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File: 27 KB, 521x433, received_577712802779414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14411818 No.14411818 [Reply] [Original]

25th December or oldfag 7th January?

>> No.14411839

>limiting yourself to a single day
I start celebrating on December 1st and don't stop until Jan 13th. Main festivities are on Dec 24th.

>> No.14411840

I'm Presbyterian so I don't celebrate or care about christmas.

>> No.14411857
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Convert to real, traditional Christianity (orthodoxy) and celebrate the Lords' birth, it'll be good for your soul.

>> No.14411870

That smug attitude towards tradition is Protestantism in a nutshell.

You're as much responsible for the fall of the West, as the Enlightenment, Marxists and Jews.

Enjoy Islam.

>> No.14411873

>what is advent
You have no history

>> No.14411887

6th of January here desu senpai

>> No.14411909

>implying you've been fasting for a month
Get of you're high whores.

>> No.14411911

I am considering converting to either Rome or Orthodox. One of my gripes honestly is with the julian calendar being out of sync with everyone else, but apparently the one congregation in my city with liturgy in my language and not church slavonic/russian (big deal for me) uses new calendar.

If there are any converts here, how have you dealt with the challenges? There is a divine liturgy in my city once a month, otherwise I have to travel ~4 hours each direction. What about being alone/isolated as a minority, and even more so as a western convert?

With the roman church, there is a fairly modernist church in my city that does services 7 days out of the week and a parish an hour away that celebrates latin mass once a month or so. I just have trouble getting past the dogmatic stuff on papacy, filioque, divine simplicity, created grace/light of tabor, penal substitution and stuff like that. Wat do?

>> No.14411913

I celebrate the incarnation every Lord's Day.

>> No.14411934
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But youre outside Christ's historical church and you accept the teachings of modern heretics who made up their own prot churches not long ago...think about it. Why would you do this?

>> No.14411948

>But youre outside Christ's historical church
I don't believe so. Here is our belief on that with scripture proofs.
>Why would you do this?
To worship God in any way he didn't tell us to is to offer strange fire.

>> No.14412008

Your church didn't appear for 1500+ years after Christ started his actual , historical church, that had actual bishops and historical apostolic succession, councils and miracles and a visible history... All prot churches are strange fire and new inventions, doesn't matter the denom.
Paul said to hold what is taught by words and by writing, there is an oral/liturgical tradition and a written one.

>> No.14412020


>> No.14412059

You are wrong. I already showed you what the Bible teaches on the subject.

>> No.14412081

OH like James saying Faith Alone doesn't exist?
And Paul saying us to keep to the traditions on multiple occasions?
Also Sola scriptura doesn't work, since it implies there was a holy ghost guided tradition keeping and selecting the correct scripture for 1500 years, but that's clearly contradictory...

>> No.14412111

Most of your traditions contradict scripture. You're allowed to read the Bible you know.

>> No.14412128

Why don't orthobros evangelise? I heard they were doing some in Central Asia but I can't find much info.

>> No.14412130

Because they are nationalist churches. Which is funny considering how united they pretend to be.

>> No.14412133

24th of december actually.

>> No.14412187

Literally communism but also other historical circumstances. Russia did a lot of evangelism in the far east extending all the way to North America.

>> No.14412232
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>happy birthday jesus

>> No.14412362
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Join the Roman church. It is more conservative and traditional than any of the Eastern churches. This state of affairs is almost the opposite of what Orthodox jingoists pretend.

>> No.14412369

Sola Scriptura is unscriptural. The gospels affirm the authority of non-scriptural revelation.

>> No.14412383

This is how Muslims treat their Koran. They make an idol out of written words.

>> No.14412401
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>It is more conservative and traditional than any of the Eastern churches
>wtf am I reading

>> No.14412414

So if your tradition contradicts the traditions that Paul urged you to keep then they are OK?

>> No.14412431

The Koran was created by Satan and his ilk.
The Holy Bible are the inspired words of God.

>> No.14412444
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>Roman church
>more conservative and traditional
Heh, the nigger...

>> No.14412451

>muh tradition
shut up, if ur catholic ur basically a jewish pagan

>> No.14412590

Begone, heretic.

>> No.14412643

You all fail to see the true Synthesis...

