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14406416 No.14406416 [Reply] [Original]

Why are stories about the world ending so prevalent in religion?

>> No.14406423

Because just as the individual lives forever in the shadow of his own death, humanity lives in the shadow of it's own.

>> No.14406461


We are at the end of the current world cycle. All history has led up to this period. Religions place emphasis upon this time in history because of the resolution that will unfold. Ragnarok, Armageddon, Kalki's return, etc.

Don't you feel it coming?

>> No.14406472

>We are at the end of the current world cycle.
It's like a refrain, repeated every century if not every decade since the first caveman though the sky would fall.

>> No.14406474

Because religions are aware of their unsustainable and fraudulent nature so they must conveniently predict a collapse

>> No.14406541

Caveman didn't use the internet, didn't know of dark matter theory, of wave-form functions, didn't have firearms, didn't have satellites, didn't have drones, nor hadron colliders, nor the translated works of foreign spiritual doctrines to study and compare, nor surgery, etc. To say that this is a refrain.. is extremely narrow-minded.. To me it says you are not actually paying attention to what is happening in the world, or if you are, you are so afraid of it all collapsing in your lifetime that you'd rather believe this world order will outlast you. You are going to be shaken out of that delusion.

>> No.14406675

WW1 and the spanish flu that came after looked much more like the world was ending.

Our era is historically bankrupt. Nothing interesting ever happens. Governments have moved into the shadows. Politics is not anymore about economic policits, but about which bathroom should the mentally ill use. These are dark times.

>> No.14406749

A more apt metaphor for today's bankruptcy is the US debt clock. Watch the numbers go up by the second. What are we in debt for? We all know the money means nothing. Naturally the debt should mean nothing. What we do not understand is the weight of our collective sin, ignorance, apathy, cowardice, hatred, lusts. It is densifying. It is vantablack. Our history was kept from us. You were meant to be a rootless slave without conception of direction. Nothing interesting ever happens because you were not meant to know of the miraculous, the marvelous, the liberating, the freeing. Not until you made the effort, out of a radical act of free-will. It was only then, did heaven decide you were worthy. The second part of "ask and ye shall receive," was "seek, and ye shall find."

>> No.14406756

oh my god this is so embarrassing, please do not tell me that you have drunkenly rehearsed this nonsense in preparation to tell your imaginary girlfriend one day

>> No.14407136

The fables first told to scared children about what happened to a dead friend or relation, long ago grew to full blown death cults. The adherents believe this world is just an ugly test, and ornate anteroom at best, and that their real lives will begin only after death. This makes them sick for death. They want to environmental collapse. That’s Armageddon for them. They hope it brings Jesus riding a white horse and swinging a flaming sword to smite all their enemies. They hate this world.
Religion is a disease of the mind

>> No.14407291

Death is the most profound thing we can experience, it takes everyone away and early man especially often had little reason why it did or how. They did not know where they came from, when or how life or the universe or Earth began, they did not know the scale of the world at all. Their world was very small and very vulnerable. The only constants they had were natural phenomenon like the sun and stars, seasons, features of the Earth, etc. A single natural disaster could easily obliterate an entire tribe or even small city, even a season of bad weather could destroy a tribe. They were constantly hanging on by a thread, it was reasonable for them to assume that the thread could go just as much as they could.

>> No.14407297

oh my god this is so embarrassing, please do not tell me that you have drunkenly rehearsed this nonsense in preparation to tell your imaginary girlfriend one day

>> No.14407302

Why are you just ascribing this to religion? They are just as popular in secular thought and fiction

>> No.14407309

Boring thread. I’m taking over. Reply to this post. Trips and I’ll eat every page of the King James Bible and then slit my own throat.

>> No.14407322
File: 67 KB, 460x836, BEAC3D85-A87C-4A37-9530-EBEF418E4353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a beautiful example of pseuds trying to analyse religion while lacking the self awareness to see the same thought processes in themselves. Is apocalyptic fiction not extremely popular? What about political theories on nuclear Armageddon? Climate change? The world ending is not just a religious thing.

>> No.14407340

>Secularism invents doomsday scenarios
You mean like that 2012 disaster movie? That was for funs, anon. Nobody took that Aztec prophecy (it was just the end of their calendar calculations) seriously.

Suicide is even more boring. Literally nothing to do afterwards.

