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14411206 No.14411206 [Reply] [Original]

post cringy "books"

>> No.14411213

Why are conservative chicks always the hottest?

>> No.14411244
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>> No.14411249

nietzsche's complete works

>> No.14411259

Writing a book for male attention seems rather inconvenient, though.

>> No.14411268

she's painfully average desu

>> No.14411274

>puts pic of herself on book cover

>> No.14411278
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>> No.14411283

I think you should leave your house. Then you'd meet more attractive women.

>> No.14411285
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>> No.14411287

marx was right

>> No.14411294
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>> No.14411300

>implying any of these books are good

>> No.14411304
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You're probably right.

>> No.14411313
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The point that pretty much any author has had a book like this. Couldn't give two shits if you like the particular books or not.

>> No.14411322

hahahaah wtf is this garbage?

Is she American?

>> No.14411326

>Is she American?
well its obvious

>> No.14411375
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>> No.14411379


>> No.14411381
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>> No.14411392

if you believe that homosexual deviant milo she basically fucked dudes to write this for her

>> No.14411394

holy shit, its like a dose of radiation
>hitler wanted to be a muslim is repeated twice

>> No.14411399

for fucks sake lol this has to be satire

>> No.14411404


>> No.14411405

>Maybe he should ask his son

>> No.14411413

the leak he released like a year ago try keep up

>> No.14411418

>Christians trying to be hobbits
what the fuck?

>> No.14411580
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Any modern books about conservatives rightfully questioning capitalism as a being the actual drive of liberalism?
As Ann Coulter clearly demonstrates, the average "conservative" (Neoliberal) viscously defends the context by which progressivism/social democrats find success, and then just bitch about the results.
I think Tucker Carlson may have actually done this, but I think the last people capable of this were literally Fascists. Not even neo-Nazis like Rockwell recognized the need for economic change to have social change.

>> No.14411638

Most conservatives that do criticize capitalism get ostracized by both sides for being "fascist" or "socialist". The gop takes too much money from big businesses and interest groups to let people like Nick Fuentes, Ann Coulter, or even Tucker Carlson in the mainstream republican movement.

>> No.14411662

>Ann Coulter
She's a total free market sellout

>> No.14411666
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>vlad jimmy and leo all made sure their publishing contracts stipulate for their likeness to be displayed on the cover

>> No.14411687

Vlad = Vladislav, Vova = Vladimir. Thank you very much for attention.

>> No.14411696

Maybe so. I dont really follow what any femoid says about politics(or really anything of importance for that matter), but ive always heard her lumped in with populists such as tucker.

>> No.14411750

Doesn't matter. The books have their face. Bring evidence that she insisted on appearing on the cover.

>> No.14411765

Non-conservative chicks have transcended the hotness paradigm.

>> No.14411864

Edward Dutton knows...

>> No.14411872

This is based.

>> No.14411878

I watched his video on why geniuses tend to he bald earlier. Good stuff. Very likeable guy. Hes like if a sperg could be socially intelligent.

>> No.14411956

Not full books (because economics is boring), but counter currents tends to the left economically. Some of the articles will be more capitalist though. It isn't a requirement to publish there or anything.

>> No.14411967

Because they wear the most make-up.

>> No.14412183

asked the virgin

>> No.14412197

Post a hot non-conservative chick. It has to be biologically female lol

>> No.14412204

this is a literature board
i ain't posting shit except literature
go to /r/ fuckface

>> No.14412225

What a convenient excuse.

>> No.14412231

>geniuses tend to he bald earlier.
fuck me you're stupid

>> No.14412238


There is no way this is legit... right?

>> No.14412253

Because liberal women are ugly sluts or trannies.

>> No.14412339

underrated roast

>> No.14412351
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>pizza girl
she's gotten a little thiccer recently though...in case anyone is interested

>> No.14412432

I can see her hemorrhoid and as I thought it doesn't turn me on.

>> No.14412521
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>I can see her hemorrhoid and as I thought it doesn't turn me on.
yeah but how about now that she's a few years older and wiser?

