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14416293 No.14416293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that accurately explain why the alt right is becoming more and more popular?
(Stay civil; I'm being serious, and I legitimately want to read something on this topic).

>> No.14416305

how can you attach that image and then ask people to stay civil and claim youre being serious?

>> No.14416310

This. OP is a jewish nigger faggot.

>> No.14416316

White Identity, Face to Face with Race, The Culture of Critique, The White Nationalist Manifesto, Sexual Utopia in Power.
I've heard good things about National Populism by Eatwell and Goodwin.

>> No.14416323

my diary desu

>> No.14416327

Just read Marx dude.
We're just entering another cycle where capitalism is starting to fuck over a lot of people, so fascism co-opts the populist energy and offers a simple explanation of blaming everything wrong on [outgroup]

>> No.14416329

>Nazis being pro Reagan
Nigga what

>> No.14416332

Thanks to the internet people have more access to information that isn't directly controlled by jewish media oligarchy. It was inevitable.

Allow me to put it to you another way. Europeans won the game of risk so fucking hard during the imperial age that they now have been convinced by themselves and the jews that they should feel bad about it like a child picking on a retard and that they should therefore throw round 2 and let the retard win this time out of pity and humanity. The eise of right wing is just people questioning why they would piss away their victory and allow the people they beat win, therefore losing and throwing the competition. Do you realize how suicidal and stupid throwing round two out of pity is when you are talking about your and your childrens wealth, power, and their very lives? The rise of the right wing was inevitable because the left wing is a suicidal doctrine and most people now see the cliff they are being herded off of.

>> No.14416336

But it's the left that is coopted by capitalism, not the third position.

>> No.14416370

Maybe social justice garbage, not the actual left that concerns itself with economics

>> No.14416386


>> No.14416393

Nobody thinks this.
There is obviously a cultural war going on, with a racial component. I think this constitutes a "race war" in at least some senses of the word.
It is, because the only means by which multiculturalism sustains itself is by suppressing the ethnic interests of the majority and pandering to those of the minority, leading to adverse outcomes for the very people who instituted it in the first place. Jews and niggers are vastly overrepresented in many positions of power and prestige, either by sheer numbers (Jews) or by achievement relative to success (
I don't hate anyone, at least, not any more than they hate me. Telling me to shut up, that my children will be brown, and that I should have less access to power seems pretty close to "hatred".
Nobody seriously believes this. "Jews" to most alt-right people is less of a literal distinction by ethnicity/religion and more just a stand-in for any form of nefarious external forces. "Correcting" this and using more materially accurate terminology is only warranted in the worldview of the multiculturalist, while from the right-wing perspective it's unnecessary. Or, to put it another way, sure it's true that many people who do bad things aren't Jews, but it's still funny to call them Jews and the only reason you'd want people to stop is if you actually cared about the feelings of Jews, which we don't.
Yeah, they're kind of completely incompatible with multiculturalist society, so the powers that be (Jews to us, "porky" I think you people call them? I wouldn't really know) suppress any research on racial differences. It's pretty obvious to see why this is in their best interests, and just saying it's wrong doesn't actually refute it.
Probably. I mean, it probably happened in some sense, but certainly not to the scale that it's claimed to have happened on. These people interred were being used as a labor force, why would they kill their own labor force, especially as they became more necessary as the war went on? Maybe they were unable to provide them with the necessities of life due to wartime shortages and prioritizing actual Germans over them in terms of distributing resources, but that doesn't constitute a willful and intentional genocide.
He was a kike in spirit.

>> No.14416400
File: 257 KB, 1200x800, 685C9325-DDAA-4501-8282-2243E1C4F9D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Identity
This IDpol.
It’s a liberal diversion, the populace are growing extreme at both ends looking for alternatives to neoliberal hegemony, but the “alt-right” are getting the airtime publicity because liberals have always preferred the right liberal “conservatives”

Read Chomsky

>> No.14416401

Which is nonexistent today because most of them fall for the progressive globohomo garbage and the few that don't either drift into making common cause with fascists or ignore the modern problematics faced by whites and so fall into irrelevance.

>> No.14416403

I feel like people actually subconsciously take comfort by believing these things, real or not.

>> No.14416405

>either by sheer numbers (Jews) or by achievement relative to success (niggers get accepted into college with significantly worse grades than whites or asians)
Whoops, forgot to finish that section, although I ran out of space anyway.

