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14419976 No.14419976 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to cancel yet another iconic leftist thinker?

>Murray Bookchin is something of a saint in the anarchist community. His ideas on social ecology and what he termed “libertarian municipalism” and “communalism” have influenced generations of self-declared leftists, and he was frequently cited as an ideological force behind the anti-globalization and Occupy Wall Street movements. What is not often mentioned, however, is that — like many of his anarchists and “libertarian socialist” peers — Bookchin was very soft on imperialism, and in some cases downright apologetic.

>In 1986 Bookchin published a liberal Zionist screed that sounds like it could have been written by a neoconservative New York Times pundit today. The essay — which is reprinted in full below — uncritically rehashes Hasbara talking points, erases the history of the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians, and blames neighboring Arab states and “Arab irredentists” for the failure of peace initiatives. Bookchin’s essay betrays a racist view of Arabs, as inherently authoritarian, blood-thirsty anti-Semitic hordes. This hero of the anti-communist left depicts independent Arab nations as the true “imperialists” in the Middle East, and likens anti-imperialist leaders in the region to US-backed right-wing military juntas in Latin America.

>This jingoistic outlook on the Global South might also explain why Bookchin’s proposed solution to halting the carnage of the mass-murdering capitalist machine was to move to an almost entirely white community in Burlington, Vermont and organize some community councils with his middle-class anarchist friends — while his government bombed and tortured poor people across the planet, including many Third World communists and socialists he excoriated as “authoritarian.”


>> No.14419999


>> No.14420036
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>> No.14420054

Are you trying to summon butt hurt fly?

>> No.14420091

no lies detected, Bookchin correctly noted that libertarian socialists have much more in common with libertarians as in the Libertarian Party than with tankies. just another thing he was right about

>> No.14420105

Anti-imperialism is fundamentally pathological. Holding such views makes one incompatible with any sort of healthy society.

>> No.14420164

cringe and (((blue-pilled)))

>> No.14420177

Any healthy society will try to expand and dominate the exterior other. Any society that rejects such aspirations will eventually succumb to a healthier one.

>> No.14420253

Bookchin is Jewish, of course he's going to be somewhat supportive of Israel. No different than Chomsky.

>> No.14420493

Yes but we have no buisness supporting Israeli expansionism which causes many problems for the west, but only our own

>> No.14420559


>> No.14420569

based and realistpilled

>> No.14421110

Even if this weren’t some smeary hit piece from a neoliberal, lets pretend he said something, anything really, doesn’t matter. As Nietzsche was sexist, as Kropotkin and Hitchens made bad political choices (that impacted nothing actually). It all would’ actually matter.
We leftists hear the theory. We properly thinking individuals have no guru, no leaders. Not even among our favourite thinkers. We aren’t like the “rightwing”, the bootlicking toadies always need daddy figures, and Perfect daddy figures too. We leftists will have none of that. We steer our ships.

Never in history has an empire or state of any kind created a healthy society.

>> No.14421182

>laughs in paternalistic nanny state

>> No.14421204

>Ben Norton

>> No.14421225
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Do I care who bennorton.com is?
IDpol has been shot at a dead man. I don’t care.

>> No.14421406

You shouldn't carelessly apply such labels to people when you have no idea whether it's true or not, Ben Norton is a far left Bernie supporter who has done a bunch of pro-Venezuela and anti-neoliberal/anti-Dem centrist reporting

>> No.14421463

Look at it squirm, like a maggot under a blowtorch.

This is why you're never getting your magic anarchy, you stupid bitch. You get your teeth busted out and you just sort of wriggle, as though that convinces anybody.

>> No.14421516

Norton is a tankie, no tankie can support Sanders.

>> No.14421565

Wtf I love anarchists now?!

>> No.14421937

Ah, so he works for the (((Kremlin))). Disgusting tankie trying to destroy America with muh free shit.

>> No.14422602

>He’s a socdem

He’s a tanky

Either way. A hit piece where none need be. Stinking tankies trying to bring down a beloved anarchist.