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/lit/ - Literature

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14422686 No.14422686 [Reply] [Original]

This place is dead. Less than 10% of the threads currently up are about literature, fiction, writing or writers. Other threads are mostly about: a) being a loser (tranny, manlet, NEET, depression, etc); b) religion bullshit; c) Guénon stupidity; and d) metathreads like this one.

Can /lit/ change or it's over? /tv/, /v/, /mu/, /fit/ and other boards might be terrible but at least they don't let their own subject matter aside. What's up with that?

>> No.14422717

The entirety of the modern West is largely dying, and we can largely blame Jews on this phenomenon.

>> No.14422724

so when do we leave anon? :(

>> No.14422742

the better question is where to

>> No.14422741

welcome to 4chan after white supremacists figured left stormfront

>> No.14422749


The only real solution is to merge /lit/ with /sci/

>> No.14422751

This. It's a paradox, though. If you tell anons about a new place, it will be infected with the disease that's currently plaguing /lit/.

>> No.14422781

>mixing the mentally ill will lead to any good
/his/ and /lit/ should be combined so the stormfags run off to /pol/ and the tumblr fags are bullied into silence, perfect solution

>> No.14422784

>not /ck/

>> No.14422792

thats it, im going to discord

>> No.14422797

Quit browsing stupid fucking websites and live in the real world.

>> No.14422811

It's easier to whine about it on here

>> No.14422814

>Quit browsing stupid fucking websites and live in the real world.
he says on 4channel.....

>> No.14422815

Not really, the vast majority of anons won't stick around a slow forum.

>> No.14422828

Spoken like a true incel.

>> No.14422831

What's the discord?

>> No.14422838

I'm leaving Jan 1st and never coming back, mark my fucking words.

>> No.14422846

You will

>> No.14422855

better delete ur discord too pal

>> No.14422862

see you tomorrow

>> No.14422878

would be based

>> No.14422913

I already did that for r9k
>decided to post in one of the stupid "last two digits determine how many weeks you leave here" threads
>got a 99 on first post
>haven't looked at it since (it's been over a year)
my life is still pretty shitty btw

>> No.14423134

/his/ posters are severe autists. I don't want them on this board.
The boards moves to fast now. We need to act elitist so newfags and retards will lurk more and actually read before they make a post.

>> No.14423143

This board started to go downhill when all of the /r9k/ fags moved in.

>> No.14423325

That's what I'm talking about, my friend. This board's become a depressed person's diary. It's like reading a bed rendition of a Pessoa autobiography.

>> No.14423366

That's why we need a new board

/phi/ - Philosophy

>> No.14423378

we need a new site entirely

>> No.14423501
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if its any consolation i saved your image

>> No.14423521


>> No.14423528

all you can do is apply for jannydom and try to wash the filth away, though i fear the rot is too far gone already. just see the first reply to this thread, they’re like bots at this point

>> No.14423532

A new board won't cut it. It's fine to discuss philosophy here, but people are literal spergs who can't stop guenonposting, ellulposting and christcucking. We need a new site, text based, no images, no tripcodes, with enforced general for some key authors.

>> No.14423535

There's an intellectual website I heard about called Reddit. We should go there.

>> No.14423536

I left about a couple years ago when peterson threads plagued this board.
Funny seeing this thread because it seems like I made the right move.

It just felt like /lit/ got to the point where it wasn't self aware about its pretentiousness anymore.

>> No.14423733

It's not even that, it's just retarded /pol/sters ruining everything.

>> No.14423739

i will have you know we are just as perturbed at this phenomenon as you are my friend

>> No.14423744
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Sincerely this.

>> No.14423745

Did i not tell you to stop posting this wench?

>> No.14423751

that's the problem though, the world outside of this place isn't any more real than the one here

>> No.14423760

Duuuuuuuhhhh how about we make some non-guenon threads you fucking dumb cunts

>> No.14423770
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But it's made of people and not brigades and bots.

>> No.14423796

lit is a playground for narcissistic pseuds that desperately need to feel intelligent. it doesn't matter what you read, they will find some way to call you out on it, and feel superior in doing so. all lists you write will be pleb tier, all suggestions you give, pathetic.

