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14412814 No.14412814 [Reply] [Original]

Is Man and His Symbols or Modern Man in Search of a Soul a better introduction to Jung?

>> No.14412819

they're both good. i read the former first, but in retrospect the latter could have equally served as a starting point

>> No.14412868

You might want to consider The Portable Jung.

>> No.14413050


>> No.14413091

Seven sermons for the dead is Jung’s “Zarathustra”
After that Jung’s lectures on Zarathustra are ridiculously good. His intelligence and depth of knowledge is mind blowing.

>> No.14413127

The Undiscovered Self is better than those, and the portable Jung.

>> No.14413447


>> No.14413461

Neither, if youre looking for an introduction read the Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann

>> No.14413463

I second this OP, thats the best intro to Jung and where you want to dive in deeper with him.

I still need to read Synchronicty and that red book by him

>> No.14413493

> Synchronicty
it's in the portable anthology the other anon mentioned

red book should be a midway point befor ehis alchemy but after his other stuff

>> No.14413512
File: 148 KB, 907x1360, zara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this abridged version? I've heard its not as good as the full 2 volume set but also I dont have $200 to spend on the full version lol

>> No.14413535

i assume its good...
basically during the lectures Jung would go on a ton of tangents (which were all extremely interesting)
the abridged version keeps the book focused on Zarathustra

>> No.14413645

Ah,true, but was hoping to read the complete work (if it isnt already included). Also it's been a minute since I've visited Jung.

Will The Red Book to be hard to follow and be as valuable without that prerequisite you think? I have a decent philosophy base over few years if that helps

>> No.14413655

>it's been a minute since I've visited Jung.
What did he mean by this? How do I visit Jung?

>> No.14413673

You know, like when people say "I gotta revisit him and shiet" ? It's been a "minute" is probably an exaggeration though, some people just say that now

>> No.14413680

Just read nigga, don't worry about "introductions"

>> No.14413696

You mean to tell me he didn't incorporate Jung in his active imagination as Jung did with Nietzsche?

>> No.14413751

No you definitely need a lot jungian concepts down before red book; 20th century existentialists, Faust, and the bible (the gospels (JOHN)) help a lot. philosophy base'll pull you through for sure though.

I've only read the shorter version of synchronicity so idk. The basic idea of it seems highly noticeable to me in practice.

>> No.14413783

niggaaaaaaaa mup da doo didda sheeeeit muhfuggen bix nood my nigga fo sho

>> No.14413797

Aaaahhhh geez I just want to jump into it though since I have that one (and because the cover is secksy).

Any concepts I should do a bit of research on before diving in to the red book?
Outside of archetypes, unconscious and collective unconscious, introversion vs extroversion and perception vs judgement and all the Meyers Briggs stuff that came of that

>> No.14413800

And cheers, I'll read up on some John before too

>> No.14415043


>> No.14415055

Maybe at least his phenomenology of the self from Aion

If you’re just dyin to look into it I can post an excerpt I guess. There’s definitely a lot in it that I remember thinking would be more valuable if I had only read something else.. I can’t remember what they were though

>> No.14415060
File: 102 KB, 765x1024, 0a588f32-4446-463d-83d0-11a6e032b8ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing lies before you and always says the same, if you believe in words. But if you believe in things in whose places only words stand, you never come to the end.

And yet you must go an endless road, since life flows not only down a finite path but also an infinite one. But the unbounded makes you anxious since the unbounded is fearful and your humanity rebels against it.

Consequently you seek limits and restraints so that you do not lose yourself tumbling into infinity. Restraint becomes imperative for you. You cry out for the word which has one meaning and no other, so that you escape boundless ambiguity.

The word becomes your God, since it protects you from the countless possibilities of interpretation. The word is protective magic against the daimons of the unending, which tear at your soul and want to scatter you to the winds.

You are saved if you can say at last: that is that and only that. You speak the magic word, and the limitless is finally banished. Because of that men seek and make words.

He who sleeps in the grave of the millennia dreams a wonderful dream. He dreams a primordially ancient dream. He dreams of the rising sun.
If you sleep this sleep and dream this dream in this time of the world, you will know that the sun will also rise at this time. For the moment we are still in the dark, but the day is upon us.
He who comprehends the darkness in himself, to him the light is near. He who climbs down into his darkness reaches the staircase of the working light, fire maned Helios.
His chariot ascends with four white horses, his back bears no cross, and his side no wound, but he is safe and his head blazes in the fire.
Nor is he a man of mockery, but of splendor and unquestionable force.
I do not know what I speak, I speak in a dream. Support me for I stagger, drunk with fire. I drank fire in this night, since I climbed down through the centuries and plunged into the sun far at the bottom. And I rose up drunk from the sun, with a burning countenance and my head is ablaze.
Give me your hand, a human hand, so that you can hold me to the earth with it, for whirling veins of fire swoop me up, and exultant longing tears me toward the zenith.

But day is about to break, actual day, the day of this world. And I remain concealed in the gorge of the earth, deep down and solitary, and in the darkening shadows of the valley. That is the shadow and heaviness of the earth.

>> No.14415067
File: 181 KB, 467x700, 749b22e4ab8dddd83611660a6b31d81b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" Your inordinate ambition is boundless. Your grounds are not focused on the good of the matter but on your vanity. You do not work for humanity but for your self-interest. You do not strive for the completion of the thing but for the general recognition and safeguarding of your own advantage. I want to honor you with a prickly crown of iron; it has teeth inside that bore themselves into your flesh. And now we come to the vile swindle that you pursue with your cleverness. You speak skillfully and abuse your capability and discolor, tone down, strengthen, apportion light and shade, and loudly proclaim your honorableness and upright good faith.
You exploit the good faith of others, you gloatingly catch them in your snares and speak of your benevolent superiority and the prize that you are for others. You play at modesty and do not mention your merit, in the certain hope that someone else will do it for you; you are disappointed and hurt if this doesn’t happen.
You preach hypocritical composure. But when it really matters, are you calm? No, you lie. You consume yourself in rage and your tongue speaks cold daggers and you dream of revenge.
You are gloating and resentful. You begrudge the other the sunshine, since you would like to assign it to those whom you favor because they favor you. You are envious of all well-being around you and you impertinently assert the opposite.
Inside yourself you think unsparingly and coarsely only what always suits you, and with this you feel yourself above humanity and not in the least responsible. But you are responsible to humanity in everything that you think, feel, and do. Do not pretend there is a difference between thinking and doing. You rely only on your undeserved advantage, not to be compelled to say or do what you think and feel.
But you are shameless in everything where no one sees you. If another said that to you, you would be mortally offended, despite knowing that it is true. You want to reproach others for their failings? So that they better themselves? Yes, confess, have you bettered yourself? From where do you get the right to have opinions of others? What is your opinion about yourself? And what are the good grounds that support it? Your grounds are webs of lies covering a dirty corner. You judge others and charge them with what they should do. You do this because you have no order within yourself because you are unclean.
Your think with men, regardless of their human dignity; you dare think by means of them, and use them as figures on your stage, as if they were how you conceive them? Have you ever considered that you thus commit a shameful act of power, as bad as that for which you condemn others, namely that they love their fellow men, as they claim, but in reality exploit them to their own ends. Your sin flourishes in seclusion, but it is no less great, remorseless, and coarse.

>> No.14415089

Start with the red book :^)

>> No.14415283

nice hat