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14412318 No.14412318 [Reply] [Original]

Jason Brennan BTFO's democracy:

Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj-vM1C1C5Y
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Against-Democracy-Preface-Jason-Brennan/dp/0691178496

>> No.14412402

Wouldn’t anti democracy just be one of these sides forcing their views on everyone though?

>> No.14412407

I unironically dislike Democracy. In the 20th century alone it gave us Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Idi Amin and Chairman Mao. Let's go back to a Constitutional Monarchy.

>> No.14412418

I don't get it. He makes it sound like Trump has been a disaster for this country.

>> No.14412437

Jason Brennan is an American and I'd be better off injecting asbestos into my eyes than getting political advice from a burger.

>> No.14412447

You're trapped in ideology.

>> No.14412475

Okay, well please be a dear and explain what an anti-democratic society would be like.

>> No.14412499

>Constitutional Monarchy
So you think the UK is a model to emulate?

>> No.14412524

I was just thinking about starting an anti-tax/free stuff movement, which would use democracy by harnessing the power of the majority to invoke referendums to pass laws that give everyone tax exempt status to everyone with an income below a certain point. This would appeal to both the working and middle classes aka the majority. Then we would invoke referendums to raise taxes for the rich, then another referendum to abolish having to pay for rent and utilities. Then I remembered that democracy doesn’t work

>> No.14412545
File: 460 KB, 980x550, EE9F227C-AF47-4BA6-AB28-4EFAE0A5D37E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pointless to talk about democracy in world that doesn’t even employ it

>> No.14412556

Are you retarded?

>> No.14412566

Democracy is terrible and is the tyranny of the majority.

>> No.14412572
File: 67 KB, 640x643, 640_2015_02_05_21_15_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UKs monarchs are just figureheads. Jordan would be a better example of what I'm talking about.

>> No.14412574


>> No.14412577

Democracy is the most sincere form of government.

>> No.14412585

What does this Brennan guy propose as a replacement for Democracy?
>inb4 just watch the video / read the book / read this link etc
no faggot, just tell me

>> No.14412588

Watch the video

>> No.14412598

Noam is a faggot. We do have democracy, people are actually elected by popular vote at every level, anyone can get on the ballot with very little work.

>> No.14412599
File: 73 KB, 650x650, A33FCE08-3D5E-47D9-82CC-0D0DBA750B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see it sometime

>> No.14412603

I'm not saying that a Constitutional Monarchy is perfect but I legitimately think it would be better than Democracy. Do you think it's a coincidence that the fall of Monarchies coincided with the rise of Nazism, Socialism and Communism?

>> No.14412604

Voting does not equal democracy >>14412599


>> No.14412606

>liking monarchy
>not liking Hitler

>> No.14412608

Shut up, retard.

>> No.14412610

Did you ever think a civics class?

>> No.14412612

Epistocracy, and there's a bunch of different ways of implementing it.

>> No.14412614

Hitler was a Socialist.

>> No.14412615

> Voting does not equal democracy
What does ?

>> No.14412617

Sweaty democracy is theoretically incoherent and pragmatically impossible! You should know this, buttertranny...

>> No.14412625

Stalin was a Marxist, too.

>> No.14412630
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>> No.14412631

Yeah and I hate Hitler, Stalin, Socialism and Marxism. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.14412633


Thweety, no. Just no.
You know I’m an anarchist and don’t need a giant state. Nice diffused democratically elected councils of this sector and that are all the leadership civil society needs.

>> No.14412642

I find it interesting that in the existing constitutional monarchies that a lot of discretionary power to the monarch, Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain, that the government is the primary employer and indeed controls the economy as a whole.
Monaco is an exception, probably because of its tiny population.

>> No.14412666
File: 91 KB, 640x640, deng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy is based, just make sure its executed properly and prevent reactionaries from interfering iwth its processes.

>> No.14412671

Can’t be done under capitalism

>> No.14412673

> anarchist
That's the perfect system, correct derivation of deontology and such would always produce anarcism but we don't live in a perfect world or with perfect people. That's why anarchism is delusional.
> Nice diffused democratically elected councils of this sector and that are all the leadership civil society needs.
Doesn't solve any of the problem that Brenan brings up

>> No.14412675

>being restricted by geography
No, what we need is voluntary association in non-geographically defined political bodies.

>> No.14412681

Both of you fags are wrong and would benifit from reading the book or watching that video

>> No.14412693

Oh noes. All male slave owners decide to execute a homeless neet butt-pirate
How could this ever have happened?
Anarchism would better people.
Such as?

>> No.14412699

The Shocking Paper Predicting the End of Democracy
Human brains aren’t built for self-rule, says Shawn Rosenberg. That’s more evident than ever.


>> No.14412708

i hope you get raped and orgasm so you turn straight again

>> No.14412729

50.1% good, 59.9% bad. Great philosophy there.

> Anarchism would better people.
Because magic ?

> Brenan
Watch or read it

>> No.14412731

she's post menopausal and all dried up and frigid

>> No.14412734


>> No.14412764

Athenian democracy was allowed for just the property owning male citizens. Not a full democracy. But the issue of executing homeless philosophers isn’t any better under a republic or a monarchy.
The magic of the human mind. Seems people who are raised well in a peace and prosperity turn out nice, while those raised in poverty and pressure come out committing crimes to get by.

Now explain it. You aren’t interesting me. See I’m good on this subject and I don’t really care about this Brenan guy

>> No.14412789

> Not a full democracy
Bruh, are you not aware of the number of people govt unjustly kills in a democracy ? War on drug, militarized policing, millinery killing people by thousands and every other kind of shitty life destroying policies enacted in democracy... Pretty sure Hitler was also democratically elected.
> Seems people who are raised well in a peace and prosperity turn out nice
I'm gonna need a source on that unsubstantiated claim
> See I’m good on this subject and I don’t really care about this Brenan guy
Live demonstration of why we can't have democracy

>> No.14412811

You just get here? Read the thread first.

>> No.14412816

this is extreme brainlet. the US has a garbage education system resulting from capitalism and then of course the libertarian brennan wants to just disenfranchise the majority rather than fix the underlying issue

>> No.14412918

Then clarify what the fuck actually is ?

>> No.14412925
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Not necessarily. Stirner's Egoism is complete renunciation of ideology.

>> No.14412931

God butterfly. Stop with your cute posting. I can barely contain myself. :3
I think I'll crank one out in your honour. Think of me in the next 20 minutes, ok?

>> No.14412935

> too retarded to understand therefore it's brainlet
He talks about how the increase in education lead to no increase in the amount of stuff people know about govt in 40 year long study. He talks about how it's not due to the content being taught, they tested to see what is being taught, it's a problem with incentive built into democracy, people doesn't bother to remember what they learn that they don't find that important or useful.

