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/lit/ - Literature

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14410961 No.14410961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would /lit/ describe an evil, slinky woman?

>> No.14410965


>> No.14410984


>> No.14410999
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*flies away in a chariot drawn by dragons*

>> No.14411019

Jezebel/Judith. Hypocrite

They have to be slinky? Slinky is nice.

>> No.14411020


I think of a man and then I take away his penis.

>> No.14411022

jason absolutely fucking deserved it and you're an incel if you think otherwise.

>> No.14411031
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Yes she does

>le evil woman

How can I do this without cliche

>> No.14411053
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So this is a writing project.
You want to avoid clichés with a clichéd character?
Start with motives. What one wants may be interpreted as “evil” by others. You wanna make her sexy, invent why she’s openly sexual like this.
But being so isn’t what makes her evil. That’s just what the moralist thinks.

>> No.14411058

I'll just post you what I have senpai because you seem like you honestly want to help me. Its for a novel.

>“-should you look after it as I have taught you, your tree will bear fruit in accordance with-”
The reason he was still here. Why he hadn’t run away. He wanted to know what it tasted like, and he didn’t want to wait.
A black presence crossed the threshold from his unconscious into his conscious mind. A presence in the forest.
But the sight of the Gardener in front of him startled him. The Gardener said his name, and set the sapling chosen for him in front of him. Then he passed on to the next Acolyte. Michael looked down at his tree and couldn’t help but be disappointed. The sapling was tiny, had only three leaves, and looked shriveled. As the others were digging holes with their stone and wooden tools, he sneaked a glance into the forest. A female figure flitted from tree to tree. Small bare feat pitter-pattering across moss. The moonlight reflected on a soft, white shoulder.
That was one of the words banned within the compound.

>> No.14411060

How much do you want my cock :3

>> No.14411064

It brought up feelings he thought he had left behind, and a hunger, a relentless hunger. She passed from tree to tree then peeked out, her long hair flicking in the breeze, her eyes green and lusty, her mouth, quizzical. The two made eye contact.
“He can’t teach you what I can teach you,” The Woman whispered. “I know you want to know.. what it means..” she said, taking out a red fruit and toying with it.
“I have to look after my plant,” Michael said, looking down shamefully. Around him Accolytes were carving and scratching at the dirt.
She bit into the fruit, squirting juice everywhere.
“I can already grow them,” Michael lied. Then her voice took on a sing-song quality.
“He can’t teach you, Michael,” she said. “He’s never done it.”
“I want to fly.”
Her satin black garment flowed like water over her body, looking like it could slip off and expose her at any second.
“I can teach you, but you need a vehicle.”
The black hair, too glossy, and the lips, obscenely pink. He imagined sweeping up her languid figure and carrying her away in the night.

>> No.14411110

Lolita masterfully portraits women as logically wicked since birth, by portraying Dolores Haze and her mother as manipulative bitches. But in the end the magic in the book is that it shows how all characters do the same: manipulate and use eachother for their own ends.

>> No.14411127

>He trusts the narrator
Fucking pedo incels

>> No.14411129
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It was indescribable

>> No.14411149

Dua lipa is so fucking sexy, but my lust for her seems tainted - despite carnal charge being such a vile thing - now that i know butterfly shlicks her disgusting clit to her. Stop ruining everything you tranny dyke bitch!

>> No.14411151

maybe a reading course would suit you well.

>> No.14411352


>> No.14411400
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Wouldn't it simply confirm the unreliable narration does occur in literature? It may even use Lolita as an example.

>> No.14411425

Your mom lol

>> No.14411434

Jewish in essence.

>> No.14411440

I should have said “pedo misogynist” instead. Pardon moi

>> No.14411470

all women are evil
God, she's so fucking ugly!

>> No.14411479
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