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/lit/ - Literature

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1441940 No.1441940 [Reply] [Original]

So I wrote a David Foster Wallace fanfic. I thought the whole thing out while I was brushing my teeth and I never write in English so I still don't know if /lit/ thinks I have talent or not. In any case, nevermind the foreign quotation mark.

> Should I quit my day job?


«Karen. Are you awake?»
«I guess.»
«So there is this video game character.»
«There is also this clock and it's pretty late.»
«I think you're being unfair now.»
«I think you're the one who's being unfair expecting your wife to talk about video game characters at four in the morning or whatever it is.»
«No, I mean to the clock. Since it can't move or anything, how would you expect it to be in time for anything?»
«Okay. So there is this video game character.»
«Yes, I've gotten that so far. It's everything else I don't get.»
«So he's not a part of the original series. There is like this older series, but they made a continuation like many years later. Like with Star Wars.»
«It's really imagineative, you can tell the guy who's making them really designs from his heart. Because like, for example, in the first game, the first game in the older part of the series, there is this guy called Big Boss, right?»
«And you work for him.»
«Logical seeing as he is the big boss.»
«Except it turns out he is the big boss as in the final boss in the game as he's been fooling you the whole time.»
«Way to go.»

>> No.1441942


«Really imaginative and the trick speaks through so many layers. It's fucking awesome.»
«But what's so important about this that it can't wait until tomorrow?»
«In the newer series there is this doctor guy who helps out the main character. He, and his father and grandfather, all became scientists to make the world a better place, but all ended up working on nukes.»
«How original and poetic.»
«In any case this character has the same fucking voice I do.»
«Is that so?»
«I just realized so. I've been thinking about it for ages. How this guy's voice sounds like the voice of someone I know and it's just like what I sound like on tape.»
«Well, I just feel there is this connection, like this means something, like it's somehow important to my life and the world we live in. I mean, you could just dismiss it as silly, but I wouldn't want to do that. I would feel like I was giving a way a valueable piece of myself. The fact that I think it's important to my life makes it so kinda. That's what I'm thinking. In other words I think there's something to this. That this means something.»
«Can I sleep now?»
«Thank you.»
«Do you promise not to ever die or get sick or something like that?»
«I guess.»
«I promise.»
«Good night.»
«I love you.»
«Love you too.»
«Good night.»

>> No.1441946
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>> No.1441947 [SPOILER] 
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i expected sex or some kjind of hanging joke. its too short.

< so DFW sounds like Octacon.

>> No.1441962

I lol'd. Post this on /v/ and link it here.

>> No.1441973
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Nobody is going to reply though.

>> No.1441990

Is this how he really writes? If so, I liked his dialogues. How the fuck can I write like him?
inb4 born again

>> No.1442237

Come on.

Will anyone finally ever give me some serious, constructive critisism here?

>> No.1442248
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>> No.1442283

sounds kind of like DFW. not long enough nor enough comedy though. Also, more side-tracking would be expected.

>> No.1442289

Needs more footnotes.

>> No.1442317

also needs more rope

>> No.1442444


And sex.

>> No.1442449

I think my definite favorite potential path into destruction and cancer for /lit/ would be for it to be completely overrun by inexplicable fanfic about real people

>> No.1442560

I... don't know what to say, but I feel like saying something.


>> No.1442829