>> No.14412938

A random draw is not for example. There can be many others that are not.

>> No.14412940

Democracy right now is when intelligence agencies tell NGOs to tell universities to tell their journalism students to tell us what Our Values are, so it's functionally an obfuscated dictatorship.

>> No.14412941

I'm not necessarily against democracy, but I'm against liberal democracy because the liberals have not come up with any method of organizing political life that is not built on the foundation of institutions that the aristocrats created (i.e. parliament, privy council, and judiciary), and I've come to think it's because they lack the creative essence to do so.

>> No.14412946

Why aren't you against democracy ?

>> No.14412951

Democracy is fine, but it must be balanced with anti-democratic measures and institutions, such as a monarch, a meaningful separation of powers, strong families, a powerful and shared faith or identity, or other shared traditions.

Sage in all fields for a thinly-veiled politics thread.

>> No.14412966

Democracy is not fine because there are people like you who thinks this way
According to the little birdy that spoke with a german accent this morning ?

>> No.14412973

Just study the genesis of most popular ideas post-WW2. It typically goes CIA/Rockefeller/Ford Foundation -> University -> journalism -> us.

>> No.14412977

Pure ideology

>> No.14412984

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.14412985

don't forget ethnic homogeneity and a strong middle class

>> No.14412986

Stirner's egoism is literally just liberalism

>> No.14413011

I'm not against it *on principle*, but I think it's very flawed. Personally, I really like the idea of Prussian constitutionalism.

>> No.14413031

This is why economists shouldn't do political philosophy.

>> No.14413059


>> No.14413060

>OPs video advocates epistocracy, rule of the knowledgeable
Does "trans women are women" count as knowledge in Liberal Epistocracy? (Hint: yes)
The point here is that power, as in democracy, still lies with those who have the power to shape mass opinion. If anything having more "idiots" voting is a good thing if we must have elections, because "smart" people are often just better at mental gymnastics.

>> No.14413062

Political philosophy done correctly can only lead to anarchism. But since don't live in a perfect world, so we have to add all sort of bs to make it work. Economist with philosophy PhD is perfectly suited to handle that mess and suggest where we can improve things.

>> No.14413063

It is, and you're a liberal (as you said above, since you are an anarchist).

>> No.14413065

It does not count, and there's not one way of implementing epistocracy.

>> No.14413072

>Political philosophy done correctly can only lead to anarchism
The irony here is amazing.

>> No.14413075


>> No.14413076

You don’t understand the terms.
Libertarian-socialism is anarchism and completely anti-capitalism. Liberalism is for capitalism of any and every stripe

>> No.14413083

yeah i know and it wasn't convincing. it's one of the ways i could tell an economist was talking. capitalism is the context in which 'incentive structures' are even relevant

>> No.14413090

The problem with his epistocracy idea is that it's built with the assumption that the knowledgeable are virtuous. There must be something more than simple knowledge to government.

>> No.14413092

Read "Combat Liberalism"

>> No.14413094

Consequentialism boils down to relativistic retardation. Deontology done correctly can not legitimize governance over others. So you are left with anarchism. But we don't live in the ideal world of first principals, so we have to add shit on consequentialist term while keeping as much deontological stuff as possible intact. Brennan is trying to do that.

>> No.14413095

liberalism is the belief that all people equally share in a rational nature and can use it to define which form of polity is best for them. since, presumably, you believe in anarchism because you believe it is supported by the strongest and most rational arguments in its favor, that makes you a liberal. a non liberal attitude toward politics would be someone conquering through sheer force and enforcing their will, or people following a certain form of governance because they believe it is god sanctioned and because they fear god's wrath if they turn from it. non liberals don't base their political preferences on flimsy rational grounds, though they might use reasoned arguments for rhetorical purposes, ultimately their case rests on some potent irrational source

>> No.14413098

Anarchism of the type you subscribe to is just liberalism taken to its logical conclusion, that is, concluding that social structures themselves are threats to our liberty.

>> No.14413101

Nope, it's just that knowledge and stake is better than lack of knowledge or no stake. You can keep the "something more" with aristocracy too.

>> No.14413102

Anything involving "People's X" has hidden liberal assumptions, so no, I will not read Mao.

I'm not misreading terms at all. They're just different forms of "muh autonomy".

>> No.14413107


>> No.14413111

They don't have a stake in everyone's well-being, that's the problem. It would breed corruption.

>> No.14413114

Government doesn't need "legitimacy", it just is, by asserting otherwise you're either viewing primitivism aspirationally, or holding hidden liberal assumptions.

>> No.14413152

> Government doesn't need "legitimacy"...
Govt in the sense of being abstract higher level rules that people can be shown to follow may not need legitimizing but that's meanigless, but enforcement of those rules on others absolutely does require it being legitimate.

>> No.14413156

I’ve been called a communist and now a liberal. So by your logic Marxists are liberals. Pro and con capitalists are both liberals.
Just shut up with your mush mouths already. I’ve described for you what I stand for plenty.

>> No.14413160

>I’ve been called a communist and now a liberal. So by your logic Marxists are liberals.
Hint: they are a subset of liberals

>> No.14413162

His arguments are very poor.
>dude it isn't just correlation, there's causation here too
Bullshit. All statisticians are liars trying to lend legitimacy to nonsense. In essence he suggests knowledge of political trivia makes you a better voter if you could divorce yourself from ideological bias, which is insipid.

>> No.14413171

The only “solution” to politics is deeply religious (and not brainwashy dogma shit, genuine, truthful perennial spirituality!) anarchy. That is the perfect system. Will it ever be realised? God willing, one day. Perfect freedom, perfect forgiveness, perfect oneness and kinship with all creatures God made on earth... the expression, the deeply profound artistic expression and freedom. It would be so beautiful. We may never realise it but I dream about it

>> No.14413172

His main point is that democracy has a built in incentive issue that results in these outcome

>> No.14413173

>Anything involving "People's X" has hidden liberal assumptions, so no, I will not read Mao

What does that even mean? That's just a string of words.

>> No.14413177

We live in a real world, not in heaven

>> No.14413195

Marxism, with its appeals to "the people", betrays an implicitly liberal assumption about human organization, and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is no different. Indeed this essay by Mao largely defines liberalism as "things Chairman Mao does not like in the Party", but obviously a Chinese wouldn't really have any understanding of liberalism since it's outside his tradition anyway.

>> No.14413202

t. hakim bey, known pedophile

>> No.14413211

In a given moral community, there is always a "correct" decision for any matter of governance based on the priors of said moral schema. There's no reason people's votes ought to have anything to do with this.

>> No.14413213

And the sky is blue.

>> No.14413231

>Marxism, with its appeals to "the people"
Marxism does not "appeal" to "the people." It underlines the revolutionary potential of the proletariat, which is not "the people," because every other class has been outside of it. For most of modern history, the proletariat has been the minority in most parts of the world.