>> No.14407383

Are you aware that it’s dishonest to pick purposefully stupid examples when you know there are legitimate ones? The poster above you already pointed out nuclear war and climate change as examples, but these are just modern ones. The secular world has had countless doomsday theories since ancient times, early Greek physicists thinking he earth would be engulfed in flame for example. You are either being deceptive or are simply poorly read.

>> No.14407982

People have been saying this shit since Nero. It's a form of narcissism to think that only you're special enough to live in the end times.

>> No.14407985

I hope it tastes like honey

>> No.14407987


>> No.14408171

>We are at the end of the current world cycle.
No such thing as.

>> No.14408653


Because it ends.

>> No.14409822

Secularism didn’t invent the nuclear arms race. They warned that it is a possibility
Secularism is predicting bad times and a real chance of extinction if we keep wrecking the environment. That’s not a story, that’s happening now.
And the doomsday oriented religions love it.

>> No.14409833


>> No.14409975

aside form the bible and ragnarok name any other

>> No.14410237

my diary

>> No.14410243

>Don't you feel it coming?
take your meds

>> No.14410252

They're not, on a whole. Only monotheism is really into apocalypses, everything else was more cyclical.

>> No.14410253


>> No.14410258

Okay, the psychology of the phenomenon is simply the fact of our own lives. We all face our own apocalypse with death.
Death preoccupies a great deal of people’s minds, and religion uses it to better control their sheep.

>> No.14410262

>youre gonna die anyway so just le do what you want

Again this isnt an exclusive phenomena

>> No.14410329

Because the primary purpose of religion is to answer unanswerable questions. A major question we cannot empirically know the answer to is that which regards the future, particularly the end of the future.

>> No.14410333

Why are you tripfagging a moth? What does that contribute to this thread?

>> No.14410347

Address my response >>14409822
It is primarily religion that works people up over stories of apocalypse

Stop drawing attention to it, dipshit.

>> No.14410351

I think these are all pretty fundamentally different.

For example, apocalyptic fiction is typically about the novelty of trying to survive in a world in which civilization has suddenly vanished, climate change and nuclear armageddon are all legitimate concerns, and in Christianity, it's basically revenge porn against unbelievers, sinners, and heretics.

>> No.14410355


>> No.14410361

The desire to endlessly accumulate power over others comes from an insatiable cowardice that compels one to endlessly try to insulate and protect themselves from the rest of reality. God is an invention to justify this by projecting this broken omniphobic psyche onto the celestial sphere. God exists only as the greatest lie possible, and its immortal enemy is everything that denies this lie. Reality itself does not abide the lie of God, and so the compulsion from this is to destroy reality itself and replace it with an image of God: heaven. Underlying theism is a hatred of the world, and thus a prophecy of ultimate victory over the world via its total destruction.

It is the psyche of God that is behind the mad arrogance of politicians holding the world hostage with nuclear weapons and tolerating the continuation of this situation. It is the psyche of God that is behind the massive irresponsibility that allows environmental destruction and climate change. It is the psyche of God that prevents effective future-directed social activity by the masses. Capitalism itself is the psyche of God abstracted into a thoughtless machine comprised of broken relationships and psyches, the anthropomorphic representation no longer needed as money has taken its place.

>> No.14410366

Religion is a pure thing, unlike what you follow that seeks to sap man of his spirit. There is more than the material world.

>> No.14410367

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.14410375

Trying to unravel gods creation created the sin of nuclear weapons that seek only to destroy gods creation.

>> No.14410381

Take away all politics from your concept of religion, all compulsion, including the necessity of belief or action. What is left? Nothing, as religion is the death of spirituality and the replacement of it with political ideology that offers no escape, as it claims that politics is the whole of existence.

>> No.14410384

"norse mythology" is the dumbest shit I swear to god. It's literally like 2 books that were put together centuries after everyone had already stopped worshiping pagan gods. The modern misconceptions that pagan religions were in any way organized, joined by a central thesis or body of religious text, consistent even among the most devout practitioners or reliably reconstructed in the surviving texts really make people sound dumb when they bring up any kind of pagan religion to prove a point about Christianity. There's no comparison.

>> No.14410385

Sort of, but secularism is better at creating real ones however.

>> No.14410397

Things begin so they likely end, its just speculation.