Eastern Catholicism

>> No.14412646

That’s why Jews are continually working against Apostolic churches and infest Evangelical churches, right?

>> No.14412678

>Be me
>Live in bumfuck Virginia
>Randomly meet and work with a Byzantine Catholic family out in the backwoods
>Randomly make friends with a based Roman Catholic friend from a different college at the same field camp
>Just today randomly meet an Orthodox priest at a nondenominational home church Christmas service out in the backwoods
It’s been a weird few years.

>> No.14412714


>> No.14413079

>a photo of Pope Francis

Not an argument.

>> No.14413100

if you say this you're basically a pseud and probably a n0g

>> No.14413122

alaska has more orthodox churches per capita than any state in the union, exactly. People should read about the lives of St Innocent, St Herman, and St. Peter the Aleut. There's also a reason most OCA churches in the US are Russian by heritage.

>> No.14413133

look into why the russian alphabet is named Cyrillic and every other character is obviously hellenic if you want to see orthodox evangelism.

>> No.14413144

I am nominally Orthodox, I was baptised. Though I don't really observe on the 7th or the 25th.

OP - are you a convert to Orthodoxy? Because if so, fuck you, it's not meant for your kind

>> No.14413164
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>> No.14413167


We're going to see more Orthodox evangelism in the future, circumstances have prevented it in the past, but the re-evangelisation of Russia is the beginning.

>> No.14413174
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I hope Spengler was right about Russia. They might be the only salvation of humanity at this point. I obviously don't literally believe in Orthodox (or any other variant of) Christianity, but I could back it for cultural/religious expediency.

>> No.14413206

>are you a convert to Orthodoxy? Because if so, fuck you, it's not meant for your kind

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

Matthew 22:37-40

Christianity--you're doing it wrong.

>> No.14413212


The Orthodox church has roots deeper than your special snowflake identity

>> No.14413216

>Christianity--you're doing it wrong.
Sure, but he's doing Orthodoxy right. Bunch of elitist snobs

>> No.14413227

some of the nicest, most welcoming, enthusiastic people you'll ever meet. there's a whole world of people offline

>> No.14413230


This tends to be the case with Greek churches in America for some reason, they're implicitly a country club for rich ethnic greeks. Ironically this is also why their numbers are dropping, and they're becoming more irrelevant.

>> No.14413240

true story, i know a US woman who was born greek orthodox but became a muslim for that very reason you mention

>> No.14413246

>tfw you celebrate both since you've come to America
The 25th is just another day for extra presents though.

>> No.14413250

>They might be the only salvation of humanity at this point.
Then humanity is doomed. Even Russians themselves don't believe in it, they base all their hope on creating some kind of Eurasian Eliott Rodger mutt race.

>> No.14413254


>> No.14413260


You cannot convert to Orthodoxy. It's not that kind of religion, you know. It's like Judaism. Yes, you can go through the motions of converting, and you can have some religious authority sign you off. And sure, a bunch of larping virginal priests will accept you as one of their own. But the lay member of the Church never will. You'll just be the weird who tried to penetrate an insular community

>> No.14413261

paul was a scheming faggot who distorted christ’s teachings

>> No.14413262


There's unironically nothing wrong with Hapa's

>> No.14413273
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Ok zoomer

>> No.14413284

this is only true if christianity is nothing but metaphysically void cultural schema. if you feel this way then welcome to atheism

>> No.14413293


I thought we were all already in agreement that that was the case.

>> No.14413298


That's not the case when parishes have more converts than cradles. That type of Orthodoxy is becoming more of a past relic, cultural situations change and evolve.

>> No.14413299

it's not really like that anymore. maybe in some places, but not in america. most posters here are american so that wouldn't really apply.

>> No.14413314

I am in aus and this is the case. Im the only convert at my church and the cradledox are mostly confused at why im there ' you know there is a catholic church uo the road?' -i get questions like this often

>> No.14413324


>> No.14413330
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>> No.14413344


I'm sorry, which autocephalous Church are you affiliated to?

>> No.14413354



>> No.14413361

Fuck you retard. Probably another Catholic false flagging.