>> No.14413236

not at night, then its black with white spots (the stars)

>> No.14413242
File: 130 KB, 800x990, KurtVonSchuschnigg1936-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was dictator. I would really sort this country out.

>> No.14413245

Shush nigga, im finna tryin to watch tv

>> No.14413248


>> No.14413255

Marxism has a fundamentally different view of the flow of power/authority within society as compared to the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, a view which it shares with liberalism, is the point I am trying to make.

>> No.14413265

Cringe incel thread

>> No.14413269

To put it as crudely as possible:

Marxism/Liberalism: power flows as spooky force -> masses -> authority
How power acutally flows: spooky force -> authority -> masses.

>> No.14413274

marxism bases itself on rational arguments. they make rational arguments on why their form of government is best/correct or whatever. on that basis alone, it is liberal. previous forms of government were based on the reasoning "it's just the way things are done lol". and sure we have people like aristotle justifying aristocracy, or people like dante justifying monarchy, but those are both after the fact justifications. those forms of government antedate the thinkers who tried to justify them, and ultimately do not rest on rational grounds. marxism is built on a foundation of rational justification. there could be no marxism without intellectuals making a case for it, it simply would not exist. aristocracy predates conceptual thought itself, it's literally older than philosophy and dialectical argument

>> No.14413280

Yeah, a NATIONAL socialist.

>> No.14413286

Marxism does have a different view of power than the Mandate of Heaven, sure. So does liberalism. However, it does not follow that Marxism and liberalism have the *same* view of power.

Marxism views power as it exists, and has existed in the past, through the lens of historical materialism. Liberalism, in all its manifestations, does not. This is one of the fundamental things separating the two strains of thought.

>> No.14413307
File: 15 KB, 408x230, F3549927-1464-46C6-B876-281A71B802A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re all just protestants

>> No.14413317

Rationality without empiricism si retarded.
Most marxist observations of reality and human behavior are bullshit so it fails miserably.

>> No.14413318

Not completely true, but obviously Western Christian history played a role in both.

>> No.14413322

I would make you all wear badges with my glorious face on it and I would have einsatzgruppen patrolling each block.

>> No.14413328

>begins the talk with talking about how fucking dumb his in laws are


>> No.14413331

>Spooky force
Okay, here's how Marxism actually views things. In a (simplified) feudal society, for example:
Peasants make food, artisans make specialized goods.
The lord controls groups of armed men. The armed men, under direction of the lord, make sure that the peasants keep growing crop and artisans keep making their stuff (including arms for the men, luxuries for the lord, etc.). The armed men enforce this status quo by staving off raiders, the armies of other lords, and by oppressing the populace as need be.
The key here is that the relationships are reciprocal. Working classes feed armies, armies force working classes to keep working, and so on.

>> No.14413333

It’s true if you’re Catholic. Atheists, satanists. All Protestants

>> No.14413345

even rationality coupled with empiricism could not build an adequate form of government. the very origins of governance are in the irrational obscurity of prehistory. building a polity on rational grounds (with or without empiricism) will only lead to disaster

>> No.14413348

Protestantism grew out of Catholicism, and it's not like there weren't liberal Catholics as well. Many quasi-liberal tendencies existed in Western Europe pre-Reformation anyway.

>> No.14413371

Catholics are literally proto atheists. They have the same vile utilitarian outlook. Orthodox christians are the only ones who were true to Jesus’ anti political spiritual emancipation, until they were taken over by the Russian state. Now the true church only exists in the hearts of a small count of individuals spread across the world

>> No.14413402

Ryan Faulk already settled this years ago.

>> No.14413449

There never was a true church

>> No.14413459
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x4045, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell your whotuber to take a philosophy 101 class and then read some of the theories before shitting out another cringy video.

>> No.14413492

>Everyone gets one vote but some people get more than one vote

Was John Stuart Mill retarded?

>> No.14413515

Some pigs are more equal to liberals

>> No.14413519

>multiple Enlightenment writers in the Pre-Enlightenment section
bro, you just posted cringe

>> No.14413521

> your ideas are wrong
> but I'm not gonna tell you how
> instead I'm gonna throw you walls and walls of text
> because big brain /lit/

please kill yourself

>> No.14413525

not him but
>a single sentence is a wall of text
the absolute state of zoomer attention spans

>> No.14413526

Your guy hasn’t read one brick of that wall

>> No.14413555

The kingdom of God is within you, within everyone, if they wish. No institution but the individual human soul has the right to such a power. The church was always a convenience and a perversion, because the actual church was in the hearts of the free

>> No.14413558

Neocameralist gang in the house checking in looking to turn the country into a pile of stonks because the joint stock corporation is the most efficient form of human organization ever devised.
Imagine turning your upper management over to the whims of a volatile marketplace of ideas instead of a marketplace of something infinitely more trustworthy (monies)

>> No.14413618

Oh good thing your thread included a link to a book, I almost thought it was off topic /pol/shit

>> No.14413633

The video guy makes up a story about why he doesn't like democracy while assuming this is the only framing that procedure can have and makes no justification for why this is the right frame, that's why I mentioned reading theories. He also causally shits out this sentence at 2 minutes in: "Civilization, as I define it, is a certain standard of living and it is totally subjective and arbitrary and it is created by increase of capital". If everything is subjective and arbitrary, you can allow and justify anything and everything, including opposite of what he is trying to say is right. People learn why moral relativism contradictory in their philosophy 101 class, that's why I mentioned Phil 101.

>> No.14413690

mostly based

highly based

>> No.14414628

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture

>> No.14414637

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture

>> No.14414640

I will legitimately support any system that frees common people of political thought.

>> No.14414668

Moral relativism isn't contradictory unless you maintain certain preferences like this guy is doing.

>> No.14414686

>Anti Democracy Thread

>Political democracy is Christian since in it man, not merely one man but everyman, ranks as sovereign, as the highest being, but it is man in his uncivilized, unsocial form, man in his fortuitous existence, man just as he is, man as he has been corrupted by the whole organization of our society, who has lost himself, been alienated, and handed over to the rule of inhuman conditions and elements — in short, man who is not yet a real species-being. That which is a creation of fantasy, a dream, a postulate of Christianity, i.e., the sovereignty of man – but man as an alien being different from the real man — becomes, in democracy, tangible reality, present existence, and secular principle.

>It is sufficient to recall that, if the consciousness of human beings is the result, not the cause, of the characteristics of the surroundings in which they are compelled to live and act, then never as a rule will the exploited, the starved and the underfed be able to convince themselves of the necessity of overthrowing the well-fed satiated exploiter laden with every resource and capacity. This can only be the exception. Bourgeois electoral democracy seeks the consultation of the masses, for it knows that the response of the majority will always be favourable to the privileged class and will readily delegate to that class the right to govern and to perpetuate exploitation. It is not the addition or subtraction of the small minority of bourgeois voters that will alter the relationship. The bourgeoisie governs with the majority, not only of all the citizens, but also of the workers taken alone.

