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14406015 No.14406015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine having sex with a girl. She's moaning, panting and sweating. Her legs wrap around you, the softness and smoothness of her skin against yours in a tight, sensual embrace. You feel her breasts pressed against your own, the friction of her nipples apparent and arousing with each of your thrusts. She pulls you closer and whispers "I love how you feel inside me" into your ear. You feel yourself thrusting harder and faster. You kiss in the moment of mutual orgasm, as she moans and shudders and becomes tighter when you finish inside.

Afterwards, you cuddle into the night. She's the big spoon tonight and her body fits yours so well. Some of her cute hair falls over your face but it doesn't bother you. "I love you", she whispers. You ease into sleep as happy as you could possibly be.

>> No.14406020


>> No.14406033

>big spoon
the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14406036

God I wish that girl in your story was me

>> No.14406038

Only in the imagination of men do women this idealized exist.

>> No.14406046

>You feel her breasts pressed against your own
I don't have breasts because I'm not a fatass

>> No.14406059

I had a woman like that once, but then the pendulum swung the other way and she became a conniving bitch. Only GOD's love endures.

>> No.14406069

>Being this much of a moron.

>> No.14406178

You definitely did nothing wrong.

>> No.14406193

Beautiful prose anon

>> No.14406201

No I will not imagine

>> No.14406203
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>> No.14406210

>I love how you feel inside me
i would end it right there. bitch i'm not here for your enjoyment, shut the fuck up. fucking women is so fucking gay, like just imagine letting women judge you in any way. fucking gay as hell.

>> No.14406238

"You ease into sleep as happy as you could possibly be"
>bed has been sullied by sweat and genital fluid
>somebody is touching you, possibly waking you up, as you try to sleep
>somebody else's body heat is disrupting the local thermal environment by continually surprising and disturbing you with warm patches you didn't create
>weight of blanket to sub-blanket heat ratio is now completely fucked because the blanket is no heavier but there's a second human heat source beneath it
>blankets may be shifted against your wishes

>> No.14406245

I too had a girlfriend like this. We'd try and get our sex rhythm going so we'd cum together like this. Very Kino sex.

>> No.14406251

I am not perfect by any stretch, but she left me for silly and flighty reasons and broke my heart in the process. I haven't been with a woman in 6 years since.

>> No.14406261

You can fix it by being more descriptive
>>You feel her breasts pressed against your own chest

>> No.14406262

>cute hair
Remove the 'cute'. It only serves as a lazy attempt at a shortcut to try instilling a value judgement in the reader without actually connecting it to the value object.
Other than that, it was good.

>> No.14406271

No. I won't succumb to temporal carnal pleasure.

>> No.14406272

>Implying men do not have breasts regardless of their physique.

>> No.14406294

>>Implying men do not have breasts
I'll not be mean because I like girls and FtM are cute. Go away.

>> No.14406312


>> No.14406326

>Implying breasts are not the fat and muscle that reside on one's chest regardless of gender.
Have you never heard of a man "beating his breast"?

>> No.14406332

Yes. I have breasts but my chest is flat. It would be hot if a guy sucked them

>> No.14406336

hopefully i do this tonight lmao

>> No.14406338

Wow this is beautiful ... me want a nice gf like this ...

>> No.14406341

That's just english being flawed. Other languages have separate names for boobs and breasts.

>> No.14406353


In the Kali Yuga, sex will be the sole aim of life...

>> No.14406357

So does english!
>Boobs, tits, dirty pillows, fun bags, etc.

>> No.14406376

>"dirty" pillows
Shit synonym, boobs are great and soft and and smooth and clean

>> No.14406396

You succumbed to temporal involuntary loneliness. Most religions encourage love making to create families

>> No.14406397

You sound like a faggot dude

>> No.14406398
File: 224 KB, 810x1280, 0d7d7f81-9ebf-4369-b9f3-887b2be56f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, lovey-dovey missionary sex isn't that appealing for me. I'd even say it's rather boring. Plus, the girl being the big spoon would be annoying. I don't want to be grabbed on to while I sleep.

The best parts of sex are the nasty shit. Feeling her throat contract around the tip of your cock. Hearing her moans when you're pounding her from behind. Making her say stuff like "Please fuck me Daddy" while she is handcuffed, looking up, with your cock in her mouth.

Loving a girl and being loved are great things. But that's expressed when you make her laugh, or when she feels you're stressed and hugs you from the back, or when you talk about mutual interest together. Love shows itself in these little things.

But sex? Sex is nasty, filled with sado-maso twists and power games. And that's what makes it so hot and appealing.

>> No.14406404

Sounds unironically disgusting desu

>> No.14406409
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>> No.14406420

Sex is usually gross lmao

>> No.14406426

My day is ruined.

>> No.14406433

>I don't want to be grabbed on to while I sleep.
I do.

