career on the line, and I'd been doing well, so well, up until these trumpeting visceral wet noises drew the eyes and ears of the whole room to my abdomen. I tried to stammer out that I would be right back, but it was too late, and a fluid stream of fecal matter shot out of my mancunt and down and out both pantlegs and exploded upward from my waist, waste befouling the entire room like water sprayed in all directions when incorrectly thumbing a running hose, executives leaping behind chairs and one another in the vain hope of escaping that fateful spray.

>> No.14424382

Diogenes had the potential to be the superhuman

>> No.14424409


>> No.14424849

Too bad he was a bitter autistic street shitter instead

>> No.14424873

The shit was yesterday. Or the day before, I don't remember. It was supposed to be just a fart, but the shit kept on coming like a neverending stream of pain and pleasure mixed with the most divine of smellz. The wretched bowl, adorned with paper regalia, gave out a growl as it devoured the grandiose excrement which killed it unmercifully. All was well.

>> No.14424875

bretty gud

>> No.14425007

Bowels weaken,
ruptures a Symphony
of relief, clashing harmoniously with the Coyotes howl and the distant cries of my neighbors ravaged golden retriever.
But forever echoing
In a forgotten chamber...
Never mind the noise.
Swipe right,
Then right....
The sinking, low buzz of guilt
Of tonight's bender
In a cacophony of brown liquor & Mexican tacos.
Wipe the residue
flush it away
to swirl a tasteless ballet.
For it will return
The very next day

>> No.14425106

Asquat on the cuckstool he folded out his paper, turning its pages over on his bared knees. Something new and easy. No great hurry. Keep it a bit. Our prize titbit: Matcham's Masterstroke. Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. Payment at the rate of one guinea a column has been68 made to the writer. Three and a half. Three pounds three. Three pounds, thirteen and six.

Quietly he read, restraining himself, the first column and, yielding but resisting, began the second. Midway, his last resistance yielding, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading still patiently, that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Hope it's not too big bring on piles again. No, just right. So. Ah! Costive. One tabloid of cascara sagrada. Life might be so. It did not move or touch him but it was something quick and neat. Print anything now. Silly season. He read on, seated calm above his own rising smell.

>> No.14425309

A man, named Detail, pulls his pants down. He's in a room commonly called a bathroom, but for some odd reason he calls it "Your Most Elegant Prose." He presses his bare butt-cheeks against the toilet seat and lets his asshole loosen. Poop comes out.

>> No.14425367

When the thing was sliding out like a boner I felt like my anus was taking a cta scan of the fockign log like I can feel the bumps and indents and the differences in the texture where there’s different pooped foods in higher lower levels and because of the sensory the slowness and the relief because that nigger was in my all day that mixture of all the shit that made the shit perfect the pleasure was a skyscraper not sexually but more like when you get a massage or have a q tip in your ear but fuuck when I walk out if the throom and took a walk around to savor it my leg did the static thing and i was so fuckin pissed dude I had to sit and move my pumpers around in the park like a retard but my assring kind of felt nice so it was alright.

>> No.14425538
File: 9 KB, 252x233, soffadult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was a big urge to shit,
But no toilet upon which to sit,
so just poop your pants
dont have to wash hands
Now you're an average poster on /lit/

>> No.14425620

Been done. Called Das Kapital.

>> No.14426931
File: 3.56 MB, 3202x5000, Waterhouse-Diogenes updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