>> No.14410432

Astronomically retarded opinion. I hope you look back and feel ashamed of yourself in a few years for thinking this. I do not hope for it so that you will suffer from the realisation, but rather I hope for it so that you will have learned enough that you're at the point of being capable of shame.

>> No.14410455

>sap man of his spirit
>muh semen retention
Exhibit A. Poor creature.

>Real stories.

>> No.14410477

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.14410511

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.14410522

>WW1 and the spanish flu
Yeah this part of your comment betrays how far your existential dread spreads. Bodyhorror and nothing more.
You think that your body being ravaged by disease or being torn apart by war is the worst thing that can happen to you, but really, that's actually pretty mild. If those are the worst things that can happen to you, at least you can take comfort in the peace of non-existence in death, where no pain will ever reach you.
But this is where we reach the part of the story that scares you so shitless and makes you so uncomfortable that you resort to denial, moving the goalpost and shifting the burden of proof, even though given the nature of existence we have no reason to assume that it's just suddenly going to stop being shit after you die.
There is no peaceful non-existence after you die. You exist once, but eternally and everything you have ever done have forever defined your very being. There is a hell and if you fucked up too badly you will go there, you will torment yourself there eternally because you no longer have a will so that you could change your ways, so you are stuck with all the baggage that you accumulated during your life.
Now take this personal existential dread and extend it to all of humanity, because that is exactly where all of us are heading, there is no stopping this, there is no going back, and there is no time to get everything you want. You are a creature of limitations in a world of limited creatures who deny the reality of despair just like you do and in doing so taking the world closer and closer to the hellish state you deny.
That is what the apocalyptic stories are about.
That and the fact that time is not eternal, it's not going to go on forever and there will be an end to our story. The finality of this raises the stakes of existence and forces you to evaluate your life and what you've done with it. And the picture is not pretty. Oh no...

>> No.14411062

You unintentionally gave yourself as an example of precisely the mindset that I'm talking about. It is very much unintentional: a compulsion to attack and destroy all contrary opinion.

>> No.14411159

>It is primarily religion that works people up over stories of apocalypse

You and everyone ITT absolutely depreciate spiritual texts in favor of secularist doomsday theories, which, might I point out, have been made plausible by the very secularism you've come to trust. If people actually believed in God as the uniting cause of all man, then we wouldn't have world hunger, environmental destruction by capitalist-industrialist interests, social breakdown over loss of family stability, loss of familial posterity through transmission of culture, government corruption, HEDONISM AND SEXUAL IRRESPONSIBILITY, etc. We face a world crisis for the very fact that the world is run by individuals like those ITT. Self-important, drunk off their own sophistry, and 'intellectual' to the point of not being able to recognize self-destruction when they see it. I'm not a gatekeeper or a pastor. Just someone who doesn't fucking lie to himself. Yes, people hate this world and the powers that run it, because it is run by people who literally think they can do no wrong. You will be shaken out of that delusion.

>> No.14411205

this >>14407136 post plus narcissism that they're the special one. also, christcucks and other abr*hamoid are primarily sociopath who hate the world. they don't want a world that will continue flourishing and doing incredible things. they want to be told that the world is going to be destroyed because they hate life and beauty. this is why they constantly act contrary to their shitty religion. not just because they're too stupid to get what's said, but instead it's because they hate the world and are filled with resentment, jealousy, and greed. death cults for sociopath always require vengeance against the world by destroying it. think of it as a more evolved and flushed out version of school shooters.

i don't think it's legal to post this kind of abuse towards chr*stoids. pretty sure this post gave some ptsd to one or more chr*stoid that didn't immediately stop reading

>> No.14411240


You sound like a hateful sociopath yourself. Don't take the mark when they offer it to you, at least then you'll have some way of redeeming yourself.

>> No.14411262
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1577123610567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't want to destroy the world and want people to keep thriving forever in the stars enjoying the splendor of existence? what about my jewish guy on a stick?!?! he needs to kill all the people i dislike and punish them forever
you're a little insect. the world is going to continue and you and your religion are going to disappear.

just don't go shooting up any schools with other ted kaczynski schizo following schizo friends.