>> No.14406437

I really do not understand yellow fever freaks at all.

>> No.14406447

That sounds like a filthy waste of time, I don't fuck so as to remain true to my own beautiful self. Many women will think of me "'Tis a pity he was not a whore", true beauty stands in a gallery alone.

>> No.14406454

Only telling the truth

>> No.14406459

Nipples usually do not produce friction. LOL

>> No.14406467
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I don't know any man who refers to his upper chest area as his "breasts". I don't care whats technically correct; that's simply retarded.

>> No.14406480

>Nipples usually do not produce friction. LOL
>his nipples don't get erect when cold or aroused
Bro you have health problems

>> No.14406486

Every man has breasts on his chest.

>> No.14406493

But I'm not religious

>> No.14406498

Only fatasses like yourself, healthy men don't have fat on their chests.

>> No.14406500

I love it when uneducated people try to wear their ignorance as a crown.

>> No.14406506

>"I love how you feel inside me"
narcissistic/egocentric AND incoherent

>> No.14406517

>uneducated people
>t. ESL

>> No.14406533

1. not true
2. even if it were true, we have muscle

>> No.14406542

>Imagine having sex with a girl.
Stopped reading right there

>> No.14406545

As per the premise of the piece.

How so?

>> No.14406550

I'm conflicted about this. I want to remain a pure ascetic, but on the other hand I want to indulge all in as much pleasure as possible.

>> No.14406575

Did this with my gf last night

>> No.14406630

based af

>> No.14406707

This sounds boring, I can think of ten things I'll rather do. Imagine having a soul and mind so dead that this is what you fantasize about lmao. Just transition already dumb ugly faggot

>> No.14406736
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not /lit/

>> No.14406751
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You made me remember her. Neither of you are safe

>> No.14406781

what's your relationship with porn?

>> No.14406812


>> No.14406827

I can't remotely imagine this.

>> No.14406834

Autistic, yet based

>> No.14406841
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Found the fatass with mantits. Keep seething while you shovel greasy slop in your gullet. Die of a heart attack.

>> No.14406855
File: 155 KB, 412x351, 1443371799651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punished anons, best of luck

>> No.14406861

Imagine having sex with a girl. She lies still like a corpse, with only the occasional heavy, shuddering breath to let you know she's alive. Eventually she asks you stop. You get her to finish you off with a blowjob that's really just a handjob where her lips bump against your glans. She takes your load in her mouth and goes to the bathroom to spit it out. You hear the door lock and she gets in the shower without you.

>> No.14406878

I watch it. That's about it.

>> No.14407118

That's what you get for being bad at sex. Stop watching porn.

>> No.14407232


>> No.14407244

i read this and feel nothing

>> No.14407257


>> No.14407270

Humans are gross with their dirt and bacteria, tissue dying off, scarred organs, blood pumping throughout, snot in nose, parasites on eyelashes, feces being processed in their intestines, etc. I'd rather be with a sterilized robot of strictly polished mechanical parts.

>> No.14407314

Imagine it? Worse, I can remember it.

>> No.14407386

Imagine having sex with a girl. She's moaning, panting and begging to move to a cooler rock. Her legs and tail wrap around you, the hard yet yielding, smoothness of her scales against skin in a tight, sensual embrace. You feel her chest pressed against your own, the friction of her soft underbelly apparent and arousing with each of your thrusts. She pulls you closer and croaks "I love how you feel inside me" into your ear. You feel yourself thrusting harder and faster. You kiss in the moment of mutual orgasm, as she moans and shudders and becomes tighter when you finish inside.

Afterwards, you cuddle into the night. She's the big spoon tonight and her body fits yours so well. Some of her cute frills fall over your face but it doesn't bother you. "I love you", she whispers. You ease into sleep as happy as you could possibly be.

>> No.14407393


>> No.14407594

Only pity me for succumbing to temptation, not the loss of a fallible love.

>> No.14407758

Protip for all you incels & cumbrains out there:

Sex is overrated as fuck. You'd really be much more better off spending your time on a valuable hobby/passion, than you would squandering it on trying to get girls to fuck you.

But given how thirsty you monkey-brains are for a warm, wet hole to stick your dicks in, this post will just fall on deaf ears anyways.

>> No.14407775

no, but it is hard for people who havent experienced it to believe or understand just what you mean

>> No.14407788
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Can normies really fall asleep like this? Asking for a friend

>> No.14407794

no fucking way could you sleep like that, you'd get way too warm and the girl's arm would fall asleep

>> No.14407825

It's possible but not very comfortable for either person. You'd have to be exhausted

>> No.14407880

after a long day of working at a JOB and coming home and having marathon SEX, yes it is possible

you disgusting neet

>> No.14408000

That's anon. It's not bad... being a demon.