>Setting out from the individual-unit in order to draw social conclusions and to construct social blueprints or even in order to deny society, is setting out from an unreal supposition which, even in its most modern formulations, only amounts to refurbishing the concepts of religious revelation and creation and of a spiritual life which is not dependent upon natural and organic life. The divine creator — or a single power governing the destiny of the universe has given each individual this elementary property of being an autonomous well-defined molecule endowed with consciousness, will and responsibility within the social aggregate, independent of contingent factors deriving from the physical influence of the environment. Only the appearance of this religious and idealist conception is modified in the doctrine of democratic liberalism or libertarian individualism. The soul as a spark from the supreme Being, the subjective sovereignty of each elector, or the unlimited autonomy of the citizen of a society without laws — these are so many sophisms which, in the eyes of the Marxist critique, are tainted with the same infantile idealism, no matter how resolutely "materialist" the first bourgeois liberals and anarchists may have been.

>> No.14414737

BASED. I would follow you into the dark my fuhrer.

>> No.14414758
File: 9 KB, 168x200, 1576910733704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that definition of 'fascism'

>> No.14414763

>just be one of these sides forcing their views on everyone
This is democracy.

>> No.14414764
File: 840 KB, 1200x1600, Hans-Hermann-Hoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intended as a contribution to this great thread, I present a logical proof of impossibility of democracy that permanently REFUTES this vicious system
1) The decision process must always and everywhere concern scarce resources - this is trivially true always and everywhere, where there is no scarcity of resources there need not be any decission concerning the allocation of said resources.
2) Resources of the earth are scarce, hence the need for an allocative system.
3) In Western liberal democracies decissions concerning the allocation of scarce resources are made in two different ways - by means of the market or of democracy.
4) The market allocates resources where they produce the greatest return on investment, democracy allocates resources where the majority of people want them to be allocated. Thus unless there is complete equality amongst peoples the allocation achieved through voluntary market exchanges and through democratic process will differ considerably from one another.
5) Democracy could be therefore summarized as a system of "rule of majority". This is a necessary simplification if our proof is to be short and concise. Furthermore, we restrict our analysis to direct democracies. Although most Western countries are representative democracies, this will not hinder our analysis greatly as the reasoning presented herein is universal and abstracted from the particular form a democracy may assume.
6) Suppose you were trying to create a constitution of a democratic state or community (notice that by extending our analysis to non-statist societies, we refute the claims of """anarchists""" that their """anarchism""" is the only proper form of democracy). Techincally speaking the only necessary rule that must constitute a democracy is the statement that "state/community X is a democracy and all other decissions are made through democratic voting process"
7) But since in a democracy it is the will of majority that makes a decission legitimate, the statement "state/community X is a democracy" is not legitimate since this statement was not decided upon through democratic process! Therein lies our predicament - democracy cannot possibly assert itself because the statement "state/community X is a democracy" cannot be a subject of democratic voting. We cannot make this statement legitimate through voting because the sentence "state/community X is a democracy" needs to be true for majority's will to be decissive and we cannot assume that this statement is the only one that is not decided upon through non-democratic voting because that is arbitrary - why just this statement and not some other ones?

>> No.14414774

This quote would almost mean something if it werent for the fact that the "top" in a fascist government is decided arbitrarily as opposed to the "top" in a capitalist economy being decided via competition, which is completely desirable and in no way equivalent to the former.

>> No.14414775

>Resources of the earth are scarce
I disagree. People are too lazy, stupid and/or obedient to make use of them.

>> No.14414803
File: 51 KB, 300x432, Mises-cigarette300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8) We could technically overcome this problem by assuming that everyone agrees with the statement "state/community X is a democracy" and hence there is no need to confirm this through voting. If someone disagrees with the said statement, he is free to leave our yet to be democratic state/community and therefore all that remain will be adherents to the basic principle that "majority's will constitutes a legitimate decission". There are at least two problems with this line of defense.
a) Our consideration of whether or not to leave the yet to be democratic society will necessarily be a function of all decissions that might be made in the future in other words it is impossible to say in advance whether or not we agree with some principle of collective decission making without knowing what particular decissions would be made in a democracy. One could try to rescue our yet to be democratic society by arguing that in real life we often cannot envision with 100% accuracy the effects of our decisions and yet some decissions HAVE TO be made. In response to this it will suffice to say that
b) A democracy without any additional safety networks like inalienable natural rights will surely restrict people's freedoms of locomotion, therefore it is reasonable to postulate that in light of a) if some people adversly affected by the results of democratic process were to try and flee the democratic community, a retaliatory action from the community would follow that would necessitate the incarceration of said individual under accusation of "trying to undermine democracy". Notice that this already happened albeit not in a democratic state but in the authocratic Soviet Union.
What follows is the logical impossibility of democracy and that is exactly what we intended to prove, QED.

>> No.14414855

>Fascist government is not decided via competition
>Capitalists don't select people as CEOs based on what the investors want to hear

>> No.14415229

>describes democracy
heh, ever heard of libertarianism kid?

>> No.14415258
File: 185 KB, 293x928, ❗⚠️❗⚠️⚠️❗⚠️❗❗❗❌150℃ FIRE WARNING❗❗⚠️❗⚠️❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn’t anti multi-person-driving just be one guy behind the steering wheel though?

>> No.14415273

Democracy created none of those. All of those are a reaction to democracy. Following your logic, a constitutional monarchies are what gave us democracy.

>> No.14415332

It's not even their view that is forced on the entire country, their view isn't "theirs" either

>> No.14415446

Now I'm not exactly familiar with scholasticism but this seems particularly dumb. Firstly without scarcity decisions just become infinitely more complex, they aren't eliminated. Secondly obviously markets or democracy aren't the only choices, I can "illegitimately" steal or pirate whatever I want, lots of individual preferences can only be happening outside those commercial or political channels all the time. Democracy and markets are just different procedural methods to supposedly actualize majority opinon.

>A democracy without any additional safety networks like inalienable natural rights will surely restrict people's freedoms of locomotion
Freedom of movement is an example of a positive right, there's notting "natural" about you going wherever you want without being shot. Not to mention the public infrastructure for movement people don't like each other and would discriminate if allowed.

>> No.14415763
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>Any hierarchical society is fascist

Thanks Noam

>> No.14415781

You're describing base democracy.
People vote, one fraction ends up making the calls.
As opposed to compromising.

Not that I have a solution for it.