>> No.14412553

It’s a pamphlet written in a large font and a lazy colloquial style with well researched gems like “uuuuuh, you know the liberals are the real nazis, like like like uuuuuuh.” If I had no standards for the quality of shit I attached my name to and an army of beta orbiters I’d sacrifice a weekend to write something like that.

>> No.14412558

No I'm not. No bully.
His idea is that baldness is correlated with higher testosterone which correlates with greater ambition and that outlier high intelligence could blunt some of the negative effects of high testosterone such as criminality while providing impetus to excel in application of the outlier intelligence.

>> No.14412905
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>> No.14412950

>i subscribe to pseudoscience
>no bully
fuck you faggot.. i bet you're an American

>> No.14412952

hahaha child molester's lawyer

>> No.14412955

I would eat her butthole and fuck her raw until my dick fell off. dumb cunt

>> No.14412988

Conservative women are the only women who most people value at all. It’s a fact. Since the majority of the population is apolitical this include not only politically ,socially and culturally .

>> No.14413003
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>> No.14413123

Interesting, thanks anon

>> No.14413149

pretty sure that book Why Liberalism Failed has something to that in it... there's a book called Populism and the European Culture Wars on hungary's internal politics and relationship with the EU that may explore some of this as well

>> No.14413169

like i wish she was in jail

>> No.14414450

This is such a mind-numbingly abhorrent read.

>> No.14414483

any book written by politicians. No exception

>> No.14414532

Because beautiful people have a lot of wealth to protect

>> No.14414646
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Any ideological debate guide is pure cringe.

>> No.14414648
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I dunno, man. This one is pretty good.

>> No.14414677

American politics is pure cringe too

>> No.14414700

Is the art of the argument a decent book?

>> No.14414710


>> No.14414729
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Ulysses Grant, nearly penniless and dying from esophageal cancer, agreed to write a memoir on the stipulation that the publisher (long time friend, Mark Twain) give his soon to be widowed wife, 75% of the profits from it's publication. He finished his memoir and promptly died a few days later.

>> No.14414891

so older people who cant get it up anymore have higher testosterone because they lost the ability to grow hair on their head?

>> No.14414928

Confuses the meaning of basic terms like validity and soundness. You’ll be left worse off for reading the book.

>> No.14415654


>> No.14415680

Hes a degenerate fag and a liar, but I believe him. Women will literally do anything to avoid doing work. That includes sucking ghostwriter cock.

>> No.14415744

anything by Guénon or Evola.

>> No.14415799

Based, alternatively, Codreanu’s “for my legionnaires” is an excellent insight into the love a man should have for his nation, his people, and god

>> No.14415817

nothing an american has to say is worth reading or listening to

>> No.14415850

And you're which breed of irrelevant peasant exactly?

>> No.14415951
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>> No.14415971

Yep, I already now what the rest of the thread looks like.

>> No.14415993

damn he looks based

>> No.14416010

He looks like me from middle school, and believe me that is not based

>> No.14416015

well if you're the kind of person who judges based on looks no wonder you're not based

>> No.14416025
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>> No.14416026

But you judged him based on looks. I judged based on similarities and past experiences, you stupid thing

>> No.14416032

look buddy, if you looked like that then I'm not even going to read what you post

>> No.14416040

Of course not, I am a handsome devil, I was just a retarded nazbol too. I did wear mostly hoodies though

>> No.14416251

Hypothesis is science. I am American.
No, baldness itself is correlated and I believe caused by high levels of a certain type of testosterone. Many of the geniuses Dutton talked about were also prematurely bald.

>> No.14416439

Anything that isn't classical literature or rigourous non-fiction, everything else is idle chatter (and thus cringe)

>> No.14416444

they are thots, except they are edgy aswell

>> No.14416491

almost every actress you've ever jerked your twig to has been left wing

>> No.14416511
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>an adult wrote this

>> No.14416521
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One of the worst "poets" I've ever read. Her critical theory is shite as well.

>> No.14416572
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>> No.14416583

Did you know there is a strong correlation between shark attacks and ice cream sales?

>> No.14416589

just get a formal logic book

>> No.14416597


Duh, both happen at the beach.

>> No.14416599