>> No.14413368

I wish I was born into Orthodoxy, then I could participate in a cool Christian tradition without sincerely believing in it. As it stands, it's impossible to convert to Christianity since that would require sincere belief in Christianity, which in turn would require some sort of mental self-lobotomization

>> No.14413377

Unlike Catholicism you can be Orthodox without becoming downright retarded

>> No.14413383


>> No.14413385


I just find it weird and a little cringe. I don't want to disparage your beliefs, but ultimately for me the Orthodox Church is just a vehicle for tradition and more than anything it reflects history and nationality

I feel like you guys are culturally appropriating my background. I finally understand blacks

>> No.14413394

you're using the word "ultimately" wrong. ultimately, it clearly isn't about those things, even if proximately it has become such

>> No.14413395

You know your church professes to be the one church created by Jesus Christ at Pentecost, right? Either you believe in conversion or you're not actually Orthodox, but just a LARPer.

>> No.14413398

>Unlike Catholicism you can be Orthodox without becoming downright retarded
I'm not so sure

>> No.14413412

Same video every time

>> No.14413414

if you find the concept of holy relics/saints weird how do you even begin to cope with the bible? you must be really stupefied at the sort of things you read in there, like the idea of god communicating with prophets and whatnot. really wacky stuff.

>> No.14413418

Become Anglican

>> No.14413437


Christianity isn't irrational or stupid at all, but belief is not based on reason alone, it's a supernatural call towards the ineffable.

>> No.14413440

Well for starters God communicating with his prophets is normal and idolatry is condemned so..

>> No.14413446


Religion is about the emotion it drives, isn't it? Don't you have fond memories of your parents taking you to some Protestant church on Easter? Sitting in the pews, seeing the beautiful Sunday morning sunshine through the stained glass, feeling the presence of "God" in that environment?

I feel that way about my Church. They would take me there on occasions and it would be one of the few times of the year when I am exclusively surrounded by my people. When I enter the building itself and compulsively cross myself several times, I am greeted by a powerful smoky incense (that makes me cough), the smell of burning candles, and old men in beards singing Slavonic chants. The idea of God is inseparable from those experiences for me. The only true belief in God is a belief instilled within one's own metaphysical cognition in childhood - it's always going to be bullshit otherwise, right?

That's my tradition, though. I grew up with it. I associate God with it. Surely your most basal patriarchal fear association lies with your own upbringing.

And in the case that you were brought up irreligiously

>> No.14413448


You deserve to feel that way, because Christianity was never some special ethnic club. The church was built upon the blood of martyrs, like the Jew's you deserve to be rebuked.

>> No.14413452


>> No.14413453

I actually sympathize with that view, but that's not what Christianity *officially* is on a doctrinal and historical level. I get that feeling though

>> No.14413473


Yeah but only nerd virgins care about that aha

>> No.14413504

I think it's good that more are converting so their children may experience being brought up with that same religiosity
I wish I grew up with that...
I'm thinking of converting in the future

>> No.14413545


I don't know lad. To be honest I've had so much exposure to Western Christianity a child in school and even in TV specials that I assign a special religious and Godlike significance even to December 25th.

To this day I know the KJV annunciation to the shepherds because of Charlie Brown

My point is, you must have had something that made you believe or fear or what have you as a child. Tap into that, it is the most authentically religious you can be

Merry Christmas

>> No.14413563

Don’t approach religion if you think like this. The utilitarian “cultural Christian” political retards are the last thing modern religion needs, that kind of atheistic superficial shit will be it’s death knell. If you ever have a profound religious experience of understanding, seek to understand it and convert. If you don’t, stay away because the church will do nothing for yoy

>> No.14413572

> If you don’t, stay away because the church will do nothing for you
but from your point of view, doesn't that mean that i will burn in hell forever

>> No.14413604

I grew up in an atheist household so we had Christmas on Dec 25th because that's just when it is...
There was associations but for the most part it was removed from religion.
And yeah it's kinda amazing, Hollywood is such a cultural powerhouse.

When I convert I figure I will still celebrate on Dec 25th with family as usual.
And on Jan 7th with added spiritual significance

>religious experience of understanding
How would you describe that anon,
and have you had one?

>> No.14413614


Using the corpse of a religion as a superficial identity probably isn't much better than being outside the church

>> No.14413630

>Religion is about the emotion it drives, isn't it?
No not at all

>> No.14414041

25 of December is the old old calender so that

>> No.14414092

based and regulative-principle-of-worship-pilled

>> No.14414126

cathocuck mary worship = idolatry
orthodog icon worship = idolatry
proddie sola scriptura sola fide = mental illness

convert to islam

>> No.14414156
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I unironically would if they weren't so racist.