>> No.14415800


>> No.14415804

i like democracy when not everyone is a fucking propagandised idiot who is misled by corporations and their interests instead of humanity's interests so fuck capitalism

>> No.14415826

Democracy works effectively in some parts of the world just probably less in post-war Anglo-Zionist vassal states and in developing countries. The combination of common law along with systems of customary and religious law along with the primitiveness of some modern political systems such as the U.S's are what make places such as those more backwards and less efficient.

>> No.14415903

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves — goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying Whát I dó is me: for that I came.

I say móre: the just man justices;
Keeps grace: thát keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is —
Chríst — for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.

>> No.14415911


No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief,
More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring.
Comforter, where, where is your comforting?
Mary, mother of us, where is your relief?
My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief
Woe, wórld-sorrow; on an áge-old anvil wince and sing —
Then lull, then leave off. Fury had shrieked 'No ling-
ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief."'

O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall
Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap
May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small
Durance deal with that steep or deep. Here! creep,
Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all
Life death does end and each day dies with sleep.

>> No.14416303

> Not that I have a solution for it.
Read the book, it has solutions in it too
So you like democracy in a magical fairy tale world. Also most people vote according to what they believe is a national interest not humanity's interest. You probably do too if you don't support open borders for example.

>> No.14416348
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> Firstly without scarcity decisions just become infinitely more complex, they aren't eliminated
Thanks for proving you're a brainlet. If energy is infinite, we need not worry where to allocate it since we are sure that we won't run out of it no matter how hard we exploit it. Please note that post-scarcity is a theoretical construct, a post-scarcity society is literally impossible to imagine to a being that has become accustomed to a situation of ubiquitous scarcity.
>Secondly obviously markets or democracy aren't the only choices, I can "illegitimately" steal or pirate whatever I want
Stealing is not the part of the allocation process, it's the part of the redistribution process.
Still haven't refuted me since the crux of the argument consists in points 5), 6) and 7). You've conveniently shifted your focus to preceeding points which are not that important in the structure of my argument and are by my own admission underdeveloped, but then again they can be assumed away and the argument would be none the weaker.

>> No.14416384 [DELETED] 

a. You already artificially limited yourself to only 2 choice for some reason : democracy vs capitalism and assumed both are about resource allocation. They are clearly not in many ways, one is a system of governance and other a economic setup, governance concerns rules, trial, justice etc that other does not.

> The market allocates resources where they produce the greatest return on investment

market doesn't do shit, it incentivizes as such, people can still go whichever way they want in it.

> democracy allocates resources where the majority of people want them to be allocated

democracy can also democratically decide on capitalistic allocation

> Democracy could be therefore summarized as a system of "rule of majority". This is a necessary simplification if our proof is to be short and concise.

Wow, what a revelation!

> democracy isn't determined democratically, therefore there can not be any legitimate democracy

Govt and procedure requires time to setup, oh no! This is wrong in two ways:

1. There is nothing theoretically stopping people from starting govt democratically. Start with 1 guy with constitution, and then another one who likes the idea joins, then a third and a fourth, anytime they have a disagreement, they take a vote, majority decides what changes to make on the constitution and so on until you get enough to have a democratic nation.
2. Democracy that did not start democratically is still democracy since it meets all the criteria. And if people think current system is illegitimate, they can democratically, with majority election, change the current constitution and rules to their heart's desire. All the elements of democracy is present in this procedure and is democratically legitimate.

>> No.14416415

> In Western liberal democracies decissions concerning the allocation of scarce resources are made in two different ways - by means of the market or of democracy
You already artificially limited yourself to only 2 choice for some reason : democracy vs capitalism and assumed both are about resource allocation. They are clearly not in many ways, one is a system of governance and other a economic setup, governance concerns rules, trial, justice etc that other does not.

> The market allocates resources where they produce the greatest return on investment
market doesn't do shit, it incentivizes as such, people can still go whichever way they want in it.

> democracy allocates resources where the majority of people want them to be allocated
democracy can also democratically decide on capitalistic allocation

> Democracy could be therefore summarized as a system of "rule of majority". This is a necessary simplification if our proof is to be short and concise.
Wow, what a revelation!

> democracy isn't determined democratically, therefore there can not be any legitimate democracy
Govt and procedure requires time to setup, oh no! This is wrong in two ways:

1. There is nothing theoretically stopping people from starting govt democratically. Start with 1 guy with constitution, and then another one who likes the idea joins, then a third and a fourth, anytime they have a disagreement, they take a vote, majority decides what changes to make on the constitution and so on until you get enough to have a democratic nation.

2. Democracy that did not start democratically is still democracy since it meets all the criteria. And if people think current system is illegitimate, they can democratically, with majority election, change the current constitution and rules to their heart's desire. All the elements of democracy is present in this procedure and is democratically legitimate.

>> No.14416424

That's a criticism of democracy...

>> No.14416608
File: 264 KB, 1024x576, democracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14416645

We live in such a bizarre culture. The number of layers that this meme represents is really freaking me out right now.

>> No.14416656

You gave me a good laugh, brainlet. I won't adress your """refutations""" of those parts of my argument that related to scarcity since that's not in question here.
>Govt and procedure requires time to setup, oh no!
That's not the point. What you've said is trivially true insofar as all human action requires time, however let us consider how my argument would apply to a fascist government. Thing is, it wouldn't at all since fascism is the rule of authority and authority doesn't need public support to assert itself. If Mussolini says that Italy is to be a fascist country where he is to be the sole decission maker and he further makes some particular decissions in this fascist framework there is no contradiction. However democracy cannot establish its own foundations democratically. It's the same thing with empiricism - you cannot defend it rationally because then you'd assume non-empirical source of legitimacy of knowledge (in this case reason) and you cannot defend it empirically because that's circular (you cannot prove A by assuming a corollary of A). As to your points 1. and 2. they are retarded and I have already refuted them in >>14414803

>> No.14416668

Most people don’t even fucking vote.

>> No.14416698

That's good but not enough, people need to vote even less. Majority of the voters are still low information voters.

>> No.14416711


>> No.14416760

> but how would people know what to vote on democratically ??!1!
How about through vote nigga ? Everyone throws out their idea, people picks the most important of those issue to vote on with a vote and then votes on them. Think le reddit, someone makes a posts, people updoots to top, the weekly most updooted can set the issues and the people can discuss it and vote on it for decision.

Also yet another retarded assumption is being made, that is everything has to be democratically decided for something to be democracy. It does not. People can democratically decide to hand over some decision making task to some elected manager to sort out with some upper limit of when they'd be kicked out if they fuck up.

>> No.14416803

That's cringe bro. Please re-read what I wrote, I didn't say anything about leaving if one disagrees as a consensus mechanism. You are making the same retarded argument as saying: if Adam and Eve wasn't doing things democratically, there can't be any democracy after that. Your other post doesn't resolve shit either.