>> No.14411275

Dont you dare compare Kaczynski with that christard you pseudo intellectual low IQ fucking retard sniveling moron anime posting faggot

>> No.14411276

Lmao yet you conveniently ignore the past secular precedent like Greece? This isn’t only a modern thing, will always be concerned with the world ending for one reason or another. Just how they thought it would be engulfed in fire (for entirely secular reasons) we today too think so. Yet it won’t be. There is less war today than ever. Nuclear Armageddon is incredibly unlikely. Yet people obsess over it. In a future age it will be seen as a silly superstition like that of the Greek physicists. Regardless, I see why it took you so long to reply, you were hoping I’d just leave. The last word is not a victory unless you actively lie to yourself, you know your argument is weak. Maybe consider ideas seriously instead of trying to twist them instantly into your pathetic anti religion narrative, that ever argument must be coloured with to self justify prejudice

>> No.14411277

>secularist doomsday theories
Science making a prediction about overpopulation, nuclear annihilation, man’s causing environmental degradation and the extinction it would cause, are not the same as religious prophesies of life denying cults wish for an end to the earthly sufferings as they see it.
Scientists make projections and want to avert these things. Religious make up stories in hopes it will come. BIG DIFFERENCE.
>which, might I point out, have been made plausible by the very secularism you've come to trust.
Capitalism is a religion. Money has no value but the spiritual faith imbued upon it
>Things would be different, rosy in fact, if everyone just converted to the Christians
What a nightmare. Truly an indoctrinated child who will go no further in mind.
How is it that you come lit? Not to read anything. Oh, proselytizing in between the occasional glimpse at /gif/
This is a board for books. Not your book.

>> No.14411292

to be a ted kaczynski follower requires chr*stard schizo headcanon for the metaphysics and it also requires being filled with slave resentment like all chrstcuck

>> No.14411297

>scientists have been making projections about this shit for literally 200 years
>world never ends
Yeah but religious people are the superstitious ones, right

>> No.14411310

No it doesn't, you pseudo intellectual moronic faggot anime posting retard who most likely doesn't even read.
There is literally nothing in Kaczynski's manifesto that isn't based on materialist metaphysics and the state of current human society

>> No.14411319
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>people are people and they make similar mistakes for various reasons involving ignorance, fear, vanity, desire for power, and other things
people being people doesn't mean anybody needs to worship a jew on a stick or mutilate baby penises as a solution

>> No.14411337

>fiction is the same as non-fiction
Schizo poster, please.

>I donts buleav it, sos it not happenin

>> No.14411368
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 1576937616268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you retard schizo mouth breather. i know you and pieces of shit like you have schizo christard headcanon. you are just little worms that refuse to explain it so you throw out lots of red herring and just blatantly lie. ted schizo babbling doesn't work in any metaphysics except christard schizo metaphysics

>people need to just sit in caves and stop evolution until the earth is vaporized by the sun when it goes supernova BECAUSE?????? MYSTERIOUS REASONS
no they're not mysterious. you're a christard schizo and it makes sense cause you got some schizo headcanon involving being blessed by dog and going to heaven

>> No.14411393

Ok, but where is the actual difference? Both are an irrational and historically unsubstantiated fear of the world ending. All your arguments can only resort to semantics because you are too mentally dishonest to admit the exact same thought processes and psychological ticks in human beings regardless of belief. You just dress it up in some le science shit but it’s baseless all the same. Complete lack of self awareness born of a superiority complex. God forbid you think like those idiot religious folk!
Same to you.

>> No.14411402

How were the predictions of Greek scientists fiction at the time? For them, it was scientific fact. It has only been revealed as fiction as understanding grew. The exact same applies to our age. Or are you one of those people who is just so cowardly, the idea of a future age laughing at our stupid ideas is just too terrifying to cope with?

>> No.14411416

>somebody makes a mistake and gets burned
>why? because i plan to get into eternal paradise since this book offers it to me. i just have to obey this these people and follow their rules and i get to go to heaven
you're the dishonest one you piece of shit. you only want to keep doing it because you're trying to get the reward it's promising and not because it's worth a damn or true

>> No.14411420

Ending is an undeniable fact, all things are coming to an end. Every single person's life is an apocalypse, the end of this life is going to come sooner or later.

>> No.14411428
File: 50 KB, 578x721, B061873D-1170-4ACF-B2BC-841E5CDFEEE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greeks predicted entropic heat death.

>> No.14411431

You guys got it wrong, I'm right because a God told me.
>But Reality itself tells us that you are wrong in
No, no, no. Reality is wrong. Heck, It is going to die anyway but if you listen, you won't die with it, that is, you'll be in the right
>that is retarded
... Heresy!