>> No.14416408

>That whole reply to bait
Anon pls

>> No.14416414

stfu jew

>> No.14416419

Thats's neoliberalism, you damm goon. Superficially socially liberal mixed with free market policies

>> No.14416422

>you guys don't you see, all this race stuff is just a distraction by the super rich to divide us against them
>ergo we need to let the super rich import a billion niggers, fuck racists and bigots diversity is our strength

>> No.14416423

Pretty based and redpilled post, butterfly. I'll see you around :3

>> No.14416425

Leftists still think everyone to the right of Obama is a cold war-era free market ideologue. We do have too many of those around though.
The sperg left cant differentiate between having a market and anarcho-capitalism.
Not engaging in white idpol while other races do and benefit from it is retard-tier and you know it.

>> No.14416426

So 99% of the left today falls there? Yes, that's what I said.

>> No.14416430

That was a pretty redpilled post from Butterfly. She doesn't ascribe to party lines so she makes redpilled posts at times.

>> No.14416437


>> No.14416438

Shes not gonna let you sniff her brapper, dude.

>> No.14416455
File: 1.66 MB, 2044x2044, OldDesignShop_CottageHome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alt-right is itself a tool of the rich (some of whom are Jews, yes). It's largely controlled by feds. The vast majority of people that I've met who take any of it seriously aren't even white but are latinxs (esp. Mexicans and Brazilians). It's basically fake controlled opposition used to justify Jewish paranoia about anti-semitism and consolidate the power of the elites through the creation of a straw man enemy that all can unequivocally point to as evil. It's a beautiful trick: encourage the most atrocious and autistic people in the country to say a strange mixture of true and off-putting things about the merchant class, and its protected racial under-class, in the most vitriolic and unsympathetic way, such that anything they might say will be immediately discarded and viewed as fringe and weird.

Why are young men falling for it? Well, why shouldn't they? There is truth in a lot of it, but it is mixed with poison. A thirsty man, in absence of absolutely anything to grasp, will be thrilled to drink even something slightly toxic to his system, so long as it would quench his thirst. You're seeing a government controlled program that is essentially brainwashing the most vulnerable men in the country in order to falsely weaponize them online as faux-opposition designed to consolidate the nation's capitalist class. Basically, they're one instantiation of the American version of the "Queen's loyal opposition."

Whatever truth the alt-right has grasped is now associated with a group of dysgenic freaks that no one likes. Brilliant move from the Cathedral. I have a feeling the rich, Satanic freaks who rule the country now will do so for a long time. They keep playing everyone like a fiddle.

>> No.14416460


Chomsky is a theorylet and so are you

>> No.14416469

>ergo we need to let the super rich import a billion
That’s not an anarchist policy, so don’t throw it at me, ‘kay?
Get fucked.

>> No.14416477

I don't want to, I'm not a loser like you.
She is indeed a woman.

>> No.14416481


you are a simp retard

>> No.14416492

>ergo we need to let the super rich import a billion
We need to do exactly not that. Currently open borders are a neoliberal dream contrary to the interests of the working class.

>> No.14416507

There is none right now because the people who have the education to write such a book take the problem from the wrong perspective, they look at it from the outside like an observer studying an inferior lifeform and often cannot prevent their bias from leaking out. I believe an accurate understanding cannot be written if the problem is not analyzed from the inside, it needs to be lived if you don't want to fall for the usual bullshit (like blaming everything on hatred/fear). As long as they refuse even for the sake of experimentation to take the alt-righter perspective as a proper human experience, something understable and perhaps defensible, they'll never be able to grasp shit and they will always fall behind when stuff like Brexit and Trump's election happen.

>> No.14416520

stop masturbating

>> No.14416528

Jews jewed the nigger into the nigger

>> No.14416535

I don't think I've got the gist of your ideology. Do you hate black people?

>> No.14416543

The women are coming to my location for my cock. If they come up and do stuff to/with me it's not really masturbating anymore. :3

>> No.14416545

OP btfo

>> No.14416581
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>> No.14416587

>right wing capitalists import millions people into a country because they will work for cheap and not do uppity shit like unionise
>rich capitalists outsource all the jobs to other countries and put their countrymen out of work because it saves them money and is the completely logical thing to do under capitalism
>Americans and especially the American right have been conditioned to never say anything bad about capitalism and the free market
>therefore make up dumb terms like 'globalism', act like it's an intentional conspiracy rather than just people making money
>end up with retarded situation of the right reacting to shit done by the right but blaming everything on 'marxists' in the universities rather than the people who actually have all the money and power

There's your alt right bro

>> No.14416591

its simply inevitable as america becomes more mexicanized

>> No.14416600

unironically exactly as bad, especially if you're a coomer to begin with
marriage or abstinence, make your choice

>> No.14416602

>instincually hate people of different backgrounds

So racism is inherited.