>> No.14416812

>things i misinterpret dont make sense
wow anon, insightful

>> No.14416823


holy shit chomsky you dumb motherfucker

>> No.14416856 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 125x117, 1577315978006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average person is so dumb that, honestly, if RNG voted instead of them the world would be better off.

>> No.14416968
File: 93 KB, 595x313, democracy_trolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14417001


>> No.14417007

>muh abstract ideal is sullied by the reality of human nature

>> No.14417017

Libertarianism (minarchism) solves this problem. Give everyone constitutional rights, then let them decide the rest. If some want to get together and ban guns in their own private property (home owner's association type of thing) they can. This gives power to the actual citizens, individually, not by vote.

>> No.14417074

He's not really anti-democratic. It would be better to call him a reformed democrat since he advocates for more of an experimental epistocratic approach, with the idea of finding a good balance with a restricted franchise that can give us better informed policy than the current system does. He doesn't advocate for any radical change, but rather for small restrictions like a adding an extremely basic civic test for voting rights which he argues would perform better than what we have now.

By "perform better" he means getting a government willing to enact expert advised policy instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator. Brennen points out as one example how almost all economic experts are against the minimum wage while all the least educated, the ones that would likely fail the basic civic test, support it.

>> No.14417099

The word scarce in an economic context means it's not unlimited.

>> No.14417190

>By "perform better" he means getting a government willing to enact expert advised policy instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator. Brennen points out as one example how almost all economic experts are against the minimum wage while all the least educated, the ones that would likely fail the basic civic test, support it.
In other words, he wants to manipulate the voting results to have his own side get on top. Minimum wage has been tried and worked, this is just libertarians limiting individual freedom where it doesn't suite them.

>> No.14417232

Yeah but that doesn't work with wider wider issues that transcend the individual level. Take protection of the environment for example, how do you prevent millionaires from reducing forests to wood logs without some form of goverment initiative?

>> No.14417246

I know you're itching to argue about the minimum wage but I'm not interested because you're retarded. I don't have patience for people like you.

>> No.14417253

Corruption removed, democracy would deliver what it claims to in theory. Capital is the problem with the world. In other words, acknowledge human nature and respond to its needs and wants to adjust society so that works better, and in turn that adjusts humans nature.

For him. For us, it’s proper and good to have a democracy.

>> No.14417333

What about global warming, here the expert consensus says it's real, yet the republicans think it's a hoax. Should we go with the experts or the Republican voters?

>> No.14417360

Fuck off

>> No.14417387

Corruption is literally human nature

>> No.14417394

I'm not trying to be a dick here but you're asking very basic questions. In libertarianism, anything that harms people directly (theft, assault, murder) is seen as unlawful. If the environmental damage from corporate activity harms people directly (which it does) then it should be prohibited. Many libertarians also support climate change mandates. A more nuanced answer (and a preferred method with dealing with environmental degradation) would involve taxing activities which have side effects, so you can still fish, cut down trees, etc. but you are "taxed" according to how at-risk the environment is.

>> No.14417412

What about the fact that Bernie's medicare for all for all plan is functionally a tax cut that would effectively reduce the budget currently spent on medicare? Bet you didn't see that coming

>> No.14417418

Yeah but environmental issues are very controversial among libertarians, I haven't see stats but it seems a majority of them doesn't even believe in global warming.

>> No.14417443

The problem is that most libertarians read classic books on economics when this stuff wasn't a problem. And yes, even some modern Libertarian authors (Sowell) still talk as if we're living in the 20th century and resources are infinite. But sensible authors have actually incorporated technology, globalisation, and modern population problems into their policies. It's not hard, the principles of libertarianism are pretty simple, it's just that a lot of libtards today get dogmatic, and the most vocal are actually AnCaps. Read some Friedman for the basics.

>> No.14417475

And then how do you agree on what exactly are those rights and the right codification and procedures that respects those rights without some consensus mechanism ?

>> No.14417502

Libtards just go with what the science says, Republicans are literally doing anti environmentalist propaganda for big business because the reforms would hurt their profit. And yes in principle you can make an environmentalist libertarian argument, but in practice they tend to be on the opposite side, and I am not talking about AnCaps only. Ron Paul is probably the most famous Libertarian in America and doesn't believe in Global Warming (neither does Trump for that matter, who is just a Conservative).

>> No.14417515

> For him. For us, it’s proper and good to have a democracy.
Cuz I said so despite all evidence to contrary like what Brenan talks about in the video

>> No.14417523

watch the fucking video or read the book, that's not what he is after

>> No.14417573

He just entertained a series of farfetched alternative propositions of which none sound more fault proof than any of the historically established democratic political systems, but rather more fitting of the alleged ideals that stereotypical naïve college students would be presumed to be inclined toward. First he spoke about how ignorant people don't have an interest in voting and then proceeded to dispute voting by people who are less informed. He presented multiple flawed analogies of democratic political systems and electorates, and his portrayal of them was yet another inadequate reductionism that would seem to simply disregard the possibility of their various factors and nuances. His concept of 'fairness' suggests that he views it as being rooted in purely pragamatical principles instead of rather idealistic ones. His appeals to interests and intrigues frequent in popular media, and his claims of his personal political views, that could possibly seem varied only in a superficial manner, could come off as being just some attempt to appeal to and gain approval from audiences; in a spirit redolent of book peddlers or perhaps of a privately funded pundit. For what anyone could know he could even have a personal shill group in the audience. Such individuals often come off as having possible influences from Randian apologists and thought.

>> No.14417604


>> No.14417636
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>We do have democracy, people are actually elected by popular vote at every level
Were you asleep in 2016?

>> No.14417637
File: 141 KB, 409x409, sjfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> naïve college students
I don't like his idea, therefore he is naive college student, that'll show him
> First he spoke about how ignorant people don't have an interest in voting
That's not what he said, he said said incentive system of democracy does not encourage voter be knowledgeable. But that ignorant people do vote all the time and govt ends up reflecting many of their will.
>His concept of 'fairness' suggests that he views it as being rooted in purely pragamatical principles instead of rather idealistic ones.
Because it does. Anarchy is the ideal system if we had ideal people and ideal world. All system of governance must be pragmatic while keeping as much as possible from ideal system.

He also talks about how democracy is in no sense ideal in any characterization of fairness. If you want truly democratically fair election, have everyone vote and then assign probability to each candidate according to vote and do a random draw with weighted value. That's democratically fair, but I don't see any of you advocating for that.
> shill audience
Nigga he is a libertarian against democracy speaking in Portland, the fucking antifa central.
> He presented multiple flawed analogies of democratic political systems and electorates, and his portrayal of them was yet another inadequate reductionism that would seem to simply disregard the possibility of their various factors and nuances
use more vague words, we'll believe you more

>> No.14417646

1. The electoral system hasn't been changed by democratically elected legislators, but they always could have. What does that signal to you ?
2. At each state, democratically elected legislator decided rules determined who wins the state and how in their election and pretty sure all were won with majority.