>> No.14411433

I think you might be retarded. Please read my post and keep your stupid projections out of them. How are both not a mistake? Where did I justify religious practice? Are you bringing this irrelevant factor in simply because you don’t have an argument? I am merely stating the exact same underlying thought invokes end of the world theories, and they are always proven false. How you create this false distinction between a “mistake” and a religious prophecy is beyond me, surely both are mistakes if the world doesn’t end? Crazy how you people argue so dishonestly when all my posts are right there so your complete non sequitur goalpost moving bullshit is plain to see. Did I damage your online ego or something?

>> No.14411437

Heat death doesn’t mean literal best lmfao, it doesn’t mean fires consuming everything. And secondly, you could just say the exact same of religion, they predicted the eventual end of the universe. Doesn’t make any of it valid, mistaken “science” included

>> No.14411441

butterfly glad to see you back, one question
why don't you think aliens are real when leaked government files say they are

>> No.14411457

>prophecy is thu same as science

I’m pretty certain life is elsewhere in the universe, I’m just dubious as to their being here. The story going around is that they’re just observing, like on Star Trek, which is possible, just seems unlikely. Too many secret service shenanigans going on.
Just unconvinced so far.

>> No.14411459

>christard schizo throws out red herring and avoids talking about how he's invested into trying to get into heaven
retard, you believe in evolution or not? probably not or maybe sorta. doesn't matter. humans didn't always have fire. maybe your schizo christard headcanon says otherwise, but that's wrong and you're a schizo. humans not having fire and then gaining is represents something very important and completely denies your disgusting schizo death cult.

humans may not have perfection or even the basic ability, however, given time and practice they can gain mastery over it. right, we didn't have fire but now we can fly to the moon using it. in the future humans will grasp the sun itself. this is also why ted kaczynski following schizo always have christcuck headcanon metaphysics. because it's just the abr*hamoid death cultist who try and deny evolution or potential for change.

this is why all the schizo /pol/tards went reactionary into christianity because it denies ability to change for the better. it's just your projection of being a failure that you try to deny others the ability to improve

>> No.14411472

Well the entire universe is bound to end one day.

>> No.14411483

No, It won't.
Universe is endless

>> No.14411486

I cannot believe how dishonest you are, I’ve never understood this thinking. It’s an anonymous image board, what reputation do you have at stake? It’s explained how these are the exact same mental phenomena. How are Greeks predicting something today seen as ludicrous not the same as some Jews in the desert predicting the same? If our predictions, as time goes on, turn out to be unfounded and ridiculous, how are they appreciably different from prophecy which would have been taken as seriously in its day? It’s the exact same fascination with death, fear of the world going on without you (I would say this one applies to you directly, since the idea of the future thinking out “modern” ideas are outdated seems scary to you), etc. There is clearly some fixation in the human imagination that makes us falsely predict these things, some justify it with prophecy, some with incorrect science, some with fear mongering politicians, all turn out wrong in the end
How the fuck can you call me a schizo while assuming I’m religious (I’m not) and then going off on some retarded 60 IQ rant about fire or some shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I’m done arguing with you dishonest pseuds

>> No.14411510

>people make mistakes, so why don't we keep making them and actually regress backwards even further with more obvious ones. also, what do you mean humans didn't have fire always but gained it what does that have to do with whether humans can improve mistakes. ps. i'm not a christcuck i swear
haha so pathetic. yes, you are christcuck schizo. only your kind of subhuman can try and deny ability to change because you're trying to get into your schizo headcanon version of heaven and think there's some unchanging forever schizo bullshit

>> No.14411539

I keep telling you that science isn’t the same as prophecy. How dishonest of you to pretend not to have seen it.

>> No.14411611
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>> No.14411674


death and rebirth are integral parts of the human condition

not just of the person (child to adult) but of the society and the worlds above that

>> No.14411699

You are a death-cult proselytizer, your kind glorify death, deny human extension. You are prey of non-existence and you base your life on it. Slave to shadows, this is what you are.

>> No.14411715
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>I'm alpha and omega
No. Your beYdah!

>> No.14411740

ok boomer

>> No.14412395
File: 160 KB, 777x1177, 1576785807751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear their point of view and prophecies and decide for yourself. The first step though is hearing the gospel.