>> No.14416616

But the alt right makes every criticism you make in your post, hence "alternative" to the mainstream, capitalist right.
Or let me guess, you think the alt right is Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro?

>> No.14416651
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No, I don't hate any race. I don't see the point. It's hard to view anything objectively if you're racist in a hateful sense. I do think black people have mostly been co-opted though as a tool for the ethnic demoralization of European peoples, esp. the lighter skinned ones. This is more or less obvious. Blacks are mostly unwitting pawns, complete suckers to the system (just like we all are, in the end). Naturally I oppose the new slavery of black people and their weaponization against European peoples. This slavery is even worse than their physical slavery since it's more subtle. In order to be used as a tool to ethnically terrorize whites, they themselves had to resign their own ethnic appreciation and entirely deracinate themselves from their homelands and cultures. Blacks in America aren't African any longer but a type of nomad whose culture is controlled from the top down by a handful of people who hate them and employ them for the depreciation of the country. You'll notice that many black nationalists of the 20th century were aware of this but were powerless to change it. They sought to raise awareness of this among their people but have failed for the most part. Blacks will continue to be used as a tool in the country, but truthfully I think they could be a great ally in dismantling the evils of our current, corrupt ruling class. Hating blacks doesn't really change anything and plays into the hand of our rotten elites who require that hatred to continue weaponizing the black race. Remember: the same people who brought them here as slaves would NEVER have allowed them to be free if they didn't see an even more insidious use for them outside their chains. It's important to see this clearly. Blacks are being used as a weapon against you, when in reality they should be our allies against evil.

>> No.14416669

Realizing this was big for me. People literally can not stop being racist. This has to be accommodated.

>> No.14416683


You're aware there's a serious grass roots right wing which rejects the Alt Right?

It's growing rapidly and is fully aware (generally far more than Moldbug) of who is pulling the strings.

"/pol is always right" Ever heard that? It's said reluctantly and for a reason.

>> No.14416691

shut up woman

>> No.14416733

It’s going to be a while until this happens, and when it does, the parasites will just coopt the new grass roots movement. The internet is impossible to start anything that isn’t already based in physical reality, it’s only good for spreading ideas and planting them into the more sociable normie atmosphere. BAP, Fuentes, Spencer, and co, are all controlled op which means to derail and wield the movements for goals counterintuitive to the people who genuinely believe in those they follow. It’s a sad state of affair, but me posting this will help speed up the information process and get people “up to speed”. Accelerationism is a useful tool, and that’s why it’s fudded so hard by the people on this board. They’d shit their pants if a large percentage of right wingers actually took up this tactic. The faster we move, the more powerful and less controlled we can be.

>> No.14416750

Ok schizo

>> No.14416757

op is a faggot nothing new but I wanted to point that out

>> No.14416822

The decline of suffering as physical pain means suffering has to come from somewhere else to fuel evolution so insert story here.

>> No.14416842

The alt-right is not becoming more popular. They are basically garden-variety racists of the sort that quietly grumble about their lives and the argue with the college girls at the Thanksgiving table, except with neoreactionary and incel ideological influence. Their lineage in the US goes back to American segregationism, the segregationists who adopted European far-right skinhead culture, and general reactionism. They peaked at Charlottesville and declined. The so-called "alt lite" they are often confused with is bigger than the alt-right and always was, and they are overwhelmingly just reddit-poisoned secular versions of the American religious right and megachurch-poisoned religious versions of reddit secularists. Extant extreme-right groups like Atomwaffen, The Base, and leaderless semi-anonymous web cults of Tarrant wannabes have grown out of an entirely different milieu, however. These groups largely trace their ideological lineage through the edgy Satanist Iron March crowd that organized in small numbers internationally through the internet and back to neo-Nazi and Satanist/Mansonist/Jim-Jones-ist groups from the pre-internet and early-internet years. In particular, Joseph Tommasi and the NSLF, James Mason, Savitri Devi, and Tempel ov Blood.

>> No.14416851

>she is indeed a woman
He is literally a dude on HRT who made a post about losing his sex drive and being afraid he had AGP. He is your average tranny: obnoxious, attention-seeking, self-destructive and venomous. Also ugly as sin.

>> No.14417056

I disagree that the grass roots right will be co-opted when its foundation is arguably the refusal to be co-opted. The (((elites))) have created their own worst nightmare - a growing group which are increasingly resistant to their propaganda.

Whilst there's a long way to go things are accelerating exponentially. There's more of us every day.


>> No.14417084

Nice pseudo intellectual cope. Do you often try to sound more insightful than you are, or is it just something you do when you're scared or uncertain?

