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/lit/ - Literature

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1440998 No.1440998 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw we got anorexicchans thread deleted

>> No.1441005

you are obvious a closeted homo to be so stoked to have kicked a girl out of your clubhouse. your pic is strongly related in soooooooooooo many ways.

>> No.1441004
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I missed the ending to this wonderful story.
Did someone post her nudes up or something?

>> No.1441008
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>> No.1441017
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hey beta,

just because shes a girl doesnt give her the right to fuck up our /lit/

if you want her ass pics, just go to /b/

...where you probably belong anyway

>> No.1441018

if you're she's anorexic, the disorder is sometimes linked to self-esteem issues (although Annorexia Nervosa is typically more a result of biological/genetic factors than Bulimia Nervosa)

Way to go assholes

>> No.1441019


>> No.1441026

didnt get to post this before 404:

i just reported, for reals.

all she contributes to this board is pics of herself with books & giving wet dreams to people that think no other female humanities major is like this (there's obviously smarter & prettier +non-visible ribs girls in her year). fair enough they don't post here but if that gets you off you should maybe just go to /b/ instead. AC is a shitty trip i'm sorry i invited her to stick around as a female representation
trip /lit/. s0 disappointing.

>> No.1441028
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>> No.1441029


>> No.1441033
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dont worry, shes gone now, and all is forgven

>> No.1441036


wait... what? the /b/ behavior was that of the dogpile. that of ganging up on a girl and then reveling in the fact.

justify the assault. please, with your beautiful literary minds, formulate an argument as to why the thread got shitcanned...

>> No.1441038

Cool! We deleted a completely useless thread! I sure am glad someone started this thread so we could all celebrate!

>> No.1441042
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she tried making a hw thread

and posted pics of her face obscured by her fucking stupid paper


>> No.1441045


me too!

>> No.1441060

Oh fuck you you aspie piece of shit. Seriously, you have social skills of a fucking rock, you probably wanted her as much as the white knights did, then shunned her when everyone else was doing it.

Piece of fuck, at least grow a spine when trying to get rid of someone.

>> No.1441062


>> No.1441078


no, fuck YOU. giving special consideration to some person on an ANONYMOUS message board because they shove objects up their ass for others to view is a sign of a very serious lack of social skills.

>> No.1441086


HW threads are a dime dozen. they are a constant. we are plagued by them because we speak about an abstract academic field that some need help with. sure, people get ribbed a bit for student lame'o requests, but never, NEVER, have seen such juvenile and vicious behavior on this board before. i am disappoint. the lack of humanity from a board about the humanities.

>> No.1441095

I ain't giving special considerations, I just said I didn't want here on here.

what I AM saying is that this fag brought her onto here to get her to like him probably, considering he's a creepy aspie.

>> No.1441102

"because they shove objects up their ass"

and their in lies the truth. shunned for being a camwhore. big red A, go away. neo-con dick wipes.

>> No.1441106

Yeah, it was actually kind of disappointing. /lit/ is turning into a fucking clique or some shit.

>> No.1441114


diversion? blame it on TY? the whipping girl is gone, so rig up the boy.

you're prob one of the dudes who says shit like "we don't need philosophy." and, yet, you are the reason that we do.

>> No.1441117


Because what could possibly go wrong, putting a bunch of elitist literary fags together in the same room?

>> No.1441119

>wanted her
ugh, jeez you guys have no taste at all.

>Piece of fuck, at least grow a spine when trying to get rid of someone
ok bro, i think reporting is less bother for me than personally asking AC to step up her game so thats what i did.

you're just mad that you all get more of a boner for me than you do her:D

>> No.1441123


thats why we need to end this shit as soon as it starts, by doing exactly what we did tonight

good job everyone

>> No.1441131

Oh fucker PLEASE, because I seriously am picking on this kid because he's retarded. I have a mentally disabled sister, I think I'd be picking on her too if I hated retarded people

No, this fucker is a terrible person, he's mentally fucked in the head. He probably brought her on to here to get her to like him.

>> No.1441132

Hey, guys, you know that really useless and annoying thread that just got deleted? I think you're still in it.

>> No.1441147


no that got deleted. this is the celebratory thread!

>> No.1441153

Despite the destruction of her thread being a victory for this board, this thread is still not literature related and completely useless.

>> No.1441159

did it need to be said baron vtard?

>> No.1441161


sweet. the "some of my best friends are black" defense is an oldie but a goodie. glad to see it still has legs.