>> No.14417666
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>> No.14417696

>Nigga he is a libertarian against democracy speaking in Portland, the fucking antifa central.
Much of the butthurt for the local antifa appear to reside in the nearby suburbs.

>> No.14417902

Are you sure about that, from complaining about too many people voting + being against the minimum wage you can reasonably infer he is a fucking libertarian who knows that social programs are predominantly supported by the working class because they are the one who get fucked by the current system.

>> No.14418139

Take your ADHD meds

>> No.14418201

it's not his criticism of democracy that bothers me so much as what brennan's endgame is. i think he wants 'experts' to rule because he knows economists will unleash neoliberal hell if they get their way. in both the video and the SEP article he wrote (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/voting/)) he gives hints of this. like notice how he alludes to "econ 101" in the video multiple times, or "social scientists" (by which he probably just means economists) in the article
btw if you defend economics you're cringe and need to read theory

>> No.14418233

Brenan has already been refuted.

It doesn't matter what Aristotle thinks. He was a yes man to a bully king. What he really refutes in that quote is the idea that Athens ever had a real democracy.

Democracy works best on a small scale, and that is all we need it for actually. There needn't be any state bureaucracy anywhere, just specialized councils of this department and that. Self governance is better than your centralized autocratic bullshit pipe-dream, fashy toad

>> No.14418280

>Democracy works best on a small scale
Actually the opposite. You see quite a few smaller principalities have constitutional monarchies throughout time. Some smaller countries today are constitutional monarchies.

It's almost like there is a teleology, if you will, or a general tendency of progression through governmental systems. There's a determinism about it for sure, if there are positivist influences involved, such as growing population.

I think you're starting to see it's not really so much a matter of what we 'choose' government to be. Everything is a bit more complicated than that. To be honest, you can plainly tell that democracy is not inherently bad, but there are some big flaws that make for the next logical step to be an aristocracy, including consolidation of population and creation of clandestine economic coalitions. These sorts of things rise up within democracy and destroy it, usually.

What I have always said, and I always will, is that perhaps the political economists throughout time were correct, perhaps Rousseau is correct, that this span of democratic revolutions will either ruin us or, if slowed down, create an aristocracy again.

IF this is the case I believe technology could be used to free us once more so we don't revert from there to monarchy. If we can set a progression from democracy to aristocracy to democracy again then we can eliminate the pessimistic parabolic civilizational curve that Rousseau proposed in The Social Contract and Emile. Very important to understand though, that at this point I really don't think there is anything you can do about this becoming an aristocracy without expansion or war. And I think that's telling about what makes civilization tick in the first place :3

>> No.14419508

>I hate freedom here's a list of le big men authoritarians that murdered millions

>> No.14419599

> i think he wants 'experts' to rule because he knows economists will unleash neoliberal hell if they get their way
brainlet take, not all economists are neoliberals and economists have been advisors to governments for a very long time. Kalecki who can hardly be regarded as neoliberal was an advisor to India just to give an example. the point is to give experts more power so that they can stop giving a fuck about democratic process.

>> No.14420799

Economists wouldn't be the only people voting for economic policy so even if economists were myopically focuses on just economics to the exclusion of all things social, things would still balance.

>> No.14420861

kalecki is considered heterodox now

>> No.14420885

i think that both of you aren't reading behind the lines enough. brennan is a libertarian (or neoliberal if we want to get specific). people like him know economics is on their side. he mentioned that the supposedly 'enlightened' voter votes for more economic liberalization in the video

>> No.14420917

Yeah, people who are more informed usually don't favor policy that is ineffective at best, or downright destructive to the people its intended to help. I don't know why you think we should be scared of that. Economists favor neoliberalism because it is the most efficient way to organize the economy. It's what makes us all wealthier.

>> No.14421106

>what makes us all wealthier.

>> No.14421144

It looks like you accidentally submitted the post before wrote a reply. Mistakes happen, I won't hold it against you.

>> No.14421164
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 9B8E6A82-78DD-4EB4-A5C5-987FB772DE84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just die

>> No.14421172

Still off topic thread

>> No.14421333

He is making the point that without knowledge of some economics voter wouldn't know how and where govt should want to spend all that tax money in what ways. And this is something he barely mentioned. Economics isn't some holy bible either that one must practice according to it's wills, there are economist of every political ideologies, so I don't know what the fuck you are going on about.

>> No.14421378

>there are economist of every political ideologies,
no. they are basically all liberals, most of them neoliberals
how about you read theory dumbass, since you seem to value bigbrains so much

>> No.14421395

You can go eat a dick. You're a worthless bastard shitting this place up.

>> No.14421405

start with marx

>> No.14421415

>Economists favor neoliberalism because it is the most efficient way to organize the economy. It's what makes us all wealthier.
yeah that's why it only 'works' in countries with brutal autocratic regimes that can suppress resistance to it like deng's china and pinochet's chile
btw don't think i'm aware that economists think what pinochet did was a 'miracle', and even to a lesser extent deng. i'm on to what you epistocrats want

>> No.14421430

You can stop samefagging.

>> No.14421453

It would be forcing a single lottery winner's submission onto everyone.

Democracies are still part of the sort of checks and balances that prevent tyranny.

The only real means of non-coercive government would be the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's in a world where everyone is a polish noble, because it would require total consent by everyone.

And even then it would fail to account for the people who weren't born, not in a coma or of voting age at the time of the vote, who would have the formerly consensual decision forced on them.

Any political system will have some coercion but we can limit this by putting more institutional barriers and by avoiding the politization of our daily lives.

>> No.14421458

i wasn't trying to lol. how about a response

>> No.14421471

I'm not interested in actually talking to you.

>> No.14421483

k. then >>14421415 still stands unrefuted

>> No.14421484

> If energy is infinite, we need not worry where to allocate it since we are sure that we won't run out of it no matter how hard we exploit it.
Assuming supply is infinite you're still time constrained, you can only do one thing at a time and have infinite arrangements to experiment with now. If you drop the time constrained you're going far beyond anything conceivable to me so I'm not thinking about that. You're never going to reach an "ideal" state.

>Stealing is not the part of the allocation process, it's the part of the redistribution process.
Sorry but "redistribution" and "allocation" is the same thing.

>Still haven't refuted me since the crux of the argument consists in points 5), 6) and 7). You've conveniently shifted your focus to preceeding points which are not that important in the structure of my argument and are by my own admission underdeveloped, but then again they can be assumed away and the argument would be none the weaker.
I don't even really know what you're trying to get at. Democracy can't be democratically legitimized? You seem to be getting at e.g. contradiction of scepticism since “no truth is knowable” can't be justified. Much about notting of my concern.
Really markets and democracy are just different procedural forms of majority rule depending on assumptions. Most people in favour of markets think it can get what people want better. Minorities aren't best protected by democracy or markets really.