>> No.14417191

>not becoming more popular
Probably not on your shit tier college campus, no. but elsewhere.. bad news for you I'm afraid

>basically garden variety racists that quietly grumble...
are you majoring in advertising or marketing? Do you find this sort of approach - making up stereotypical profiles - helps you analyse historical trends?

> lineage...skinhead culture...general reactionism
What? Does it? In what way? Demonstrate why this is true and how it's relevant in any way.

>They peaked at Charlottesville and declined
Charlottesville was a media psyop. Right wingers have learned from it. There's no decrease or decline. There's a better understanding of Jewish media control

>Alt Lite...they are overwhelmingly just reddit-poisoned secular versions of the American religious right and megachurch-poisoned religious versions of reddit secularists

Did the girl you like fuck a republican chad or something? You could at least TRY to hide your impotent rage

>back to neo-Nazi and Satanist/Mansonist/Jim-Jones-ist groups
I realised what happened anon. You read about the right wing on Huffington post didn't you. And on Buzzfeed. And on Gawker before they took it away from you.

You are going to get SUCH a shock over the next decade you fat estrogen filled fuck

>> No.14417222



No wonder you're such a dumb cunt.

>> No.14417272

dark money by jane mayer
ideas with consequences by amanda hollis-brusky

>> No.14417288 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14417310

People are waking up.

>> No.14417327
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Too late! Been one longer than you’ve been alive.

>> No.14417329

lol at dumb motherfuckers talking about redpills and psyops on the internet with such a lack of self awareness that they call other people impotent

>> No.14417399
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>ugly as sin
Butterfly is BEAUTIFUL

>> No.14417401

Uses and Abuses of History for Life by Nietzsche

>> No.14417450

Current "order" is based on the idea of equality of groups(if not individuals), which is very obviously wrong. So wrong it is, that it leads to policy failure. What's the only movement willing to acknowledge group differences? Communists won't, new-left won't, neocons won't, neoliberals won't. Who's left?

>> No.14417481

>increasingly resistant
Is this supposed to be some kind of psyop itself where you attempt to convince me and other lurkers that it’s only coincidence that every. single. movement. is coopted? It’s hilarious you assume people are becoming “resistant to propaganda” because in all actuality, they aren’t and never will. The sheeple will forever be sheeple. Just because they’ve been “enlightened” to one form doesn’t mean they have the intelligence to recognize newer forms. Look how long it’s taken for some to catch on to Trump, and even then, the majority of republicans are still completely clueless. The NWO goes so deep in every direction that it’s better to just hurry things along into a collapse before they can set the collapse for how they want. This is the essence of accelerationism that seemingly goes over people’s heads: the goal is to speed things up to the point that any plans the enemy has become irrelevant and they are forced into a hurry up defense/offense, where they are prone to make more mistakes and concoct less precise and optimal plans.

>> No.14417491

"The New Right" by Michael Malice.

>> No.14417507

Marx is wrong on his dialectics, I'd recommend reading Burnham's critique of it in "The Managerial Revolution". It's even taking it from Marxist angle.

Basically Marx assumes that capitalism will lower quality of life for the proletariat - by the time 4th tome of Capital was being written even he had doubts about it(and the guy who finished the tome after his death had even more of these). For a good example take Schumpeter's argument - the queen of England doesn't really gain anything from the existence and mass production of nylon stockings, Susan, the wife of Ed the carpenter does. The essentially capitalist product isn't luxury yacht or furniture but $0,25 all size boxer shorts.

The second pillar of his idea is a belief in inherent tendency of the capital to spread itself out among as many people as possible(therefore innate decentralisation of wealth being a motor leading to social change), which was completely debunked by Pareto. Mind you this isn't as much of a jab at Marx as it is on his followers - Marx developed his theory before we could read cuneiform - our historical knowledge of historical distribution of wealth was, bluntly speaking, limited, back then, even when compared to 1920's.

>> No.14417509

Of course, they obviously have plans for if things were to turn into this scenario that I propose. However, if we can at least finally get the knowledge that we are playing against an enemy that has prepared or contains a plan for any which scenario that should occur, then we can truly cause chaos and obstruction. As Lands formula proceeds: centralized systems of command will always fall to more decentralized and chaotic forces.

>> No.14417598

Whilst Western intelligence agencies scramble to throw almost unlimited money at trying to subvert the rising grass roots nationalism which scares the shit out of them and their banking masters.

>> No.14417671

You're simply ignorant of any right wing thinkers and movements outside the Alt Right. Do some research. There is a huge amount.