>> No.14414285

I'm an ethnic Greek Orthodox and you are wrong, the Church is universal.

>> No.14414303
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>God I fucking hate jews!!!
>I'm a christian btw

>> No.14414621

Okay what if my mommy is Orthodox Russian Christian, but I was baptized Catholic because my Dad is French Catholic. Can I still convert to Orthodoxy?

>> No.14414785

Yes they will tell you reject the pope and baptize you again.

>> No.14415062

Cringe faggot, repent

>> No.14415068

you talk like a jew.

>> No.14415076

where is the alleged contradiction

>> No.14415080

Take the Copt pill.

>> No.14415081

actually advent started 1st of december this year

>> No.14415082


Islam is the same as protestantism

>> No.14415138

sunni co-eternality of the quran = violation of tawhid

you worship two gods

>> No.14415148


>> No.14415202

Jesus was a jew

>> No.14415246

Jesus was God
What it means to be a Jew before Christ is different from what it means to be a Jew after. Moses and Abraham never denied Christ. What defines Jews today and since the first Pascha is that they do deny Christ. So the "jesus was a jew" line doesn't make sense even on a semantic level. I'm sure one of your moms can tell you more about it over Chinese food tonight

>> No.14415399

>Jesus was God
Citation needed

>> No.14415493
File: 353 KB, 1600x1155, 81532A81-74BE-4190-A642-886F9C75D744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Redpilled. The Roman Church really is the only church that stayed true and faithful to Christ’s great commission to the Apostles. Convert now.

>> No.14415504

>virginal priests
Haha he does not know

>> No.14415526

Perhaps this has already been explained (I'm not going to read the full thread) but we Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Lord on the 25th of December, which happens to be the 7th of January in the Gregorian Calendar (the Church uses the Julian Calendar).

>> No.14415553

John Chapter 1 Verse 1

>> No.14415560

Agreed. Wish protestants could see how islamic they seem from a Catholic perspective.

>> No.14415823

orthodox churches fucknig suck, you can't sit anywhere and you must listen to some fat retard chatting shit for 2 hours. the candles smell nice tho.

>> No.14416108

standing is fucking based, it's a church, not a god damned kindergarten there's no place for whining if you ain't ill or old as hell

>> No.14416160


>> No.14416193

ITT: arguing religion without metaphysical content

>> No.14416197

The Roman church became apostate at the council of Trent.

>> No.14416219

Well he certainly was not a 'jew'

>> No.14416280

Are you a megachurch sodomite?

>> No.14416324

no but i'd sodomize your ass if i could

>> No.14416596

Jesus is fully God and fully man.
And as man he's Jewish.

>> No.14417161

And you have made an idol out of the church.

>> No.14417286

[Artwork of one of the countless Orthodox Patriarchs or Bishops who actively collaborated with the Turks or """secular government""" to endanger Christendom]

>> No.14417291

Then that is not Christianity. Go be with the Jews and Hindus

>> No.14417316

>There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I'd imagine your Priest would be shocked at your statement.

>> No.14417777

Not him but Catholics decided what's in your Bible. They're the ones who gave you the New Testament.

>> No.14417946

What's this meme based on, Earthworm Jim?

>> No.14417951

Catholics. Not Roman Catholics. Learn the difference, it could save your soul.

>> No.14417955

You can try

>> No.14417991 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14418220

The church is the body of christ. It’s Not idolotrous to worship the Triune God.

>> No.14418246
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Big problem.

>> No.14418263
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because its not the russian alphabet it's called the cyrillic alphabet and it was created in bulgaria with borrowed greek letters and spread to other slavic countries just like orthodoxy

>> No.14418624

jesus never denied being Christ
therefore, using the term 'jew' to describe Christ is almost exclusively a rhetorical trick of atheists, progressives and communists specifically because they are using it to imply that he was a secular humanist (jew) rather than God born a man

>> No.14418634

nigger learn to read or die immediately

>> No.14419274

What city? Where I am, the Serbs here are going above and beyond to help bring converts in. The Gayreeks are doing a fucking atrocious job

>> No.14419392