>> No.1441166

This, and it's degenerating into a shitfest.

>> No.1441176
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lit related nao.

>> No.1441179

this thread oughtta be stickied

>> No.1441181

I don't know, are there still faggots bumping the thread?

>> No.1441184


no faggots here, baron vtard

>> No.1441197


the funny thing is that all of this is very related to her topic. dudes came in and acted all totalitarian, Louis XIV, and then a little time passed and shitfest, the rumblings of the revolution. in retrospect, a great thought experiment/model.

>> No.1441201


pretty tenuous connection there, mate

>> No.1441207


>but never, NEVER, have seen such juvenile and vicious behavior on this board before

Can't have been that bad surely? Last I saw it was just standard TITS or GTFO.

Saging because I should

>> No.1441255

How is this thread on the second page? BUMP

>> No.1441263
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So much cringe in this thread. Fuck sake, you may think /lit/ is supposed to be civilized, but the fact is its still 4chan. What do people expect?

>> No.1441278

best thread on /lit/ in a long time

>> No.1441279

OMG internet drama lulz!

>> No.1441290

>Can't have been that bad surely? Last I saw it was just standard TITS or GTFO.

Well, you made it 10x worse than it should be. This specific board is made for discussion of books and those who read them. We get Tits GTFO once every 20 threads I will say at best. What happened here was a serious overreaction to what normally occurs on /lit/ being someone posts something about either homework, which is fine, english homework, which is fine, Books, which is excellent, intelligent discussion, which is mighty good, or thoughts on general things that require deeper thought than normal, like "what are the dreams that a blind man has like?" or something. We rarely ask for Tits or GTFO, which is what surprised me when I read that thread. This wasn't a normal /lit/ thread. I seriously doubt that a person who regularly goes to /lit/ would think that it wasn't the same posting over and over again for tits. I also don't believe that the thread had any difference than any other thread that is normally posted on here, but then something odd happened, which was that someone who does not belong came here, someone deliberately followed her here, to just be a general pest. The only reason that thread 404'd was because someone just spammed the thread about Tits or GTFO, which should not happen in the first place, because this has nothing to do with /lit/, or like I said before, because it just shouldn't happen this often.

>> No.1441292

Now, I browse around, and I have seen Anorexic Chan on /fa/, and don't get me wrong, I don't think she deserves attention that she asks for. However, what does deserve attention is the fact that this is completely not like /lit/ at all to do this. That this is not something that should of even happened, because if someone really didn't give a damn about her, they would of left her alone. And /lit/, like a few of the underpopulated boards, have a higher amount of girls than the rest, which means less people give a shit about this.

Now, am I implying that that thread was full of the same person asking for the same thing that had no relevance to the thread, which had a topic that was about Louis the XIV, and not tits like on /b/ or a degenerate board? Most assuredly.

Am I implying that that person who did this is in this thread right now? Possibly, yes.

Am I implying that the person who did this should leave? You would be correct, because you, who ever you are, are disturbing the peace and creating major disruptions in this board and you must leave, because you do not belong here and only a couple, being 2, not any more than that, really wish you to be here.

Now if you excuse me, I must bid my leave, as I have more pressing matters than this petty squabble and petty argument.

>> No.1441300
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>> No.1441301

Am I mad? No.

Dissapointed? Very much so, yes.

>> No.1441303


>I have more pressing matters than this petty squabble and petty argument.

Obviously not!

>> No.1441308
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SO mad

>> No.1441350
File: 97 KB, 415x351, what super green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually that thread wasnt about tits or gtfo

that was only one post



on the entire thread. The thread was reported for camwhoring and homeworking.

>> No.1441352

actually the reaction was so severe because she's attention whoring all over 4chan, over staying her welcome on every board except /b/ maybe. her petty excuse for posting unfashionable outfits like twice daily on /fa/ is that she can't ask her fucking roommate for concrit, her petty excuse to post on /lit/ is that she needs help with her homework and until she got permabanned from /fit/, her petty excuse for camwhoring there was her anorexia. she's basically a wandering disease. there's no other way to get rid of her than by force.

>> No.1441360
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>> No.1441361


Yet noone does anything about Tybrax. It makes no sense.

At least the skinnychan had tits to post.

>> No.1441364


I actually asked about three times. I also wanted sharpie in the pooper.

>> No.1441371

i don't smoke weed/say dumb weed smoker shit.