>> No.14417700


1: the neoliberal status quo is decaying and everyone can generally sense it.

2: leftism is largely dead beyond illusionary anarchist nonsense. A large amount of the contemporary left has abandoned class consiousness for liberal identity politics which fuels the opposition.

3: In the face of decay the next best survival tool beyond Class is tribal identity politics.

>> No.14417713

sure bud

>> No.14417740
File: 52 KB, 640x637, british army facebook 77th brigade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this - your arrogance and ignorance - is why we are winning.

Here's more than 1% of the British Army deployed on Facebook ALONE.

They're as afraid as you are.

>> No.14417867

not scared of your fantasy life

>> No.14417895

No, you’re attempting to steer the narrative with bullshit. Provide names, otherwise you’re pushing a psyop.

>> No.14418082

>"Jews" to most alt-right people is less of a literal distinction by ethnicity/religion and more just a stand-in for any form of nefarious external forces. "Correcting" this and using more materially accurate terminology is only warranted in the worldview of the multiculturalist, while from the right-wing perspective it's unnecessary. Or, to put it another way, sure it's true that many people who do bad things aren't Jews, but it's still funny to call them Jews and the only reason you'd want people to stop is if you actually cared about the feelings of Jews, which we don't.
Really good way to put it man. Legit.

>> No.14418109

If theory doesn't accurately summarize the situation. Does any fiction get at the feeling/conditions you describe? I've thought about reading Camp of the Saints to learn myself in that perspective, but I only ever hear that moron Steve Bannon ever bringing it up.

>> No.14418148

Basically this - Lyndon LaRouche was truly a prophet. Worked early in his life as a labor organizer, saw that about halfway through the 70s that organized labor would never regain its prominence in America, and just jumped ship to whip up poor whites in decaying rural communities to support his weird pet causes. He doesn't really approach the alt-right ideologically but used a lot of similar tactics. Read a great book about his rise in power in the Midwest during the Farm Crisis in late 70's-early 80's. Would be interesting to hear makeup demographically of current alt-right. Wonder if present day dying rural communities have gone alt-right or if this iteration is more found in urban/suburban areas

>> No.14418179

On old /pol/ "Jews" was a stand-in signifier to mean 'whichever malicious group you think is in power.' It allowed people of differing ideologies to discuss other topics by abstracting away the central premise of their belief systems. It functioned for a while but since the unironic anti-Jewry groups took over all that history has been lost.

>> No.14418183 [DELETED] 

>Wonder if present day dying rural communities have gone alt-right or if this iteration is more found in urban/suburban areas

I am >>14417700

I live in one of the most rural industrial places in America, and I unironically see ancap flags despite the fact no one has jobs anymore. A large amount of fascists - the actual ones trying to push their agenda secretly hate the working classes, and look at us as useful meth addicts for pushing their larping nonsense. The problem is, there isn't an actual movement representing the interests of the collective working or lower classes. If there is no movement then a large amount of people here go for the far right despite the fact a lot of them secretly hate us and find us a weakness in their vision of how the world should be.

>> No.14418236

Cringe. She needs to go to /fa/.

>> No.14418244
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Because the left is insane and their dogma is based on lies.

The Bible Way to Heaven

Merry Christmas /lit/

>> No.14418245


>> No.14418267

The Daily Soah

>> No.14418536

I don't know much about politics and shit but I wish the "left" or democrats were different. I vote D but there's still a lot of stuff I disagree with. Just make the country economically like Denmark, throttle immigration, disincentivize outsourcing, stop doing retarded race identity shit. What ideology is this called? It's what I think of as nationalism + socialism but you're not allowed to say that bc nazi

>> No.14419078

I don't think so because the camp of the saints is a little bit caricatural, it's borderline personal fantasy at times like very first scene. As for fiction yes it's absolutely possible but the books have yet to be written, the closest thing you could find is Houellebecq but he is far from alt right (for generational, ideological and psychological reasons).
I believe it's the same reason why "the left can't meme", you have to make the first step into the circle and left memers as well as theoricians refuse to make it so they end up with OP's pic and flawed political analyses

>> No.14419080

>you think the alt right is Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro?
They literally do. Realizing that most people find ben shapiro to be beyond the pale is just terrifying.

>> No.14419091

No one identifies with the term anymore, its pretty much dead.

>> No.14419093

+2 troglodyte points

>> No.14419094

So just socialism with reasonable immigration policies. Idiot.

>> No.14419102

Is there any evidence there's some kind of real neofascist revival outside of the media's scare campaign? Just like "fake news" which has not been shown to have had any effect on any election.