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14408818 No.14408818 [Reply] [Original]

A fat girl gave me her number today.

Ruined my whole fucking day :3

>> No.14408821

i doubt it

>> No.14408826

you hate yourself. die.

>> No.14408830

Warm-up set?

>> No.14408837

You doubt that she was fat? Thank you.

If you've never had a woman give you her number? Then you aren't in a good situation in life buddy. Let me tell you, you're a fucking loser. You're posting in a fucking thread saying someone didn't give me a fucking number. Do you know how retarded that was?

I work in a condominium, she came up to me and blatantly gave me her number. I threw it away. I don't want women giving me their number like she did and I certainly don't want a fat girl to. :3

>> No.14408840

Shut the fuck up faggot. Why do you say I hate myself?

I am doing stuff with two women at once. You hate yourself.

What are you talking about retard? I don't work out.

>> No.14408852

Well, what I meant was, did you approach her to warm-up for approaching higher quality females?

>> No.14408859

That's not how women work. You don't 'work' your way up.

Besides, she approached me.

>> No.14408865

mate, we all heard your vocaroo's. who are you trying to fool?

>> No.14408873

I stared with cute blonde dyed hair plump girl yesterday in the waiting line also.
Came home and fapped to bbw porn.

>> No.14408874

I'm not trying to fool anyone, retard. You are the one pissed off because fat girls are giving me numbers. She should have given you the number.

>> No.14408876

Was it Butterfly?

>> No.14408884

Just shut the fuck up MAN. YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER.

Do you know what I've done to avoid this shit? I've literally gotten Butterfly to come over to my house periodically. She knows other women are doing the same thing she is.

I'm literally in a fucking foursome right now because I need to be because you insufferable faggots are so fucking negative, retarded, and loserish. I'm not even fucking around. :3

>> No.14408886

i think catfacefag is the next elliot rodgers. fbi where are you? stop him before it is too late!

>> No.14408889


Jesus fucking Christ. Am I the only one doing shit with three women and no one else is doing anything? I mean holy fucking shit what is wrong with you retards?

>> No.14408890

His real name is Tyler. You can call him that.

>> No.14408892


>> No.14408910

Wtf is this schizo thread?

>> No.14408956

I never said that's how they work. It just tends to be an easier transition if you approach one you're not invested in first. And of course I mean if you're in a club or such.

>> No.14408964

actually, i went back and listened to the vocaroos in search for an ebin gotcha but you actually sound like less of a sperg than i remember. i take back my statement, it is believable that a fat girl would give them your number. my humblest apologies.

>> No.14408971

err, give you their number

>> No.14408986

... how fat, though ?