Notice that the above isn't just lit. It's book fags in general. They can't just let you talk about a book you enjoyed. They have a psychological tick, much like tourettes, where they must interject not only their opinion but heap scorn upon any who dare to claim knowledge on their subject of choice. But /lit/ is pretty much the worst. They don't like anything, and they don't want you to like anything. That is why /lit/ is dead, and why anything like /lit/ will never work. Too many arrogant losers in one place.

>> No.14423805

is it? i've spent some time out there and i certainly never thought for a moment that the people there were any more real than the people here. in fact, i've had the opposite impression
not that there aren't entities among us who aren't real people but they're pretty easy to spot in my experience

>> No.14423871
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>all lists you write will be pleb tier, all suggestions you give, pathetic.

This is absolutely true. Everything is plebby, shitty, midwit, for noobs, for normies, for basedboys, for literal kids, for jews, for blacks, for third worlders, for europeans, for americucks, for africans, for pajeets, for chinks, for the mentally disabled, for dyels, for manlets, for braindead, for oversocialized leftists, for incels, for fucking low iq, for huge iq, for midwit iq, for philosophical zombies, for zoomers, for coomers, for doomers. God I've come to hate /lit/ so much.

>> No.14423919

Summed up 90% of the first posts here

>> No.14424756

I downvote that

>> No.14424816

You can do it anon, I believe in you. Just remember to look up strategies (ex. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, anapanasati (the first two steps), etc.) to further reinforce your decision, you don't need to rely on willpower alone. With enough defensive measures in your pocket you can overcome anything, happy new year.

>> No.14424885
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>> No.14424893

Yeah it's gotten too slow

>> No.14424898

bruh lit is way to fast

>> No.14424901

it’s a real baudrillardian kind of feeling

>> No.14424914

can all those landfags accelerate this place?

>> No.14424923

I got Fanged Noumena for Christmas, maybe I can help?

>> No.14424924

>first time back on /lit/ in over a year
>stopped posting regularly 2 years ago
>its the same shit but significantly worse and more reddit now

>> No.14424926

Where else can I go? I have wanted to leave 4chan for years. There is no better place to banter about literature. Maybe the problem is the banter itself. Maybe I need to grow up and cut shitposts and banter out of my life.


>> No.14425125

Don't forget /pol/ migrants >>14422717

>> No.14425259

/leftypol/ refugees, twitter faggots, reddit tourists and discord trannies killed /lit/

>> No.14425872

Honestly /pol/ was worse than any of those, though threads started from twitter posts also a share a spot of deep hatred in my heart

>> No.14425877

If you guys can't read a book and sustain a conversational thread about that book or its author or themes, whatever, why do you need a board?

>> No.14426029

But we could that. Now everyone simply tries to outpleb each other.

>> No.14426053
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>TFW you've been inside the cave for so long that you've grown inured to it

>> No.14426247

Join my site where we only communicate in ancient Greek if you think you aren't a pleb

>> No.14426563
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This is where things will go.

>> No.14426632

OP I really hope you don't think DFW is actually literature. To be considered literature, it has to have lasting artistic merit.

>> No.14427574

Go back.

>> No.14427817

Why you don't leave now you fucking faggot

>> No.14427833

>t. /leftypol/ refugee twitter faggot reddit tourist discord tranny

>> No.14427842

I believe in you anon, everyone replying to you is a pathetic nihilist that wants to put you on their level.

>> No.14427852

the library and step on it

>> No.14427856
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Make foreign language threads to filter out plebs, monolingualism is the illiteracy of our time

>> No.14427858

No we don't need an arbitrary board split like this, fuck off.

>> No.14427879

For me, it's the McChickensBesideARedWheelbarrowGlazedWithRainWater

>> No.14427880

This place died in 2013. Even when they post about lit its always middlebrow and reddit shit

>> No.14427961

>/tv/, /v/, /mu/, /fit/ and other boards might be terrible but at least they don't let their own subject matter aside.
lol wtf

>> No.14428001

>/fit/ doesnt let their subject matter aside

>> No.14428274
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1571223991778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't remind me anon

>> No.14428363

Imagine making a shitty thread about how other threads are shitty instead of making a decent thread yourself.

You some kind of dummy, OP?

>> No.14428365


Fucking /vr/ is slower than this board. That sticky is nothing but lies.

>> No.14428375

based retard