>> No.14421514

Would you like a medal or a pat on the head? I hope this isn't the peak of your day because I haven't even read the post in full.

>> No.14421535

why are you still talking to me then?
and no i'm just pointing out that you have no response. there's no way to respond to that post other than to contradict the supposedly intuitive value liberals like you put on 'liberty' and 'justice'. fact of the matter is your bullshit capitalist theology that you call 'economics' only functions if you try to force it against the will of millions - which is exactly what epistocracy seeks to do

>> No.14421550

>Be Russia
>bribe one (1) noble to deadlock the liberum veto system
>nothing gets done

>> No.14421553

I think you're retarded and I want you to know it.

>> No.14421559

Democratically elected authoritarians. Democracy is just tyranny of the masses.

>> No.14421568


>> No.14421581

Hah, it looks like you didn't refute my point. I win again.

>> No.14421585

you made no point. did you even take any philosophy courses before beelining into econ grad school?

>> No.14421600

So this magic subject has the power to corrupt people's mind ? How does this magic work, can you help me understand please ?
And I got to this link 0.5 seconds of search: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_economists

>> No.14421605

I called you retarded and didn't refute it.

>> No.14421611

The realistic answer to this is yes, and every other claim is basically a cop out. Because realistically, whoever gives up their ideological position first loses automatically.
It's also one of the core problems with the atomized hyperindividualism of modern liberalism. An atomized group of individuals will ALWAYS lose to a concentrated group with in-group preference.

The irony here is that the smart thing to do is encourage individuality and anti-ideology in your opponents, while embracing collectivism and ideology yourself within your own group. If you do this, you will simply triumph over anyone who holds the ridiculous ideas of individualism.

>> No.14421612

that's not a point, so there's nothing to refute; you need some sort of argument. they take the form of premises > conclusion. so it's not clear whether 'you're a retard' is a premise or a conclusion since the other component is missing

>> No.14421624

> Democracies are still part of the sort of checks and balances that prevent tyranny.
No it doesn't.
> consent
What about the losing party, they never consented to any of the shit the winning party is doing

>> No.14421656

Shouldn't the onus be on liberals and socialists to explain why we SHOULD have a democratic system?

>> No.14421741

Now try and fail from defense see >>14421656

>> No.14421755

It's the aforementioned checks and balances that prevent a singular party (at least in American politics) from overwhelmingly exerting itself on the system.

>> No.14421763

there's like 2k years of political philosophy on why democracy is preferable to other forms of government lmao. even brennan knows this and that's why he's doing the one arguing. i can't summarize all the arguments here

the standard line of response you're going to get though (derived from locke afaik), and the response i'd give for this particular challenge, is that democracy is the best system for keeping tyranny at bay
>but tyranny of the majority!
this is preferable to tyranny of less people. any form of government that isn't anarchism is tyranny when put that way
that said, there are forms of democracy with appropriate checks and balances that can mitigate the tyranny of the majority effect, or so someone like locke would say at least

>> No.14421853

You can improve democracy by giving voting rights to a smaller pool of people.
For example:
>30+ year old
>$1Million+ net worth

>> No.14421877

>there's like 2k years of political philosophy on why democracy is preferable to other forms of government lmao.
Only in the Western tradition that assumes a Western viewpoint on man.

>> No.14421880

Also, what's tyranny?

>> No.14421946

> there's like 2k years of political philosophy on why democracy is preferable
ok, list them
Locke was a god loving faggot, his rights don't work without god in the picture. He also made the prediction that voting would open people's mind, he was wrong. Rights are also against democracy, it says no matter what peolpe decide according to democracy, rights are still superior, so he is partly anti democratic.
> this is preferable to tyranny of less people
Being ruled by doesn't mean tyranny nigga. Tyranny is when people does things unjustly or illegitimately. Just because majority rules it doesn't mean it has to be tyranny. But if voters are retarded like every study shows, then it certainly is.
> checks and balances
like what ?

>> No.14422011


>> No.14422035

>Locke was a god loving faggot, his rights don't work without god in the picture. He also made the prediction that voting would open people's mind, he was wrong. Rights are also against democracy, it says no matter what peolpe decide according to democracy, rights are still superior, so he is partly anti democratic.
this is true. why do you think this does anything to democracy? see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhRBsJYWR8Q

>> No.14422063

Hitler and Pol Pot were democratically elected?

>> No.14422071

>the problem with human rights is that they aren't left-wing enough
We're doomed.

>> No.14422099

human rights only can interpreted through material reality therefore left wing. deal with it, marxism is the only dialect worth listening to.

>> No.14422109

I don't care about rights-talk at all.

>> No.14422177

great, you don't mind me eating you since you have no rights right?

>> No.14422215

I do, because it's morally wrong to eat others.

>> No.14422292

doesn't matter if it's moral or not. i'll be enjoying my anon steak tonight.

>> No.14422318

>societies without some autistic Englishman to declare universal rights commonly feature cannibalism
The absolute state..

>> No.14422351

be a gentleman and pass the ribs.

>> No.14422374

You're just shrieking histrioinically like everyone in the left-liberal tradition does when their sacred cows are questioned. Not having "rights" (a concept which hardly exists outside of English or places with English influence) in no way implies that anyone can kill and eat someone else.
>Wow. Just wow. It's the current year. Wow. How dare you.

>> No.14422383

This thread is pure cancer.

>> No.14422401

Yeah. I skimmed through it and most posts seem reddit as fuck. Plus that retarded tripfag attention whore and people who can't resist replying to him.
OP's video is TED talk reddit crap too.

>> No.14422557

>Install 4chan X
>Use this filter
>Main -> Filtering -> Uncheck "Stubs"

>> No.14423072

Why does Cuck Philosophy seemingly look at the pre-Enclosure Movement times with a sense of loss? Even land considered "held in common" was still controlled by a lord. If you just want land and property to be controlled by the Party and replace the Lords with the Nomenklatura, okay, but why go on about true freedom or whatever?

>> No.14423789

the main problem with democracy is the same problem with most enlightenment era philosphies and derivatives. they are completely outdated.
Democracy and Republicanism, liberalism, etc only make some sort of sense if you assume people can make up their own minds about things out of the ether, essentially. That demonstrably isnt true
There isnt such a thing as free will or self determination. Physics, genetics, chemistry, neuroscience etc have all proven this.

We have to start somewhere else. Perhaps in a way that we today call more "totalitarian" but not anything like the 20th century. Although history is poetry and does repeat itself and the future will likely take more influence from Hitler and Stalin's dictatorships than Napoleon's.

>> No.14424466

I don't know what you are asking and I'm not wasting 24 minutes watching something produced by someone called Cuck Philosophy.